The NoSleep Podcast

"    The NoSleep Podcast " Podcast
The NoSleep Podcast is a multi-award winning anthology series of original horror stories, with rich atmospheric music to enhance the frightening tales.

Creative Reason Media Inc.

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Nosleep Podcast! Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will send a shiver down your spine while the dark night hours beckon you to try to sleep. Our first podcast features two stories: The Stairs and the Doorway written by Eric Dodd (Redditor Unxmaal) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone) The Midnight Man written by V. Rusanovsky (Redditor VermilionSky) and read by Alex Beal (Redditor Alexthehoopy). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

We’re back with the second episode of The Nosleep Podcast! Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will send a shiver down your spine while the dark night hours beckon you to try to sleep. This second podcast features four stories:  My First House written by an anonymous Redditor and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). By the Light of the Firefly written by Redditor Luke13 read by David Cummings. I Still Don’t Know What to Think written by Jason Baird (Redditor Earthling-2822) and read by Allison Stein (Redditor Majidae). The Basement written by Matt Dymerski (Redditor M59Gar) and read by David Cummings.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our third episode makes an unholy trinity of Nosleep Podcasts! Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past. Our third podcast features three stories: Don’t Ever Turn it Off written by Jimmy C. Broadhead, Jr. (Redditor trisight) and read by Alex Beal (Redditor Alexthehoopy). The Cornfield written by Karina Young (Redditor dum-di-dum) and read by Jinny Sanders (Redditor Spookykittens). The Thing in the Fields written by Joseph Baker (Redditor Snake973) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our fourth episode gives us a quivering quartet of Nosleep Podcasts! Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past. This episode features these stories:  Jack’s Back written by Linda Groth (Redditor littlepangolin) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). This is My House written by Erika Blair (Redditor AllJackedUpOnMtDew) and read by Isla Schanuel. Music and production by Chris Holland (Redditor slamgauge). There’s Something Wrong written by Joshua Giles (Redditor vede) and read by Wade Thorson (Redditor WadeK). Special mystery tale written by Walter Smith (Redditor hauntedtape) and read & produced by Alex Beal (Redditor Alexthehoopy). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

This special extended episode of The Nosleep Podcast features a tale that resonated within the walls of the “No Sleep” forum at Settle in to your dark room, hide the knives, and endure the saga of “Butcherface“ written by A.J. Garlisi (Redditor Dash32) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our fifth frightening episode of The Nosleep Podcast features five fantastic fables that will make you feel like you’re the focus of fear! Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past. This episode features these stories: Tales of a New York Subway written by Colin Thomson (Redditor ivysaur) and read by Jinny Sanders (Redditor Spookykittens). A Game of Flashlight Tag written by William Dalphin (Redditor TwilightSparrow) and read by Drew Cummings (Redditor EarlMcFisticuffs). I Couldn’t Resist You written by Chris Coffman (Redditor snapjamma55) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Safe written by Makana McDonald (Redditor Pufflekun) and read by Matt Hansen (Redditor clever_imposter). The Smell of Gasoline written, read & produced by Chris Holland (Redditor slamgauge). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our sixth scary episode of The Nosleep Podcast spotlights spooky stories sure to send shivers scurrying down your spine. Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past.  Also, we are proud to introduce a new co-producer to the podcast: Chris Holland (Redditor slamgauge). Chris provides invaluable production, music, and narration for the podcast and has played a big part in its continued growth. This episode features these stories: Kenneth written by Huxley Adams (Redditor huxleyadams) and read by Christopher Maust (Redditor stoferin). First Time at the Movies written by Kaye Hazleton (Redditor manyofhorror) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Why I Refuse to Work Late written by William Dalphin (Redditor wdalphin) and read by Reece Selby (Redditor GoldenBuns). Daddy, Are You Awake? written by Scott Weaver (Redditor tortuga_de_la_muerte) and read by Chris Holland (Redditor slamgauge). The Frie...

Our seventh episode of The Nosleep Podcast keeps the macbre tales stalking your sleepless hours. Featuring stories from the No Sleep forum at, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past. This episode features these stories: Cologne written by Allie Brosh (Redditor Tubemonster) and read by Faith Sayers (Redditor Fajita21). Never Talk to Strangers written by Isaac Faraday (Redditor moveoverem) and read by James Lewis (Redditor EdibleBrains). We Don’t Talk About Sarah written by William Dalphin (Redditor Bellemaus) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). They’re Not Smiling written by Vittorio Romeo (Redditor SuperV1234) and read by Chris Holland (Redditor slamgauge). Silly Boy written by Nicole Garrison (Redditor booger_butt) and read by Jinny Sanders (Redditor Spookykittens). She Found Her Way Into My Home written by William Dalphin (Redditor wdalphin) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. V...

Our eighth episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales from the darkness of foreboding forrests to the psychological torment of lost hope. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past.  This episode features these stories: The Woods written by Kyle Thomas (Redditor mountainbrewer) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Can You Hear the Birds Singing? written by Douglas Bramlett (Redditor writermonk) and read by David Cummings.  Laurel Highlands written by Bill Penfield (Redditor 1-800-VISIT-PA) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our ninth episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales about the lost innocence of children and the torment of psychological abuse. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will make the dark hours of the night creep slowly past. This episode features these stories: A Dream My Mother Had written by Richard Walker (Redditor wigwalk2310) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). My Best Friend’s Grandmother written by Allison Stuart (Redditor allisonstuart) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Precious Machine written by Al Bruno III (Redditor magwier) and read by David Cummings & Wendy Corrigan. Balloons written by D. K. Auerbach (Redditor 1000Vultures) and read by Sammy Raynor (Redditor sammysimplicity). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our tenth episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales of sinister connections and disturbing secrets. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake during the long dark hours of the night. This episode features these stories: Prank Call written by Arann Murray (Redditor murraya) and read by Brett Seay (Redditor RockNRollahAyatollah). ETAOIN written by Trevor La Pay (Redditor echomanagement) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Boxes written by D. K. Auerbach (Redditor 1000Vultures) and read by Sammy Raynor (Redditor sammysimplicity). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Nosleep Podcast is proud to present the first part of our Halloween Trilogy to celebrate Halloween Week! The six tales told by Dathan Auerbach (Redditor 1000Vultures) have had a phenomonal effect on’s Nosleep forum. To celebrate this series, we are releasing a special extended two-part set of recordings that feature all six stories. Part I features the first three stories: Footsteps Balloons Boxes All stories are narrated by Sammy Raynor (Redditor sammysimplicity) Part II of the series will feature the final three stories and will be released in the coming weeks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Nosleep Podcast is proud to present the second part of our Halloween Trilogy to celebrate Halloween Week! Welcome to the Halloween edition of The Nosleep Podcast! We are offering you plenty of tricks and treats to keep your Jack-o’-lantern glowing through the night. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake while you binge on all your sickly sweet candy. This episode features these stories: A Halloween to Remember written by James Phillips (Redditor Vortilex) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Halloween Warning written by Warren Halloran (Redditor halloweenwarning) and read by Wade Thorson (Redditor WadeK). Methenes Chapel written by Eric Dodd (Redditor Unxmaal) and read by David Cummings. The Crawling House on Black Pond Road written by William Dalphin (Redditor justapatient) and read by Christina Scholz (Redditor giant_squid). Special thanks to Joe Brodar (Redditor sloppyj23) for the Hallowe...

The Nosleep Podcast is proud to present the third part of our Halloween Trilogy to celebrate Halloween Week! Warning: This episode contains extremely violent and graphic language. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. This episode is an audio dramatization of the correspondence:;// series of stories written by the Redditor called bloodstains. Produced by David Cummings and featuring the voice actors: Nathan MacDonald Wendy Stolyarov David Cummings Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 12th episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales of unwanted visitors and betrayed friendships. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you. This episode features these stories: The Smiling Man written by Cedric (Redditor leutroyal) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). Angel written by Chris Coffman (Redditor snapjamma55) and read by Jacob Comeau (Redditor Jakemasterflex). A Horrible Game written by Lexie X. (Redditor LexieX) and read by Christina Scholz (Redditor giant_squid). They Were Looking Back at Me written by Ben Peirce (Redditor ScumbagRedditor) and read by Stephen Hanson (Redditor Monycker).   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 13th episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales of unwanted visitors and breathtaking secrets. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you. This episode features these stories: Holes written by Joey Brashier (Redditor EightShots) and read by Wade Thorson (Redditor WadeK). We Don’t Live There Anymore written by Grant Rennet (Redditor Gristledorf) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). I Saw it Coming written by Adam Kearney (Redditor ioptah) and read by Brett Seay (Redditor RockNRollahAyatollah). Button Head written by Trevor La Pay (Redditor echomanagement) and read by Max Glaspey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 14th episode of The Nosleep Podcast brings you tales of strange noises, mysterious places, and abandoned watering holes. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you. This episode features these stories: Midnight in Kentucky written by Joshua Starbringer (Redditor CelestialThunder) and read by Isla Schanuel. The Sound written by April Edgreen (Redditor harmedgreen) and read by Gil Duarte (Redditor gdpt). The Hidden Chamber written by Justin Williams (Redditor plat00n) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). Georgie’s written by Christopher MacTaggart (Redditor whoreoffire) and read by Christina Scholz (Redditor giant_squid). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The six tales told by Dathan Auerbach (Redditor 1000Vultures) have had a phenomonal effect on’s Nosleep forum. To celebrate this series, we are releasing a special extended two-part set of recordings that feature all six stories. Part II features the final three stories: Maps Screens Friends All stories are narrated by Sammy Raynor (Redditor sammysimplicity). Additional narration featuring Wendy Stolyarov. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 15th episode of The Nosleep Podcast is being released on Dec. 25th, Christmas Day. It is also our last episode of the year. In honor of the holiday season and the turning of the year, we feature a story with a dark Christmas theme. Also, we reflect back upon the first six months of the podcast and what the new year holds in store for us.  The story for this episode is entitled, The Winter Fire written and performed by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 16th episode of The Nosleep Podcast rings in the new year with tales of unsettling smiles, graveyard stalkings, and creep cadavers. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you.  We are proud to welcome a new producer to the podcast. Cornelius de Groot (Redditor xebraphone) brings his audio engineering skills to the show to make the dark tales even more frightening.  This episode features these stories:  You Never Smile written by Thomas Burr (Redditor xdsxoblivious) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). My Friend’s Mother written by Erik Hessmann (Redditor erikda777) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Strangers in a Graveyard written by Matt Dymerski (Redditor M59Gar) and read by Max Glaspey. A Debt to the Dead written by Douglas Bramlett (Redditor writermonk) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 17th episode of The Nosleep Podcast presents tales of tormented tenants and frightened families. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you.  This episode features these stories: Baked Beans written by Allison Stein (Redditor Majidae) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). The Neighbors Upstairs written by Whitley Olivier and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Grandma and Grandpa written by Alexander White (Redditor Mister_Famine) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). It’s Locked written by Avery Nelson (Redditor yellavalley) and read by Corinne Sanders (Redditor SandyCornn). The Tunnel written by Joey Murray (Redditor InferiousX) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our 18th episode of The Nosleep Podcast presents two tales of tormented children. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories will keep you awake as the darkness of the night surrounds you. This episode is the final episode of Season 1 of The Nosleep Podcast. This episode features these stories: The Ice Cream Man written by Nick Thaler (Redditor kitsune623) and read by Max Glaspey (Redditor MonthlyMarmot). When You Wish Upon a Star written by Anna Smith (Redditor notwhatiwishedfor) and read by Christina Scholz (Redditor giant_squid). This story was the winner of the Nosleep Writing Contest for November 2011. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Nosleep Podcast returns from its three month hiatus with the first episode of Season Two! Our new season kicks off with tales of fractured love and tormented children. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep.  This episode features these stories: How They Met written by Hamish McGlasson (Redditor TheGreatDicktator) and read by Jessica Prokuski. Outgrowing the Nightlight written by Powell Brumm (Redditor Kyroduk) and read by Travis Newton (Redditor thetravisnewton). A Tale From My Grandpa written by Hunter H. Keegan (Redditor Igloo444) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Hacksaw written by Daniel Breneman (Redditor drageuth2) and read by Jessica Prokuski. The Man That Ate Newborns written by Al Bruno III (Redditor magwier) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The second episode of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast features tales of unwanted gifts, fractured families, and little things like the end of the world. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: 5.5 written by Niko Kurri (Redditor kaamosrutto) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). The Curtis’ Dragon written by Ariana Selbrede (Redditor TeamTargaryen) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). I Want to Help Him written by Mike Morgan (Redditor MessiSpaghetti) and read by Jessica Prokuski. Nine Brief Scenes from the End of the World written by T.W. Grim (Redditor theworldisgrim) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The second season of The Nosleep Podcast continues with the third episode. This batch of stories highlights frightening childhood memories, sleep-induced terrors, and unexplained and unwanted visitors. Featuring horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: A Letter to My Future Self written by Rafael Marmol (Redditor Draulable) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). Grow Up written by Adam Azar (Redditor Raza1love) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). A Simple Photo written by Mark Copeland (Redditor XIIIm) and read by Jessica Prokuski. Rapid Eye Movements written by Seanna Hartbauer (Redditor slidewithme) and read by James Cleveland (Redditor tseotet). The WontThinkStraight Trilogy written by Eric Ponslee (Redditor WontThinkStraight) and read by David Cummings. This trilogy’s final story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for January 2012...

Today marks the first anniversary of The Nosleep Podcast! To celebrate the event we are releasing this bonus episode. There are only a few podcasts available these days that specialize is presenting the performance of horror and suspense fiction. In honor of the podcast’s anniversary, we will highlight some of the other shows that are in the fraternity of horror podcasts. The Nosleep Podcast highly recommends you check out the offerings of Pseudopod, Tales to Terrify, and Fear on Demand. This episode features a story written by authors M.F. Korn and David Mathew. It is entitled, The Secret Ingredient. A big thank you to all the fans who have made the past year so enjoyable…and frightening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The fourth episode of this season’s Nosleep Podcast features stories about fiendish family members, mysterious creatures, and flights of fears. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: I Won’t Take Care Of My Sister Anymore written by Allen Edgarton (Redditor theghostofpoe) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Proof written by Jeremy Jojola (Redditor triplejdude) and read by Jessica Prokuski (Redditor HeadsOnSticks). The Camping Trip written by Brendan Bilodeau (Redditor 2min2mid) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). The Creeper in the Field written by Mike Korensky (Redditor SkeevyPete) and read by David Cummings. Hide and Seek written by Troy Lewis (Redditor Dyvyant) and read by Travis Newton (Redditor thetravisnewton). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The fifth episode of this season’s Nosleep Podcast features stories about creepy strangers, long forgotten nightmares, and unexplained events. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: The Smiling Man written by L.S. Riley (Redditor blue_tidal) and read by Michael McElroy (Redditor MikeTheInfidel). This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for April 2012. Some Things are Best Left Unsaid written by JT Senters (Redditor DinosaurTheFrog) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). The Disappearance of Ashley, Kansas written by Allan Kantor (Redditor CoasterKid93) and read, produced, & music by Jessica Prokuski & Ian Mendez. Terror Haute written by William Dalphin (Redditor Twilight Sparrow) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The sixth episode of this season’s Nosleep Podcast features stories about terrifying visions and relentless stalkers. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: Eidetic Memory written & read by Chris Eddleman – (Redditor TalksAtYou). Unknown Caller written by Seanna Hartbauer (Redditor slidewithme) and read by Jessica Prokuski & Ian Mendez. This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for February 2012. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s the 30th Episode of The Nosleep Podcast! This seventh episode of Season 2 features stories about thieves out of time, dreamy hallucinations, and exploration nightmares. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: The Strangest Security Tape I’ve Ever Seen written by Phil Zona (Redditor powerhawkmash) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Everything I Know Is A Dream written by Sam Frost (Redditor tiyafwons) and read by James Cleveland – (Redditor tseotet). This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for May 2012. Never, Ever, Go Into The Morgue written by Kyle A. Marrotte (Redditor Spider_J) and read by David Cummings. This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for March 2012. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The eighth episode of this season’s Nosleep Podcast features stories about homes with unsettling visitors, ominous clouds, and an impossibly active corpse. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: The Thing in the Walls written by Jonathon Sheeran (Redditor Shilmna) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). Low Hanging Clouds written by T.E. Grau (Redditor TheCosmicomicon) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). My Last Night Babysitting written by Jeanna Saccomano (Redditor lemon_extract) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). The Scarecrow Corpse written by Kristopher Mallory (Redditor stealthfiction) and read by David Cummings.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Nosleep Podcast’s ninth episode of season two features four stories about very disturbing relationships with lovers and family. Highlighting horror stories from the horror writing community, these stories are designed to afflict your night with no sleep. This episode features these stories: My Ex-Girlfriend is Insane written by Ben Cross (Redditor tiresiwuaaa) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). I Can’t Look My Brother in the Eyes Anymore written by R. Vera Cruz (Redditor raymondavc) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Mason written by Melissa Rosales (Redditor melissaurus) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Don’t Forget Your Friends written by Kevin I. Miller (Redditor millerkevinisaiah) and read by James Cleveland (Redditor tseotet). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

We’ve reached double digits in Season 2 of the Nosleep Podcast with episode 10. This time we’re featuring five stories about nasty home environments, futuristic frights, and workplace terrors! This episode features these stories:  The Silent written by Asher Rice (Redditor OminousOnes) and read by Guy Lester (Redditor BaphometJr). I’m Sorry, Daddy written by Hagen Loyd (Redditor Hagenisnotacat) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). Talent Show written by Sam Hunt (Redditor Left-Hand-Path) and read by Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Working Late written by Leon Chan (Redditor straydog1980) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Basement Cameras written by Alan Coakley (Redditor breadofthedead) and read by Travis Newton (Redditor thetravisnewton). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 11 of Season 2 has arrived. This episode of The Nosleep Podcast features four stories about disturbing technology, deranged romantic responses, and strange childhood memories. This episode features these stories: The Machine written by Johnny Nava (Redditor nihilistic_novelist) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). I’m No Angel written by Daniel Smith (Redditor Mmmslash) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). Don’t Turn Off the Webcam written by an anonymous author and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for June 2012. The Scarecrow Game written by Rachel Martin (Redditor scarecrowgirl) and read by Stephanie Dohrs (Redditor Akaadji). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s a dirty dozen for Season 2 of The Nosleep Podcast! The episode features five stories about unseen threats, disturbing tales brought to light from long ago, and sordid cinema. This episode features these stories: Something in My Daughter’s Room written by Benjamin Joseph (Redditor jojo5500) and read by Jörn Meyer (Redditor its_pronounced_yearn). Hungry Little Girl written by J. F. Kuck (Redditor Je_cherche) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). The Late Bus written by Mark Winston (Redditor whitewinstonwolf) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). Strigoi written by T.W. Grim (Redditor theworldisgrim) and read by Kyle Akers (Redditor the_oswald). Budget Cinema written by Thomas Thompson (Redditor dr_vonhugenstein) and read by David Cummings. This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for July 2012. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s lucky episode 13 of Season 2 of The Nosleep Podcast! The episode features five stories about mysterious visitors, creepy cemetaries, and tormented youngsters. This episode features these stories: 5:19 written and read by Mark Copeland – (Redditor XIIIm). Echoes from the Claverhouse Emails series (Redditor ClaverhouseEmails) and read by James Cleveland (Redditor tseotet). Animal Control written by David Burks (Redditor sunshinepunch) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Apartment 1702 written by Stephen Yiu (Redditor virus_eater) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). Daddy Found A New Family written by Jeremiah Knopp (Redditor knopppp) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's Halloween 2012 and time for our second annual Halloween Bonus Episode! The episode features four stories to listen to by the light of the Jack-o-lantern. This episode features these stories: Snapshot written by David Burks (Redditor shadow_kick) and read by James Cleveland (Redditor tseotet). The Witches and the Circle written by Eric Dodd (Redditor Unxmaal) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Nobody written by Anders Jensen (Redditor Anders771) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). The Showers written by Dylan Sindelar (Redditor clover10176) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

We're right back into season 2 with episode 14.  The episode features mysterious photos, tormenting bullies, and eerie family occurances. This episode features these stories: The Oshavein written by Ross Raguth (Redditor enablednightmare) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). Spell of Success written and read by Sammy Raynor (Redditor sammysimplicity). Anna written by Stephen Porte (Redditor sleeplessinnewhaven) and read by C.H. Williamson (Redditor pomochu). The Nocturnal Wanderer written by Adam Travis (Redditor virulenter) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 15 of season 2 features people inking, sinking, and shrinking without blinking in the face of fear. This episode features these stories: Tattoo You written by Molly McDougal (Redditor mollymcdougal) and read by Meghan O'Hara Murray. Elevator Ride written by Leon Chan (Redditor straydog1980) and read by Mark Copeland (Redditor XIIIm). My Friend written by Kenneth F. Field (Redditor fiplefip) and read by Kyle Akers (Redditor the_oswald). Flooded written by Kelsey Donald (Redditor UpUpAndAwake) and read by Brittany Coulter (Redditor stellarbomb). The Woman Holding an Orange written by Milos Bogetic (Redditor inaaace) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). This story was the winner of the Nosleep Writing Contest for October 2012. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 16 of season 2 features messages from beyond, mysterious strangers, and the darkness within ourselves. This episode features these stories: The Silent Store written by Alfred Dickinson (Redditor Talented_Mr_Ripley) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Monster in the Forest written by A. Rice (Redditor YouAreACatAMA) and read by David Cummings. She's a Keeper written by Brian Emsley (Redditor TheEmsleyan) and read by Evan Howard. Night Time Hero written by Trammel May (Redditor nighttimehero) and read by David Cummings. Restricted Caller written by J.A. Medrano (Redditor A_Night_Owl) and read by Jessica Prokuski (Redditor HeadsOnSticks) & Evan Howard. Alan's Story written by Samuel Hayes (Redditor Doomshlang) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

During the festive holiday season there are still dark tales to keep you awake while Santa prowls the rooftops.  This special episode of The Nosleep Podcast features tales with a Christmas theme, including mysterious strangers, children who don't want to go away, and a horrible holiday mug. This episode features these stories: Chimneysweep written by Sam Hunt (Redditor Left-Hand-Path) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). The Christmas Season written by Justin Williams (Redditor plat00n) and read by David Cummings. Twas the Night Before Christmas written by Tee Jarvis (Redditor Cricket62) and read by David Cummings. Mall Santa written by Sam Stark (Redditor Vaginal_Scrapings) and read by David Cummings. The Mug written by Eric Dodd (Redditor Unxmaal) and read by David Cummings & Wendy Corrigan (Redditor EchoWind). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Season 2 of The Nosleep Podcast is back in 2013 with Episode 18!  This episode features three tales of mysterious cottages, chilling chess challenges, and the dark inconsistencies of life. This episode features these stories: Snow from the Claverhouse Emails series (Redditor ClaverhouseEmails) and read by James Cleveland (Redditor tseotet). Sorry, Larry written by Milos Bogetic (Redditor inaaace) and read by Jörn Meyer (Redditor its_pronounced_yearn). Plot Holes written by David Knoppel (Redditor omegaokami) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 19 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast!  The episode features five tales of lost young people, bizarre emails exchanges, and ghastly graveyard jobs. This episode features these stories: Winter Memories written by Anton Scheller (Redditor AL_365) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Go Back to Sleep, Little Darling written by Thomas Thompson (Redditor dr_vonhugenstein) and read by Jacob Gallegos (Redditor eggogallego). When Your World Falls Apart written by Anton Scheller (Redditor AL_365) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). The Long Face written by Alex Hetherington (Redditor Fyve) and read by Chris Eddleman (Redditor TalksAtYou). This story won the Nosleep Writing Contest for September 2012. The Screaming Corpse written by Brian von Knoblauch (Redditor McGrupp76) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 20 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast!  The episode features three tales of family traumas and a town's terrible tormentor. This episode features these stories: Please, Just Come Home Now written by Edwin Crowe (Redditor ecrowe) and read by Tyler Privett (Redditor maverick49er). The Only Way Out written by Anton Scheller (Redditor AL_365) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Scratching written by Jacob Newell (Redditor SordidSplendor) and read by David Cummings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

In this special bonus episode of The Nosleep Podcast, we feature three tales from author Michael Whitehouse.  These stories are a part of his upcoming novel entitled, "Bedtime and Other Tales of Terror". All stories written by Michael Whitehouse. Bedtime read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Tunnels read by David Cummings Forgotten Valentine read by Michael Whitehouse (Redditor Mike_Rants). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 21 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast!  The episode features five tales about strange sibling scares, childish games, and a tormented traveller. This episode features these stories: Say's Who? written by anonymous and read by Tyler Privett (Redditor maverick49er). Children's Playground written by Arnie Kalkauskas (Redditor CryingCrow) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). Baby Sister written by Leon Chan (Redditor straydog1980) and read by Michael McElroy (Redditor MikeTheInfidel). The Devil's Breath written by Arjun Anand (Redditor ImAfraidOfMe) and read by David Cummings. The Letter written by Hamish MacDonald (Redditor happy-jack) and read by Tyler Privett. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 22 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast! The episode features five tales about scandalous surgeons, campus creeps, vexatious visitors, and distorted reality. This episode features these stories: "The First Person to Surgically Remove Their Own Brain" written by Thomas Thompson (Redditor dr_vonhugenstein) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). "9004" written by Afia Gyennin (Redditor Maaaame) and read by Jörn Meyer (Redditor its_pronounced_yearn). "An Unexpected Guest" written by William Dalphin (Redditor wdalphin) and read by David Cummings. "Forget Me Not" written by Kelsey Donald (Redditor CaseByCase) and read by Nikolle Doolin. Click here to learn more about Sam Hunt's new novel, "The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree". Click here to learn more about Nikolle Doolin. Click here to learn more about Nikolle's podcast, "Audio Literature Odyssey".   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music by: David Cummings This podcast is licensed under Creat...

It's episode 23 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast! The episode features four tales about terrorizing technology, spooky steps, chilling children, and devilish dolls. This episode features these stories:     "Camera #36" written by Leon Chan (Redditor straydog1980) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). (Story starts at 00:03:50)   "Stairs of Dark Oak" written by Anton Scheller (Redditor scheller) and read by Ray Sizemore. (Story starts at 00:28:30)   "She Was Just a Child" written by Neil Balthazar (Redditor neil_balthazar) and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:39:15)   "The Doll With the Lifelike Eyes" written by Matthew Biel (Redditor GhostBeezer) and read by Jinny Sanders (RedditorSpookykittens). (Story starts at 00:57:40)   Click here to learn more about Ray Sizemore.   Podcast produced by: David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone).   Music by: David Cummings   This podcast is licensed under Creative Commons 2013. Learn more about yo...

It's episode 24 of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast! The episode features stories about visits from mysterious strangers and ominous grandparents.   This episode features these stories:   "Cheyenne to Portland" written by Harlan Guthrie (Redditor thelirivalley) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone). (Story starts at 00:10:55)   "Stranger in the Night" written by Mark Harrison (Redditor big_sid) and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:35)   "We All End Up Here" written by Thomas Thompson (Redditor dr_vonhugenstein) and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:44:20)   "You May See Some People" written by Milos Bogetic (Redditor inaaace) and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:57:10)     Podcast produced by: David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone).   Music by: David Cummings     This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2013. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 25 and the season finale of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast! This episode features stories about freaky food, frightening farmers, and forgotten phones. Not to mention the tales about murderous mirrors, mechanical mayhem, and mental meltdowns. This episode features these stories: "Jack in the Box" written by Graham McBride (Redditor donworrryboutit) and read by David Cummings (Redditor MikeRowPhone) & Jinny Sanders (Redditor Spookykittens). (Story starts at 00:05:35) "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" written by Anton Scheller (Redditor urban_teller) and read by Jinny Sanders (Redditor Spookykittens). (Story starts at 00:15:55) "Autopilot" written by Kevin Thomas (Redditor Skarjo) and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:26:23) "Victim's Glass" written by Ari Nestlebaum (Redditor Arithered) and read by Ray Sizemore. (Story starts at 00:38:50) "Always Leave Work on Time" written by Anton Scheller (Redditor urban_teller) and read by David Cummings. (Story st...

It's the third season premiere of The Nosleep Podcast! We're back and kicking off a new season with four tales, all featuring young kids and the frightening things they experience and sometimes cause. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first tale. "In the Darkness of the Fields" written by Edward Warren and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "Poor Little Babysitter" written by Cliff Barlow and read by Travis Newton. (Story starts at 00:34:55) "The Soul Game" written by Christopher Bloodworth and read by Nina Jacobs. (Story starts at 00:50:00) "The House with Painted Doors" written by Leon Chan and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:05:55) Click here to learn more about Cliff Barlow. Click here to learn more about Christopher Bloodworth. Click here to learn more about Leon Chan. Click here to hear more from Nina Jacobs. Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music by: David Cummings This podcast i...

It's episode 2 of Season 3! We have four tales for you this time featuring stories about strange noises and how they can signal ominous things to come. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first tale. "The Passenger" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "The Figure in the Nursery" written by Brianna Fisher and read by Stephanie Dohrs. (Story starts at 00:26:55) "Love Notes" written by Elle Anson and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:41:30) "Ultrasound" written by Kevin Thomas and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:52:55) Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse Click here to learn more about Kevin Thomas. Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2013. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The NoSleep Podcast turns two years old today and to celebrate we are releasing a full-length bonus episode for all the fans! This episode features the story, "Frost" from author Johnny Nava. It's a tale about how one man's twisted sense of justice can lead to terrible consequences for those who follow his charismatic leadership. "Frost" written by Johnny Nava and read by David Cummings. Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings   This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2013. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 3 of Season 3! We have six tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about bizarre neighbors, mysterious children, and strange sounds. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Life of the Party" written by Ryan Anderson and read by Elle Hama. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "DECEASD" written by Benjamin Feiner and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:22:55) "The Bunk Bed" written by Aaron Chrisjohn and read by Cody Banning. (Story starts at 00:31:35) "Eggs" written by Garon Cockrell and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:39:30) "Have You Seen This Child?" written by Kelsey Donald and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:55:45) "New Neighbors" written by Tyler Duke and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:09:15)    Click here to learn more about Garon Cockrell's novel, "Demonic"   Click here to learn more about Nikolle Doolin   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Musi...

It's episode 4 of Season 3! We have six tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about the strange encounters we can have with friends, family, and food. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first tale.  "Drinking Games" written by Edwin Crowe and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:35) "Fake Beats" written by Milos Bogetic and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:35:30) "Sibling Rivalry" written by Meghan O'Hara Murray and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:46:25) "Bird Flu" written by Anton Scheller and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:58:05) "One Condition" written by Anton Scheller and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:16:30) "Cindy" written by Laura Waldner and read by Elle Hama. (Story starts at 01:31:00)    Click here to learn more about Pseudopod Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe Click here to learn more about Milos Bogetic Cli...

It's episode 5 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about psychics, sidekicks, and psychos. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "The Thing That Will Kill Me" written by Ashley Rose Wellman and read by Will Rogers & Allie Palmer. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:04:30) "The Mine" written by Grant Rennet and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:18:00) "The Accident" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:38:00) "Losing a Friend on Facebook" written by Tim Webster and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:55:00) "The White Room" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by Mark Nelson. (Story starts at 01:19:25)   Click here to enter THE CONJURING contest! Click here to learn more about Will Rogers Click here to learn more about The Claverhouse Email Series Click here to learn more about Mar...

It's episode 6 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about things seen and unseen, things found and things lost. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Just £3 a Month Can Save a Child's Life" written by Kevin Thomas and read by James Cleveland. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:04:20) "Bigger Fish" written by Eric Ponslee and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:16:25) "The M Show Fan Club" written by Anton Scheller and read by Leslee Mason. (Story starts at 00:35:30) "White Noise" written by Anton Scheller and read by James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:45:30) "I've Been Intimate With a Ghost" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:58:00) Click here to learn more about Kevin Thomas Click here to learn more about Anton Scheller   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummin...

It's episode 7 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about mysterious family secrets and abandoned buildings. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Just Another Night" written by Drew Vitalduel and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:15) "Why I Didn't Shower for 21 Years" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:20:50) "The Forbidden Third Floor" written by Isabelle Jenner and read by Marmalade Hanna. (Story starts at 00:36:48) "Mor Mor's House" written by Natalie Lys and read by Nancy Beard. (Story starts at 00:47:38) "Say Cheese" written by Louis Valenti and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:22:40) Click here to learn more about Nancy Beard Click here to learn more about Librivox   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2...

It's episode 8 of Season 3! We have four tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about people who aren't what they seem, creepy sleepers, and frightening forests. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "2,300 a Day" written by Troy Lewis and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:48) "Calls From My Girlfriend" written by Jon Comics and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:21:40) "REM Behavior Disorder" written by Elizabeth Brochu and read by Christina Scholz. (Story starts at 00:47:40) "The Midnight Hike" written by Kelsey Donald and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:14:49) Click here to learn more about Kelsey Donald Click here to learn more about the new book, "Anecdotes in Ashes"   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings, unless otherwise noted This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2013. Learn ...

It's episode 9 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about mysterious creatures, unholy teens, and tormented elders. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "The Thing I Saw in the Woods" written by Ryan Henderson and read by David Knopel. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:25) "Milk and Cookies" written by L Chan and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:16:20) "The Terrorizing of a Substitute Teacher" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:37:55) "My Grandfather Knew Why We Run from the Dark" written by Anton Scheller and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:01:35) "Jesus Camp" written by Rachel Mari and read by Jenni Higginbotham. (Story starts at 01:28:45) Click here to learn more about L Chan Click here to learn more about Anton Scheller   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cumming...

It's episode 10 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about strange visitors, tormented bodies, and unholy visitors. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Heat Stroke" written by Kevin Thomas and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:50) "Olivia" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings & Jenni Higginbotham. (Story starts at 00:15:50) "The Sleep Clinic" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by James Cleveland. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:29:55) "Daycare" written by L Chan and read by Elle Hama. (Story starts at 00:48:15) "What Stays Behind" written by Richard Steed and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:09:50) Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about Kevin Thomas Click here to learn more about William Dalphin Click here to learn more about The Claverhouse Email Series Click here to le...

It's episode 11 of Season 3! We have many tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about abductions, strange sightings, and micro horror fiction. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Anecdotes in Ashes" written by The Assembly and read by Nikolle Doolin, Peter Lewis, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:10) "Patient Sigma" written by Eric Ponslee and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:23:55) "All the Swans are Gone" written by Catriona Richards and read by James Cleveland. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:37:45) "Captivity" written by Aaron Harris and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:54:00) "The Red Light in the Warehouse" written by Chance Patrick and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Tice Thomason & David Cummings (Story starts at 01:23:10) Click here to enter the Anecdotes in Ashes Contest! Click here to learn more about the Anecdotes in Ashes novel Click here to...

It's episode 12 of Season 3! We have six tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about the strange and disturbing situations that can develop between family and loved ones. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "When One Window Closes" written by Christopher Bosdal and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:05:31) "Trust" written by Ian Wallwork and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:17:25) "Once You See Them" written by Kevin Thomas and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Tice Thomason & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:34:40) "BANG" written by Roxi Moon and read by Christina Scholz. Music by Tice Thomason & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:43:35) "October 29, 2013" written by Nicole Snow and read by Nikolle Doolin. Music by Tice Thomason & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:00:55) "What the Paperboy Saw" written by Trevor Boelter and read by David Cummings. (Story st...

It’s Halloween 2013 and time for our third annual Halloween Bonus Episode! The episode features five stories to listen to by the light of the Jack-o'-lantern. The Season Pass features an extra Halloween bonus episode exclusively available to Season Pass holders. "Pretty" written by Mike Provo and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:02:00) "October 30th" written by Donald Moffat and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:11:00) "A Walk Home on Halloween" written by Alexander McHugh and read by James Cleveland. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:23:20) "Tempting Fate" written by Edwin Crowe and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:38:00) "Hunger" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:07:10) Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe Click here to learn more about William Dalphin Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings, un...

It's episode 13 of Season 3! We have five tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about strange dreams and the sounds and visions of otherworldly entities. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "The Girl in My Dreams" written by Jonathan Stiles and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:02:50) "A Face in the Crowd" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:19:30) "Not Now, Eric" written by Claire Newman and read by Kristin Gjerløw. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:34:40) "3913" written by Mitch Truesdale and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:50:40) "Whispers" written by Alex Kerr and read by Gary Etchingham. (Story starts at 01:21:25) Click here to learn more about The Claverhouse Email Series Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings,...

It's episode 14 of Season 3! We have six tales for you in this episode, featuring stories about creepy crawlers, crazy coworkers, and shocking school scares. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "You Won't Hear About This On The News" written by Meghan O'Hara Murray and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "The Cocoa Jumping Spider" written by Matthew Christopher Benner and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:19:35) "A Sketchy Interview" written by Matt Dymerski and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:35:00) "My Coworker Killed Himself" written by Malices Dank and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:44:45) "Bits & Pieces" written and read by Michael Whitehouse. Learn about the true story behind this tale. (Story starts at 00:54:45) "8th Grade Math" written by Forrest King and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:06:20) Click...

It's episode 15 of Season 3 and time for our annual Christmas episode! We have seven tales for you in this Yuletide show with stories about the dark and twisted deeds that take place during the festive season. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "A Christmas Feast" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:50) "The Dead Girl's Valentine" written by Meghan O'Hara Murray and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:23:50) "Christmas Shopping" written by Anton Scheller and read by Matt Grant. (Story starts at 00:44:05) "Don't Turn On the Lights, Mommy" written by Steven Horn and read by David Cummings & Kellie Fitzgerald. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:57:50) "Red Christmas" written by Anton Scheller and read by Barnabas Deimos. (Story starts at 01:07:00) "The Chimney Man" written by Phillip Howard and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at...

It's episode 16 of Season 3. We have five tales for you in this episode featuring stories about railroad ghosts, haunted connections, and the deeply disturbing reasons which keep people from sleeping. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "This is a Warning" written by M.J. Pack and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:20) "The Voice on the Radio" written by Carlos Rivera and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:30) "All the Papers Lied Tonight" written by Meghan O'Hara Murray and read by Kellie Fitzgerald. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:42:30) "The Cross by the Railroad Tracks" written by William Dalphin and read by Kyle Akers. Additional music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:54:54) "Fred" written by Andrew Tanner and read by David Cummings & Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:11:05) Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack Click here to learn more about Carlos Rivera Click...

It's episode 17 of Season 3. We have five tales for you in this episode featuring stories about creepy sights & sounds, writing tips, and disturbing childhood recollections. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "I Used to Sit There" written by F.J.F. McTiernan and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:10) "Writer's Block" written by Serge Hellman and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:18:10) "1957" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:32:20) "Tent Number 7" written by M.J. Pack and read by Elle Hama. (Story starts at 01:01:20) "Tonight Us" written by James Birkenhead and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:15:20) Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack Click here to learn more about F.J.F. McTiernan Click here to learn more about Chance Patrick Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Podcast produced by: David Cummin...

It's episode 18 of Season 3. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about horrible harassers, harrowing health issues, and horrors in the heartland. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Grandpa's Second Voice" written by Paige Penfold and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:50) "Heart of Plastic" written by Otis Mari and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:09:05) "DMV" written by Milos Bogetic and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:14:40) "Inside the Ceiling" written by Anton Scheller and read by Elle Hama. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:31:40) "The Holes in My Teeth" written by Alyse North and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:43:50) "I Dreamt of a Black Teapot" written by Anton Scheller and read by Elle Hama. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:01:15) "Holsey Farms" written by Jack Lee and read by David Cummings. (Story start...

It's episode 19 of Season 3. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about the horrors within ourselves and the disturbing aspects of our family life. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "The Melody" written by Rio Hererra and read by Otis Jiry. (Story starts at 00:04:05) "My Basement" written by Cliff Barlow and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:17:40) "Footsteps" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by Kyle Akers. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:40:30) "Betsy the Doll" written by C.K.Walker and read by Jessica Prokuski. (Story starts at 00:51:30) "Scenes from a Road Trip" written by Richard Jones and read by Gary Etchingham. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:03:55) "Won't You Invite Me Inside?" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:16:40) "Locked In" written by Kelsey Donald and read by Jenni Higginbotham. (...

It's episode 20 of Season 3. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about the strange things we see and hear which make us question reality and our own sanity. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Security Cameras" written by DJ Crisman and read by David Wolfe. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "Hide and Go Seek" written by Al Apanamo and read by Michael Edward Miller. (Story starts at 00:09:50) "Burnout" written by Dave Taylor and read by Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:17:25) "Crisis" written by Maggie Louise and read by Gary Etchingham. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:42:55) "Playful Giants" written by Andy Pham and read by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:52:50) "Victoria" written by Maggie Louise and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone.(Story starts at 01:05:25) "Unknown Cargo" written by Jon Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:17:00) ...

It's episode 21 of Season 3. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about glimpses into the future and the past; from deep within and the depths of space. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "It Wasn't My Stop" written by Juan Flores and read by Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "What It Said" written by Jon Patrick and read by Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:09:05) "The Cecil Hotel" written by Mateo Hellion and read by Lynne Darlington. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:21:15) "Just Another Lee-Enfield Rifle" written by Alex Hetherington and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:33:00) "Viola's Baby" written by Catriona Richards and read by David Cummings & Wendy Corrigan. (Story starts at 01:02:55) "The Warren" written by Liz Stokes and read by Kellie Fitzgerald, Jessica McEvoy, Ricardo Chica, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:22:35...

It's episode 22 of Season 3. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about creepy costumed critters and frightening female fears. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Jessie's Collection" written by Amanda Lewis and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:06:45) "Cold Room" written by Eric Cleveland and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:19:40) "I Was Never a Cat Person" written by Ann Drenner and read by L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:38:40) "Character Within" written by Mateo Hellion and read by Matt Grant. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:50:10) "The Last Train Home" written by L. Chan and read by David Cummings & L. Bentley. (Story starts at 01:05:15) "Pro-Life" written by M. Grayson and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:25:00) Click here to learn more about L Chan Click here to learn more about Mateo Hellion Podcast produced...

It's episode 23 of Season 3. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about mystical memories, agonizing antics, and sweet suffering. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Morning Mail" written by Karen Tory and read by L. Bentley. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:50) "The Stuff My Grandpa Saw" written by Miss Hannah and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:17:50) "The Journey of a Solipsist" written by Alexander Isaacs and read by Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:34:00) "Pranks" written by Eric Ponslee and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:46:00) "Icing Addiction" written by Lykaia Quinn and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:00:25) "Sessions with Sarah" written by L. Chan and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:22:00) Click here to learn more about L Chan Click here to learn more about Alexan...

It's episode 24 of Season 3. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about sibling scares, shocking sounds, and strange scribes. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "The Manson Family" written by Lena Caulfield and read by Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "Channel 6" written by Sean Elwood and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:15) "I Need Sound to Stay Normal" written by Mika Tateyama and read by Christina Scholz. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:52:00) "I Never Saw the Light" written by Joshua Pinon and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:05:40) "How To Write a NoSleep Hit" written by Anton Scheller and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:17:10) "Box Fort" written by Julie Taylor and read by Rebecca Peason. (Story starts at 01:40:45) Click here to learn more about Joshua Pinon Click here to le...

It's episode 25 - the Season Finale of Season 3. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about fiendish family folks, frightening friends, and formidable freaks. "Toothache" written by Carlos Rivera and read by Rebecca Peason & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:06:15) "Soulless" written by Anton Scheller and read by L. Bentley. Music by Brandon Boone.(Story starts at 00:26:25) "Death at 423 Stockholm Street" written by C.K. Walker and read by Rebecca Peason. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:37:50) "The Artist" written by CJ Henderson and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:51:05) "The Girl in the Log" written by Melissa Phillips and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:13:30) "The Melancholy of Herbert Solomon" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:39:15) Click here to learn more about Carlos Rivera Click here to learn more about Rebecca Peason Click here to l...

It's the premiere of Season 4 of The NoSleep Podcast. We have five tales for you in this episode featuring stories about sinister senses, unwanted visitors, and temporal terrors. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Pheromones" written by Anton Scheller and read by Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:05:05) "Beneath" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Brian Mansi & L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:21:35) "Unlocked" written by Jon Patrick and read by Daniel Simon. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:42:30) "How to See the Future" written by Eric Ponslee and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:56:50) "Behind Closed Doors" written by Kelsey Donald and read by L. Bentley. (Story starts at 01:25:10) Click here to learn more about Matt Dymerski Click here to learn more about Kelsey Donald Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter Check Us Out on Tumblr Check Us Out o...

The NoSleep Podcast turns three years old today and to celebrate we are releasing a bonus episode for all the fans! This episode will feature two stories that were originally produced for the great horror audio fiction site, "Chilling Tales for Dark Nights". The executive producer, Craig Groshek and I have collaborated on a number of stories in the past year and I want to ensure my listeners get to hear the kind of stories they feature. Make sure you check out their website and their YouTube channel to experience the high quality horror audio they produce! Thanks to everyone who has made the past three years at The NoSleep Podcast full of fun and frights! "The Contract" written by Aaron Shotwell and read by David Cummings. "A Klondike Horror" written by Joshua L. Hood and read by David Cummings. Click here to learn more about Aaron Shotwell Click here to learn more about Joshua L. Hood Click here for Joshua's anthology formatted for the Kindle Click here to learn about ...

It's episode 2 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about menaced mothers, perilous precipitation, and villainous videos. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Redhouse" written by Jill Berwick and read by L. Bentley. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "The Silence Experiment" written by J.P. Leupold and read by Jessica McEvoy (Story starts at 00:16:25) "The Black Rain" written by Logan Barker and read by David Cummings & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:30:15) "Christina Took Things" written by Carlos Rivera and read by Alexis Bristowe. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:43:15) "I Am a Good Parent" written by Stephanie Nguyen and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 01:05:15) "Moderated" written by Edwin Crowe and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:15:40) Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe Click her...

It's episode 3 of Season 4. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about fiendish friends, haunted homesteads, and creepy collectors. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "I Still Get Letters From My Dead Best Friend" written by S.P. Trance and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "Being a Detective Ruined My Marriage" written by Maggie Louise and read by Peter Lewis & Sophia Alesdair. (Story starts at 00:18:05) "Canadian Paranormal Investigator" written by Grant Dykstra and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Might this story be true?) (Story starts at 00:28:55) "Peggy" written by Heidi Helmer and read by Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:38:30) "Dust" written by Cameron Suey and read by Jeff Clement & Derek Jensen. Production, music, and sound design by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:53:10) "Mama Was a Dol...

It's episode 4 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about shocking stalkers, devilish diseases, and wicked woodsmen. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "21 Day Quarantine" written by Jon Patrick and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:25) "Always Act As If Somebody is Watching You" written by Anton Scheller and read by L. Bentley & David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:21:35) "Mailman" written by Jessica Spencer and read by Sean Nickley & Jenni Higginbotham. (Story starts at 00:38:00) "Hives" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by C.H. Williamson & Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:49:25) "Paradise Pine" written by C.K.Walker and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:11:30) "The Queen's Guard" written by Milos Bogetic and read by Brian Mansi & Caroline Breen...

It's episode 5 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about terrifying technology, tormentors of time, and fatal femmes. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Snapchat" written by Donald Bristow and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:06:00) "The Curious World of Alice Becker" written by Chance Patrick and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:23:20) "The Copycat Neighbors" written by J. A. Martz and read by David Cummings & Tisha Boone. (Story starts at 00:38:20) "I Keep Beautiful Things" written by Amelia Ferreru and read by Jenni Higginbotham. (Story starts at 00:51:00) "A Lack of Evidence" written by Kevin Thomas and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:12:25) "Perfect Mother" written by L Chan and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:33:40) Click here to enter the contest for "The Fo...

It's episode 6 of Season 4. We have five tales for you in this episode featuring stories about freaky photographers, figmental friends, and frightening families. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Man with the Camera" written by Edwin Crowe and read by Peter Lewis. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:07:30) "Mr. Leaves" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Cummings and Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:17:50) "The Disappearance of Ashley Morgan" written by C.K. Walker and read by Corinne Sanders, David Cummings, and Jessica McEvoy. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:43:45) "Her Name Was Emma" written by S.C. Young and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:11:45) "Relationships" written by Natasha Franks and read by Jessica McEvoy and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:34:40) Click here for The Drabblecast Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe ...

It's episode 7 of Season 4. We have five tales for you in this episode featuring dark and gritty stories which all revolve around the rough and rancorous revelation of revenge. Prepare yourself for payback. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Cheater" written by Kaitlyn Grenier and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "I Kept a Souvenir" written by H. K. Reyes and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:13:05) "Drains in the Floor" written by M.J. Pack and read by David Cummings & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:40:30) "Never Ride Between the Train Cars" written by D.B. Aaronson and read by Sammy Raynor. Music by Brandon Boone & Max Pfeiffer. (Story starts at 00:58:50) "American White Hair" written by Marcus Damanda and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:19:30) Click here to learn more about H....

It's episode 8 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about creepy creatures and surreal strangers. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Still Waters" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by David Ault. Music by Kerry Kelso. (Story starts at 00:05:15) "Torso" written by Brighid NicGarran and read by David Cummings, Jon Reeder, and Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:24:45) "Dolls" written by Greg Ryder and read by Mark Copeland. (Story starts at 00:44:10) "Dinner By Swamp Light" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:53:00) "Witness Protection" written by Alex White and read by Corinne Sanders & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:19:50) "Method Acting" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Peter Lewis, David Cummings, & Tisha Boone. (Story starts at 01:38:20) Click here to learn more about The Claverhouse Email Series Cl...

It's episode 9 of Season 4. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about harrowing hauntings, ceaseless cessation, and ruinous retribution. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "A Very True Haunting" written by Greg Fox and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:06:40) "A Family Portrait" written by L. Chan and read by Norm Sherman, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. Additional music by Tisha Boone. (Story starts at 00:17:15) "She's Still Here" written by Christie Gable and read by Alexis Bristowe. Music by Kerry Kelso. (Story starts at 00:51:30) "I Died Again Last Night" written by Ashley Franz Holzmann and read by Corinne Sanders. Music by Kerry Kelso. (Story starts at 01:01:55) "The Greater Good" written by Edwin Crowe and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:12:50) "The Diner" written by L.J. Dishaw and read by Nichole Goodnight & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:31:15) "...

It's episode 10 of Season 4. We have four tales for you in this episode featuring stories about perplexing premonitions, vitriolic vengeance, and sinister siblings. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Divorce Papers" written by Tierney Ashton Campbell and read by David Ault, Brian Mansi, and L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:05:25) "Lumpy" written by Susan Lester and read by Alexis Bristowe, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:18:35) "Aiden's Spot" written by C.K. Walker and read by Danielle McRae. (Story starts at 00:44:15) "The Lucienne Twins" written by Leonard Petracci and read by Rebecca Peason (Story starts at 00:59:50) Click here to learn more about Leonard Petracci and The Lucienne Twins Click here to learn more about Danielle McRae Click here to learn more about David Ault Click here to learn more about Rebecca Peason Podcast produced by: David Cummings ...

It's episode 11 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about tormented travellers, boney brutes, and fiendish family folks. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Room 401" written by Andrew Harmon and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:50) "Who Killed Sarah Cooper?" written by C.K. Walker and read by Alexis Bristowe and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:23:10) "White Bones" written by Anton Scheller and read by Sammy Raynor. (Story starts at 00:37:40) "Red Velvet Cake" written by Alan Harasen and read by Susan Knowles (Story starts at 00:58:10) "For the Glory of God" written by Liam Hogan and read by David Cummings, Jessica McEvoy, and Brian Mansi. (Story starts at 01:16:30) "The Crawlers" written by Chance Patrick and read by David Cummings (Story starts at 01:37:10) Click here to learn more about Anton Scheller Click here to learn more about Alan Harasen Cl...

It's episode 12 of Season 4. We have four tales for you in this episode featuring stories about cadaverous customers, bedeviled boys, and a tiny terrifying town. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "What Hurricane Sandy Uncovered" written by Victor King and read by Peter Lewis and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:00) "A Childhood Memory" written by Greg Luporum and read by Ben Williams, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:20:00) "Charlie" written by Ashlee Osborn and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:42:55) "Ash Hollow" written by R.J. Wills and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:54:10) Click here to learn more about R.J. Wills Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings & Brandon Boone "Hurricane Sandy" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski The NoSleep Podcast uses the PSE Hybrid Library exclusively for its sound design. Thi...

It's episode 13 of Season 4. We have six tales for you in this episode featuring stories about sneaky serial slayers, errant emails, and ghostly family frights. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Ghosts of Nagasaki" written by Ryan Marc and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:05:10) "Fresh Luck to Its Owner" written by Anton Scheller and read by Tom Rosenzweig and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:15:55) "Find Her" written by Brad Blackwell and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:33:50) "An Email I Should Never Have Received" written by Shane Fliger and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:48:55) "You're Next" written by V. S. Finlayson and read by David Cummings and Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:29:45) "He Said His Wife Was Pregnant" written by Annie Nichols and read by Corinne Sanders, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:48:10) Click here ...

It's episode 14 of Season 4. We have seven tales for you in this episode featuring stories about foreboding forests, chilling childhoods, and heavy horrors. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Ditch or Die" written by Maggie Louise and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:05:00) "A Campfire Story" written by Andrew MacDougall and read by Alex Beal & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:15:55) "Dinosaur Bones" written by M.C. Meggles and read by Corinne Sanders & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:28:55) "Clown 4 Rent" written by G.C. Remasque and read by C.H. Williamson. (Story starts at 00:43:20) "Repressed Memories are Meant to Stay Dead" written by C.K. Walker and read by Susan Knowles. (Story starts at 00:54:10) "She'd Recently Lost a Child" written by Jon Patrick and read by Daniel Simon & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:12:50) "The Stump" w...

It's episode 15 of Season 4 and it's time for our annual Halloween episode! Featuring six stories of Halloween tricks and treats to help you celebrate the horror holiday. "The End of All Hallow's Eve" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:05:10) "The Albino Farm" written by John Jennings and read by Peter Lewis & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:20:20) "It Doesn't Stop After Halloween" written by Patrick Narvasa and read by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:40:50) "Adrift" written by T.W. Grim and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:54:10) "Bye Bye Love" written by Christopher Bloodworth and read by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:21:15) "Room 733" written by C.K. Walker and read by Jessica McEvoy & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Alexis Bristowe & Susan Knowles & Corinne Sanders & David Cummings (Story starts at 01:36:35) Click here for "Tripping Over Twilight" by T.W. Grim C...

The NoSleep Podcast is taking a break this week due to our exhaustion from the Halloween episodes. Instead we're presenting our Halloween Hangover show. Enjoy two tales which were produced by David for our friends at Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. S4E16 will be released on Sunday November 16th. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "The White Face in the Window" written by Nick Ledesma and read by Caden Von Clegg (Story starts at 00:02:45) "The Monkey's Paw" written by W.W. Jacobs and performed by: Narrator: Peter Bishop Mr. White: David Lewis Richardson Mrs. White: Melissa Exelberth Herbert White: David Alnwick Sergeant-Major Morris: Jeff Clement Company Rep: Jeff Clement (Story starts at 00:16:30) Click here to learn more about Chilling Tales for Dark Nights Click here to learn more about Nick Ledesma Click here to learn more about Caden Clegg Click here for the full credits to the production of...

It's episode 16 of Season 4. We have seven tales for you this week, featuring stories about horrifying hallucinations, scary cemeteries, and sinister storytelling. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "Pete the Moonshiner" written by R.D. Ovenfriend and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:06:15) "A Story to Scare My Son" written by R.D. Ovenfriend and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:15:40) "A Helping Hand" written by Ryan Schwartz and read by Alex Beal & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:25:45) "Don't Let Your Child See Your Fear" written by Rayne Akhten and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:47:40) "The Girl in the Tree" written by D.B. Bond and read by David Cummings & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:57:40) "The Graveyard Beside My House" written by Johnathan Sparks and read by Corinne Sanders & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story start...

It's episode 17 of Season 4. We have five tales for you this week, featuring stories about frightening frequencies, jarring journals, and terrifying tunnels. Trigger Warnings The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "On the Radio" written by Tyler Wonfifes and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:25) "Part & Parcel" written by D.G. Collins and read by Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:17:30) "A Message in a Very Old Bottle" written by Jon Patrick and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:30:15) "Journal of Decedent Elaine Anderson" written by Eileen Carpenter and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:49:20) "The One-Way Tunnel" written by Terrey West and read by David Cummings & Susan Knowles. (Story starts at 01:20:40) Click here to enter the In Ear Entertainment Contest! Click here to learn more about the Season Pass Rent-to-Own program Podcast produced by: David Cumming...

It's episode 18 of Season 4. We have six tales for you this week, featuring stories about chilling children, sinister shapes, and hunted hunters. Trigger Warnings The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "Tug" written by M. Grayson and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:02:55) "To A Child, Memories Are Everything" written by Maggie Louise and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:15:50) "The Aquarium" written by T. Ryoko and read by L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:27:40) "A.I." written by Anton Scheller and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:39:10) "Parallelograms" written by N.K. Taite and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:09:40) "The Deer Gods" written by Andrew Harmon and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:29:10) Click here to learn more about Anton Scheller Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings & Brandon Boone ...

It's episode 19 of Season 4. We have five tales for you this week, featuring stories about disturbed doctors, malicious memories, and frightening forests. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "Experiences of a Hypnotist" written by Paul Robinson and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:07:05) "The Church Basement" written by Michael Marks and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:25:45) "Long-Term Care" written by Cliff Barlow and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:49:15) "Edith's Memory" written by C.C. Arbs and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy & Wendy Corrigan. (Story starts at 01:12:45) "Rocking Horse Creek" written by C.K.Walker and read by Rock Manor. (Story starts at 01:50:20) Click here to learn more about Phase Melt Digital Click here to learn more about Michael Marks Click here to learn more about Cliff Barlow Click here to learn more about C.C. Arbs ...

It's episode 20 of Season 4. We have five tales for you this week, featuring stories about frantic families, excruciating experiments, and creepy creatures. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "These Woods" written by Teresa Woodley and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:05:40) "It Would Be My Sister" written by T.E. Parker and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:19:55) "I'm Never Babysitting Again" written by Frankie Murray and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:42:35) "Testing in Progress" written by Jon Patrick and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:50:35) "The Wilson Ranch Incident" written by Victor King and read by Jessica McEvoy & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Alex Beal & Kyle Akers & Tisha Boone & Brian Mansi & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:20:25) Click here to learn more about Frankie Murray Click here to learn more a...

It's episode 21 of Season 4. We have five tales to bring the darker side of the winter solstice into the midst of your holiday celebrations. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "A Little Extra Christmas Money" written by Kevin Thomas and read by David Ault & L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:04:30) "Lights" written by Michelle Pollock and read by Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders & Nicole Goodnight & Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:40) "You Don't Belong Here" written by Adam Gray and read by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:42:50) "The Advent Calendar" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 01:01:20) "The Special Christmas Ornaments of Mr. Everett" written by Kris Mallory and read by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Otis Jiry & Rock Manor & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:39:10) Click here to learn more about Kevin Thoma...

It's episode 22 of Season 4. We have six tales for you this week, featuring tales about elusive entities, persecuted police, and freaky families. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "Eater" written by Myra Beth Doughty and read by Rebecca Peason. (Story starts at 00:05:00) "Relationships are Hard" written by K.J. Rath and read by Alexis Bristowe & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:20:55) "Her Seventh" written by M. Thomas and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:37:55) "Abandoned Bases" written by M. Thomas and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:52:50) "I'm Not One of Those Kinds of Cops" written by H. K. Reyes and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:05:25) "My Mother's Roses" written by Michael Marks and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:39:20) Click here to learn more about Rebecca Peason Click here to learn more abou...

It's episode 23 of Season 4. We have six tales for you this week, featuring tales about creepy communications, canine controllers, and circular confinement. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "The Gossip" written by Mark Voltaire and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:04:40) "Flickering" written by Chase Duma and read by Rock Manor. (Story starts at 00:18:25) "Unknown Caller" written by Alex Grecian and read by David Cummings & Tisha Boone. (Story starts at 00:33:45) "I Loved My Dog" written by Nakhoda J Nichols and read by Rebecca Peason & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:58:25) "Hot Singles in Your Area" written by T. Laine and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:17:45) "The Mailbox in the Woods" written by Julie McGinn and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:35:35) Click here to learn more about Alex Grecian Click here to learn more about Rock Manor Click her...

It's episode 24 of Season 4. We have five tales for you this week, featuring tales about nasty neighbors, musical madness, and sentimental psychosis. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "A Shortcut Home" written by Julie McGinn and read by Jessica McEvoy, Corinne Sanders, David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:05:35) "Birdseed" written by E. Blackburn and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:24:20) "Why You Can't Talk to the Dead" written by T.E. Parker and read by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:38:40) "Martellato" written by Catriona Richards and read by David Ault & L. Bentley. (Story starts at 00:47:20) "The Lovers" written by Michael Marks and read by David Cummings & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:19:30) Click here to discover the Reddit podcast, "Upvoted". Click here to learn more about Julie McGinn Click here to learn more about N...

It's episode 25 - the Season Finale of Season 4. We have two epic tales for you this week about storytellers recollecting disturbing events. Trigger Warnings "Copper Canyon" written by C.K. Walker and read by The NoSleep Podcast Players. (Story starts at 00:06:30) "New Fish" written by T.W. Grim and read by David Cummings, Peter Lewis, Mike DelGaudio, and Rock Manor. (Story starts at 00:48:30) Click here to discover C.K. Walker's novel, "Cold Thin Air". Click here to discover T.W. Grim's novel, "Tripping Over Twilight". The NoSleep Podcast Players are: David Cummings, Jessica McEvoy, Peter Lewis, Corinne Sanders, David Ault, Alexis Bristowe, Mike DelGaudio, Nikolle Doolin, Rock Manor, Susan Knowles, Otis Jiry, Tisha Boone, Brian Mansi, Rima Chaddha Mycynek, Sammy Raynor, Nichole Goodnight, and C.K. Walker. Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings & Brandon Boone "New Fish" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski The NoSleep Podcas...

It's episode 1 - the Season Premiere of Season 5. We have five tales to kick off the new season featuring stories about chilling childhood memories, alarming artwork, and devilish diners. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "Do You Remember the Lullaby Girl?" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by Jessica McEvoy & Elle Hama. (Story starts at 00:04:30) "Radio Silence" written by M.N. Malone and read by Rock Manor. (Story starts at 00:17:05) "Pictures of a Nightmare" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by David Cummings & Otis Jiry. (Story starts at 00:30:05) "Painting of a Hallway" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings, Mike DelGaudio, Alexis Bristowe, and Rock Manor. (Story starts at 00:52:00) "Free Coffee with Order of Pie" written by Michael Marks and read by Mike DelGaudio, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:16:00) Click here to learn more about William...

It's episode 2 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about menacing monsters, mental madness, and freezing frights. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "I Thanked the Man Who Murdered My Only Friend" written by Manen Lyset and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:05) "The Studio Audience" written by Manen Lyset and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:18:05) "The Jack Monster" written by William Dalphin and read by Peter Lewis, Otis Jiry, Sophia Alesdair, & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:28:45) "Every Computer Makes Mistakes" written by Aaron Ware and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:57:05) "I Regret Ever Working In The South Pole" written by Sam Marduk and read by Mike DelGaudio, Jessica McEvoy, Corinne Sanders, Peter Lewis, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:27:55) Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset Click here to lear...

It's episode 3 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about confounded cops, scared siblings, and gone girls. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "I Love My Big Sister" written by Amy S and read by Corinne Sanders, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:20) "Ruined Sheets" written by Kristopher Mallory and read by Sammy Raynor, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:12:45) "Pop Go the People" written by Christine Druga and read by Peter Lewis and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:26:20) "Don't Make Eye Contact With the Mannequins" written by Alex White and read by Brian Crawford and David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:43:55) "Tourist Mine" written by Anton Scheller and read by Mike DelGaudio, Jessica McEvoy, and David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:05:45) "I Found a Dead Girl’s Diary" written by L. Chan and read by Jessica McEvoy, N...

It's episode 4 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about compelling creatures, callous cuisine, and creepy communications. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Scarecrow" written by Liam Hogan and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:04:40) "Mummer Man" written by David Sharrock and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:18:35) "Long Pig" written by Jack Blakeslee and read by James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:43:40) "My Name is Jennifer and I Live Alone" written by J. Chastel and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:01:10) "Flight 370" written by M.N. Malone and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:11:45) Click here to discover more about Brandon Boone's music Click here to learn more about Liam Hogan Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings "Scarecrow" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski This podcast ...

It's episode 5 of Season 5. It's episode 5 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about ghoulish games, grasping groups, and glassy graves. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "I Used to Hack Baby Monitors" written by Manen Lyset and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "The Puzzlers' Box" written by Andrew Harmon and read by Nichole Goodnight & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:19:55) "The Atlas Room" written by Leonard Petracci and read by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:38:00) "The D&D Group" written by Fernando Espino and read by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio & Rock Manor & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:54:35) "Madness Above the Clouds" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:41:15) Click here to discover more about Podcasting 101 Click here to discover more about the Sonic Society Click he...

Due to unexpected circumstances we need to take a week off in between S5E05 and S5E06. We'll be back with S5E06 on March 22. In the meantime, please enjoy this production of "The Mouth of God" by author Ramsey Shehadeh. This story was originally produced by David Cummings for the great audio fiction podcast, "The Drabblecast". Special thanks to Norm Sherman of The Drabblecast for allowing me to share this production with you. Click here to discover more about The Drabblecast "The Mouth of God" produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings Narrated by: David Cummings and Jessica McEvoy ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 6 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about nasty noises, ghostly gals, carnivorous creatures. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Beeping Sound" written by Vincent Pisani and read by Alexis Bristowe & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "The Splash" written by M.N. Malone and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:23:10) "The Initiation of Ryan Cadle" written by Doug Hantke and read by Peter Lewis and Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:36:40) "Now & Forever" written by Harlan Guthrie and read by Rock Manor & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:59:40) "Sleep Tight" written by Anton Scheller and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:16:35) "I Used to Work Night Security At A Zoo" written by the team of: Rafael Marmol, Catriona Richards, StandardPractice, the itch, ...

It's episode 7 of Season 5. We have five tales this week from the rivers, lakes, and forests of nature to the unnatural confines of a cement cell. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "What I Found" written by Keith McDuffee and read by Channe Nolen & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:20) "She Was Such a Sweetie Pie" written by Keith McDuffee and read by David Cummings & Channe Nolen & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:21:20) "I Spent Two Years in Hell" written by Seamus Coffey and read by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:45:35) "Salt in the Dark River" written by Brian Martinez and read by David Ault & Peter Lewis & Channe Nolen & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:05:30) "The Tree House" written by The Claverhouse Email Series and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:38:20) Click here to learn more about The Faculty of Horror podcast Click here to learn more about Keith McDuf...

This bonus episode is...there are no words. It is indescribable. Ellen M. asks, "Does Anyone Know a Good Plumber?" Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2015. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 8 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about fiendish families, intense insanity, and devilish dolls. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Worst Thing About Growing Old" written by Eric Ponslee and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "The Prank" written by Harlan Guthrie and read by Mike DelGaudio & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:22:25) "Spring Cleaning" written by Doug Hantke and read by David Cummings & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:37:25) "The Wishing Tree" written by J. M. Kendrick and read by Mike DelGaudio & Elie Hirschman & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:51:25) "The Strange Case of James Monroe" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:02:35) "The Doll House" written by C.K. Walker and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts ...

It's episode 9 of Season 5. It's episode 9 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about villainous visions, ruinous revelations, and sinister solitude. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  "0600 Stockport" written by Catriona Richards and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:04:20) "March 29, 2015" written by Jessica M. and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:15:00) "Calls from My Grandmother" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:30:30) "The Shelter in the Mountain" written by Joel Fenton and read by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:47:50) "Most Amazing Weight Loss Treatment Ever" written by Ryan Mott and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:04:25) "Off the Beaten Path" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:12:00) Click here for the Facebook page for the movie "Room 733" Cl...

David has been sick all week so we're postponing S5E10 until next week. Keeping with the theme of sickness we present the tale, "I Don't Want to Die Without Anybody Knowing" by Edwin Crowe. "I Don't Want to Die Without Anybody Knowing" written by Edwin Crowe and read by David Cummings. Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2015. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 10 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about frightening forests, craving creatures, and paralysing possession. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales.  Trigger Warnings "Whistling from the Well" written by Michael Marks and read by Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:30) "They Walk Slowly, But They Never Stop" written by Michael Marks and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:19:25) "Mr. Wednesday" written by Edwin Crowe and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:37:55) "All Doors Lead To The Hallway" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings & Alexis Bristowe & Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:59:30) "The Baby-Fruit Tree in Bleachers Woods" written by Kevin Thomas and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 01:22:50) "A Possessed Ho...

It's episode 11 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about quantum quandries, bedeviled buildings, and alluring ladies. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  "PHDSD - A Case Study" written by Lincoln Wexler and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "I Fell In Love With My Best Friend" written by J.P. Carver and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy & Iris Orion. (Story starts at 00:20:05) "One Last Customer" written by Shaun Young and read by Elie Hirschman & David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:52:55) "The Siren of the Sound" written by Kristopher J Patten and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:03:40) "The Sealed Building" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 01:28:20) Click here to learn more about (and read) The Nosleep eBooks Click here to learn more about J.P....

It's episode 12 of Season 5. We have four tales this week featuring stories about creepy kids, ruinous romance, and divine devils. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first tale. Trigger Warnings "The Oddkids" written by Sarah Piper and read by David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:03:55) "I Knew He Was Cheating On Me" written by Charles Corcoran and read by Alexis Bristowe & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:59:25) "The Church's Grimm" written by Cam Smith and read by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:12:30) "A White iPhone 4S" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy & Tisha Boone & Alexis Bristowe & Nichole Goodnight & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:35:15) Click here to learn more about Sarah Piper Click here to learn more about Nikolle Doolin Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio Click here to contact Alexis Bristowe Click here to learn more about Tish...

It's episode 13 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about reanimated romance, paralyzing predators, and military madness. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. Trigger Warnings "My Wife Cooked Me Dinner" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "Hitler's Favorite Concentration Camp" written by Dennis Acosta and read by David Cummings & Otis Jiry. (Story starts at 00:29:20) "The Record" written by Andrew Harmon and read and co-produced by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:04:50) "The Crushing Fist" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:15:20) "Gristle" written by Sarah Piper and read by Corinne Sanders & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:46:40) Click here for the special Trifecta episode of The Drabblecast Click here to learn more about Rona Vas...

It's episode 14 of Season 5. We have four tales this week featuring stories about utterly unwelcome beings from homes, prisons, forests, and schools. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. Trigger Warnings "Strange Things" written by Paige Fane and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "Super Max Dreams" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:25:25) "The Donacrann" written by K. M. and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:07:20) "An Incident at My School" written by Paul Bae and read by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:42:35) Click here for the USA Today article Click here to learn more about Erika Sanderson Click here to learn more about Marcus Damanda Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio Click here to learn more about Jesse...

It's episode 15 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about chilling childhoods, encroaching entities, and scholastic screams. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. Trigger Warnings "Gamer" written by R.D. Ovenfriend and read by Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 00:04:05) "Happy Childhood" written by Maggie Webster and read by Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:22:22) "Obscurity Man" written by Braedon Balko and read & co-produced by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:33:45) "I Found a Laptop" written by Quentin Mayhew and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:54:15) "God Made Girls" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:13:10) "An Incident at My School II" written by Paul Bae and read by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:27:45) Click here to learn more about ...

It's episode 16 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about unnatural nature, morbid memories, and terrifying tenants. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. Trigger Warnings "The Ant King" written by William Dalphin and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:25) "The Anomaly" written by Luke Hartwick and read by Jeff Clement & Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:24:25) "Corn" written by I.B. Kharibian and read by L. Bentley & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:50:35) "Renovations" written by Sarah Piper and read by Susan Knowles & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:12:30) "I Should Have Known" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:41:50) Click here for the iTunes page for The Black Tapes Podcast Click here to learn more about Chilling Tales for Dark Nights Click here to learn mo...

It's episode 17 of Season 5. We celebrate four years of The NoSleep Podcast with six stories about fractured families, desolate destinations, and nasty nocturnal admissions. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first four tales. Trigger Warnings "The Perfect Family" written by L. Matuse and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:12:35) "From Hell, You Must Entertain Heaven" written by Alice Lily and read by David Ault & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:29:55) "Love, Abby" written by L. Stark and read by Corinne Sanders & Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:55:55) "The Screaming Starts At Midnight" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:13:15) "Elsewhere, Kentucky" written by Seamus Coffey and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:42:55) "Nearby" written by Michael Whitehouse and...

It's episode 18 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about wicked weather, wretched relationships, and frightening farm fields. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. Trigger Warnings "Soft White Damn" written by M.J. Pack with narration and full production by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:04:20) "The Apartment Across the Street" written by Ryden Armani and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:35) "Your Body and You" written by E.R. Embry and read by Mike DelGaudio & Tisha Boone & Brandon Boone & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:36:10) "My Summer With Grandma" written by Seamus Coffey and read by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 01:08:15) "Bianca" written by John Contad and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:22:30) "The Well Went Bad on the Pierson Farm" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings & Nikoll...

It's episode 19 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about insidious inhabitants, harmful helpers, and hideous hidden history. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. Trigger Warnings "I Investigate Hauntings For a Living" written by Paige Fane and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:15) "We Tried to Keep Them Out" written by J. Pfeiffer and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:25:30) "Your Local Small Town Library" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Nikolle Doolin & Susan Knowles & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:51:45) "The Day I Didn't Get on the Bus" written by Jackson Laughlin and read by Sammy Raynor. (Story starts at 01:11:45) "The Lost Town of Deepwood, Pennsylvania" written by C.K.Walker and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:26:00) Click here for ...

We're off this week but don't want to leave you empty-handed...or with empty ears. To show you our undying love we present the tale, "The Spider of My Love" by John Contad. We'll be back with S5E20 next week. "The Spider of My Love" written by John Contad and read by David Cummings. Click here to learn more about John Contad Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2015. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 20 of Season 5. We have six tales this week featuring stories about otherworldly creatures and the devil incarnate. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Need Not Apply" written by Ryan Grind and read by Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "The Real 'Men in Black'" written by C.M. Monroe and read by Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:16:20) "My Grandfather's Last Story" written by Michael Marks and read by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 00:28:00) "My Girlfriend's Loving Limbs" written by John Contad and read by Aiko van Wingerden & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:55:50) "Grayson's Statement" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:16:35) "She Beneath the Tree" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:42:35) Click here to...

It's episode 21 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about sinister stalkers, mystical madness, and static cling. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "My Momma and Aunt June" written by C.T. and read by Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:04:55) "Why I Nailed Shut My Cat Flap" written by Louise H. and read by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:32:00) "Letters to Stephen King" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:50:50) "Nightmares" written by Edward Stillson Day and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:03:10) "My Family Was on the Run" written by The NoSleep Writing Team* and read by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:28:05) *The NoSleep Writing Team members: Andrew Harmon, Catriona Richards, T.W. Grim, Trevor Boelter, Manen Lyset, & Karae Vickery...

It's episode 22 of Season 5. We have four tales this week featuring stories about sonorous spirits, mystical muses, and suspending suspense. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Voices in the Spirit Box" written by Michael Marks and read by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:03:55) "My Grandfather's Journal" written by Paul Bae and read by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Jeff Clement & Paul Bae & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:31:50) "Out from the Ashes" written by Michael Kemp & C.K.Walker & Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Tim Valencia & Iris Orion. (Story starts at 01:03:30) "Beacon House" written by Raymond Taylor and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:28:30) Click here to learn more about Michael Marks Click here to learn more about Paul Bae Click here to learn more about Micha...

It's episode 23 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about chilling children, sadistic science, and atrocious avians. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. Trigger Warnings "The Girl in the Shed" written by Manen Lyset and read by Tim Valencia & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:15) "The Week It Rained" written by Blair Heirs and read by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:26:05) "The House That Ate My Sister" written by Caity Reaburn and read by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:02:50) "The Horrible and Awe-Inspiring Experiments of Dr. Kalivaki" written by Jackson Laughlin and read by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:13:25) "The Pigeons Around Here Aren't Real" written by Manen Lyset and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:41:25) Click here to become a Season Pass member! Click here to learn more about ...

It's episode 24 of Season 5. We have five tales this week featuring stories about horrific houses, cadaverous kids, and haunted history. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Midnight in the Pendulum House" written by M.N. Malone and read by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "House Moravec" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:27:50) "Visiting Mrs. Burnage" written by Michael Kemp and read by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:55:20) "I Can't Disappoint My Father" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:05:40) "As Helen Remembered It" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:20:50) Click here for Brandon Boone's Patreon page Click here for Chilling Tales for Dark Nig...

It's episode 25 - the Season 5 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of Amity Argot's epic tale, "The Whistlers". "The Whistlers" written by Amity Argot and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:04:55) Click here to see the first NoSleep Podcast T-shirt design Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio Click here to learn more about Jesse Cornett Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. "The Whistlers" illustration courtesy of Sabu ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

During the break between seasons 5 and 6 we'll be featuring two episodes featuring stories from the Season Pass 4 feed. Enjoy these stories and the keep you sleepless between seasons. "The Stump" written by Ashley Franz Holzmann and read by David Cummings & Jonathan Jones & Jessica McEvoy. Co-produced by Jonathan Jones. (Story starts at 00:01:45) "The Wilson Ranch Incident" written by Victor King and read by Jessica McEvoy & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Alex Beal & Kyle Akers & Tisha Boone & Brian Mansi & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:36:00) Click here to order your Season Pass 6 Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

During the break between seasons 5 and 6 we'll be featuring two episodes featuring stories from the Season Pass 4 feed. Enjoy these stories and the keep you sleepless between seasons. Trigger Warnings"My Mother's Roses" written by Michael Marks and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:03:00)   "The Lovers" written by Michael Marks and read by David Cummings & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:34:15)     Click here for the Season Pass order page.   Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 1 - the Season Premiere of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about bedroom bugaboos, missing minors, and illogical liftoffs and landings. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales.  Trigger Warnings "The Strange Death of Arthur Warden" written by M.N. Malone and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "Black on Black" written by S.M. Piper and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:22:40) "My Guardian Angel" written by Caity Reaburn and read by Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:58:00) "Missing" written by L. Stark and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:08:50) "I Was an Air Traffic Controller" written by Milos Bogetic and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:20:20) Click here to enter our Season 6 Sleepless Contest C...

It's episode 2 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about keeping your eyes on things both seen and unseen. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Why I Stopped Babysitting" written by Eleni Vassiliadis and read by Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:20) "One Bad Case of Pink-Eye" written by the team of Catriona Richards, María G, Matthew Shuck, and Ian Harmening and read by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:16:00) "Locking Himself In" written by Luke Hartwick and read by Peter Lewis & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:46:55) "How Much?" written by Samuel J. Scolari and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:02:50) "Mr. Pershing" written by T. G. Shippen and read by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Rima Chaddha Mycenyk & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:24:15) Click here to enter our Season 6 ...

It's episode 3 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister sounds from siblings and strangers. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. Trigger Warnings "South of Seattle" written by Andrew Best and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:03:45) "My Ex Won’t Stop Texting Me" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:16:40) "It's Not So Bad" written by Michael Orzechowski and read by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:28:45) "I Can Always Hear The Screaming When It Rains" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:00:55) "My Brother Kept Talking" written by Robert Ahern and read by Mike DelGaudio & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 01:18:10) Click here for Brandon Boone's free music during October! Click here for Jack Werner's Swedish language horror podc...

It's episode 4 of Season 6. On this week's show we have four tales about lingering lodgers, lucky legends, and diabolical do-gooders. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "The Spare Room" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:02:55) "Those Who Hunt Monsters" written by Harlan Guthrie and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:26:40) "Good Luck" written by Manen Lyset and read by Alexis Bristowe & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:02:15) "The Paris Green Solution" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:20:25) Click here to learn more about Gabrielle Loux Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse Click here to learn more about Harlan Guthrie Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset Click here to learn more about Marcus Damanda Click here to learn more about David Ault Click...

It's episode 5 of Season 6. On this week's show we have six tales about tremulous technology, looming locations, and superfluous superstitions. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. Trigger Warnings "On Spiderbite Key" written by L.O. Phillips and read by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "Emergency Dispatch" written by Megan Rose Thomas and read by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:27:20) "Manufacturer Recall" written by M. Grant and read by L. Bentley & Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:39:10) "I Was Born an Ill Omen" written by Nat Prance and read by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 01:05:10) "I Have Two Bodies" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:24:00) "One Night in Slawson Furnace" written by M.N. Malone and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:35:00) Click here to learn more about...

It's episode 6 of Season 6 - Our Special 2015 Halloween Show with six tales about All Hallow's Eve. "Through The Mask" written by Jeff McFarland and read by Mike DelGaudio & Elle Hama & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:04:30) "On the Eve" written by J.P. Carver and read by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:19:20) "Burn" written by C.K.Walker and read by David Cummings & Jessica McEvoy & Elle Hama. (Story starts at 00:40:00) "I Dare You" written by Grant Riley and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 01:03:30) "89.1" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by David Ault & Jeff Clement & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:29:10) "The Last Halloween" written by William Dalphin and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:52:30) Click here to learn more about Jeff McFarland ...

It's episode 7 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about playground peril, sinister snooping, and diabolical debauchery. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "The Swing" written by Dan David and fully produced, narrated, and scored by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "Uncle Gerry’s Family Fun Zone" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:34:20) "Don't Lie to Your Kids" written by Andrew Best and read by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:18:00) "Mr. Sweetly" written by Jack Mason and read by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:23:20) "Something Wrong is Happening in Las Vegas" written by Cassandra Souchek and read by Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:42:30) Click here and use the promo code NOSLEEP299 for a membership at Chilling Tales for Dark Nights  Click here...

It's episode 8 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about channeling children, abhorrent apartments, and agonizing animation. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Sure to Follow" written by M.J. Pack and fully produced, narrated, and scored by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "Rooms Available for Cheap" written by CJ Robinson and read by Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:21:10) "A Strange Call" written by Matt Spire and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings & Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:51:00) "Alternative Medicine" written by Max Aaron and read by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:04:00) "Persistence of Vision" written by Alex Beyman and read by David Cummings & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:13:50) Click here to hear "Soft White Damn," the first tale on episode S5E18 (starts at 04:20)  Click here for the TANIS podcast ...

It's episode 9 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about undead urchins, miniature misery, and frightening filth. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "We Were Wrong About the Zombie Apocalypse" written by Rhonda Hussey and read by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "Sleepless" written by L. Chan and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:21:10) "In the Backyard" written by Manen Lyset and read by Aiko van Wingerden. (Story starts at 00:59:00) "The Ballad of Sadie and Madeline" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:09:40) "Be Careful Whose Messes You Clean Up" written by Dylan Pecelli and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 01:34:30)   Click here to learn more about artist Matthew Kocanda  Click here for the podcast's Facebook page  Click here for the podcast's Twitter page  Click here for the podcast's...

It's episode 10 of Season 6. On this week's show we have six tales about the maniacal manipulation of victims by phantasmagorical fiends. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Greetings, Janet" written by Keith McDuffee and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "Collecting Clocks" written by Michael Blake and read by Mike DelGaudio & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:15:30) "The Medicine Was Black" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:33:45) "They Told Me to Stay Out of the Basement" written by Michael Orzechowski and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:04:00) "I Give Children Nightmares" written by Jackson Laughlin and read by Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:15:45) "My Husband Saw Something Terrible" written by N. Luca and read by Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:40:15) Click here for the No...

It's episode 11 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about the terrors of being trapped in tangible torment. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "A Father's Revenge" written by G.B. Scott and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:00) "The Fires Beneath Centralia, Pennsylvania" written by Jon Patrick and read by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 00:27:45) "Sleep Scientist" written by N. Luca and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:43:20) "The Grinding" written by Alex Beyman and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:14:10) "The Dry Man" written by S.M. Piper and read by Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:54:55) Click here for our Contributors page  Click here to learn more about N. Luca  Click here to learn more about Alex Beyman  Click here to learn more about S.M. Piper  Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis  Click here to learn more about Jesse Cornett  Click her...

It's episode 12 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about tormented tots, cautioning creatures, and monstrous meltdowns. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Dad Was a Safety Officer at Chernobyl" written by Max Aaron and read by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:05:10) "I've Had My Dog Since the Day I Was Born" written by Milos Bogetic and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:15:45) "Hiking in New Hampshire" written by Max Aaron and read by Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:35:40) "Olivia" written by H. K. Reyes and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:52:10) "The House in the Field" written by Elias Witherow and read by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:13:30) Click here for Wil Dalphin's GoFundMe campaign  Click here for the Liberty audio drama podcast  Click here to learn more about Max Aaron  Click here to l...

It's episode 13 of Season 6 and time for our 2015 Christmas special featuring stories about frightening festive fears. "Christmas Tree Camera" written by Manen Lyset and read by Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:08:40) "All Children Look the Same" written by David Ault and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:15:25) "Someone, Somewhere, is Lonelier Than I Am" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:54:35) "Silent Night" written by Liam Hogan and read by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 01:35:35) "Tales of a Mall Santa" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:49:20) "The Good Thomas Shea" written by Victor King and read by Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders & Jesse Cornett & Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 02:08:00) Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset  Click here to learn more about David ...

The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring a Season 5 classic tale from author Paul Bae: "An Incident at My School". "An Incident at My School" written by Paul Bae and read by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:03:00) Click here for Paul Bae's book: "You Suck, Sir"  Click here for Pacific Northwest Stories Network  Click here to learn more about Jesse Cornett  Click here to learn more about Erika Sanderson  Click here to learn more about Jessica McEvoy  Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. Audio program ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 14 of Season 6. On this week's show we have four tales about supernatural settings and perils from the past. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Old Florida Boat Trip" written by R.L. Erisman and read by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "That Old Chicken Coop" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:28:30) "Hotel Necessity" written by Doug Hantke and read by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & David Ault & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:07:00) "My Old Best Friend" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:49:55) Click here for Rona Vaselaar's book, "Colors of Death"  Click here for Doug Hantke's book, "No Motive for Murder"  Click here to Doug Hantke's sequel, "God's Game"  Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio  Click here to learn mo...

It's episode 15 of Season 6. On this week's show we have six tales about sadistic slayings and subcutaneous sneaks. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Follicles of Fear" written by Manen Lyset & Andrew Harmon and read by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "The Prince Edward Viaduct" written by Luke Hartwick and read by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:20:20) "The Defense Attorney" written by Jackson Laughlin and read by Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:32:30) "They Move Through the Trains" written by Henry Galley and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:53:40) "My Dog Was Lost" written by M. P. Camus and read by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 01:13:00) "The House Sitters" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:39:40) Click here to enter the "Hide and Seek" audioboo...

It's episode 16 of Season 6. On this week's show we have five tales about terminal terminations and sinister searches. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Is There Life After Death?" written by Michael Whitehouse and read by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:04:20) "Close the Door and Have a Seat" written by M.J. Pack and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:22:00) "The Kids in Cold Creek" written by R. F. Krupa and read by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:42:30) "Please Avoid Open Water" written by R. Brauer and read by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 01:13:50) "The Proselyte" written by Keith McDuffee and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:30:50) Click here for the Chilling Tales Podcast  Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse  Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack  Click here to learn more about R....

It's episode 17 of Season 6. On this week's show we have seven tales about terrifying traps, diabolical deals, and temporal transgressions. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Char" written by C.K.Walker and read by Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:04:35) "The Thing in the Bathroom" written by Malcolm Teller and read by Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:20:30) "The Pit" written by E. L. Brym and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:39:40) "My Friend from College" written by Lauren Munera and read by David Cummings & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:05:00) "No Photo to Sleep" written by A. Gin and read by James Cleveland & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:15:50) "The Crimson Dandelion" written by Nick Lardon and read by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 01:37:15) "The Journal of Soul Selling" written by Doug Hantke and ...

It's episode 18 of Season 6. On this week's show we have six tales about visceral visions, cantankerous curses, and wicked wilderness. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Black Magic" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Corinne Sanders & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:04:05) "Nurse's Training" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:15:20) "My Grandmother’s Doll" written by Henry Galley and read by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:27:05) "Bacon Came Back" written by M.J. Pack and read by David Cummings & Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:51:00) "To The New Caretaker of Checkerspot Island" written by E. Blackburn and read by Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:08:10) "Search and Rescue – Pt. 1" written by R. Brauer and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe & Tisha Boone. (Story starts at 01:32...

It's episode 19 of Season 6. On this week's show we have six tales about visceral visions, cantankerous curses, and wicked wilderness. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "The Codex" written by Malcolm Teller and read by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "Recluse" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:27:50) "Animal Crackers" written by Manen Lyset and read by Elie Hirschman. (Story starts at 01:05:55) "Dial Tone" written by Max Aaron and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:16:15) "The Monsters are Already Here" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Peter Lewis & Aiko van Wingerden. (Story starts at 01:29:40) "Search and Rescue – Pt. 2" written by R. Brauer and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 01:56:20) Click here to learn more about Malcolm Teller  Click here to learn more about Jimmy Juliano  Click here to learn m...

On this special Valentine's episode we have five tales reeking from the repulsive regions of romantic relationships. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Our Anniversary" written by Harlan Guthrie and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "The Bonds of Marriage" written by Jesse Rose and read by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:19:30) "Forever, Always" written by M.J. Pack and read by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:20:10) "I Loved Her" written by Kerry H. and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:34:30) "Search and Rescue – Pt. 3" written by R. Brauer and read by Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:58:45) Click here to learn more about Harlan Guthrie  Click here to learn more about Jesse Rose  Click here to learn m...

On this week's show we have six tales about crazed critters, institutional insanity, and terrifying timber. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Paper Girl" written by C.M. Scandreth and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:04:00) "The Fourteenth Floor" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Jessica McEvoy & Tisha Boone & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:18:40) "Chyandour" written by Keith McDuffee and read by Dan Zappulla & Carrsan Morrissey & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:33:55) "Ludlow Sanitarium" written by Howard Moxley and read by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:01:35) "The Lost Little Puppy" written by Michael Kemp and read by David Cummings & Elie Hirschman & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:14:35) "Search and Rescue – Pt. 4" written by R. Brauer and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Dan Zappulla & Tim Valencia & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 01...

On this week's show we have six tales about churlish children, fiendish friends, and a forest finale. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "I Was an Observant Child" written by Lauren Munera and read by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:50) "Don’t Touch That Dial" written by Alex Beyman and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:18:00) "Undying Love" written by Michael Marks and read by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:36:20) "Blue Dollars" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 01:01:40) "Wearing Black" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:25:00) "Search and Rescue – Pt. 5" written by R. Brauer and read by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 02:06:15) Click here to learn more about Lauren Munera  Click here to learn more abo...

On this week's show we have five tales about medical madness, psychotic sleeping, reaping revenge. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first three tales. "Ten Days, Ten Pills" written by Elias Witherow and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "Does It Hurt When You Sleep?" written by Kerry H. and read by Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:23:45) "We All Love Feeling Scared" written by Matt Dymerski and read by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:49:00) "Shambles" written by Kerry H. and read by David Ault. (Story starts at 01:17:20) "The Reaping of Bobby Ward" written by Keith McDuffee and read by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:34:50) Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow  Click here to learn more about Kerry H.  Click here to learn more about Matt Dymerski  Click here to learn more about Keith McDuffee  Click here...

On this week's show we have five tales about devilish duties, anarchic arachnids, and hateful housing. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first two tales. "Lost" written by Jeff McFarland and read by Atticus Jackson & Tim Valencia & Carrsan Morrissey & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:03:00) "Do You Love Her?" written by Keith McDuffee and read by Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:19:30) "The Creature of Kotch, Ohio" written by Alexander P. Pape and read by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 01:01:30) "The Oregon Shriek" written by E.Z. Morgan and read by Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:19:00) "Our House on Coffey Hill" written by Rona Vaselaar and read by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:38:50) Click here to learn more about Jeff McFarland  Click here to learn more about Keith McDuffee  Click here to learn more about Ale...

It's episode 25 - the Season Finale of Season 6. We conclude our season with four tales about otherworldly visions surrounding our reality. "Every Leaf is a Flower" written by M.J. Pack and fully produced, narrated, and scored by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:04:10) "The Highway" written by Jeff McFarland and read by Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:14:40) "Creeping Crimson" written by Michael Marks and read by Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Otis Jiry & Nichole Goodnight & Carrsan Morrissey. (Story starts at 00:32:00) "Better Days" written by Robert Ahern and read by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & David Ault & Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:13:00) Click here to hear "Soft White Damn," the first tale on episode S5E18 (starts at 04:20)  Click here to hear "Sure to Follow," the first tale on episode S6E08 (starts at 04:45)  Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack  Click here to learn more about Je...

We're in-between Season 6 and 7 so to tide you over during the hiatus we're presenting a story from Season 5: Beacon House by Raymond Taylor. "Beacon House" written by Raymond Taylor and read by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. Click here to pre-order Season Pass 7  Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio  Click here to learn more about Nikolle Doolin  Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Important Announcement! This is an important announcement about the future of the podcast. Some call him "Kit Duncan"Thanks to vigilant whistleblower Mike DelGaudioPodcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

We're in-between Season 6 and 7 so to tide you over during the hiatus we're presenting a story from Season 5: As Helen Remembered It by Marcus Damanda. "As Helen Remembered It" written by Marcus Damanda and read by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. Click here to pre-order Season Pass 7  Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio  Click here to learn more about Nikolle Doolin  Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 1 - the Season Premiere of Season 7. We kick off our new season with five tales about punishing pursuits, shocking slumber, and morbid memories. "The Earth, the Air, and You" written by M.J. Pack and production, main narration, and score by Jeff Clement. Featuring performances by Nikolle Doolin, Erika Sanderson, Jessica McEvoy, and Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:03:40) "The Mary Hillenbrand Cassette" written by Jimmy Juliano and read by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts at 00:29:30) "The Nightmare" written by Harlan Guthrie and read by Brian Mansi & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:06:20) "Have You Seen This Girl?" written by Alex Green and read by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:19:00) "The Tall Dog" written by Elias Witherow and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:34:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to hear "Part 1 - Sof...

It's episode 2 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about sickening cyberspace, woeful waiting, and unsettling understanding. "The Pocket Watch" written by C.K.Walker and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:30) "I Have the Touch" written by Greg Cypress and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:13:45) "Soundman" written by Zach Owen and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Carrsan Morrissey & Elie Hirschman & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 00:37:00) "An Internet Mystery" written by Kevin Sharp and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:02:45) "Social Media" written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:25:45) "If You Want to Live, Look Down" written by Click here to learn more about Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:51:2...

It's episode 2 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about the creepy things which get into your mind and body. "She's Waiting in the Reflection" written by Micah Edwards and performed by Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Corinne Sanders & Rebecca Peason. (Story starts at 00:02:50) "Tampon Recall" written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:21:10) "Moniathan's Nest" written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:34:00) "The Super Bowl Party"** written by M.J. Pack and performed by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:04:50) "The Bonfire Girls"* written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Dan Zappulla & Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight & Tisha Boone & Erika Sanderson. (Wearing Black (prequel) starts at 01:20:30 - The Bonfire Girls starts at 02:02:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podca...

It's episode 4 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about motherly memories, miserable minors, and medical malfeasance. "Backwater Lullaby" written by Kerry H. and performed by Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 00:02:45) "A Series Of Strange Occurrences" written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:09:30) "A Very Bad Place to Hide" written by Max Aaron and performed by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 00:27:15) "The Zoo for Bad People" written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:42:15) "The Lighthouse Boy"* written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:59:00) "The 1% - Pt. 1"** written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:26:25) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more...

It's episode 5 of Season 7. On this week's show we have four tales about agonizing anatomy, sinister siblings, and bloodcurdling barflies. "Soft Teeth" written by Max Aaron and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:02:50) "A Seaside British Pub" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Brian Mansi & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:09:40) "My Sister's Laptop"* written by Onyx O. and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:01:20) "The 1% - Pt. 2"** written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders & Dan Zappula. (Story starts at 01:31:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to listen to the Frightful Failures Podcast  Click here to learn more about Max Aaron  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click here to learn more about Onyx O.  Click here to learn more about E.Z. Morgan  Executi...

It's episode 6 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about household horrors, terrifying transmissions, and dastardly doctors. "I Love my Grandparents' Fireplace"* written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:04:15) "Ten-Twenty" written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:30:10) "I'm Having Some Problems with My Mirror" written by M.P. Hill and performed by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:10:00) "The Proposition"** written by Michael Waldrep and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:19:30) "The 1% - Pt. 3"** written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:45:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more ...

It's episode 7 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about unseen terrors, lubricious limbs, and the bloodiest of bloodlines. "Bilderberg Road" written by Kevin Cullen and performed by Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & David Ault & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts at 00:03:00) "Phantom Possession Syndrome"* written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:27:25) "The Highway Dancer" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 00:54:30) "A Homeless Man Died in a Parking Lot"** written by Braden Stevenson and performed by Corinne Sanders & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:11:10) "The Crimson Candle" written by Manen Lyset and performed by Matthew Bradford. (Story starts at 01:23:25) "The 1% - Finale"** written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristow...

It's episode 8 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister savages stalking in stealth. "How Did I Ever Get Into This Mess?" written by Malcom Teller and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts at 00:02:20) "Dark Circles in the Ocean" written by Elias Witherow and performed by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:22:40) "Murder in Apartment 308" written by Emma Smith and performed by Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 00:38:35) "Down in the Library Basement"* written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts at 00:58:10) "Long Haul"** written by Dustin Chisam and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:31:35) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Malcom Teller  Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow  Click here to learn more about Rona Vaselaar ...

It's episode 9 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about broken brains, menacing messages, and wretched rebirth. "The Slog" written by Alex Beyman and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:03:20) "Purity Falls" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:16:30) "The Fake Cemetery on Richmond Road" written by Manen Lyset & Brandon Boone and performed by Dan Zappulla & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:37:25) "Late Night" written by Kerry H. and performed by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:06:40) "Meltdown"** written by M.J. Pack and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:16:20) "Feed the Pig"** written by Elias Witherow and performed by Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:43:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Alex Beyman  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click...

It's episode 10 of Season 7 - Our 5th Anniversary Celebration. On the show we have six tales about devilish desires, sinister sights, and agonizing anniversaries. "The Black Paths of Sheol" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:07:15) "Bennington Snodgrass Goes Courting" written by D.G. Collins and performed by David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts at 00:27:00) "Is Anyone Else Feeling Thirsty?"* written by Henry Galley and performed by Brian Mansi & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:50:00) "Memories in the Mirror" written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:13:50) "The Last Letter of Marcus Finch"** written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & James Cleveland. (Story starts at 01:34:45) "Anniversary" written by Kerry H. and performed by Matthew Bradford & James Cleveland & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 02:03:20) Click here to learn more ab...

It's episode 11 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about the frightening fiends found in friends and families. "I Got a Sister for my Seventh Birthday"** written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:02:35) "The Suicide Engine" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:17:15) "My Uncle Ford"* written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:32:30) "Placement" written by Keith McDuffee and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis & Rima Chaddha Mycynek. (Story starts at 01:00:25) "Johnny’s Notebook"** written by Benjamin Robb and performed by Matthew Bradford & Carrsan Morrisey & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:28:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to hear how you can get Season Pass...

It's episode 12 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about family frights, vexing visits, and bilious bottles. "The Djinn Bottle"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault. (Story starts at 00:07:10) "My Sister Was Murdered"** written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:29:55) "The Moondance Drive-in Theater"** written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:49:40) "The Thing in the Yard"** written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Corinne Sanders & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:07:35) "Separation Anxiety" written by Elliott E.D. and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:20:00) "When Hell Comes Knocking" written by Elias Witherow and performed by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:42:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click ...

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It's episode 13 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about diabolical descendants, distressing diaries, and devilish deception. Dead Milk written by Elias Witherow and performed by Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:05:20) The Morozova Gift written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:26:30) Family Tree written by Max Aaron and performed by Matt Bradford & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:48:55) Molten written by Kerry H. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:07:40) Honey in Your Tea written by H. Fern and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:16:40) The Devil’s Toy Box written by Joel Farrelly and performed by Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:36:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "Molten" illustration courtesy of Unka Odya Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about diabolical descendants, distressing diaries, and devilish deception. "Dead Milk"** written by Elias Witherow and performed by Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:05:20) "The Morozova Gift"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:26:30) "Family Tree"** written by Max Aaron and performed by Matt Bradford & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:48:55) "Molten" written by Kerry H. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:07:40) "Honey in Your Tea" written by H. Fern and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:16:40) "The Devil’s Toy Box"* written by Joel Farrelly and performed by Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:36:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow  Click...

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It's episode 14 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about the mental mayhem, cursed creatures, and lingering lesions. Molly Malone and Her Keyhole Tattoo** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:06:15) The Buzzer** written by Chessie S. and performed by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:20:40) Rita written by Kerry H. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:32:00) The Children in Our Family Are Cursed** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:59:00) How I Got My New Dog** written by Henry Galley and performed by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:17:30) The Silent Treatment* written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "Molly Malone and Her Keyhole Tattoo" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 14 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about the mental mayhem, cursed creatures, and lingering lesions. "Molly Malone and Her Keyhole Tattoo"** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:03:15) "The Buzzer"** written by Chessie S. and performed by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:17:40) "Rita" written by Kerry H. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:29:00) "The Children in Our Family Are Cursed"** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:56:00) "How I Got My New Dog"** written by Henry Galley and performed by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:14:30) "The Silent Treatment"* written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:34:10) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click...

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It's episode 15 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about creepy canines, disembodied distress, and shocking science. "All Fours" written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:05:20) "The Rosie Hour" written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:11:15) "Bounce" written by Taylor Allgood and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:30:50) "Memories of My Childhood Pet" written by CD Johnson and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:01:30) "A Scarecrow for God" written by Jesse Rose and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:21:00) "Eating the Machine" written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:39:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "A Scarecrow for God" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 15 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about creepy canines, disembodied distress, and shocking science. "All Fours" written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:02:20) "The Rosie Hour"** written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts at 00:08:15) "Bounce"** written by Taylor Allgood and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:27:50) "Memories of My Childhood Pet"** written by CD Johnson and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:01:30) "A Scarecrow for God"** written by Jesse Rose and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 01:21:00) "Eating the Machine"* written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:39:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on ...

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It's episode 16 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about pernicious pen pals, terrifying trespassers, and excruciating expeditions. "Miss Marni’s Teahouse"** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:05:50) "Aren't You a Sweetheart?"* written by Marcus Damanda & Manen Lyset and performed by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:23:30) "He Howls at the Moon"** written by Manen Lyset and performed by James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:14:00) "Saw an Old Friend"** written by Ariana Brickhouse and performed by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 01:27:10) "What I Saw Beneath the Riptide"** written by Elias Witherow and performed by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts around 01:41:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "What I Saw Beneath the Riptide" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about pernicious pen pals, terrifying trespassers, and excruciating expeditions. "Miss Marni’s Teahouse"** written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 00:03:05) "Aren't You a Sweetheart?"* written by Marcus Damanda & Manen Lyset and performed by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 00:20:30) "He Howls at the Moon"** written by Manen Lyset and performed by James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:14:00) "Saw an Old Friend"** written by Ariana Brickhouse and performed by Corinne Sanders. (Story starts at 01:27:10) "What I Saw Beneath the Riptide"** written by Elias Witherow and performed by Mike DelGaudio & David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:41:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here for our Listener Survey  Click here for The Founder's Report podcast (iTunes & Google Play)  Click h...

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It's episode 17 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about creepy kids, creatures, and carnivores. "Rain Berserker"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:06:30) "I Don’t Know What It Is, but It Keeps Screaming"** written by Yuki Iwama and performed by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:28:30) "There's Something Wrong with My Daughter"* written by Jade Merchant and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:44:30) "Crinklebottom"** written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Corinne Sanders & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:09:50) "Why I Refuse to Work Night Shift"** written by S.P. Daily and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Aiko van Wingerden & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:30:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "There's Something Wrong with My Daughter" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 17 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about creepy kids, creatures, and carnivores. "Rain Berserker"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "I Don’t Know What It Is, but It Keeps Screaming"** written by Yuki Iwama and performed by Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:25:30) "There's Something Wrong with My Daughter"* written by Jade Merchant and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:41:30) "Crinklebottom"** written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Corinne Sanders & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:09:50) "Why I Refuse to Work Night Shift"** written by S.P. Daily and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Aiko van Wingerden & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:30:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here for our Listener Survey  Click here to learn more about C....

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It's episode 18 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about freaky films, forbidden pharmaceuticals, and fallacious families. "The Woman Made of Glass"** written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "Dead Arm"* written by Thad Jay and performed by Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts at 00:21:15) "My Little Sister"* written by Delany Mathas and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 00:42:50) "My Grandmother Had Alzheimer's"** written by D.W. Brahms and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:09:05) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 1"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts at 01:20:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "Stolen Tongues" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 18 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about freaky films, forbidden pharmaceuticals, and fallacious families. "The Woman Made of Glass"** written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "Dead Arm"* written by Thad Jay and performed by Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:19:15) "My Little Sister"* written by Delany Mathas and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:40:50) "My Grandmother Had Alzheimer's"** written by D.W. Brahms and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:07:05) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 1"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:20:10) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to hear "Murder Castle" on...

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It's episode 19 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about fire and ice both outside and inside the human soul. "The Saskatoon Freezing Deaths"* written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:06:35) "The Graveyard Lottery"** written by G. Preeb and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:31:20) "The Banishment of Jeremiah Hart"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 01:09:40) "A Hoarder’s House"** written by Eric Dodd and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 01:28:05) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 2"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:52:35) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "A Hoarder’s House" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about fire and ice both outside and inside the human soul. "The Saskatoon Freezing Deaths"* written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts at 00:03:35) "The Graveyard Lottery"** written by G. Preeb and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts at 00:28:20) "The Banishment of Jeremiah Hart"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts at 01:09:40) "A Hoarder’s House"** written by Eric Dodd and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 01:28:05) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 2"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:52:35) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about "The Lift" podcast.  Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset  Click here to learn more about G. Pr...

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It's episode 20 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about sinister sitters, unbalanced unions, and virulent voices. "Jenny Martin"* written by Addlynn Oshua and performed by Corinne Sanders & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "My Grandma Lived Under the House"* written by M.P. Camus and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:16:00) "Continuity and Equilibrium"** written by Henry Galley and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:30:45) "Perfection"** written by Kerry H. and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts at 01:01:00) "The Psycho from Sophomore Year"** written by Matt Richardson and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:20:30) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 3"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 01:41:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "My Grandma Lived Under the House" illustration courtesy of Krzysztof Wasilewski Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 7. On this week's show we have six tales about sinister sitters, unbalanced unions, and virulent voices. "Jenny Martin"* written by Addlynn Oshua and performed by Corinne Sanders & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "My Grandma Lived Under the House"* written by M.P. Camus and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:16:00) "Continuity and Equilibrium"** written by Henry Galley and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:30:45) "Perfection"** written by Kerry H. and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts at 01:01:00) "The Psycho from Sophomore Year"** written by Matt Richardson and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:20:30) "Stolen Tongues - Pt. 3"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts at 01:41:40) Click here to learn more abou...

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It's episode 21 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about woeful workplaces, miserable memories, and possession prevention. "Sisters in the Snow"* written by James Dominguez and performed by Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "You Are What You Eat"** written by Manen Lyset & Brandon Boone and performed by Dan Zappula & Addison Peacock & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:31:30) "Real Life Horror Experience"** written by Vanessa Johansson and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McAvoy & Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:02:00) "Cubicle Farm"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:16:55) "Stolen Tongues - Finale"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:40:25) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "You Are What You Eat" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 7. On this week's show we have five tales about woeful workplaces, miserable memories, and possession prevention. "Sisters in the Snow"* written by James Dominguez and performed by Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "You Are What You Eat"** written by Manen Lyset & Brandon Boone and performed by Dan Zappula & Addison Peacock & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:31:30) "Real Life Horror Experience"** written by Vanessa Johansson and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McAvoy & Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:02:00) "Cubicle Farm"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:16:55) "Stolen Tongues - Finale"** written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:40:25) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to lea...

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It's episode 22 of Season 7. On this week's show we have four tales about the little things which creep around us in the dark. "Down in the Library Basement"* written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "I Gave Birth To Something"** written by R. Riddell and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:04:40) "I Shouldn't Have Called an Exorcist"** written by David Crabtree and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Oliver Gyani. (Story starts at 01:20:00) "The Thing in the Rust"** written by Michael Marks and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:37:00) To learn more about fundraising for the Adrian Branch Library, please go to Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "Down in the Library Basement" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 7. On this week's show we have four tales about the little things which creep around us in the dark. "Down in the Library Basement - Finale"* written by Rona Vaselaar> and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "I Gave Birth To Something"** written by R. Riddell and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:04:40) "I Shouldn’t Have Called an Exorcist"** written by David Crabtree and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Oliver Gyani. (Story starts at 01:20:00) "The Thing in the Rust"** written by Michael Marks and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 01:37:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about fundraising for the Adrian Branch Library  Click here to learn more about Rona Vaselaar  Click here to learn more about Michael Marks  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score...

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It's episode 23 of Season 7. On this week's show we have four tales about visceral visions and preternatural premonitions. "The Screaming Man"* written by G.P. Hardison and performed by Matthew Bradford & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:05:30) "63 Years Ago"** written by John S. Darwin and performed by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:43:45) "They Were Wearing Masks"** written by Henry Galley and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 01:08:45) "The Guessing Game"** written by Dante Appa and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 01:23:15) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "63 Years Ago" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 7. On this week's show we have four tales about visceral visions and preternatural premonitions. "The Screaming Man"* written by G.P. Hardison and performed by Matthew Bradford & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "63 Years Ago"** written by John S. Darwin and performed by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:41:45) "They Were Wearing Masks"** written by Henry Galley and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:08:45) "The Guessing Game"** written by Dante Appa and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:23:15) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about fundraising for the Adrian Branch Library  Click here to learn more about Henry Galley  Click here to learn more about Dante Appa  Executive Producer & Host:...

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It's episode 24 of Season 7. On this week's show we have seven tales about the cruel crimes, nefarious neighbors, and terrifying television. "The Tall Man of Briarbell, Missouri" written by C.K. Walker and performed by Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:05:20) "We Were Soap" written by Nancy M. Long and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:12:10) "An Open Letter to Reality Three" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:34:00) "A Taste Worth Savoring" written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:50:10) "The Burning House" written by Kerry H. and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:13:15) "How I Became a Vegetarian" written by Common Grackle and performed by Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:27:00) "Fairweather Nightmares" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Corinne Sanders & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:41:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings & Jeff Clement* & Phil Michalski** "The Tall Man of Briarbell, Missouri" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 24 of Season 7. On this week's show we have seven tales about the cruel crimes, nefarious neighbors, and terrifying television. "The Tall Man of Briarbell, Missouri"** written by C.K. Walker and performed by Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:03:35) "We Were Soap"** written by Nancy M. Long and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:12:10) "An Open Letter to Reality Three"** written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:34:00) "A Taste Worth Savoring"** written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:50:10) "The Burning House"** written by Kerry H. and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 01:13:15) "How I Became a Vegetarian"** written by Common Grackle and performed by Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts at 01:27:00) ...

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It's episode 25 - the finale of Season 7. On this special episode we feature The NoSleep Podcast production of C.K. Walker's "Borrasca". Starring: Matthew Bradford as Sam Walker Jessica McEvoy as Kimber Destaro Jeff Clement as Kyle Landy Erika Sanderson as Kathryn Scanlon Mike DelGaudio as Sheriff Clery Nikolle Doolin as Sam's Mother Elie Hirschman as Phil Saunders David Cummings as Thomas Prescott Special Guest Stars: Mike Flanagan as Sam’s Father Kate Siegel as Meera McCaskey Todd Faulkner as Jimmy Prescott Alison Crane as Anne Destaro Featuring: Nichole Goodnight, Atticus Jackson, Dan Zappulla, Addison Peacock, Kyle Akers, Alexis Bristowe, Corinne Sanders, Tisha Boone, and Wendy Corrigan. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "Borrasca" illustration courtesy of Sabu Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the finale of Season 7. On this special episode we feature The NoSleep Podcast production of C.K. Walker's "Borrasca". "Borrasca" written by C.K. Walker. Starring: Matthew Bradford as Sam Walker Jessica McEvoy as Kimber Destaro Jeff Clement as Kyle Landy Erika Sanderson as Kathryn Scanlon Mike DelGaudio as Sheriff Clery Nikolle Doolin as Sam's Mother Elie Hirschman as Phil Saunders David Cummings as Thomas Prescott Special Guest Stars: Mike Flanagan as Sam’s Father Kate Siegel as Meera McCaskey Todd Faulkner as Jimmy Prescott Alison Crane as Anne Destaro Featuring: Nichole Goodnight, Atticus Jackson, Dan Zappulla, Addison Peacock, Kyle Akers, Alexis Bristowe, Corinne Sanders, Tisha Boone, and Wendy Corrigan. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about C.K. Walker  Click here to learn more about director Mike Flanagan's upcoming movie, "Ouija: Origin of Evil", featuring Kate Siegel  Click here for the award-...

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We're in-between Seasons 7 and 8 so to tide you over during this opening at the opening of October we have two stories for you. "Stories for My Daughter" written by J. M. Kendrick and read by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The House in the Field" written by Elias Witherow and read by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:21:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: David Cummings Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

We're in-between Seasons 7 and 8 so to tide you over during this opening at the opening of October we have two stories for you. "Stories for My Daughter" written by J. M. Kendrick and read by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The House in the Field" written by Elias Witherow and read by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:21:00) Click here to pre-order Season Pass 8  Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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It's episode 01 - the premiere of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about myths, massacres, and memories. "How Many Fairies?"‡ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:10) "YUSDABEE"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Pancake Family"† written by AA Peterson and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:10:30) "I Found Margaret’s Diary"† written by A. St. Onge and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:47:05) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "How Many Fairies?" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 01 - the premiere of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about myths, massacres, and memories. "How Many Fairies?"‡ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:10) "YUSDABEE"† written by Richard Jenkins & Amelia Hammal and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Pancake Family"† written by AA Peterson and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:10:30) "I Found Margaret’s Diary"† written by A. St. Onge and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:47:05) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast™  Click here to enter the Ouija: Origin of Evil contest  Click here to learn more about AA Peterson  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement...

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It's episode 02 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about bullies, burnings, and bedlam. "Her Last Call"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "Video Footage"† written by A.L. and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:26:30) "Diary of a Woman with Cataplexy"‡ written by Shelby Scott and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:40:00) "Forgetful Jones"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:00) "Saying Goodbye to Victor"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:23:50) "Christopher"† written by AE Peters and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:37:35) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Diary of a Woman with Cataplexy" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 02 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about bullies, burnings, and bedlam. "Her Last Call"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "Video Footage"† written by A.L. and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:26:30) "Diary of a Woman with Cataplexy"‡ written by Shelby Scott and performed by David Ault & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:40:00) "Forgetful Jones"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:00) "Saying Goodbye to Victor"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:23:50) "Christopher"† written by AE Peters and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison P...

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It's episode 03 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about contrasts, conflagrations, and conspiracies. "Neither Here Nor There"‡ written by L.R. Cole and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Nuclear Incident on Bumblebee Lane"† written by Rafael Marmol and performed by Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:27:20) "Perfume"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "The Hidden Pool"† written by Dustin Chisam and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:17:25) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Nuclear Incident on Bumblebee Lan" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about contrasts, conflagrations, and conspiracies. "Neither Here Nor There"‡ written by L.R. Cole and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Nuclear Incident on Bumblebee Lane"† written by Rafael Marmol and performed by Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:27:20) "Perfume"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "The Hidden Pool"† written by Dustin Chisam and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:17:25) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Dustin Chisam's book, "Our Friend, the Night: Seven Tales of Terror"  Click here to enter the Ouija: Origin of Evil contest  Click here to learn more about Rafael Marmol  Click here to learn more about...

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It's episode 04 of Season 8 - our Halloween 2016 scream stream episode! "Marked" written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "The Last Passenger" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:24:40) "The Best Candy in Beverly Valley" written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "We Don’t Do Halloween" written by J.P. Carver and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:40) "The Dancing Dead" written by Dustin Chisam and performed by David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Matt Bradford & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:30:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings Halloween 2016 illustration courtesy of Sabu Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 8 - our Halloween 2016 scream stream episode! "Marked"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "The Last Passenger" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:24:40) "The Best Candy in Beverly Valley"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Corinne Sanders & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "We Don’t Do Halloween"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:40) "The Dancing Dead"† written by Dustin Chisam and performed by David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Matt Bradford & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:30:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 T...

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Chapter 1: The Will Reading Welcome to Project Cyclops. In this episode, we go back in time to a most unusual will reading. Cast List: Narrator - Lee Pace Dr. John Kinsler - Denis O'Hare Katie Reed - Brynn Langford Claire Lobdow - Missi Pyle Vivian Lobdow - Calie Schuttera Oscar Lobdow - Johnny Ferro Reginald Darden - Chris McKenna Clinton Lobdow - David Cummings Written by Christopher Bloodworth and Jimmy Juliano. Directed and produced by Alex Aldea and Victor Figueroa. Music composed by Alex Aldea. Live Strings Performed by Andrew Joslyn. This episode is sponsored by Shudder. Use offer code "darkestnight" for a free month. Follow Darkest Night: Website: Twitter: @darkestnightpod Facebook:

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It's episode 05 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about disease, drugs, and devilry. "The Toy Box" written by Leo Harrison and performed by Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "Hand of Glory" written by Colin Harker and performed by David Cummings & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:32:00) "We Call Them Flesh Clowns" written by Henry Galley and performed by David Ault & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:06:30) "The Black Tree" written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:35:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings "The Black Tree" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 05 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about disease, drugs, and devilry. "The Toy Box"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "Hand of Glory" written by Colin Harker and performed by David Cummings & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:32:00) "We Call Them Flesh Clowns"† written by Henry Galley and performed by David Ault & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:06:30) "The Black Tree"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:35:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about Colin Harker  Click here to learn more about Henry Galley  Click here to learn more about Jacob Healey  Executive Producer & Host: David Cum...

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It's episode 06 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about creeps, cults, and curses. "The Closing Shift at Pizza Hut" written by Malicent and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "A Haunted House" written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:25:25) "Lily Doll" written by A. L. LaForge and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "Halloween Under the Irish Cultural Center" written by Lucas Theriault and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:23:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Halloween Under the Irish Cultural Center" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about creeps, cults, and curses. "The Closing Shift at Pizza Hut"† written by Malicent and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "A Haunted House"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:25:25) "Lily Doll"† written by A. L. LaForge and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "Halloween Under the Irish Cultural Center"† written by Lucas Theriault and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:23:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here for the podcast "Darkest Night"  Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by...

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It's episode 07 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about minors, mayhem, and memories. "The Monster Outside the Closet" written by Lily T. and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Eden & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "I Have One Daughter" written by Jon Grilz and performed by Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "The Room That Echoed" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:36:30) "Search and Rescue: The Stairs" written by R. Brauer and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "In My Handwriting" written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:21:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Search and Rescue: The Stairs" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 - the premiere of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about minors, mayhem, and memories. "I Have One Daughter"† written by Jon Grilz and performed by Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "The Room That Echoed"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:36:30) "Search and Rescue: The Stairs"† written by R. Brauer and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "In My Handwriting"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:21:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about the podcast, "Small Town Horror"  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click here to learn more about R. Brauer  Click here to learn...

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It's episode 08 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about the woods, weirdos, and warnings. "Radio" written by Kerry H. and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "There’s Something in Forest Glen National Park"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Jeff Clement & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:10:30) "The Little People"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:28:40) "Mr. Thompson"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:49:10) "A Hunt in Pennsylvania"‡ written by Benjamin Robb and performed by Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:10:20) "Obsidian"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:39:55) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings "Radio" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 08 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about the woods, weirdos, and warnings. "Radio" written by Kerry H. and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "There’s Something in Forest Glen National Park"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Jeff Clement & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:10:30) "The Little People"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:28:40) "Mr. Thompson"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:49:10) "A Hunt in Pennsylvania"‡ written by Benjamin Robb and performed by Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:10:20) "Obsidian"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:39:...

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It's episode 09 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about creatures, colors, and convicts. "Do You Remember the Little Red Bear?"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Jesse Cornett & Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "Snow Witch of Schuylkill"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford & Elie H. & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:25:00) "Loose Teeth"‡ written by Nancy M. Long and performed by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:55:00) "Hidden in the Colors"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:08:45) "Prison is Hell"† written by Sam Marduk and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:25:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Snow Witch of Schuylkill" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 09 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about creatures, colors, and convicts. "Do You Remember the Little Red Bear?"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Jesse Cornett & Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "Snow Witch of Schuylkill"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:25:00) "Loose Teeth"‡ written by Nancy M. Long and performed by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:55:00) "Hidden in the Colors"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:08:45) "Prison is Hell"† written by Sam Marduk and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:25:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about...

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It's episode 10 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about birds, buddies, and burials. "Happy Turkey Day"‡ written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "The Murder in my Backyard"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:21:30) "Magic Marty"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Eden & Alexis Bristowe & Danielle C. Callier. (Story starts around 00:38:15) "Pyramid of the Dead"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:58:00) "The Things We See in the Woods"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:18:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Murder in my Backyard" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about birds, buddies, and burials. "Happy Turkey Day"‡ written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "The Murder in my Backyard"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:21:30) "Magic Marty"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Eden & Alexis Bristowe & Danielle C. Callier. (Story starts around 00:38:15) "Pyramid of the Dead"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:58:00) "The Things We See in the Woods"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:18:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper  Click here to learn more about M...

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It's episode 11 of Season 8 and time for our 2016 Christmas special featuring stories about frightening festive fears. "It's Cold on Christmas Eve" written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by G.M. Danielson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "It Had Antlers"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:14:50) "My Dad, Chuckles, and a Blue Striped Hat"‡ written by J.M. Kendrick and performed by Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "Countdown to Christmas"† written by David Ault and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Oliver Gyani. (Story starts around 00:52:10) "The Yule Tithe"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "Christmas Land"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:40:15) "Let Nothing You Dismay"† written by Colin Harker and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 02:08:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings Christmas 2016 illustration courtesy of Sabu Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 11 of Season 8 and time for our 2016 Christmas special featuring stories about frightening festive fears. "It's Cold on Christmas Eve" written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by G.M. Danielson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "It Had Antlers"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:14:50) "My Dad, Chuckles, and a Blue Striped Hat"‡ written by J.M. Kendrick and performed by Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "Countdown to Christmas"† written by David Ault and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Oliver Gyani. (Story starts around 00:52:10) "The Yule Tithe"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "Christmas Land"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:40:15) "Let Nothing You Dismay"† written by Colin Harker and performed b...

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The show is taking a new year's break this week but we're featuring two tales from our Season Pass 7 episodes. "The Super Bowl Party" written by M.J. Pack and performed by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "The Tall Dog" written by Elias Witherow and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Auld Lang Syne karaoke track by DigiTrax Entertainment Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

The show is taking a new year's break this week but we're featuring two tales from our Season Pass 7 episodes. "The Super Bowl Party" written by M.J. Pack and performed by Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts at 00:05:00) "The Tall Dog" written by Elias Witherow and read by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack  Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Auld Lang Syne karaoke track by DigiTrax Entertainment Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski & David Cummings Audio program ©2016 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respecti...

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The show is taking a new year's break this week but we're featuring a dark tale from Season Pass 7. "Feed the Pig" written by Elias Witherow and performed by Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

The show is taking a new year's break this week but we're featuring two tales from our Season Pass 7 episodes. "Feed the Pig" written by Elias Witherow and performed by Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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It's episode 12 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about survivors, searchers, and strangers. "He Won't Stop Tapping"‡ written by Collette Akile and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "I Could Live Forever or I Could Die Tomorrow"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:26:20) "My Friend Found a Manuscript"† written by Ash P. and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:48:45) "The Unknown Hiker"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:10:40) "Mother of Sorrows"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:44:05) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Unknown Hiker" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 12 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about survivors, searchers, and strangers. "He Won't Stop Tapping"‡ written by Collette Akile and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "I Could Live Forever or I Could Die Tomorrow"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by David Cummings & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:26:20) "My Friend Found a Manuscript"† written by Ash P. and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:48:45) "The Unknown Hiker"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:10:40) "Mother of Sorrows"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:44:05) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about Jackson Laughlin  Click h...

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It's episode 13 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about cowering, scouring, and devouring. "Heroes and Monsters" written by M.J. Pack and performed by Erika Sanderson & Eden. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "Red Ink" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:14:30) "The New Beginnings Center" written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:39:10) "The Cats of Sycamore Grove" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Haggard's Peak" written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:38:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Cats of Sycamore Grove" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about cowering, scouring, and devouring. "Heroes and Monsters" written by M.J. Pack and performed by Erika Sanderson & Eden. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "Red Ink"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:14:30) "The New Beginnings Center"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:39:10) "The Cats of Sycamore Grove"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Haggard's Peak"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:38:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click here to learn more about V.R. Gregg  Click here t...

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It's episode 14 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about aviation, mutilation, and fornication. "The Whispered Fears of Wayward Boys"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Addison Peacock & Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Eden. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Sergeant Darwin"‡ written by Jacob Healey and performed by Kyle Akers & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:14:30) "Flight 43"† written by K. Dempsey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:38:00) "In My Line of Work"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:00:25) "Auntie Bells"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:20:20) "Midnight Storms"† written by Spencer Sabinske and performed by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Flight 43" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 14 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about aviation, mutilation, and fornication. "The Whispered Fears of Wayward Boys"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Addison Peacock & Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Eden. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Sergeant Darwin"‡ written by Jacob Healey and performed by Kyle Akers & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:14:30) "Flight 43"† written by K. Dempsey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:38:00) "In My Line of Work"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:00:25) "Auntie Bells"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:20:20) "Midnight Storms"† written by Spencer Sabinske and performed by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts arou...

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It's episode 15 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about dark entities that dwell deep within. "The Truth of the Thornton House"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "The Fetal Position"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:29:40) "Two Facts You Should Probably Know"† written by Henry Galley and performed by David Ault & Oliver Gyani & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:10) "All Roads Go Somewhere"‡ written by Renea Reasoner and performed by Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:31:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone. Additional music for "All Roads Go Somewhere" provided by Nic Oppenheimer Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Truth of the Thornton House" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 15 of Season 8. On this week's show we have four tales about dark entities that dwell deep within. "The Truth of the Thornton House"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "The Fetal Position"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:29:40) "Two Facts You Should Probably Know"† written by Henry Galley and performed by David Ault & Oliver Gyani & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:10) "All Roads Go Somewhere"‡ written by Renea Reasoner and performed by Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:31:10) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here for the NoSleep Podcast Twitter page  Click here for the NoSleep Podcast Facebook page  Click here to learn more about Michael Marks  Click here to learn more about Marcus Damanda  Clic...

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It's episode 16 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about things which disappear but are never truly gone. "Passit, Florida"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:45) "Things That Go Bump In The Night"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:16:15) "White Birch Lodge"† written by John Foster and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matt Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:30:30) "Today Ends Badly"† written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:54:05) "Death Seemed Different When We Were Young"† written by Olivia White and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & David Ault. (Story starts around 01:17:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Today Ends Badly" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about things which disappear but are never truly gone. "Passit, Florida"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:45) "Things That Go Bump In The Night"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:16:15) "White Birch Lodge"† written by John Foster and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matt Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:30:30) "Today Ends Badly"† written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:54:05) "Death Seemed Different When We Were Young"† written by Olivia White and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & David Ault. (Story starts around 01:17:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcas...

It's episode 16 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about things which disappear but are never truly gone. "Passit, Florida"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:45) "Things That Go Bump In The Night"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:16:15) "White Birch Lodge"† written by John Foster and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matt Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:30:30) "Today Ends Badly"† written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:54:05) "Death Seemed Different When We Were Young"† written by Olivia White and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & David Ault. (Story starts around 01:17:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcas...

It's episode 17 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about death in all the most bizarre ways they can be inflicted. "Spencer’s Last Prank"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Matt Bradford & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "A Quick Confession Before I Flee the Country"† written by E.M. Becker and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Eden & Atticus Jackson & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:19:40) "Mrs. Willison's Homemade Jam"† written by Claire Henderson and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:34:20) "The Shredder’s Song"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "The Heart of This Building"† written by Alice Lily and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "The Handler"‡ written by T. Weaver and performed by Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:43:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoS...

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It's episode 17 of Season 8. On this week's show we have six tales about death in all the most bizarre ways they can be inflicted. "Spencer’s Last Prank"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Matt Bradford & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "A Quick Confession Before I Flee the Country"† written by E.M. Becker and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Eden & Atticus Jackson & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:19:40) "Mrs. Willison's Homemade Jam"† written by Claire Henderson and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:34:20) "The Shredder’s Song"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "The Heart of This Building"† written by Alice Lily and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "The Handler"‡ written by T. Weaver and performed by Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:43:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Mrs. Willison's Homemade Jam" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 18 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about infections, traditions, and predations. "The Parting Glass"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:04:52) "Ouroboros"† written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jeff Clement & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:20:38) "There's Something Out on Old 16"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:43:50) "All Present in 219"‡ written by Manen Lyset & Marcus Damanda and performed by Andy Cresswell & Alexis Bristowe & Patrick Cline. (Story starts around 00:58:44) "Sooterkins"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erica Sanderson & Penny Scot Andrews. (Story starts around 01:35:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Ouroboros" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 18 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about infections, traditions, and predations. "The Parting Glass"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:04:52) "Ouroboros"† written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jeff Clement & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:20:38) "There's Something Out on Old 16"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:43:50) "All Present in 219"‡ written by Manen Lyset & Marcus Damanda and performed by Andy Cresswell & Alexis Bristowe & Patrick Cline. (Story starts around 00:58:44) "Sooterkins"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erica Sanderson & Penny Scot Andrews. (Story starts around 01:35:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about the Sleepless Live 2017 Tour  Click here to learn more about Mar...

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It's episode 19 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about bloody buildings and bullies. "A Party in a Church"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappula & Nicole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:06:25) "Even Demons Need to Study"† written by Jim Wicket and performed by Dan Zappula & David Cummings &. Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Patric Cline & Jesse Cornet & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:26:00) "Putting Lipstick on a Pig"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Atticus Jackson & Corine Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:47:30) "The New Roomate"† written by John Foster and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers & Ellie Hirshman & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:01:30) "The Forever Family"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about bloody buildings and bullies. "A Party in a Church"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappula & Nicole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:06:25) "Even Demons Need to Study"† written by Jim Wicket and performed by Dan Zappula & David Cummings &. Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Patric Cline & Jesse Cornet & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:26:00) "Putting Lipstick on a Pig"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Atticus Jackson & Corine Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:47:30) "The New Roomate"† written by John Foster and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers & Ellie Hirshman & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:01:30) "The Forever Family"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoS...

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It's episode 20 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about roads, rituals, and revenge. "The Road to Hell is Paved in EnduroFlex Heavy Duty Asphalt"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "It Was Called The Hating Tree"† written by Dan Richardson and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "I Used to Work the Grill at Reservation Diner"† written by Samir Hamrouni and performed by Matthew Bradford & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "The Feind House"† written by Irene Stark and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Alexis Bristowe & Patrick Cline & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:00:45) "Cape Matador"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:23:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about roads, rituals, and revenge. "The Road to Hell is Paved in EnduroFlex Heavy Duty Asphalt"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "It Was Called The Hating Tree"† written by Dan Richardson and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "I Used to Work the Grill at Reservation Diner"† written by Samir Hamrouni and performed by Matthew Bradford & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "The Feind House"† written by Irene Stark and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Alexis Bristowe & Patrick Cline & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:00:45) "Cape Matador"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:23:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The...

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It's episode 21 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about aggressive art, chilling children, and terrifying travels. "My Last Prank"† written by F.F. and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "Mr. Cracks"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:22:20) "Chuck Came Back Wrong"‡ written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:45:45) "The Open Place in Cambodia"‡ written by Kevin Thomas and performed by Andy Cresswell & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:00:20) "Double Bass Kick"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:17:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone. Additional music by Phil Michalski. Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Double Bass Kick" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about aggressive art, chilling children, and terrifying travels. "My Last Prank"† written by F.F. and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "Mr. Cracks"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:22:20) "Chuck Came Back Wrong"‡ written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:45:45) "The Open Place in Cambodia"‡ written by Kevin Thomas and performed by Andy Cresswell & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:00:20) "Double Bass Kick"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:17:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Kevin Thomas  Cli...

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It's episode 22 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty neighbors, frantic fathers, and tormenting traps. "The Roommate I Only Saw Once"† written by Nathan Anderson and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Neighbor"‡ written by A.E. Golden and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:17:30) "Wallmart"† written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:46:30) "The Ringing in My Ear"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:59:30) "I Should Have Canceled Class"† written by John Derrick and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford & Jes Echo & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:13:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Ringing in My Ear" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty neighbors, frantic fathers, and tormenting traps. "The Roommate I Only Saw Once"† written by Nathan Anderson and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Neighbor"‡ written by A.E. Golden and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:17:30) "Wallmart"† written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:46:30) "The Ringing in My Ear"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:59:30) "I Should Have Canceled Class"† written by John Derrick and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford & Jes Echo & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:13:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Penny Scott-Andrews  Click here to learn more about An...

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NoSleep Podcast Bonus - Feed the Pig II By popular demand, a follow-up to Elias Witherow's epic story, "Feed the Pig". Written by Kit Duncan. "Feed the Pig II" written by Kit Duncan and performed by David Cummings and Nichole Goodnight. Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

By popular demand, a follow-up to Elias Witherow's epic story, "Feed the Pig". Written by Kit Duncan. "Feed the Pig II" written by Kit Duncan and performed by David Cummings and Nichole Goodnight. Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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It's episode 23 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about distant distress, fearful fundraising, and ruinous residents. "Number 3"† written by Bethany Stone and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "The Reason I Don’t do Cold Readings Anymore"† written by Kevin Thomas and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Penny Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "The Pledge"‡ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:37:50) "Mr. Grabs"† written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:09:30) "The Smiling Ones on Space Station Mir"† written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:26:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Illustration courtesy of Jen Tracey Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about distant distress, fearful fundraising, and ruinous residents. "Number 3"† written by Bethany Stone and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "The Reason I Don’t do Cold Readings Anymore"† written by Kevin Thomas and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Penny Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "The Pledge"‡ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:37:50) "Mr. Grabs"† written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:09:30) "The Smiling Ones on Space Station Mir"† written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:26:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Pod...

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It's episode 24 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about jarring journeys, illicit investigations, and traumatic traps. "Death Before Disco" written by M.J. Pack and performed by Addison Peacock & Jes Echo. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "There Was a Locked Door In My Hotel Room" written by Emily Lynch and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:40) "Every Drug Takes Something" written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & David Ault & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:38:55) "The Best Laid Plans of Machines" written by Malcom Teller and performed by Jeff Clement & Eden & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:01:45) "The Town I Grew Up in Was Torn Apart by a Serial Killer" written by Laura Chase and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Death Before Disco" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 24 of Season 8. On this week's show we have five tales about jarring journeys, illicit investigations, and traumatic traps. "Death Before Disco"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Addison Peacock & Jes Echo. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "There Was a Locked Door In My Hotel Room"† written by Emily Lynch and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:40) "Every Drug Takes Something"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & David Ault & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:38:55) "The Best Laid Plans of Machines"‡ written by Malcom Teller and performed by Jeff Clement & Eden & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:01:45) "The Town I Grew Up in Was Torn Apart by a Serial Killer"† written by Laura Chase and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The...

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It's episode 25 - the Season Finale of Season 8. We conclude our season with two tales about the darkness buried below the surface. "There’s Something Underneath Denver International Airport"‡ written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "My Dad Finally Told Me What Happened That Day"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Diseth & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:34:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Season 8 Finale illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the Season Finale of Season 8. We conclude our season with two tales about the darkness buried below the surface. "There’s Something Underneath Denver International Airport"‡ written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "My Dad Finally Told Me What Happened That Day"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Diseth & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:34:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Peter Diseth  Click here to learn more about Jared Roberts  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ Season 8 Finale illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproductio...

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We're in-between Seasons 8 and 9 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Thing in the Rust" written by Michael Marks and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:02:10) "The Pancake Family" written by AA Peterson and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:37:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

We're in-between Seasons 8 and 9 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Thing in the Rust"** written by Michael Marks and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts at 00:02:10) "The Pancake Family"† written by AA Peterson and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:37:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Michael Marks  Click here to learn more about AA Peterson  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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This special bonus episode features the performance of Sleepless Live at the Highline Ballroom in New York City on March 3, 2017. "From a Watery Grave" written by Michael Whitehouse Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski Sleepless Live illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

This special bonus episode features the performance of Sleepless Live at the Highline Ballroom in New York City on March 3, 2017. "From a Watery Grave" written by Michael Whitehouse Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski Sleepless Live illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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It's episode 01 - the premiere of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about medical malfeasance, absent adolescents, and wary woodlands. "Containment Failure"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Our Town Was Visited by an Ice Cream Truck"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Eden & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:25:15) "My Childhood Memories"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:47:30) "Don’t Be Seen By It"† written by Sawyer Brantford and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:09:20) "I Call Them Twists"‡ written by Jon Grilz and performed by Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:26:20) "Birch Faces"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:51:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Our Town Was Visited by an Ice Cream Truck" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 01 - the premiere of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about medical malfeasance, absent adolescents, and wary woodlands. "Containment Failure"‡ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Our Town Was Visited by an Ice Cream Truck"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Eden & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:25:15) "My Childhood Memories"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:47:30) "Don’t Be Seen By It"† written by Sawyer Brantford and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:09:20) "I Call Them Twists"‡ written by Jon Grilz and performed by Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:26:20) "Birch Faces"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:5...

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It's episode 02 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty nature, agonizing art, and inhuman inconveniences. "The Suicide Orphan"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "It’s Usually Quiet Between One and Five"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:27:20) "The Glaring Man"† written by Elizabeth Ryder and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:54:40) "Mold Kills"‡ written by A.N.A. and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:10:30) "Don’t Go Camping Alone, Ever"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:29:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "It's Usually Quiet Between One and Five" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 02 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty nature, agonizing art, and inhuman inconveniences. "The Suicide Orphan"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "It's Usually Quiet Between One and Five"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:27:20) "The Glaring Man"† written by Elizabeth Ryder and performed by Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:54:40) "Mold Kills"‡ written by A.N.A. and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:10:30) "Don’t Go Camping Alone, Ever"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:29:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Penny Scott-Andrews  Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth  Click here to ...

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It's episode 03 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about mystical muses, perplexing pictures, and childhood collapses. "Shadow Puppets"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Nightmarish Collapse of Alex Drew"† written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:16:45) "Why I Don’t Cry Anymore"‡ written by Alyssa Fussell and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:07:30) "Word and Color"† written by Jörn Heidrath and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:29:30) "Garbage"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:53:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Nightmarish Collapse of Alex Drew" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about mystical muses, perplexing pictures, and childhood collapses. "Shadow Puppets"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Nightmarish Collapse of Alex Drew"† written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:16:45) "Why I Don’t Cry Anymore"† written by Alyssa Fussell and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:07:30) "Word and Color"† written by Jörn Heidrath and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:29:30) "Garbage"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:53:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn...

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It's episode 04 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about escaped evil, horrifying heritage, and conjured creatures. "The Field"‡ written by M.J. Pack and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Capacity For Evil"† written by Garon Cockrell and performed by Peter Diseth & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:33:20) "Feed Them, Leave Them, or Free Them"† written by Emily Lynch and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:58:30) "The Bald Man"† written by Connor Muldowney and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:16:20) "Banshee"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:41:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Banshee" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about escaped evil, horrifying heritage, and conjured creatures. "The Field"‡ written by M.J. Pack and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "The Capacity For Evil"† written by Garon Cockrell and performed by Peter Diseth & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:33:20) "Feed Them, Leave Them, or Free Them"† written by Emily Lynch and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:58:30) "The Bald Man"† written by Connor Muldowney and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:16:20) "Banshee"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:41:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about M.J. Pack   Click her...

It's episode 05 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about terrifying travelers, raging revenge, and dreadful descents. "Never Give Directions to Strangers"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Kyle Akers & Davd Cummings. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "I’ve Been On This Train Forever"† written by Rima Chaddha Mycynek and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:22:25) "My Uncle Had Brain Bubbles"‡ written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:04:20) "A Lesson on Applied Narratives"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:24:05) "Claustrophobia"† written by Jon Grilz and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:46:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the "Horror d'Oeuvres" book for "Scares That Care"   C...

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It's episode 05 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about terrifying travelers, raging revenge, and dreadful descents. "Never Give Directions to Strangers"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Kyle Akers & Davd Cummings. (Story starts around 00:04:20) "I've Been On This Train Forever"† written by Rima Chaddha Mycynek and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:22:25) "My Uncle Had Brain Bubbles"‡ written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis & Jeff Clemen. (Story starts around 01:04:20) "A Lesson on Applied Narratives"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:24:05) "Claustrophobia"† written by Jon Grilz and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:46:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "My Uncle Had Brain Bubbles" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister sounds, sluggish slime, and severe separation. "The Final Party" written by Olivia White and performed by Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "When I Died"† written by Lauren Lutz and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:14:50) "Change"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:34:00) "Snails"† written by Alex Grey and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:11:11) "The Smiling Ones on Space Station Mir - Part 2"† written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:28:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the new novel, "The Black Farm"   Click here to learn more about Darkest Night   Click her...

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It's episode 06 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister sounds, sluggish slime, and severe separation. "The Final Party" written by Olivia White and performed by Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "When I Died"† written by Lauren Lutz and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:14:50) "Change"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:34:00) "Snails"† written by Alex Grey and performed by Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:11:11) "The Smiling Ones on Space Station Mir - Part 2"† written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:28:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings "Snails" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about nearby nightmares, dubious doubles, and woodland web sites. "Too Close to Home"‡ written by H.F. Fae and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:40) "The Forest of a Thousand Legs"† written by Rex Lovezinski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Eden & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:22:00) "What I Saw on Granny's Farm"‡ written by Sam Raffield and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:12:20) "Carnival Cove"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:30:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about "Booth Junkie" - Mike DelGaudio's voice acting YouTube channel   Click here to learn more about H.F. Fae   Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth   Click here to learn more about Penny Scott-Andrews   Cli...

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It's episode 07 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about nearby nightmares, dubious doubles, and woodland web sites. "Too Close to Home"‡ written by H.F. Fae and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:40) "The Forest of a Thousand Legs"† written by Rex Lovezinski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Eden & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:22:00) "What I Saw on Granny's Farm"‡ written by Sam Raffield and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:12:20) "Carnival Cove"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:30:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Forest of a Thousand Legs" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 08 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about cursed creatures, sinister sleepovers, and abysmal appetites. "My Birthday Dolls"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Victoria Cline. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Confessor To the Dead"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & James Cleveland & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:21:20) "This Creature Has Been Stalking Me For Years"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:09:30) "Taco Tuesday"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Eden. (Story starts around 01:38:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for the print version Bright Lights...

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It's episode 08 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about cursed creatures, sinister sleepovers, and abysmal appetites. "My Birthday Dolls"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Victoria Cline. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Confessor To the Dead"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & James Cleveland & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:21:20) "This Creature Has Been Stalking Me For Years"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:09:30) "Taco Tuesday"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Eden. (Story starts around 01:38:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "This Creature Has Been Stalking Me For Years" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 09 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about confined kids, striking storms, and freaky forests. "The Secrets Inside Dune"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "I Bought The House I Died in as a Child"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:17:30) "An Unwelcome Audience"† written by Steven Schrembeck and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:43:25) "It Came With The Storm"‡ written by Christine Druga & Seamus Coffey & Ash Ellinwood & E.K. Skinner & Lindsay Moore & Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Wafiyyah White. (Story starts around 01:15:20) "When It Rains in the Woods"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:45:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "When It Rains in the Woods" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 09 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about confined kids, striking storms, and freaky forests. "The Secrets Inside Dune"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "I Bought The House I Died in as a Child"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:17:30) "An Unwelcome Audience"† written by Steven Schrembeck and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:43:25) "It Came With The Storm"‡ written by Christine Druga & Seamus Coffey & Ash Ellinwood & E.K. Skinner & Lindsay Moore & Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Wafiyyah White. (Story starts around 01:15:20) "When It Rains in the Woods"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:45:00) Click here to learn more about the voice acto...

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It's episode 10 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about intense infernos, fearsome frauds, and youthful yearning. "Burn"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:16) "An Unusual Collection"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:22:45) "There’s Nothing in Forest Glen National Park"‡ written by J.J. Cheesman & Marcus Damanda and performed by Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Eden. (Story starts around 00:46:50) "Thank You for Calling"† written by D. Fredricks and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Eden & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:15:30) "Little White Lies in a Little Black Dress"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Erin Lillis & Eden & Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:32:30) "Trying to Remember a Pop Song"† written by Thaddeus James and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:56:30) Please visit for full shownotes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Burn" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about intense infernos, fearsome frauds, and youthful yearning. "Burn"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:16) "An Unusual Collection"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:22:45) "There’s Nothing in Forest Glen National Park"† written by J.J. Cheesman & Marcus Damanda and performed by Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Eden. (Story starts around 00:46:50) "Thank You for Calling"† written by D. Fredricks and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Eden & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:15:30) "Little White Lies in a Little Black Dress"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Erin Lillis & Eden & Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:32:30) "Trying to Remember a Pop Song"† written by Thaddeus James and performed by Atticus Jac...

It's episode 11 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about futuristic friends, conflicted children, and disturbing depths. "The Parasite"‡ written by Andrew Schrader and performed by Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:06:45) "The Deepest Part of The Ocean is Not Empty"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:33:00) "A Friend for You"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Eden. (Story starts around 01:05:15) "Down in the Tube Station at Midnight"‡ written by K.L. McCord and performed by Penny Scott-Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:28:00) "Wake Up"† written by Alex Grey and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:49:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Adr...

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It's episode 11 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about futuristic friends, conflicted children, and disturbing depths. "The Parasite"‡ written by Andrew Schrader and performed by Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:06:45) "The Deepest Part of The Ocean is Not Empty"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:33:00) "A Friend for You"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Eden. (Story starts around 01:05:15) "Down in the Tube Station at Midnight"‡ written by K.L. McCord and performed by Penny Scott-Andrews & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:28:00) "Wake Up"† written by Alex Grey and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews & David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:49:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Deepest Part of The Ocean is Not Empty" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 12 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about vile visage, lost laments, and subterranean submission. "A Faint Pink Scar"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Gargoyle Song"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:23:45) "I Listen to the Ground Scream"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Peter Lewis & Eden & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:39:45) "There’s Something Underneath Southern Utah"‡ written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:13:00) "Graphic Design"† written by Max Evry and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:05) Click here to learn more about the voice actors o...

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It's episode 12 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about vile visage, lost laments, and subterranean submission. "A Faint Pink Scar"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Gargoyle Song"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:23:45) "I Listen to the Ground Scream"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Peter Lewis & Eden & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:39:45) "There’s Something Underneath Southern Utah"‡ written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackso. (Story starts around 01:13:00) "Graphic Design"† written by Max Evry and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:05) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "There’s Something Underneath Southern Utah" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 13 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about contemptible cravings, sinister substances, and malicious matrons. "The Story of My Grandfather’s Missing Arms"† written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "Unleashing Atlas"‡ written by T. Weaver and performed by Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:01:45) "My Name is Jake, and I’m an Alcoholic"‡ written by Michael Marks and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:26:25) "Mrs. Michaud's House"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:53:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Story of My Grandfather’s Missing Arms" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

Season: 9 Episode: 13
It's episode 13 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about contemptible cravings, sinister substances, and malicious matrons. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's episode 14 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about those things which hide in the dark and abscond with what we hold most precious. "The Missing Radio Hosts"† written by T. Weaver and performed by Elie Hirschman & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Eden. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "Beware the Sunnyside Retirement Center"‡ written by S.A. Newman and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:15:20) "A Forgotten Curio Shop"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:36:00) "They Stalk the Thicket"‡ written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:07:30) "Old Maggie's Pool"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn m...

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It's episode 14 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about those things which hide in the dark and abscond with what we hold most precious. "The Missing Radio Hosts" written by T. Weaver and performed by Elie Hirschman & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Eden. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "Beware the Sunnyside Retirement Center" written by S.A. Newman and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:15:20) "A Forgotten Curio Shop" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:36:00) "They Stalk the Thicket" written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:07:30) "Old Maggie's Pool" written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:31:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "They Stalk the Thicket" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 15 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about recorded relics, professorial prototypes, and the abandoned abyss. "Groundskeeper To A Ghost Town"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:05:30) "Play It Again"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:23:30) "I Bought a Murder House"† written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & Brian Mansi & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:47:40) "My First Student"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:13:15) "To Secrets Forgotten"† written by Alex Baran and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Eden & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:40:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   C...

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It's episode 15 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about recorded relics, professorial prototypes, and the abandoned abyss. "Groundskeeper To A Ghost Town"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:05:30) "Play It Again"‡ written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:23:30) "I Bought a Murder House"† written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & Brian Mansi & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:47:40) "My First Student"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:13:15) "To Secrets Forgotten"† written by Alex Baran and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Eden & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:40:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "To Secrets Forgotten" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's our Summer Vacation episode. We're taking the week off but please enjoy two classic stories from Season 8. "The Ringing in My Ear"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:01:45) "The Black Tree"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:15:55) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for tickets to Halloween Live in Toronto   Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper   Click here to learn more about Jacob Healey   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Black Tree" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted witho...

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It's our Summer Vacation episode. We're taking the week off but please enjoy two classic stories from Season 8. "The Ringing in My Ear"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:01:45) "The Black Tree"† written by Jacob Healey and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:15:55) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "The Black Tree" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 16 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about curses, creatures, and continuous carnage. "Moomaw's Curses"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:06:50) "I First Met the Devil When I was Eight Years Old"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:20:15) "I am an Exterminator in a College Town"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "The Orangutans Are Skeptical of Changes in Their Cages"† written by Zachary Adams and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:08:10) "The Feast of St. Christopher's"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Eden & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:39:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "I First Met the Devil When I was Eight Years Old" illustration courtesy of Alexis Bristowe Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about curses, creatures, and continuous carnage. "Moomaw's Curses"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:06:50) "I First Met the Devil When I was Eight Years Old"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:20:15) "I am an Exterminator in a College Town"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "The Orangutans Are Skeptical of Changes in Their Cages"† written by Zachary Adams and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:08:10) "The Feast of St. Christopher's"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Eden & Jeff Clement. (Story st...

It's episode 17 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about tremulous time, tunneling terror, and tired turmoil. "When The Clock Stops"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Tunnels"† written by C. E. Avery and performed by Brian Mansi & David Ault & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:32:20) "What Came After the Accident"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:59:20) "My Daughter"† written by S.A. Newman and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:15:35) "The Hour of Our Death"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Eden & Atticus Jackson & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:32:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click ...

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It's episode 17 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about tremulous time, tunneling terror, and tired turmoil. "When The Clock Stops"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "The Tunnels"† written by C. E. Avery and performed by Brian Mansi & David Ault & James Cleveland & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:32:20) "What Came After the Accident"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:59:20) "My Daughter"† written by S.A. Newman and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:15:35) "The Hour of Our Death"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Eden & Atticus Jackson & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:32:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "What Came After the Accident" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 18 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about agonizing accommodations, anatomical angst, and augmented awareness. "I Live in Her Walls"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:05:50) "The Girls of Green Meadow"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:36:10) "The Kings Inn Motel"† written by Jay N. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:55:20) "Apotemnophilia"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:14:50) "Gateway into Dreams"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:37:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcas...

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It's episode 18 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about agonizing accommodations, anatomical angst, and augmented awareness. "I Live in Her Walls"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:05:50) "The Girls of Green Meadow"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:36:10) "The Kings Inn Motel"† written by Jay N. and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:55:20) "Apotemnophilia"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:14:50) "Gateway into Dreams"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:37:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "I Live in Her Walls" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 19 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about terrifying travel through time and space. "Fran and Jock"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Don’t Be Last Off The Train"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:17:00) "My Best Friend's Instagram"† written by Olivia White and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:42:30) "The Proposition"‡ written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Dan Zappulla & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:04:30) "The Other Side of the Grave"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Other Side of the Grave" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about terrifying travel through time and space. "Fran and Jock"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Don’t Be Last Off The Train"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:17:00) "My Best Friend's Instagram"† written by Olivia White and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:42:30) "The Proposition"‡ written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Dan Zappulla & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:04:30) "The Other Side of the Grave"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for tickets to Halloween Live in Toronto   Click here to see more from M...

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It's episode 20 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about family fears, post-mortem perceptions, and hellish homicides. "Don't Use Elevators"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "My Brother Ben, Who Was Adopted"‡ written by Michael C. Gettings Jr and performed by Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Have You Ever Been to Bunnyman Bridge?"¤ written by Sherman Smith and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Ashland Police Department’s Evidence Locker"‡ written by Kelly Childress and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:53:00) "My Ancestor’s Sacrifice"† written by Sam Raffield and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:16:30) "Cold Feet"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford & Mike DelGaudio & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:50:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "My Ancestor’s Sacrifice" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about family fears, post-mortem perceptions, and hellish homicides. "Don't Use Elevators"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "My Brother Ben, Who Was Adopted"‡ written by Michael C. Gettings Jr and performed by Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Have You Ever Been to Bunnyman Bridge?"¤ written by Sherman Smith and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Ashland Police Department’s Evidence Locker"‡ written by Kelly Childress and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:53:00) "My Ancestor’s Sacrifice"† written by Sam Raffield and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:16:30) "Cold Feet"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford ...

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It's episode 21 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about vicious vacations and seniors sharing spine-tingling stories. "I Bet I Can Make You Smile"† written by Tobias Wade and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "Never Trust the Online Reviews"¤ written by Daniel Joseph and performed by Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:16:25) "Can You Hear the Cicadas Sing?"† written by Otis Mari and performed by Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:34:25) "My Grandpa Has Demanded That I Be Cremated" written by Harrison Prince and performed by Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:56:10) "My Grandfather's World War Two Story"‡ written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:30:05) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Can You Hear the Cicadas Sing?" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about vicious vacations and seniors sharing spine-tingling stories. "I Bet I Can Make You Smile"† written by Tobias Wade and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "Never Trust the Online Reviews"¤ written by Daniel Joseph and performed by Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:16:25) "Can You Hear the Cicadas Sing?"† written by Otis Mari and performed by Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:34:25) "My Grandpa Has Demanded That I Be Cremated"‡ written by Harrison Prince and performed by Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:56:10) "My Grandfather's World War Two Story"† written by Darius Pilgrim and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:30:05) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   C...

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In the opening chapter of Deadly Manners we are introduced to the Billings family and the esteemed guests of their annual dinner gala. Everything is going swimmingly... until the power goes out. Created by Ali Garfinkel (Writer) and Alex Aldea (Producer). Cast List: Narrator - LeVar Burton Veronica Billings - Kristen Bell William Billings - Denis O'Hare Olivia Billings - Alisha Boe Esther Feinstein - Michelle Visage Joseph Feinstein - Jason Sklar George the Butler - Mark Berry Beatrice the Maid - Elizabeth McLaughlin Roger Clark - Timothy Simons Nancy Clark - Anna Chlumsky Written by Ali Garfinkel Directed by Alex Aldea Music composition (except for Jazz Piano Parts) by Alex Aldea. Jazz Piano Parts written and performed by Mark Rodriguez. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa and Alex Aldea. Editing by Victor Figueroa, James Kim, and Alex Aldea.   Subscribe to Deadly Manners on iTunes. Here is a link to the script.

It's episode 22 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about savage simians, psychotic stalkers, and sleepless students. "The Silent Witness"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Eden & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Atonement for Water"‡ written by Jesse Rose and performed by David Ault & Andy Cresswell & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:40) "His Horoscope Said He'd Be Coming Home"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:45:30) "The Sleep Debt"¤ written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:12:00) "Arkansas Sleep Experiment"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:47:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Po...

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It's episode 22 of Season 9. On this week's show we have five tales about savage simians, psychotic stalkers, and sleepless students. "The Silent Witness"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Eden & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Atonement for Water"‡ written by Jesse Rose and performed by David Ault & Andy Cresswell & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:40) "His Horoscope Said He'd Be Coming Home"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:45:30) "The Sleep Debt"¤ written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:12:00) "Arkansas Sleep Experiment"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:47:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Sleep Debt" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 23 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about vexing visions and vicious visitors. "The Door in The Middle of the Woods"¤ written by L.S. Strange and performed by Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:07:00) "Vermelda"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Corinne Sanders & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:19:35) "Mr. Banana"† written by R.K. Gorman and performed by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Eden. (Story starts around 00:37:10) "Pat’s People"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:55:30) "Have You Seen Aaron Bohl?"‡ written by Sebastian Laqroix and performed by Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:18:45) "Resting Lich Face"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:57:35) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Resting Lich Face" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 9. On this week's show we have six tales about vexing visions and vicious visitors. "The Door in The Middle of the Woods"¤ written by L.S. Strange and performed by Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:07:00) "Vermelda"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Corinne Sanders & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:19:35) "Mr. Banana"† written by R.K. Gorman and performed by Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Eden. (Story starts around 00:37:10) "Pat’s People"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:55:30) "Have You Seen Aaron Bohl?"‡ written by Sebastian Laqroix and performed by Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:18:45) "Resting Lich Face"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Elie H...

It's episode 24 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about local legends and discovering devils. "The Limping Woman"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Making Deals With Devils"† written by A.A. Peterson and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Copper Mouths"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:17:00) "A Tiller of the Ground"¤ written by William Dalphin and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:41:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Horror-Rama Toronto   Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper   Click here to learn more about A.A. Peterson   Click here to learn m...

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It's episode 24 of Season 9. On this week's show we have four tales about local legends and discovering devils. "The Limping Woman"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Making Deals With Devils"† written by A.A. Peterson and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Copper Mouths"‡ written by Jackson Laughlin and performed by Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:17:00) "A Tiller of the Ground"¤ written by William Dalphin and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:41:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "A Tiller of the Ground" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the Season 9 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of Jared Robert's epic tale, "The Hidden Webpage". "The Hidden Webpage"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Matthew Bradford & Corinne Sanders. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Live Tour 2018   Click here to learn more about Jared Roberts   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Hidden Webpage" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reser...

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It's episode 25 - the Season 9 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of Jared Robert's epic tale, "The Hidden Webpage". "The Hidden Webpage"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Matthew Bradford & Corinne Sanders. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Hidden Webpage" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's our Halloween 2017 episode! We have four Halloween tales to celebrate the night of the dead. "Ghost Lights"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Jack O'Lantern Road"† written by Jacob Healy and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:23:00) "Bottom of the Barrel"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:38:20) "Voices"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Cummings & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:26:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Live 2018 tour   Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper   Click here to learn more abo...

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It's our Halloween 2017 episode! We have four Halloween tales to celebrate the night of the dead. "Ghost Lights"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Jack O'Lantern Road"† written by Jacob Healy and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:23:00) "Bottom of the Barrel"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:38:20) "Voices"† written by Michael Whitehouse and performed by David Cummings & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:26:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ Halloween 2017 illustration courtesy of Sabu Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

We're in-between Seasons 9 and 10 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Orangutans Are Skeptical of Changes in Their Cages" written by Zachary Adams and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Arkansas Sleep Experiment" written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:34:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Live Tour 2018   Click here to learn more about Zachary Adams   Click here to learn more about Jared Roberts   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski "Waiting for 10" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction...

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We're in-between Seasons 9 and 10 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Orangutans Are Skeptical of Changes in Their Cages" written by Zachary Adams and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "Arkansas Sleep Experiment" written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:40:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski "Waiting for 10" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2016-2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 01 the Season 10 Premiere! On this week's show we have five tales about sinister seniors, intimidating islands, and terrifying train tracks. "Grandma's Tub"‡ written by M.L. Hotz and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Half Moon Island"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:24:40) "The Boy Who Cried Sheep"¤ written by Irene Stark and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:53:20) "The Whistling Girl"† written by Sierra Cvach and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:11:00) "Row Boat"† written by Jeffrey K Blevins and performed by Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:50:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Live Tour 2018   Cli...

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It's episode 01 the Season 10 Premiere! On this week's show we have five tales about sinister seniors, intimidating islands, and terrifying train tracks. "Grandma's Tub"‡ written by M.L. Hotz and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Half Moon Island"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:24:40) "The Boy Who Cried Sheep"¤ written by Irene Stark and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:53:20) "The Whistling Girl"† written by Sierra Cvach and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:11:00) "Row Boat"† written by Jeffrey K Blevins and performed by Peter Lewis & Alexis Bristowe & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:50:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & David Cummings¤ "The Whistling Girl" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 02 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about frantic families, taxing taxis, and sinister slaughterhouses. "My Sister Jo"‡ written by C.E. Avery and performed by Penny Scott-Andrews & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:05:20) "Duplex"† written by Henry Galley and performed by James Cleveland & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:05) "Rosewood and Vine"† written by M.L. Hotz and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:03:25) "Laughterhouse"† written by Tanja Simone and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:23:05) "Gehenna"¤ written by A.A. Peterson and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:46:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Live Tour 2018   Click here to learn more about Henry Galley   Click here to learn more about M.L. Ho...

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It's episode 02 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about frantic families, taxing taxis, and sinister slaughterhouses. "My Sister Jo"‡ written by C.E. Avery and performed by Penny Scott-Andrews & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:05:20) "Duplex"† written by Henry Galley and performed by James Cleveland & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:05) "Rosewood and Vine"† written by M.L. Hotz and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:03:25) "Laughterhouse"† written by Tanja Simone and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:23:05) "Gehenna"¤ written by A.A. Peterson and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:46:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Gehenna" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about frenetic families and caustic communities. "The Good People of a Good Town"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Matt Bradford. (Story starts around 00:05:45) "Call Me Gone"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:19:25) "Wade’s Waiting Room"‡ written by Steven Elmore and performed by David Ault & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:40:10) "What Was in the Attic"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:20:15) "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Addis...

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It's episode 03 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about frenetic families and caustic communities. "The Good People of a Good Town"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Matt Bradford. (Story starts around 00:05:45) "Call Me Gone"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:19:25) "Wade’s Waiting Room"‡ written by Steven Elmore and performed by David Ault & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:40:10) "What Was in the Attic"† written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:20:15) "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 02:02:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 04 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about deep dryness, fiendish forests, and medicinal memories. "My Son Brought Something Home From the Woods"† written by Harrison Prince and performed by Mary Murphy & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "An Out of Place Artefact at Toltec Site Three"‡ written by Samuel J. Allen and performed by Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:36:00) "To Dust"† written by David Skulich and performed by David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:13:00) "Don’t Become a Fire Lookout in Montana"¤ written by J.P. Carver and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:40:00) "After The Curtain Called"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mick Wingert & Mary Murphy & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 02:09:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "My Son Brought Something Home From the Woods" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about deep dryness, fiendish forests, and medicinal memories. "My Son Brought Something Home From the Woods"† written by Harrison Prince and performed by Mary Murphy & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "An Out of Place Artefact at Toltec Site Three"‡ written by Samuel J. Allen and performed by Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:36:00) "To Dust"† written by David Skulich and performed by David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:13:00) "Don’t Become a Fire Lookout in Montana"¤ written by J.P. Carver and performed by Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:40:00) "After The Curtain Called"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mick Wingert & Mary Murphy & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGau...

It's episode 05 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about time transgressions, sinister sweets, and audible agony. "Esther"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:05:15) "The Trespassers"¤ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:35:20) "Chocolate is Rocket Fuel for Nightmares"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:10:25) "Ice Cream in the Dark"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Matthew Bradford & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:33:15) "The Hum"‡ written by Joe Prosit and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 0...

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It's episode 05 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about time transgressions, sinister sweets, and audible agony. "Esther"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:05:15) "The Trespassers"¤ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:20) "Chocolate is Rocket Fuel for Nightmares"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:10:25) "Ice Cream in the Dark"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Matthew Bradford & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:33:15) "The Hum"‡ written by Joe Prosit and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 02:01:25) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Trespassers" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 06 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about tongue-tied terror, aquatic assaults, and buried blackness. "Drool"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "The Frogs"† written by Emlyn Meredith Dornemann and performed by Eden & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Shelter From the Storm"† written by M.S. Byrd and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Shark in the Pool"‡ written by Benjamin Robb and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:00:50) "The Black Square"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Shark in the Pool" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about tongue-tied terror, aquatic assaults, and buried blackness. "Drool"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "The Frogs"† written by Emlyn Meredith Dornemann and performed by Eden & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "Shelter From the Storm"† written by M.S. Byrd and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Shark in the Pool"‡ written by Benjamin Robb and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:00:50) "The Black Square"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:00) Click here to learn mo...

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It's episode 07 of Season 10 and time for our 2017 Christmas special featuring stories about frightening festive fears. "The Carolers"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:09:30) "The Nutcracker Town"¤ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:28:00) "Underneath the Mistletoe"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:48:00) "I Still Believe In Santa Claus" written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:17:00) "Christmas with Mr. Strings"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:37:00) "Tinsel"† written by Meg Molloy and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy & Erin Lillis & Matt Bradford. (Story starts around 02:27:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ & David Cummings Christmas 2017 illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2017-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 of Season 10 and time for our 2017 Christmas special featuring stories about frightening festive fears. "The Carolers"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristowe & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "The Nutcracker Town"¤ written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:24:50) "Underneath the Mistletoe"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:44:30) "I Still Believe In Santa Claus" written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:13:40) "Christmas with Mr. Strings"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (S...

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Happy New Year! The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring a classic tale from Season 8. "The Things We See in the Woods"</strong> written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski Holiday Hiatus illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Auld Lang Syne karaoke track by TheKARAOKEChannel Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

Happy New Year! The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring a classic tale from Season 8. "The Things We See in the Woods" written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to learn more about C.K. Walker   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski Holiday Hiatus illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Auld Lang Syne karaoke track by TheKARAOKEChannel Audio program ©2017 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.   Learn more a...

The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring two classic tales from Season Pass 9. "Trying to Remember a Pop Song" written by Thaddeus James and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:01:45) "Taco Tuesday" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Eden. (Story starts around 00:20:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to learn more about Thaddeus James   Click here to learn more about Henry Galley   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski Holiday Hiatus illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express w...

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The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring two classic tales from Season Pass 9. "Trying to Remember a Pop Song" written by Thaddeus James and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:01:45) "Taco Tuesday" written by Henry Galley and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Eden. (Story starts around 00:20:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: <a href="" target="_blank">Brandon Boone</a> Audio adaptation produced by: <a href="" target="_blank">Phil Michalski</a> Holiday Hiatus illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 08 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about insidious injuries and tempting tomes. "The Whispering Forest"‡ written by Alexander Hay and performed by David Ault & Penny Scott-Andrews & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Elie Hirschman & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "Aaron's Magic Boxx"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:26:00) "What They Deserved"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Mary Murphy & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:59:30) "First, Do No Harm"¤ written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:41:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Aaron's Magic Boxx" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 08 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about insidious injuries and tempting tomes. "The Whispering Forest"‡ written by Alexander Hay and performed by David Ault & Penny Scott-Andrews & Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Elie Hirschman & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "Aaron's Magic Boxx"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Kyle Akers & Elie Hirschman & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:26:00) "What They Deserved"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Mary Murphy & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:59:30) "First, Do No Harm"¤ written by Michael Marks and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:41:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to learn more about our Urban Legend Contest  ...

It's episode 09 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about wicked wilderness and ominous outsiders. "Dogs in the Drywall"‡ written by Cameron Suey and performed by Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:10) "The Lady at the Mail Slot"† written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:34:10) "The Forest Through The Trees"† written by D.M. Skulich and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:47:10) "The Adventures of Zombiegirl"¤ written by Garrett Croker and performed by Wafiyyah White & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Stephan Neubert & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:08:30) "The Fetch"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:44:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep...

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It's episode 09 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about wicked wilderness and ominous outsiders. "Dogs in the Drywall"‡ written by Cameron Suey and performed by Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:10) "The Lady at the Mail Slot"† written by Marshall Bannana and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:34:10) "The Forest Through The Trees"† written by D.M. Skulich and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:47:10) "The Adventures of Zombiegirl"¤ written by Garrett Croker and performed by Wafiyyah White & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Stephan Neubert & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:08:30) "The Fetch"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:44:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Dogs in the Drywall" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 10 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about crime & punishment via fire and ice. "The Cold Grip of Death"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:04:10) "The Dancing Flames of Fear"† written by Jimmy Ferrer and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "Mr. White’s Last Victim"† written by Patrick Zac and performed by Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:58:00) "Aunt Alma’s House"¤ written by Brian Gaynor and performed by David Ault & Mary Murphy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:39:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Cold Grip of Death" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about crime & punishment via fire and ice. "The Cold Grip of Death"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by David Cummings & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:04:10) "The Dancing Flames of Fear"† written by Jimmy Ferrer and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "Mr. White’s Last Victim"† written by Patrick Zac and performed by Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:58:00) "Aunt Alma’s House"¤ written by Brian Gaynor and performed by David Ault & Mary Murphy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:39:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tou...

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It's episode 11 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about sacrosanct sinners, confounded children, and evil elders. "Smidge"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "The Art of Transubstantiation"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "The Animals Went In Two By Two"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:42:30) "She Catches Demons in Her Teeth"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:11:45) "His Life's Work"† written by Gemma Amor and performed by Brian Mansi & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:32:25) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "She Catches Demons in Her Teeth" illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 11 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about sacrosanct sinners, confounded children, and evil elders. "Smidge"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "The Art of Transubstantiation"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Dan Zappulla & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:00) "The Animals Went In Two By Two"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Erika Sanderson & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:42:30) "She Catches Demons in Her Teeth"‡ written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:11:45) "His Life's Work"† written by Gemma Amor and performed by Brian Mansi & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:32:25) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escap...

It's episode 12 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six tales about lost love and cunning creatures. "A Gift in the Dark"† written by Gavin Wilson and performed by Andy Cresswell & Mick Wingert & James Cleveland & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "My Anime Body Pillow"† written by Holly Dionis and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "The Rat Girl of Saint Bruno's"‡ written by L.L. Madrid and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:16:15) "So Praise Him"† written by Samuel Marzioli and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:40:00) "Sky Turns Red"¤ written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 02:12:00) Click here to learn more about the voice...

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It's episode 12 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six tales about lost love and cunning creatures. "He Who Listens for Wishes"¤ written by Manen Lyset and performed by James Cleveland & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy & Brian Mansi. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "A Gift in the Dark"† written by Gavin Wilson and performed by Andy Cresswell & Mick Wingert & James Cleveland & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "My Anime Body Pillow"† written by Holly Dionis and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:43:00) "The Rat Girl of Saint Bruno's"‡ written by L.L. Madrid and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:16:15) "So Praise Him"† written by Samuel Marzioli and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:40:00) "Sky Turns Red"¤ written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 02:12:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "My Anime Body Pillow" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

  For Valentine's Day 2018 we are proud to present this bonus episode featuring the story, "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" by Jesse Clark. "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" written by Jesse Clark and performed by Mick Wingert & Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to learn more about Jesse Clark   Click here to learn more about illustrator Jörn Heidrath   Click here to learn more about Mick Wingert   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content...

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For Valentine's Day 2018 we are proud to present this bonus episode featuring the story, "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" by Jesse Clark. "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" written by Jesse Clark and performed by Mick Wingert & Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski "What Happens When the Stars Go Out" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six tales about horrifying helpers, petrifying prizes and tiny terrors. "It's The Taking Part That Counts"† written by Caitlin Hobbs and performed by Mick Wingert & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:05:37) "A Job for John"† written by S.H.Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:20:23) "The Grand Reopening of Hellmouth Pass"† written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Kyle Akers & David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Great White"† written by L.R. Cole and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:02:50) "He Was Dead When I Met Him"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:26:25) "The Little Man"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Erika Sande...

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It's episode 13 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six tales about horrifying helpers, petrifying prizes and tiny terrors. "It's The Taking Part That Counts"† written by Caitlin Hobbs and performed by Mick Wingert & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:05:37) "A Job for John"† written by S.H.Cooper and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:20:23) "The Grand Reopening of Hellmouth Pass"† written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Kyle Akers & David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:35:30) "The Great White"† written by L.R. Cole and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:02:50) "He Was Dead When I Met Him"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman Nichole Goodnight & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:26:25) "The Little Man"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Erika Sanderson & Jessica McEvoy & David Ault & Mary Murphy & Penny Scott-Andrews & James Cleveland & Brian Mansi & David Cummings. (Story starts around 01:58:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "He Was Dead When I Met Him" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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We are debuting the first episode of Congeria from Atticus Jackson and Henry Galley. Congeria features many of the NoSleep team members including Nichole Goodnight, David Ault, David Cummings, music by Brandon Boone, production by Phil Michalski, and much more. Episode 2 is already available on the Congeria feed.

It's episode 14 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about blinding betrayals, disturbing deaths and fated friends. "Crone's Wood"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:08:40) "My Father's Confession"¤ written by Grace Russell and performed by Mick Wingert & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:25:34) "It'll Be Back Tonight"† written by J.D. Smith and performed by Addison Peacock & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:12:25) "Incomprehensible"† written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:39:46) "The Flame That Wouldn't Burn"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Matthew Bradford & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 02:04:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  ...

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It's episode 14 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about blinding betrayals, disturbing deaths and fated friends. "Crone's Wood"† written by S.H.Cooper and performed by Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:08:40) "My Father's Confession"† written by Grace Russell and performed by Mick Wingert & Jesse Cornett & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:25:34) "It'll Be Back Tonight"† written by J.D. Smith and performed by Addison Peacock & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:12:25) "Incomprehensible"‡ written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:39:46) "The Flame That Wouldn't Burn"¤ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Matthew Bradford & Peter Lewis & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 02:04:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "It'll be Back Tonight" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 15 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six stories about nightmarish nature, confident cults and ancient evils. "The Conqueror Worm"† written by Edgar Allan Poe and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "Edward"† written by Sarah Daly and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:10:00) "Kensey Kendall’s Entrepreneurial Extravaganza"† written V.R. Gregg and performed by Peter Lewis & Mary Murphy & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:28:15) "Three-Faced Thelma"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:06:00) "What Was Under My Bed"† written by C.E. Avery and performed by Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:26:50) "I Can't Let My Friends Leave The Mine"¤ written by Jon Grilz and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mik...

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It's episode 15 of Season 10. On this week's show we have six stories about nightmarish nature, confident cults and ancient evils. "The Conqueror Worm"† written by Edgar Allan Poe and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:06:00) "Edward"† written by Sarah Daly and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:10:00) "Kensey Kendall’s Entrepreneurial Extravaganza"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Peter Lewis & Mary Murphy & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:28:15) "Three-Faced Thelma"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:06:00) "What Was Under My Bed"† written by C.E. Avery and performed by Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:26:50) "I Can't Let My Friends Leave The Mine"¤ written by Jon Grilz and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:52:15) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Conqueror Worm" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 16 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about seductive sirens, howling heads and phantom pets. "The Death of a Monstrosity"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:15:10) "The Siren & The Hound"† written by Jazzmin Moysey-Forrestall and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:28:29) "The Dumpster Ghosts"† written Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:20:53) "The Black Square is Growing"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis & David Cummings & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:49:24) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Black Square is Growing" illustration courtesy of Olivia White Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about seductive sirens, howling heads and phantom pets. "The Death of a Monstrosity"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:15:10) "The Siren & The Hound"† written by Jazzmin Moysey-Forrestall and performed by Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:28:29) "The Dumpster Ghosts"† written Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:20:53) "The Black Square is Growing"¤ written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Peter Lewis & David Cummings & Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:49:24) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep P...

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It's episode 17 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about curly killers, rotten relationships and all-seeing eyes. "There Was A Little Girl"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mary Murphy & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:15:22) "Look Up, See Through"‡ written by Gracie Dunne and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:30:40) "The Devil's In The Details"‡ written J.D. McGregor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:07:45) "The Haunted Items Business is Closed"¤ written by Rays Rodriguez and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:24:06) "Back Alley Sue"† written by Gemma Amor and performed by Andy Cresswell & Nikolle Doolin & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 01:55:53) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "There Was A Little Girl" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 17 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about curly killers, rotten relationships and all-seeing eyes. "There Was A Little Girl"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mary Murphy & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:15:22) "Look Up, See Through"‡ written by Gracie Dunne and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:30:40) "The Devil's In The Details"‡ written J.D. McGregor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:07:45) "The Haunted Items Business is Closed"¤ written by Rays Rodriguez and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:24:06) "Back Alley Sue"† written by Gemma Amor and performed by Andy Cresswell & Nikolle Doolin & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 01:55:53) Cl...

It's episode 18 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about wild women, hapless husbands, and phantasmagorical fantasies. "Glue Girl"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "500 Yards"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mary Murphy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:22:10) "Honeymoon Videos"† written Kelly Childress and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:03:00) "Jack in the Box"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "AFFY"‡ written S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Mike DelGaudio & Mary Murphy & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:51:10) Click ...

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It's episode 18 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about wild women, hapless husbands and phantasmagorical fantasies. "Glue Girl"† written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Corinne Sanders & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "500 Yards"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mary Murphy & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:22:10) "Honeymoon Videos"† written Kelly Childress and performed by Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:03:00) "Jack in the Box"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:15:00) "AFFY"‡ written S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders & Mike DelGaudio & Mary Murphy & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:51:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Host & Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Jack in the Box" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 19 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about alluring arcades, terrifying titans, and hungering horrors. "The One-Headed Hound" written by Ken M and performed by David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Gambo's Game Room"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:13:00) "Head in the Clouds"¤ written by Jesse Clark and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "Within the Den"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:07:20) "Padre del Oro"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:22:40) "The Eastwoods"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:50:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Gambo's Game Room" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about alluring arcades, terrifying titans, and hungering horrors. "The One-Headed Hound" written by Ken M and performed by David Cummings & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:01:40) "Gambo's Game Room"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:10:30) "Head in the Clouds"¤ written by Jesse Clark and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:32:20) "Within the Den"† written by J.J. Cheesman and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:07:20) "Padre del Oro"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:22:40) "The Eastwoods"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement &...

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It's episode 20 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about forgotten friends, beastly bovines, and insidious ice. "Russian Ice Roads"† written by Eka Waterfield and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 11:11:11) "We Forgot About Muriel"¤ written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:20:50) "The Path Through Lower Fell"‡ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:54:50) "Gaps in the Memory"† written by Olivia White and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:23:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Path Through Lower Fell" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about forgotten friends, beastly bovines, and insidious ice. "Russian Ice Roads"† written by Eka Waterfield and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "We Forgot About Muriel"¤ written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:20:50) "The Path Through Lower Fell"‡ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Erika Sanderson & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:54:50) "Gaps in the Memory"† written by Olivia White and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:23:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to learn more about Eka Waterfield   Click here to learn more about Annemarie Hartnett   Click here to learn more a...

For Friday the 13th we are proud to present this bonus episode featuring the story crafted by Peter Lewis for the episodes he hosted during the Escape the Black Farm tour in Feb/Mar of 2018. "Escape the Dungeon" written by Peter Lewis and performed by The NoSleep Players. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to visit the home of Peter Lewis   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "Escape the Dungeon" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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For Friday the 13th we are proud to present this bonus episode featuring the story crafted by Peter Lewis for the episodes he hosted during the Escape the Black Farm tour in Feb/Mar of 2018. "Escape the Dungeon" written by Peter Lewis and performed by The NoSleep Players. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski "Escape the Dungeon" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about vicious voyeurs, grotesque gambling, and fatal friendships. "Hell's Mortician"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Thin Ice"† written by David Hubbard and performed by Matthew Bradford & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:17:50) "House Full of Eyes"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:04:20) "A High-Stakes Game"¤ written by Sam Raffield and performed by Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault. (Story starts around 01:41:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Escape the Black Farm Tour   Click here to visit the home of Peter Lewis   Click here to listen to the Sum...

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It's episode 21 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about vicious voyeurs, grotesque gambling, and fatal friendships. "Hell's Mortician"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Thin Ice"† written by David Hubbard and performed by Matthew Bradford & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:17:50) "House Full of Eyes"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Kyle Akers & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:04:20) "A High-Stakes Game"¤ written by Sam Raffield and performed by Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla & Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault. (Story starts around 01:41:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "House Full of Eyes" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about classified confessions, lethal lumber, and sinister spaces. "The Classifieds"† written by Henry Galley and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Driftwood"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Armen Taylor & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:32:00) "What Became of Lavinia Cartwright"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:08:30) "The Price of Truth"¤ written by H.G. Rann and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:25:50) "The Wormhole Past Jupiter"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by David Ault & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & James Cleveland & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:52:30) Click here to learn more about the voice ...

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It's episode 22 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about classified confessions, lethal lumber, and sinister spaces. "The Classifieds"† written by Henry Galley and performed by David Cummings & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Driftwood"‡ written by Manen Lyset and performed by Armen Taylor & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:32:00) "What Became of Lavinia Cartwright"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:08:30) "The Price of Truth"¤ written by H.G. Rann and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:25:50) "The Wormhole Past Jupiter"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by David Ault & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & James Cleveland & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:52:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Driftwood" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

"Not Everything Drowns "† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "Dad's Famous Preserves"¤ written by Seras Nikita and performed by Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:21:20) "The Final Victim of Hopkins' Pit"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Dusk on Old Arcadia"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Marcus Damanda & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:35:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to listen to the Summer Series   Click here to learn more about V.R. Gregg   Click here to learn more about Seras Nikita   Click here to learn more about Luke Hoehn   Click here to learn more about Marcus Damanda ...

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It's episode 23 of Season 10. On this week's show we have four tales about entombed entities, sinister seasons, and excised evangelicals. "Not Everything Drowns"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by David Cummings. (Story starts around 00:05:30) "Dad's Famous Preserves"¤ written by Seras Nikita and performed by Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:21:20) "The Final Victim of Hopkins' Pit"† written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Dusk on Old Arcadia"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Addison Peacock & Marcus Damanda & Atticus Jackson & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 01:35:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone - Accordion music courtesy of Travis Vengroff Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Dad's Famous Preserves" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 24 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about ferocious forests, pressured prisoners, and sinister songs. "Hideaway"† written by Holly Dionis and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "All That Moves Us"† written by Evan Dicken and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:18:35) "The Wash"† written by Justin Short and performed by Mick Wingert & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:38:45) "Look for the Silver Lining"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "Exodus of the Damned"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault & Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis & Mary Murphy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:23:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone - Accordion music courtesy of Travis Vengroff Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Hideaway" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 24 of Season 10. On this week's show we have five tales about ferocious forests, pressured prisoners, and sinister songs. "Hideaway"† written by Holly Dionis and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "All That Moves Us"† written by Evan Dicken and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:18:35) "The Wash"† written by Justin Short and performed by Mick Wingert & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:38:45) "Look for the Silver Lining"¤ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "Exodus of the Damned"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault & Jeff Clement & Jesse Cornett & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis & Mary Murphy & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:23:40) Click here to learn more about the voice a...

A bonus presentation of "A Seaside British Pub" by C.M. Scandreth. Visit or return to the pub in preparation the Season 10 Finale. "A Seaside British Pub" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Brian Mansi & David Ault. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: David Cummings Audio program ©2016-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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A bonus presentation of "A Seaside British Pub" by C.M. Scandreth. Visit or return to the pub in preparation the Season 10 Finale. "A Seaside British Pub" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Brian Mansi & David Ault. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: David Cummings Audio program ©2016-2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 25 - the Season 10 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of C.M. Scandreth's epic tale, "Return to a Seaside British Pub". "Return to a Seaside British Pub" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Brian Mansi & Mick Wingert & David Cummings & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Armen Taylor & Graham Rowat & David Ault. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: David Cummings Sound design by: Phil Michalski "Return to a Seaside British Pub" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the Season 10 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of C.M. Scandreth's epic tale, "Return to a Seaside British Pub". "Return to a Seaside British Pub" written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Erika Sanderson & Brian Mansi & Mick Wingert & David Cummings & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Armen Taylor & Graham Rowat & David Ault. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth   Click here for part one of A Seaside British Pub   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: David Cummings Sound design by: Phil Michalski "Return to a Seaside British Pub" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights...

We're in-between Seasons 10 and 11 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Eastwoods"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "The Wormhole Past Jupiter"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by David Ault & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & James Cleveland & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:33:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for Season Pass 11   Click here to learn more about Henry Galley   Click here to learn more about Jesse Clark   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Waiting for 11" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Cre...

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We're in-between Seasons 10 and 11 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "The Eastwoods"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:02:00) "The Wormhole Past Jupiter"† written by Jesse Clark and performed by David Ault & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett & Matthew Bradford & Dan Zappulla & James Cleveland & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:33:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ "Waiting for 11" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

  This special bonus episode features the performance of Escape the Black Farm Live from SPACE in Chicago on March 11, 2018. "Seeing Sights" written by Michael Whitehouse "Escape the Black Farm" written by Elias Witherow "Piper" written by Jimmy Juliano Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse   Click here to learn more about Elias Witherow   Click here to learn more about Jimmy Juliano   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio mastering by: Phil Michalski Escape the Black Farm Live image courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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This special bonus episode features the performance of Escape the Black Farm Live from SPACE in Chicago on March 11, 2018. "Seeing Sights" written by Michael Whitehouse "Escape the Black Farm" written by Elias Witherow "Piper" written by Jimmy Juliano Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score performed by: Brandon Boone Audio mastering by: Phil Michalski Escape the Black Farm Live image courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 01 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about perplexing punishments and minor malfeasance. "How I Wonder What You Are"† written by Al Bruno III and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "In the Quiet Hours"¤ written by Scott Ferguson and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:16:20) "Ten Miles Outside Vaughn"† written by Irene Bassett and performed by Graham Rowat & Armen Taylor & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:54:30) "Noose of the Hanged Men"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:15:15) "Dandelion Fluff"‡ written by Oriahna Stockham and performed by Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & Mary Murphy & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:39:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Ten Miles Outside Vaughn" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 01 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about perplexing punishments and minor malfeasance. "How I Wonder What You Are"† written by Al Bruno III and performed by Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:03:30) "In the Quiet Hours"¤ written by Scott Ferguson and performed by Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:16:20) "Ten Miles Outside Vaughn"† written by Irene Bassett and performed by Graham Rowat & Armen Taylor & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:54:30) "Noose of the Hanged Men"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:15:15) "Dandelion Fluff"‡ written by Oriahna Stockham and performed by Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & Mary Murphy & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:39:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Graham Rowat   Click here to learn more about Al Br...

It's episode 02 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales about dangerous darkness and cunning consumption. "Not Your Standard Phobia"† written by Johnny Stitches and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Bed Rest"† written by Dan Fields and performed by Kyle Akers & Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "The Name Eater"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:39:30) "Black Sand"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Armen Taylor & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:07:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper's novel "From Twisted Roots"   Click here to learn more about Johnny Stitches   Click here to learn more about Dan Fields   Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth   ...

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It's episode 02 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales about dangerous darkness and cunning consumption. "Not Your Standard Phobia"† written by Johnny Stitches and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Bed Rest"† written by Dan Fields and performed by Kyle Akers & Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:20:30) "The Name Eater"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 00:39:30) "Black Sand"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Armen Taylor & Erin Lillis & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:07:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Name Eater" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

NoSleep Podcast - 7th Birthday! This bonus episode celebrates seven years of The NoSleep Podcast. "Baby Turns Seven"† by Marcus Damanda "I Save Children From Accidents"† by Henry Galley "I Don’t Know Where the Cat Was Going But It Sure As Shit Wasn’t Narnia"† by Lindsay Moore "A Birthday Cake for Brian"† by Gemma Amor "Containment" by Jesse Clark "Budget Cuts"† by T.W. Grim "An Honest Man" by Manen Lyset "Sweet Sixteen" by S.H. Cooper "The Cannibal Clock"† by Elias Witherow "My Daughter is Sensitive"† by V.R. Gregg "It’s My Party"† by Rona Vaselaar "Horror Stories from the Future"† by Matt Dymerski "Gray House" by Jackson Laughlin "Stock Photos" by Jared Roberts "Cricket Hills" by Jimmy Juliano "Happy Birthday, Sleepless"† by Olivia White Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here the 7th Birthday messages   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by...

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NoSleep Podcast - 7th Birthday! This bonus episode celebrates seven years of The NoSleep Podcast. "Baby Turns Seven"† by Marcus Damanda "I Save Children From Accidents"† by Henry Galley "I Don’t Know Where the Cat Was Going But It Sure As Shit Wasn’t Narnia"† by Lindsay Moore "A Birthday Cake for Brian"† by Gemma Amor "Containment" by Jesse Clark "Budget Cuts"† by T.W. Grim "An Honest Man" by Manen Lyset "Sweet Sixteen" by S.H. Cooper "The Cannibal Clock"† by Elias Witherow "My Daughter is Sensitive"† by V.R. Gregg "It’s My Party"† by Rona Vaselaar "Horror Stories from the Future"† by Matt Dymerski "Gray House" by Jackson Laughlin "Stock Photos" by Jared Roberts "Cricket Hills" by Jimmy Juliano "Happy Birthday, Sleepless"† by Olivia White Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & David Cummings "7th Birthday" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales about furtive families and menacing mysteries. "A Eulogy for My Uncle"‡ written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Jeff Clement & Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:01:50) "I’m Shutting Down My True Crime Podcast"† written by Allison Slater and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:31:00) "Warning Cry"† written by J.D. Buffington and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:21:15) "My Childhood Home"¤ written by Kerry H. and performed by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:49:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Jimmy Juliano   Click here to learn more about J.D. Buffington   Click here to learn more about Kerry H.   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phi...

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It's episode 03 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales about furtive families and menacing mysteries. "A Eulogy for My Uncle"‡ written by Jimmy Juliano and performed by Jeff Clement & Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:01:50) "I’m Shutting Down My True Crime Podcast"† written by Allison Slater and performed by Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:31:00) "Warning Cry"† written by J.D. Buffington and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:21:15) "My Childhood Home"¤ written by Kerry H. and performed by Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:49:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "A Eulogy for My Uncle" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 04 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about fellows, both friendly and fiendish. "Mimicry"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "Mister Clacky-Teeth"‡ written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor & Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:18:00) "Robert's Repairs"¤ written by René Rehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "Tap"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Corinne Sanders & Nikolle Doolin & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:20:30) "Edgar Falls Run"† written by K.M Bennett and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Mick Wingert & Peter Lewis & Graham Rowat & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Mister Clacky-Teeth" illustration courtesy of Jörn Heidrath Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about fellows, both friendly and fiendish. "Mimicry"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:04:30) "Mister Clacky-Teeth"‡ written by Lindsay Moore and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor & Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:18:00) "Robert's Repairs"¤ written by René Rehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:01:00) "Tap"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Corinne Sanders & Nikolle Doolin & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:20:30) "Edgar Falls Run"† written by K.M Bennett and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Mick Wingert & Peter Lewis & Graham Rowat & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:00) Click...

It's episode 05 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales by authors from the LGBTQ community in celebration of Pride month. "Long Night at the Nursing Home"† written by Tara A. Devlin and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Mary Murphy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Home Grown"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Graham Rowat & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:39:30) "Transformation Tuesday"‡ written by Scott Savino and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:24:25) "Containing Secrets"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Mick Wingert & Dan Zappulla & Corinne Sanders & Armen Taylor & James Cleveland & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:53:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Tara A. Devlin   Click here to learn more about Olivia White   Click...

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It's episode 05 of Season 11. On this week's show we have four tales by authors from the LGBTQ community in celebration of Pride month. "Long Night at the Nursing Home"† written by Tara A. Devlin and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Mary Murphy & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "Home Grown"¤ written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Graham Rowat & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:39:30) "Transformation Tuesday"‡ written by Scott Savino and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:24:25) "Containing Secrets"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Mick Wingert & Dan Zappulla & Corinne Sanders & Armen Taylor & James Cleveland & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:53:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ Pride Episode illustration courtesy of C.M. Scandreth Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 06 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about wicked water, repellant relatives, and diabolical deals. "The Tunnel Boy"‡ written by Liam Phillipson and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Full Bloom"† written by Tadd Mecham and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:24:20) "Blind Contract"† written by Molly Lankford and performed by Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:01:20) "Good Strawberries"† written by LP Hernandez and performed by Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:20:30) "It Came Out of The Rain"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike Delgaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:47:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Tunnel Boy" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about wicked water, repellent relatives, and diabolical deals. "The Tunnel Boy"‡ written by Liam Phillipson and performed by Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "Full Bloom"† written by Tadd Mecham and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:24:20) "Blind Contract"† written by Molly Lankford and performed by Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:01:20) "Good Strawberries"† written by LP Hernandez and performed by Atticus Jackson & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:20:30) "It Came Out of The Rain"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jesse Cornett & Mike Delgaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:47:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Chilling Tales Anthol...

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It's episode 07 of Season 11. On this week's show we have six tales about terrifying treasures, fractured families, and touching terrors. "Yes/No"† written by Jon Grilz and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "A Canister from the Ashes"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:18:00) "The Room Upstairs"¤ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Tanja Milojevic. (Story starts around 00:30:15) "The Baby Monitor"† written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:10) "Fapper"† written by Alix Reeves and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:12:35) "The Start of a Haunting"‡ written by Ashleigh Banks and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:31:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "A Canister from the Ashes" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 of Season 11. On this week's show we have six tales about terrifying treasures, fractured families, and touching terrors. "Yes/No"† written by Jon Grilz and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:02:40) "A Canister from the Ashes"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Kyle Akers & Erika Sanderson & Alexis Bristowe & Jeff Clement & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:18:00) "The Room Upstairs"¤ written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Tanja Milojevic. (Story starts around 00:30:15) "The Baby Monitor"† written by E.Z. Morgan and performed by Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:04:10) "Fapper"† written by Alix Reeves and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Nichole Goodnight & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:12:35) "The Start of a Haunting"‡ written by Ashleigh Banks and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01...

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It's episode 08 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister screens, malevolent medicine, and wicked wilderness. "Tales of the Backroads"† written by Jazzmin Forrestall and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:02:55) "Reel to Real"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:25:37) "Effects Vary"† written by Michael Harris Cohen and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:50:09) "Critter"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristow. (Story starts around 01:13:02) "In a Land of Weeping Corpses"¤ written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:37:18) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "In a Land of Weeping Corpses" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 08 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about sinister screens, malevolent medicine, and wicked wilderness. "Tales of the Backroads"† written by Jazzmin Forrestall and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:02:55) "Reel to Real"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:25:37) "Effects Vary"† written by Michael Harris Cohen and performed by Peter Lewis & Mike DelGaudio & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:50:09) "Critter"† written by Annemarie Hartnett and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Alexis Bristow. (Story starts around 01:13:02) "In a Land of Weeping Corpses"¤ written by Felix Blackwell and performed by Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:37:18) Click here to learn more about the voice actor...

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It's episode 09 of Season 11. On this week's show we have three tales about what evils lurks among the wary woodlands and terrifying trees. "The Winchester Woods" written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Graham Rowat & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "The Five Deaths of Margaret Ann Campbell" written by Carolyn A. Drake and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "The Trees Are Not What They Seem"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:00:25) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & David Cummings "The Trees Are Not What They Seem" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 09 of Season 11. On this week's show we have three tales about what evils lurks among the wary woodlands and terrifying trees. "The Winchester Woods" written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Graham Rowat & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "The Five Deaths of Margaret Ann Campbell" written by Carolyn A. Drake and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "The Trees Are Not What They Seem"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Elie irschman & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:00:25) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Rona Vaselaar   Click here to learn more about Carolyn A. Drake   Click here to learn more about Jared Robe...

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It's episode 10 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about suspicious students, repulsive releases, and filthy functions. "I Felt The Baby Kick"† written by Blair Daniels and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:01:55) "A Person in the Rain"¤ written by Jen Marshall and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:20:10) "It's A Match"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Mary Murphy & Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:17:30) "Body Fluid Bingo"† written by D. Williams and performed by Nikolle Doolin & James Cleveland & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:39:00) "Jasper the Gasper"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Jeff Clement & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 02:05:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "I Felt The Baby Kick" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about suspicious students, repulsive releases, and filthy functions. "I Felt The Baby Kick"† written by Blair Daniels and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:01:55) "A Person in the Rain"¤ written by Jen Marshall and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Elie Hirschman & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:20:10) "It's A Match"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Mary Murphy & Addison Peacock & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:17:30) "Body Fluid Bingo"† D. Williams and performed by Nikolle Doolin & James Cleveland & Erin Lillis & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:39:00) "Jasper the Gasper"‡ written by Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Jeff Clement & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 02:05:00) Click here to learn more about the voice ac...

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It's episode 11 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about the terrifying tension of trapped torment. "HGH"† written by Jimmy Ferrer and performed by Graham Rowat & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:02:15) "B is for Ballora"† written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:22:30) "Creeping Eyes"‡ written by Andrew Nagler and performed by Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:47:00) "The Bird Box"† written by Tristan Lince and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:11:30) "Foliage"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:25:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Foliage" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 11 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about the terrifying tension of trapped torment. "HGH"† written by Jimmy Ferrer and performed by Graham Rowat & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:02:15) "B is for Ballora"† written by Matt Dymerski and performed by Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:22:30) "Creeping Eyes"‡ written by Andrew Nagler and performed by Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:47:00) "The Bird Box"† written by Tristan Lince and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:11:30) "Foliage"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:25:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Matt Dymerski   Click here to learn more about Tristan Lince   Click here to learn more a...

It's episode 12 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about our sinister suffering senses. "A Ride That Never Ends"† written by Lumi Mö and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:02:15) "Scars"¤ written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Mick Wingert & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:28:50) "If I Don’t See Them"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:11:45) "Two in a Box"‡ written by R. Sinclair Mills and performed by Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:24:35) "Bedtime at the Coopers"† written by David Hubbard and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:55:20) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Lumi Mö   Click here to learn more about Keith McDuffee   Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper   ...

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It's episode 12 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about our sinister suffering senses. "A Ride That Never Ends"† written by Lumi Mö and performed by Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:02:15) "Scars"¤ written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Mick Wingert & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 00:28:50) "If I Don’t See Them"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Nikolle Doolin & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:11:45) "Two in a Box"‡ written by R. Sinclair Mills and performed by Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:24:35) "Bedtime at the Coopers"† written by David Hubbard and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:55:20) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Scars" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about menacing media, heavenly horrors, and malicious mothers. "VIRUS"† written by Mike Thorn and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:03:40) "The Time-Out Doll"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Addison Peacock & Alexis Bristowe & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:33:55) "In Between The Dry-Heaves"† written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:09:20) "Backyard Astronaut"‡ written by Elias Witherow and performed by David Cummings & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:23:15) "Weird Church"¤ written by Jennifer Winters and performed by Erin Lillis & Mary Murphy & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:53:55) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to enter the Sennheiser AMBEO Smart Headset Conte...

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It's episode 13 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about menacing media, heavenly horrors, and malicious mothers. "VIRUS"† written by Mike Thorn and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:03:40) "The Time-Out Doll"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Addison Peacock & Alexis Bristowe & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:33:55) "In Between The Dry-Heaves"† written by J.D. McGregor and performed by Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:09:20) "Backyard Astronaut"‡ written by Elias Witherow and performed by David Cummings & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:23:15) "Weird Church"¤ written by Jennifer Winters and performed by Erin Lillis & Mary Murphy & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:53:55) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Time-Out Doll" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 14 of Season 11. On this week's show we have six tales about being tormented and trapped by terrible traumas. "Fun Facts"‡ written by Alyssa N Vaughn and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Corinne Sanders & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:02:35) "The Daredevil Of Catoctin Creek"¤ written by Alex Flanigan and performed by Mary Murphy & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:24:55) "E is for Elephant"† written by Krys Hookuh and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "The Reason Why I Lock the Door During a Storm"† written by Matt Richardsen and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "The Box"† written by Ashley Harrison and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:35:20) "The Stall"† written by Thomas Grave and performed by Graham Rowat & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:57:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "E is for Elephant" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 14 of Season 11. On this week's show we have six tales about being tormented and trapped by terrible traumas. "Fun Facts"‡ written by Alyssa N Vaughn and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Corinne Sanders & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:02:35) "The Daredevil Of Catoctin Creek"¤ written by Alex Flanigan and performed by Mary Murphy & Atticus Jackson & Jesse Cornett & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 00:24:55) "E is for Elephant"† written by Krys Hookuh and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "The Reason Why I Lock the Door During a Storm"† written by Matt Richardsen and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "The Box"† written by Ashley Harrison and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & James Cleveland. (Story starts around 01:35:20) "The Stall"† written by Thomas Grave and p...

It's episode 15 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about the insanity of insidious inhumans. "The Prom Baby"† written by Kelly A. Childress and performed by Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "Welcome to Mister Smiley’s Happy World Theme Park and Fun Land"† written by Joe Prosit and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Corinne Sanders & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "Emily's Alone"‡ written by David Hubbard and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:00:40) "It Was Drawn In Banana Mania Crayola"† written by Patrick Zac and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:26:00) "The Executrix"¤ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Armen Taylor & Graham Rowat & Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 02:07:15) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Kelly A....

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It's episode 15 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about the insanity of insidious inhumans. "The Prom Baby"† written by Kelly A. Childress and performed by Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "Welcome to Mister Smiley’s Happy World Theme Park and Fun Land"† written by Joe Prosit and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Corinne Sanders & David Ault. (Story starts around 00:27:00) "Emily's Alone"‡ written by David Hubbard and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:00:40) "It Was Drawn In Banana Mania Crayola"† written by Patrick Zac and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:26:00) "The Executrix"¤ written by Henry Galley and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Armen Taylor & Graham Rowat & Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 02:07:15) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Emily’s Alone" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 16 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty nature, terrifying transformations, and malicious malls. "My Town is Being Infested by Strange Bees"† written by René Rehn and performed by Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "The Taking Tree"† written by Tobias Wade and performed by Armen Taylor & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:14:20) "It Was A Different Time"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Kyle Akers & Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:31:00) "I Want My MTV"† written by Rachele Bowman and performed by Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:56:30) "The Open Secret of East Hall"¤ written by Meg Molloy and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:19:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "My Town is Being Infested by Strange Bees" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about nasty nature, terrifying transformations, and malicious malls. "My Town is Being Infested by Strange Bees"† written by René Rehn and performed by Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:03:15) "The Taking Tree"† written by Tobias Wade and performed by Armen Taylor & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:14:20) "It Was A Different Time"‡ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Kyle Akers & Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:31:00) "I Want My MTV"† written by Rachele Bowman and performed by Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:56:30) "The Open Secret of East Hall"¤ written by Meg Molloy and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 01:19:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on ...

It's episode 17 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about frantic families, familiar flyers, and frightful finals. "Dead Air"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "My Dog Freddy"† written by Nick Snyder and performed by Matthew Bradford & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:30:00) "The Test"‡ written by Tom Hawkins and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:01:15) "Whispers in the Woods"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:26:00) "The Mystery of William Wilson"¤ written by Troy H. Gardner and performed by Kyle Akers & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:50:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSle...

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It's episode 17 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about frantic families, familiar flyers, and frightful finals. "Dead Air"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Atticus Jackson & Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "My Dog Freddy"† written by Nick Snyder and performed by Matthew Bradford & Mick Wingert & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sanders. (Story starts around 00:30:00) "The Test"‡ written by Tom Hawkins and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Nikolle Doolin & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman. (Story starts around 01:01:15) "Whispers in the Woods"† written by Michael Marks and performed by Dan Zappulla & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:26:00) "The Mystery of William Wilson"¤ written by Troy H. Gardner and performed by Kyle Akers & David Ault & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:50:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Dead Air" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 18 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about bodies; broken, begging, and bracing. "Joe Made a Choice"† written by Lucretia Vastea and performed by Graham Rowat & Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "The Night Lily"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:24:15) "Pet Sitting"† written by Joe Sullivan and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:04:35) "Perfect"‡ written by Lucia France and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:22:40) "Secrets and Motives"¤ written by Tristan Lince and performed by Jesse Cornett & Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:43:55) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Secrets and Motives" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 18 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about bodies; broken, begging, and bracing. "Joe Made a Choice"† written by Lucretia Vastea and performed by Graham Rowat & Mick Wingert & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "The Night Lily"† written by Olivia White and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mike DelGaudio & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:24:15) "Pet Sitting"† written by Joe Sullivan and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 01:04:35) "Perfect"‡ written by Lucia France and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:22:40) "Secrets and Motives"¤ written by Tristan Lince and performed by Jesse Cornett & Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe & Addison Peacock & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:43:55) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for tickets to Halloween Liv...

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Today we debut Episode 1 of Season 3 of Darkest Night! Chapter 21 - Safari Valley In this episode, Project Cyclops takes us to an amusement park family trip gone wrong. Cast List: Narrator - Keith David Savannah Roth - Kim DeJesus Katie Reed - Brynn Langford Agent Han Ziggler - Denis O'Hare Matt - Richie Cottrell Emily - Mary Malloy Dylan - Zach Crowley Park Speaker - David Ault Written by C.K. Walker. Directed, Edited, and Produced by Alex Aldea and Victor Figueroa. Music composed by Alex Aldea and Andrew Joslyn. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa.

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It's episode 19 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about dire disappearances, dreadful dreams, and deadly deliveries. "Lost"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "Curse of the Gilded Echo Part 2: The Body Lies"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Harmon & C.K. Walker & Mick Wingert & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:21:15) "Zero Consequences"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Mick Wingert & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:54:30) "My Worst Pizza Delivery"‡ written by Vinny Cervone and performed by Atticus Jackson & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:14:45) "Fear of Flying "¤ written by Maggie Todorova and performed by David Ault & Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:35:35) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "My Worst Pizza Delivery" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about dire disappearances, dreadful dreams, and deadly deliveries. "Lost"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Jessica McEvoy & Erin Lillis & Mike DelGaudio & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "Curse of the Gilded Echo Part 2: The Body Lies"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Harmon & C.K. Walker & Mick Wingert & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:21:15) "Zero Consequences"† written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Mick Wingert & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:54:30) "My Worst Pizza Delivery"‡ written by Vinny Cervone and performed by Atticus Jackson & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:14:45) "Fear of Flying "¤ written by Maggie Todorova and performed by David Ault & Armen Taylor & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:35:35) Click here to lea...

It's episode 20 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about searching; for the missing, for the meaning, and for the murderer. "Flight 347 Came Back"‡ written by Mr. Michael Squid and performed by Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Curse of the Gilded Echo Part 3: The Queen in Ivory"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Harmon & Atticus Jackson & C.K. Walker & Tanja Milojevic & Mick Wingert & Peter Lewis & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:15:15) "An App Called “How Will You Die?”"† written by Blair Daniels and performed by Tanja Milojevic & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:59:10) "Remy"† written by Justin Solaiman and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Graham Rowat. (Story starts around 01:20:45) "Blackwood Holler"¤ written by Stephen P. Lindsey and performed by Graham Rowat & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Erin ...

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It's episode 20 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about searching; for the missing, for the meaning, and for the murderer. "Flight 347 Came Back"‡ written by Mr. Michael Squid and performed by Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Curse of the Gilded Echo Part 3: The Queen in Ivory"† written by Olivia White and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Dan Harmon & Atticus Jackson & C.K. Walker & Tanja Milojevic & Mick Wingert & Peter Lewis & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:15:15) "An App Called “How Will You Die?”"† written by Blair Daniels and performed by Tanja Milojevic & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:59:10) "Remy"† written by Justin Solaiman and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Addison Peacock & Graham Rowat. (Story starts around 01:20:45) "Blackwood Holler"¤ written by Stephen P. Lindsey and performed by Graham Rowat & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:42:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Queen in Ivory" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 21 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about supernatural stalkers and automotive angst. "Never Wander Off in Robinson Woods"‡ written by Lincoln Merch and performed by Peter Lewis & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Wishes Really Can Come True"¤ written by Karen Park and performed by Mary Murphy & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:25:35) "The Long Fingers"† written by Brandon Meseure and performed by Atticus Jackson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:02:30) "The Tappan Zee Bridge"† written by Alexis Bristowe & Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & David Ault & Armen Taylor & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:24:10) "Anybody Else"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:38:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Long Fingers" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about supernatural stalkers and automotive angst. "Never Wander Off in Robinson Woods"‡ written by Lincoln Merch and performed by Peter Lewis & Erin Lillis & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Wishes Really Can Come True"¤ written by Karen Park and performed by Mary Murphy & Kyle Akers & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:25:35) "The Long Fingers"† written by Brandon Meseure and performed by Atticus Jackson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 01:02:30) "The Tappan Zee Bridge"† written by Alexis Bristowe & Henry Galley and performed by Addison Peacock & David Ault & Armen Taylor & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:24:10) "Anybody Else"† written by V.R. Gregg and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:38:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Lincoln Merch ...

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It's episode 22 of Season 11, our 2018 Halloween Episode. On this week's show we have six tales celebrating the Halloween Season. "Home"† written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 0:09:59) "The Graveyard Shift"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford & Andy Cresswell & Penny Scott-Andrews & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 0:18:21) "The Spirit of Halloween"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 0:34:00) "Everyone’s Invited"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 0:54:56) "I am Ghost"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 1:15:09) "Hallowed Ground"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Addison Peacock & Graham Rowat & Dan Zappulla & Andy Cresswell & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 1:5306) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ Illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 11, our 2018 Halloween Episode. On this week's show we have six tales celebrating the Halloween Season. "Home"† written by Keith McDuffee and performed by Erika Sanderson & Addison Peacock & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 0:09:59) "The Graveyard Shift"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford & Andy Cresswell & Penny Scott-Andrews & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 0:18:21) "The Spirit of Halloween"† written by Rona Vaselaar and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 0:34:00) "Everyone’s Invited"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Corinne Sanders & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin & Alexis Bristowe & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 0:54:56) "I am Ghost"¤ written by Gemma Amor and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 1:15:09) "Hallowed Ground"† written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Addison Peacock & Graham Rowat & Dan Zappulla & Andy...

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It's episode 23 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about distracted drivers, horrendous habits, and stemming Summer. "Little Lost Amy"† written by Dan Fields and performed by Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Velvet"¤ written by Sierra Cvach and performed by Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:22:00) "I Should Never Have Started Smoking"† written by S.S.Livia and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:48:50) "After the Lifeboat"† written by Jazzmin Forrestall and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:08:00) "The Summer Solstice"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Armen Taylor & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:34:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Velvet" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about distracted drivers, horrendous habits, and stemming Summer. "Little Lost Amy"† written by Dan Fields and performed by Corinne Sanders & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Velvet"¤ written by Sierra Cvach and performed by Kyle Akers & Jesse Cornett & Nikolle Doolin & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:22:00) "I Should Never Have Started Smoking"† written by S.S.Livia and performed by Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 00:48:50) "After the Lifeboat"† written by Jazzmin Forrestall and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:08:00) "The Summer Solstice"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Jeff Clement & Nichole Goodnight & David Ault & Erin Lillis & Nikolle Doolin & Armen Taylor & Kyle Akers & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Mary Murphy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:34:00) Click h...

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It's episode 24 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about darkness - of the night, of the soul, and of the mind. "Just Like Me"† written by Ron Riekki and performed by Matthew Bradford & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "Beyond Vantablack"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:17:00) "The Dirt Road Man"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:35:10) "The Attic Angel"¤ written by Dustin Chisam and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Armen Taylor & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett(Story starts around 01:02:30) "Till Childhood’s End"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Armen Taylor & Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Corrine Sanders & Matthew Bradford & Marcus Damanda. (Story starts around 01:40:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Till Childhood’s End" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 24 of Season 11. On this week's show we have five tales about darkness - of the night, of the soul, and of the mind. "Just Like Me"† written by Ron Riekki and performed by Matthew Bradford & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:02:45) "Beyond Vantablack"† written by William Dalphin and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:17:00) "The Dirt Road Man"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Alexis Bristowe & Peter Lewis & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:35:10) "The Attic Angel "¤ written by Dustin Chisam and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erika Sanderson & Armen Taylor & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:02:30) "Till Childhood’s End"‡ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Jeff Clement & Peter Lewis & Addison Peacock & David Ault & Armen Taylor & Jesse Cornett & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Erika Sanderson & Kyle Akers & Corinne Sa...

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It's episode 25 of Season 11 - Our Season 11 finale. We have three tales about vexing vagrants, horrifying heritage, and lethal literati. "The Boy in the Alley"‡ written by C.K. Walker and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "The Family Strega"¤ written by Maxwell Malone and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:25:10) "The Public Domain"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis & David Ault & Andy Cresswell & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 01:13:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Public Domain" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 of Season 11 - Our Season 11 finale. We have three tales about vexing vagrants, horrifying heritage, and lethal literati. "The Boy in the Alley"‡ written by C.K. Walker and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "The Family Strega"¤ written by Maxwell Malone and performed by Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:25:10) "The Public Domain"† written by Henry Galley and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Atticus Jackson & Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Peter Lewis & David Ault & Andy Cresswell & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 01:13:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about The Grey Rooms Podcast   Click here to learn more about C.K. Walker   Click here to learn more about Maxwell Malone   Click here to learn more about Henry Galley   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adapt...

We're in-between Seasons 10 and 11 so to tide you over we have two stories while you wait. "Foliage" written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Gemma Amor   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Jesse Cornett "Waiting for 12" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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We're in-between Seasons 11 and 12 so we have an organic story to tide you over. "Foliage" written by Gemma Amor and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nichole Goodnight & Dan Zappulla & Jesse Cornett. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Jesse Cornett "Waiting for 12" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

We're in-between Seasons 11 and 12 so we have a woody story to hand to you. "The Trees Are Not What They Seem"† written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Alexis Bristowe. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to order Season Pass 12   Click here to learn more about Jared Roberts   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "Waiting for 12" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective auth...

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We're in-between Seasons 11 and 12 so we have a woody story to hand to you. "The Trees Are Not What They Seem" written by Jared Roberts and performed by Mick Wingert & Elie Hirschman & Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis & Dan Zappulla & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson & David Ault & Nichole Goodnight & Erin Lillis & Jeff Clement & Alexis Bristowe. Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "Waiting for 12" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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This is a bonus debut of The First Mrs. Claus

It's episode 01 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the games we play and the cost of losing. "Never Use Cheat Codes on a Ouija Board"† written by Christopher Maxim and performed by David Ault. (Story starts around 00:03:20) "Unknown Horror "‡ written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers & Jeff Clement & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:22:30) "A Walkthrough of Sonic the Hedgehog 2"† written by RetroSlugger1318 and performed by Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:53:10) "‘Til The Very End"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Matthew Bradford & Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Peter Lewis. (Story starts around 01:30:00) "The Cabinet of Dr. Micro"¤ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:59:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for Gemma Amor's "...

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It's episode 01 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the games we play and the cost of losing.

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It's episode 02 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about strange people in places they don't belong. "October 17th, 1989"‡ written by Jeffrey Ebright and performed by Jeff Clement & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "The Dead of Night"¤ written by Christian Riley and performed by Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:23:20) "Someone in the Bathroom"† written by Harley Carnell and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:05:30) "The Blue Ghost Fireflies of DuPont State Forest"† written by Eliza Roth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:26:30) "The Last Bus"† written by P. Oxford and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:53:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Blue Ghost Fireflies of DuPont State Forest" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 02 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about strange people in places they don't belong. "October 17th, 1989"‡ written by Jeffrey Ebright and performed by Jeff Clement & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "The Dead of Night"¤ written by Christian Riley and performed by Peter Lewis & Jesse Cornett & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:23:20) "Someone in the Bathroom"† written by Harley Carnell and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:05:30) "The Blue Ghost Fireflies of DuPont State Forest"† written by Eliza Roth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 01:26:30) "The Last Bus"† written by P. Oxford and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight & Mike DelGaudio & Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:53:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Jeffrey Ebright   Click...

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The NoSleep Podcast presents the Christmas 2018 episode. A feast of festive frights and fruitcake. "It’s Tradition"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:04:40) "The Ginger Dread Man"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson & Matthew Bradford & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:23:00) "A Christmas Wish"† written by David Ault & Manen Lyset and performed by Mary Murphy & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Dangers of Mistletoe"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:00:30) "The Bell Tower Children"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "Pub Trivia"† written by Troy H. Gardner and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Dan Harmon & Cody Heller & David Ault & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:53:00) Episode script written by C.K. Walker and performed by The North Pole Community Theatre Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Roasting on an Open Fire" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

The NoSleep Podcast presents the Christmas 2018 episode. A feast of festive frights and fruitcake. "It’s Tradition"‡ written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:04:40) "The Ginger Dread Man"† written by Manen Lyset and performed by Elie Hirschman & Erika Sanderson & Matthew Bradford & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:23:00) "A Christmas Wish"† written by David Ault & Manen Lyset and performed by Mary Murphy & Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Dangers of Mistletoe"† written by J.P. Carver and performed by Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 01:00:30) "The Bell Tower Children"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Addison Peacock & Elie Hirschman & Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "Pub Trivia"† written by Troy H. Gardner and performed by Jessic...

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It's episode 04 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the monsters who hide in plain sight. "My Pet Monster"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "Day 416"¤ written by David Hubbard and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "Eli"‡ written by Caroline Diorio and performed by Addison Peacock & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:10:20) "The Stray Bones Trap"† written by Chris Kuriata and performed by Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:29:00) "Dirt"¤ written by Daniel Lawlor and performed by Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:54:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Stray Bones Trap" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the monsters who hide in plain sight. "My Pet Monster"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Elie Hirschman & Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:03:00) "Day 416"¤ written by David Hubbard and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy & Addison Peacock & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "Eli"‡ written by Caroline Diorio and performed by Addison Peacock & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 01:10:20) "The Stray Bones Trap"† written by Chris Kuriata and performed by Mary Murphy. (Story starts around 01:29:00) "Dirt"¤ written by Daniel Lawlor and performed by Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Nikolle Doolin & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:54:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Shadows at the Door Podcast   Click here to purchase ...

It's episode 05 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things from the past which ceaselessly haunt us. "The Case of the Bassinet Children"‡ written by René Rehn and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "Spitting Image"† written by Meg Molloy and performed by Graham Rowat & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:25:30) "Past the Bottom Step"† written by Elissa Ebersold and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:54:50) "The Withering"† written by Bruce Golden and performed by David Cummings & Graham Rowat & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:06:00) "The Wall of Smiles"¤ written by Geoff Miller and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:21:40) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about PodCon   Click here to learn more about ...

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It's episode 05 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things from the past which ceaselessly haunt us. "The Case of the Bassinet Children"‡ written by René Rehn and performed by Jeff Clement & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:04:45) "Spitting Image"† written by Meg Molloy and performed by Graham Rowat & Addison Peacock & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 00:25:30) "Past the Bottom Step"† written by Elissa Ebersold and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:54:50) "The Withering"† written by Bruce Golden and performed by David Cummings & Graham Rowat & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:06:00) "The Wall of Smiles"¤ written by Geoff Miller and performed by Atticus Jackson & Erin Lillis & Elie Hirschman & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:21:40) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Spitting Image" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those unseen things which seem all too real. "Black Pines Park"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:14) "How To Summon the Butter Street Hitchhiker"† written by Chris Hicks and performed by Atticus Jackson & Mark Berry. (Story starts around 00:29:17) "A Sense of Dread"‡ written by Mark Towse and performed by David Ault & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:51:40) "Moonshadow Friends"† written by C. I. I. Jones and performed by Graham Rowat & Sarah Thomas & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:06:09) "Prom Dresses"¤ written by Amanda Isenberg and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:30:58) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Chris Hicks   E...

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It's episode 06 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those unseen things which seem all too real. "Black Pines Park"† written by Leo Harrison and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:03:14) "How To Summon the Butter Street Hitchhiker"† written by Chris Hicks and performed by tticus Jackson Mark Barry. (Story starts around 00:29:17) "A Sense of Dread"‡ written by Mark Towse and performed by David Ault & Jeff Clement & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 00:51:40) "Moonshadow Friends"† written by C. I. I. Jones and performed by Graham Rowat & Sarah Thomas & Erin Lillis. (Story starts around 01:06:09) "Prom Dresses"¤ written by Amanda Isenberg and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Jesse Cornett & Erika Sanderson & Atticus Jackson & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:30:58) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Black Pines Park" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the dark holes through which we descend into nightmares. "Try to Remember"‡ written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Sarah Thomas & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "Fall"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Peter Lewis & C.K. Walker & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "I Saw Something Terrifying in My Town’s Sewers"† written by René Rehn and performed by Mick Wingert & Dan Zappulla & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:16:50) "The Hole in the Wall"¤ written by Jacob Tanner and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Armen Taylor & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:29:00) "Underground"† written by Grace Friedman and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 02:04:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Luke Hoehn   Click here to learn more ab...

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It's episode 07 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the dark holes through which we descend into nightmares. "Try to Remember"‡ written by Luke Hoehn and performed by Sarah Thomas & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:02:30) "Fall"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Peter Lewis & C.K. Walker & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:35:00) "I Saw Something Terrifying in My Town’s Sewers"† written by René Rehn and performed by Mick Wingert & Dan Zappulla & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 01:16:50) "The Hole in the Wall"¤ written by Jacob Tanner and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Jesse Cornett & Armen Taylor & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:29:00) "Underground"† written by Grace Friedman and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Dan Zappulla & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 02:04:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Try to Remember" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 08 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things which seem so innocent but in fact are pure malevolence. "Luminescence"‡ written by Taylor Allgood and performed by Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Tanja Milojevic. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "Locked In"¤ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:23:45) "Take Me Home"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:02:10) "Stories From Lighthouse Keepers"† written by Patrick Brickhouse and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Graham Rowat & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:14:40) "Don’t Let the Witch Out"† written by Samuel J. Allen and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:36:30) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Luminescence" illustration courtesy of Charlie Cody Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 08 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things which seem so innocent but in fact are pure malevolence. "Luminescence"‡ written by Taylor Allgood and performed by Jeff Clement & Atticus Jackson & Tanja Milojevic. (Story starts around 00:05:00) "Locked In"¤ written by C.M. Scandreth and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Erika Sanderson & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 00:23:45) "Take Me Home"† written by S.H. Cooper and performed by Matthew Bradford & Erika Sanderson & Dan Zappulla & Erin Lillis & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:02:10) "Stories From Lighthouse Keepers"† written by Patrick Brickhouse and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Graham Rowat & Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:14:40) "Don’t Let the Witch Out"† written by Samuel J. Allen and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Erika Sanderson & Mary Murphy & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:36:30) Click here to learn mo...

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It's episode 09 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the wicked things which lurk below the water's surface. "The Ocean"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "The Island"† written by C M Locke and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:29:00) "The Beach"¤ written by Preston Farlow and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:07:40) "The Pond"† written by Anna Coven and performed by David Ault. (Story starts around 01:46:46) "The Drain"† written by Brenda Fry and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Graham Rowat & Sarah Thomas. (Story starts around 02:16:16) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Pond" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 09 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the wicked things which lurk below the water's surface. "The Ocean"‡ written by Olivia White and performed by Jeff Clement & Matthew Bradford. (Story starts around 00:02:20) "The Island"† written by C M Locke and performed by Peter Lewis & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:29:00) "The Beach"¤ written by Preston Farlow and performed by Matthew Bradford & Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:07:40) "The Pond"† written by Anna Coven and performed by David Ault. (Story starts around 01:46:46) "The Drain"† written by Brenda Fry and performed by Nikolle Doolin & Nichole Goodnight & Graham Rowat & Sarah Thomas. (Story starts around 02:16:16)   Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Olivia White   Click here to learn more about Preston Farlow   Click here to learn more about Anna Coven   Executive Produce...

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It's episode 10 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those thoughts and visions of the darkness beyond the veil. "Far and Wee"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Sarah Thomas & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Pass It On"† written by Penny Tailsup and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:18:45) "The Halfway House"† written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:39:00) "Things We Say"‡ written by Michael David Wilson and performed by Ian McQuown & Jordan Cobb. (Story starts around 01:04:40) "Behind the Black Curtain"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Graham Rowat & C.K. Walker. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "Bolts"¤ written by John F.D. Taff and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:10) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Pass It On" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those thoughts and visions of the darkness beyond the veil. "Far and Wee"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Sarah Thomas & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 00:04:00) "Pass It On"† written by Penny Tailsup and performed by Addison Peacock & Nichole Goodnight. (Story starts around 00:18:45) "The Halfway House"† written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell & James Cleveland & Penny Scott-Andrews. (Story starts around 00:39:00) "Things We Say"‡ written by Michael David Wilson and performed by Ian McQuown & Jordan Cobb. (Story starts around 01:04:40) "Behind the Black Curtain"† written by C.K. Walker and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Mick Wingert & Erin Lillis & Graham Rowat & C.K. Walker. (Story starts around 01:20:00) "Bolts"¤ written by John F.D. Taff and performed by Peter Lewis & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 01:43:10) Click here to learn more about...

It's episode 11 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the jobs and hobbies which seem to invite chaos into our lives. "Callback"† written by Charlie Hughes and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:02:25) "The Earworm"† written by Jake Lam and performed by Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:12:30) "Twist of Damnation"‡ written by P. F. McGrail and performed by Jeff Clement & Mick Wingert & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:37:45) "Rolling Meadows"† written by Brad Tucker and performed by Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Life in Retail"¤ written by Charles Davenport and performed by Graham Rowat & Mick Wingert & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:32:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to purchase "50 Shades of Purple" By P.F...

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It's episode 11 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the jobs and hobbies which seem to invite chaos into our lives. "Callback"† written by Charlie Hughes and performed by David Ault & Erika Sanderson & Andy Cresswell. (Story starts around 00:02:25) "The Earworm"† written by Jake Lam and performed by Kyle Akers & Matthew Bradford & Elie Hirschman & Peter Lewis & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:12:30) "Twist of Damnation"‡ written by P. F. McGrail and performed by Jeff Clement & Mick Wingert & Erika Sanderson. (Story starts around 00:37:45) "Rolling Meadows"† written by Brad Tucker and performed by Atticus Jackson & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Kyle Akers. (Story starts around 01:07:00) "Life in Retail"¤ written by Charles Davenport and performed by Graham Rowat & Mick Wingert & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 01:32:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Life in Retail" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 12 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the strange encounters we can have with friends, enemies, and technology. "Bo"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Kristen DiMercurio. (Story starts around 00:05:10) "Recalculating"† written by Sarah Rodden and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "The Patient in Room 251"‡ written by Mariel DeVries and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:37:45) "Fresh Meat"† written by Jessie Turk and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "Impressions of Death"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:34:00) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Kriste...

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It's episode 12 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the strange encounters we can have with friends, enemies, and technology. "Bo"† written by M.J. Pack and performed by Kristen DiMercurio. (Story starts around 00:05:10) "Recalculating"† written by Sarah Rodden and performed by Addison Peacock & Erika Sanderson & Nichole Goodnight & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "The Patient in Room 251"‡ written by Mariel DeVries and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Jeff Clement. (Story starts around 00:37:45) "Fresh Meat"† written by Jessie Turk and performed by Atticus Jackson & Nichole Goodnight & Kyle Akers & Addison Peacock. (Story starts around 00:58:50) "Impressions of Death"¤ written by Marcus Damanda and performed by Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin & Dan Zappulla & Jessica McEvoy & Jesse Cornett. (Story starts around 01:34:00) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Recalculating" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things outside of human perception which are always waiting for us. "Our Hands Are Tied to The Ocean Floor"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Graham Rowat & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Totality"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudi. (Story starts around 00:16:00) "There Is No Such Thing as Real Magic"‡ written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Jeff Clement & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Turtles"† written by Kevin R. Doyle and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:08:50) "End Game"¤ written by Sue Han and performed by Kyle Akers & Graham Rowat & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:35:50) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more ...

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It's episode 13 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things outside of human perception which are always waiting for us. "Our Hands Are Tied to The Ocean Floor"† written by Elias Witherow and performed by Graham Rowat & Jessica McEvoy. (Story starts around 00:02:50) "Totality"† written by T. Takeda Wise and performed by Jessica McEvoy & Nikolle Doolin & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 00:16:00) "There Is No Such Thing as Real Magic"‡ written by Edwin Crowe and performed by David Ault & James Cleveland & Jeff Clement & Dan Zappulla. (Story starts around 00:38:30) "The Turtles"† written by Kevin R. Doyle and performed by Mike DelGaudio & Mick Wingert & Alexis Bristowe. (Story starts around 01:08:50) "End Game"¤ written by Sue Han and performed by Kyle Akers & Graham Rowat & Addison Peacock & Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts around 01:35:50) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "Totality" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 14 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those unsettling things which aren't quite right. "Burying Uncle Gustav"† written by Mike Murphy and performed by David Ault & Elie Hirschman & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "End Zone"† written by R. L. Atwell and performed by Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "The Changeling"† written by Rene Rehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:39:45) "How to Exit Your Body"‡ written by Christopher Maxim and performed by Jeff Clement & Matt Bradford. (Story starts around 01:04:30) "Dumping a Body"¤ written by Maxwell Horton and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:28:45) Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio adaptations produced by: Phil Michalski† & Jeff Clement‡ & Jesse Cornett¤ "The Changeling" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 14 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those unsettling things which aren't quite right.   "Burying Uncle Gustav"† written by Mike Murphy and performed by David Ault & Elie Hirschman & Mick Wingert. (Story starts around 00:03:10) "End Zone"† written by R. L. Atwell and performed by Dan Zappulla & Atticus Jackson & Armen Taylor. (Story starts around 00:18:20) "The Changeling"† written by Rene Rehn and performed by Kyle Akers & Mike DelGaudio & Graham Rowat & Nikolle Doolin. (Story starts around 00:39:45) "How to Exit Your Body"‡ written by Christopher Maxim and performed by Jeff Clement & Matt Bradford. (Story starts around 01:04:30) "Dumping a Body"¤ written by Maxwell Horton and performed by Jesse Cornett & Jessica McEvoy & Nichole Goodnight & Atticus Jackson. (Story starts around 01:28:45) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about SCP Archives   Click here to learn more about Ren...

  It's episode 15 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the terror which can lie just behind things most innocent. "The Nope Game" written by Javier Loustaunau (Story starts around 00:03:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers , Video Girl – Alexis Bristowe, Mark – Dan Zappulla, Jackson – Atticus Jackson "Jinn" written by Jessica Hutter (Story starts around 00:16:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator & Homeless man – Jeff Clement, Evan – Mick Wingert, Jinn – Addison Peacock "Heart of Stone" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:40:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Daddy – Mike DelGaudio, Jenny McBride – Nichole Goodnight, Julie McBride – Nikolle Doolin, Reporter – Atticus Jackson "Through the Whorley Tunnel" written by G. Dean Manuel (Story starts around 01:11:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Danny – Atticus Jackson, Eli – Kyle Akers, Milo – Elie Hirschman, Ma – Erin Lillis, Tim Jergens – Jesse Cornett "Wither Barn" w...

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It's episode 15 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the terror which can lie just behind things most innocent. "The Nope Game" written by Javier Loustauna (Story starts around 00:03:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers , Video Girl – Alexis Bristowe, Mark – Dan Zappulla, Jackson – Atticus Jackson "Jinn" written by Jessica Hutter (Story starts around 00:16:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator & Homeless man – Jeff Clement, Evan – Mick Wingert, Jinn – Addison Peacock "Heart of Stone" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:40:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Daddy – Mike DelGaudio, Jenny McBride – Nichole Goodnight, Julie McBride – Nikolle Doolin, Reporter – Atticus Jackson "Through the Whorley Tunnel" written by G. Dean Manuel (Story starts around 01:11:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Danny – Atticus Jackson, Eli – Kyle Akers, Milo – Elie Hirschman, Ma – Erin Lillis, Tim Jergens – Jesse Cornett "Wither Barn" written by Lucia France (Story starts around 01:45:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Dan – Andy Cresswell, Barbara – Penny Scott-Andrews, Emily – Mary Murphy, Sam – James Cleveland Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Wither Barn" illustration courtesy of Alexis Bristowe Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 16 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the people and things hidden away yet still so close by.   "My Boyfriend Doesn't Know About The Man In The Basement" written by Alynda Gatewood (Story starts around 00:02:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin "MJ Was Here" written by Nickolas Johnson (Story starts around 00:21:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Marisa Jones – Jessica McEvoy, Karen Cook – Addison Peacock, Peggy – Corinne Sanders, Marisa’s mom – Nikolle Doolin, Teacher – Jesse Cornett "The Unquiet Grave" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:11:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Helena – Sarah Thomas, Willy – Matthew Bradford "The Town Without Sound" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:25:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Jessie – Matthew Bradford "Doll in the Hall" written by Michael M. Kelley (Story starts around 01:50:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: ...

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It's episode 16 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the people and things hidden away yet still so close by. "My Boyfriend Doesn't Know About The Man In The Basement" written by Alynda Gatewood (Story starts around 00:02:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin "MJ Was Here" written by Nickolas Johnson (Story starts around 00:21:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Marisa Jones – Jessica McEvoy, Karen Cook – Addison Peacock, Peggy – Corinne Sanders, Marisa’s mom – Nikolle Doolin, Teacher – Jesse Cornett "The Unquiet Grave" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:11:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Helena – Sarah Thomas, Willy – Matthew Bradford "The Town Without Sound" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:25:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Jessie – Matthew Bradford "Doll in the Hall" written by Michael M. Kelley (Story starts around 01:50:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator & Rebecca – Erika Sanderson, Kurt – David Ault "Not All Lighthouses Are Built to Guide Ships" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 02:03:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Mister Wallace – Mick Wingert Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Not All Lighthouses Are Built to Guide Ships" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 17 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things which go missing or shouldn't be there at all. "No Flash Photography" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator - David Cummings "A Ride Through Shenandoah" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 00:16:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Cameron – Kyle Akers, Mom – Sarah Thomas, Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Valerie – Addison Peacock, Dr. Hartley – Nikolle Doolin "Missing Persons Flyers" written by J.P. Carver (Story starts around 01:10:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Jake – Mick Wingert, Carrie – Erika Sanderson, Randy – Matthew Bradford, Randy’s Mother – Sarah Thomas, Police Officer – Nikolle Doolin "Clinical Trial" written by Scott Savino (Story starts around 01:31:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Richie – Atticus Jackson, Dr. Jennavive Upton – Nikolle Doolin, Dr. Grant – Mick Win...

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It's episode 17 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things which go missing or shouldn't be there at all. "No Flash Photography" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator - David Cummings "A Ride Through Shenandoah" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 00:16:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Cameron – Kyle Akers, Mom – Sarah Thomas, Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Valerie – Addison Peacock, Dr. Hartley – Nikolle Doolin "Missing Persons Flyers" written by J.P. Carver (Story starts around 01:10:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Jake – Mick Wingert, Carrie – Erika Sanderson, Randy – Matthew Bradford, Randy’s Mother – Sarah Thomas, Police Officer – Nikolle Doolin "Clinical Trial" written by Scott Savino (Story starts around 01:31:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Richie – Atticus Jackson, Dr. Jennavive Upton – Nikolle Doolin, Dr. Grant – Mick Wingert "The Rider" written by Michael Miersen (Story starts around 02:05:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett, Allie – Nikolle Doolin, Rob – Mike DelGaudio Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Rider" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 18 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the darkness found in art, science, and nature. "The Red Harvest" written by Mandy McHugh (Story starts around 00:02:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Mother – Erin Lillis "The Ghost Men Project" written by Sean O. Wilkins (Story starts around 00:24:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Dr. Jordan Zavos – Mike DelGaudio, Special Investigator Bryant – Jesse Cornett, Guard – Atticus Jackson, PFC Grazer – Dan Zappulla, Command Operator – Nikolle Doolin "Victoria’s Road" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 01:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hannah – Jessica McEvoy, Mira – Addison Peacock, Hannah's father – Mike DelGaudio, Woman in purple dress – Nikolle Doolin "The Girl on the Porch" written by R.J. Clark (Story starts around 01:20:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Shelly – Sarah Thomas, Girl – Addison Peacock, Announcer – Nikolle Doolin "W...

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It's episode 18 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the darkness found in art, science, and nature. "The Red Harvest" written by Mandy McHugh (Story starts around 00:02:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Mother – Erin Lillis "The Ghost Men Project" written by Sean O. Wilkins (Story starts around 00:24:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Dr. Jordan Zavos – Mike DelGaudio, Special Investigator Bryant – Jesse Cornett, Guard – Atticus Jackson, PFC Grazer – Dan Zappulla, Command Operator – Nikolle Doolin "Victoria’s Road" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 01:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hannah – Jessica McEvoy, Mira – Addison Peacock, Hannah's father – Mike DelGaudio, Woman in purple dress – Nikolle Doolin "The Girl on the Porch" written by R.J. Clark (Story starts around 01:20:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Shelly – Sarah Thomas, Girl – Addison Peacock, Announcer – Nikolle Doolin "Witch of the Woods" written by Brad Tucker (Story starts around 01:42:42) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Nan & Beast – Erika Sanderson, Mom – Sarah Thomas Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Ghost Men Project" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 19 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about reality, and how fleeting and unreal it can truly be. "Keep Your Eyes on the Road" written by Charlie Wells (Story starts around 00:06:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nick – Kyle Akers, GPS – Jessica McEvoy, Tracy – Addison Peacock, Cook – Dan Zappulla, Waitress – Sarah Thomas "City in the Clouds" written by Logan LePage (Story starts around 00:17:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Phillip – Atticus Jackson, Dio – Kyle Akers, Nile – Jessica McEvoy, Susie – Nichole Goodnight "Destination" written by Ashlyn Walker (Story starts around 00:57:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Benjamin & The Entity – Jeff Clement "It Lingers Still" written by Nickolas Johnson (Story starts around 01:18:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jacob – Mick Wingert, Ron – David Cummings, 911 Operator – Nikolle Doolin "Mountain Air" written by Spencer Sabinske (Story starts around 01:36:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett, Mr. Young – David Cummings. Mr. Benson – Elie Hirschman, Thatcher – Mick Wingert, Voice – Erika Sanderson Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Keep Your Eyes on the Road" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about reality, and how fleeting and unreal it can truly be.   "Keep Your Eyes on the Road" written by Charlie Wells (Story starts around 00:06:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nick – Kyle Akers, GPS – Jessica McEvoy, Tracy – Addison Peacock, Cook – Dan Zappulla, Waitress – Sarah Thomas "City in the Clouds" written by Logan LePage (Story starts around 00:17:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Phillip – Atticus Jackson, Dio – Kyle Akers, Nile – Jessica McEvoy, Susie – Nichole Goodnight "Destination" written by Ashlyn Walker (Story starts around 00:57:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Benjamin & The Entity – Jeff Clement "It Lingers Still" written by Nickolas Johnson (Story starts around 01:18:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jacob – Mick Wingert, Ron – David Cummings, 911 Operator – Nikolle Doolin "Mountain Air" written by Spencer Sabinske (Story starts around 01:36:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast...

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It's episode 20 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the strange people we meet in this strange life. "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" written by Douglas Smith (Story starts around 00:05:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Joe – Atticus Jackson, Cath – Addison Peacock "My Mother" written by G N Story (Story starts around 00:33:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Mother – Sarah Thomas "The Jolly Man" written by Scott Ferguson (Story starts around 00:58:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, The Jolly Man – Kyle Akers, Young Boy – Elie Hirschman "The Girls of Briar Hill" written by Mia Ram (Story starts around 01:20:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Clara – Jessica McEvoy, Rosie – Nichole Goodnight, Red Scarf – Addison Peacock, Sunglasses – Corinne Sanders, Jackson – Atticus Jackson Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Jolly Man" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about the strange people we meet in this strange life. "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" written by Douglas Smith (Story starts around 00:05:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Joe – Atticus Jackson, Cath – Addison Peacock "My Mother" written by G N Story (Story starts around 00:33:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Mother – Sarah Thomas "The Jolly Man" written by Scott Ferguson (Story starts around 00:58:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, The Jolly Man – Kyle Akers, Young Boy – Elie Hirschman "The Girls of Briar Hill" written by Mia Ram (Story starts around 01:20:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Clara – Jessica McEvoy, Rosie – Nichole Goodnight, Red Scarf – Addison Peacock, Sunglasses – Corinne Sanders, Jackson – Atticus Jackson Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for a chance ...

  It's episode 21 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about horrifying crime and punishment. "The Man in the Cell Next Door" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:03:44) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dion & Wrong’un – Jeff Clement, The Man – Graham Rowat, Jailer – Atticus Jackson "Girl on Fire" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:31:38) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ruby Miller – Jessica McEvoy, Biker man – Jesse Cornett, Biker woman – Erin Lillis , Officer Bright – Mike DelGaudio, Waitress – Erika Sanderson "Come to Daddy" written by Rachele Bowman (Story starts around 01:20:26) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Daddy – David Cummings, Kameron – Kyle Akers "Rocking A Ranch" written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 01:46:04) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Elliot – David Cummings, Young Elliot – Elie Hirschman, Andy – Mick Wingert, Jake – Matthew Bradford, Danny – Kyle Akers...

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It's episode 21 of Season 12. On this week's show We have tales about horrifying crime and punishment. "The Man in the Cell Next Door" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:03:44) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dion & Wrong’un – Jeff Clement, The Man – Graham Rowat, Jailer – Atticus Jackson "Girl on Fire" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:31:38) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ruby Miller – Jessica McEvoy, Biker man – Jesse Cornett, Biker woman – Erin Lillis, Officer Bright – Mike DelGaudio, Waitress – Erika Sanderson "Come to Daddy" written by Rachele Bowman (Story starts around 01:20:26) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Daddy – David Cummings, Kameron – Kyle Akers "Rocking A Ranch" written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 01:46:04) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Elliot – David Cummings, Young Elliot – Elie Hirschman, Andy – Mick Wingert, Jake – Matthew Bradford, Danny – Kyle Akers, Elliot’s Father – Jesse Cornett, Andy’s Mother – Nikolle Doolin, Adam – Dan Zappulla, Brayden – Jeff Clement, School Principal – Nichole Goodnight, Police Officer – Atticus Jackson, Elliot’s Mother – Addison Peacock, Mystery Man – Peter Lewis, Cop – Armen Taylor Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Come to Daddy" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about creative expressions of horror and loss. "Gray" written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Melanie – Nikolle Doolin, Alice – Kristen DiMercurio, Teagan – Erika Sanderson "Sanguine Libations" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:29:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Katie – Jessica McEvoy, Joey – Dan Zappulla, Tori – Addison Peacock "Curse Victim" written by Jazzmin Forrestall (Story starts around 01:10:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Agnes – Sarah Thomas, Emily – Mary Murphy, Nathan – Kyle Akers "Why I Hate Lightning McQueen" written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 01:33:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Theresa – Sarah Thomas, Daniel – Elie Hirschman, Landscape Gardener – Elie Hirschman "A Car Accident Can Change Everything" written by Lincol...

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It's episode 22 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about creative expressions of horror and loss. "Gray" written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Melanie – Nikolle Doolin, Alice – Kristen DiMercurio, Teagan – Erika Sanderson "Sanguine Libations" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:29:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Katie – Jessica McEvoy, Joey – Dan Zappulla, Tori – Addison Peacock "Curse Victim" written by Jazzmin Forrestall (Story starts around 01:10:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Agnes – Sarah Thomas, Emily – Mary Murphy, Nathan – Kyle Akers "Why I Hate Lightning McQueen" written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 01:33:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Theresa – Sarah Thomas, Daniel – Elie Hirschman, Landscape Gardener – Elie Hirschman "A Car Accident Can Change Everything" written by Lincoln Merch (Story starts around 01:57:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Dr. Philips – David Ault, Emily – Addison Peacock, Mother – Erin Lillis, Heather – Nichole Goodnight, Nurse Rhys – Graham Rowat, Sonogram Tech – Alexis Bristowe, Detective Allen – Mick Wingert, Dr. Marshall – Nikolle Doolin Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Gray" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 23 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about bad places to be at the wrong time. "The Cecily Marsh Interview" written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: David – David Cummings, Cecily – Erika Sanderson "Sanguine Libations Part 2" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:30:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Katie – Jessica McEvoy, Brian – Jesse Cornett, Silas – Graham Rowat, Mystery Buyer – David Cummings "I Work at a Bad Motel" written by Jon Grilz (Story starts around 01:05:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: New Night Manager – Jeff Clement, Old Night Manager – Mick Wingert, Phone Woman – Alexis Bristowe, Sally – Nichole Goodnight "The Hell Halls of Holy-Ween" written by Jennifer Winters (Story starts around 01:31:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Jackie – Nichole Goodnight, Amanda – Jessica McEvoy, Amira – Addison Peacock, Evie/ Demon Toddler Boy/High School Girl – Erika Sanderson, Leslie – Alexis Bristowe, Sister Cobb – Sarah Thomas, Brother Joe Cobb – Mike DelGaudio, Cole – Elie Hirschman "The Things Cassie Saw" written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 01:54:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Samantha – Addison Peacock , Cassie – Jessica McEvoy , Corey – Peter Lewis , Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – David Cummings, Teacher – Sarah Thomas, Weather Announcer – Dan Zappulla Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Sanguine Libations" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about bad places to be at the wrong time.   "The Cecily Marsh Interview " written by C.K. Walker (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: David – David Cummings, Cecily – Erika Sanderson "Sanguine Libations Part 2" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:30:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Katie – Jessica McEvoy, Brian – Jesse Cornett, Silas – Graham Rowat, Mystery Buyer – David Cummings "I Work at a Bad Motel" written by Jon Grilz (Story starts around 01:05:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: New Night Manager – Jeff Clement, Old Night Manager – Mick Wingert, Phone Woman – Alexis Bristowe, Sally – Nichole Goodnight "The Hell Halls of Holy-Ween" written by Jennifer Winters (Story starts around 01:31:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Jackie – Nichole Goodnight, Amanda – Jessica McEvoy, Amira – Addison Peaco...

It's episode 24 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things we remember from and of childhood. "Sock Monster" written by Autumn Clay (Story starts around 00:03:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Addison Peacock, Derek – David Cummings "The Windows Inside Clementine Mountain" written by Jimmy Juliano (Story starts around 00:18:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Patrick – Graham Rowat, Sophie – Mary Murphy, Wife – Sarah Thomas, Guy Selling House – Dan Zappulla "The Trampoline" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:19:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson "Side Effects" written by Michael J. Nicholson (Story starts around 01:32:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator/Voice – David Ault, Ann – Erika Sanderson, Psychiatrist – Jesse Cornett "Every Day" written by Estrella English (Story...

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It's episode 24 of Season 12. On this week's show we have tales about those things we remember from and of childhood. "Sock Monster" written by Autumn Clay (Story starts around 00:03:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Addison Peacock, Derek – David Cummings "The Windows Inside Clementine Mountain" written by Jimmy Juliano (Story starts around 00:18:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Patrick – Graham Rowat, Sophie – Mary Murphy, Wife – Sarah Thomas, Guy Selling House – Dan Zappulla "The Trampoline" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:19:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson "Side Effects" written by Michael J. Nicholson (Story starts around 01:32:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator/Voice – David Ault, Ann – Erika Sanderson, Psychiatrist – Jesse Cornett "Every Day by Estrella" written by Estrella English (Story starts around 02:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Cara – Jessica McEvoy, Julie – Addison Peacock, Podcast Host – Graham Rowat, Bernadette – Alexis Bristowe, Nosleep Podcast Host – David Cummings Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Sock Monster" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 25 - the Season 12 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of C.K. Walkers's epic tale, "Whitefall". "Whitefall" written by C.K. Walker Cast:  Kris – Mick Wingert Gracie – Jessica McEvoy Dillon – Graham Rowat Mack – David Cummings Acker – Peter Lewis Emily Pollock – Samantha Sloyan John Pollock – Mike DelGaudio Melody – Addison Peacock Amanda Hughen – Nikolle Doolin Scraggle – Graham Rowat Miles – Matthew Bradford Stationmaster – Atticus Jackson Food thief – Kyle Akers Jeremy – Jason Wilson Mandy – Nichole Goodnight Elaine – Mary Murphy Andy – Jeff Clement Angry Man – Justin McCarthy Salt Lake City Man – Owen McCuen British Man – David Ault Lady with baby – Sarah Thomas Bus Driver 1 – Jesse Cornett Bus Driver 2 – Erin Lillis Bus Driver 3 – Dan Zappulla Food Run Man – Elie Hirschman Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Sound design and audio adaptation produced by: Phil Michalski "Whitefall" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the Season 12 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of C.K. Walkers's epic tale, "Whitefall".   "Whitefall" written by C.K. Walker Cast: Kris – Mick Wingert Gracie – Jessica McEvoy Dillon – Graham Rowat Mack – David Cummings Acker – Peter Lewis Emily Pollock – Samantha Sloyan John Pollock – Mike DelGaudio Melody – Addison Peacock Amanda Hughen – Nikolle Doolin Scraggle – Graham Rowat Miles – Matthew Bradford Stationmaster – Atticus Jackson Food thief – Kyle Akers Jeremy – Jason Wilson Mandy – Nichole Goodnight Elaine – Mary Murphy Andy – Jeff Clement Angry Man – Justin McCarthy Salt Lake City Man – Owen McCuen British Man – David Ault Lady with baby – Sarah Thomas Bus Driver 1 – Jesse Cornett Bus Driver 2 – Erin Lillis Bus Driver 3 – Dan Zappulla Food Run Man – Elie Hirschman   Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about C.K, Walker   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings ...

We're in-between Seasons 12 and 13 so we have two tales to keep you sleepless. "The Cabinet of Dr. Micro"¤ written by C.M. Scandreth. (Story starts around 00:01:50) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Keith – Kyle Akers, Toby – Matthew Bradford, Caesar – Jesse Cornett "Prom Dresses"¤ written by Amanda Isenberg. (Story starts around 00:38:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Andrea – Jessica McEvoy, Jenny – Nichole Goodnight, Jenny’s dad – Jesse Cornett, Dress store owner – Erika Sanderson, Chris – Atticus Jackson, Chad – Kyle Akers Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Waiting for 13" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of...

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We're in-between Seasons 12 and 13 so we have two tales to keep you sleepless. "The Cabinet of Dr. Micro" written by C.M. Scandreth. (Story starts around 00:01:50) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Keith – Kyle Akers, Toby – Matthew Bradford, Caesar – Jesse Cornett "Prom Dresses" written by Amanda Isenberg. (Story starts around 00:38:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Andrea – Jessica McEvoy, Jenny – Nichole Goodnight, Jenny’s dad – Jesse Cornett, Dress store owner – Erika Sanderson, Chris – Atticus Jackson, Chad – Kyle Akers Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Waiting for 12" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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We're in-between Seasons 12 and 13 so we have three tales to keep you sleepless. "Not All Lighthouses Are Built to Guide Ships" written by Rene Rehn  (Story starts around 00:02:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Mister Wallace – Mick Wingert "Why I Hate Lightning McQueen" written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 00:30:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Theresa – Sarah Thomas, Daniel – Elie Hirschman, Landscape Gardener – Elie Hirschman "The Things Cassie Saw" written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 00:55:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Samantha – Addison Peacock , Cassie – Jessica McEvoy , Corey – Peter Lewis , Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – David Cummings, Teacher – Sarah Thomas, Weather Announcer – Dan Zappulla Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer &amp; Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Waiting for 13" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

We're in-between Seasons 12 and 13 so we have three tales to keep you sleepless. "Not All Lighthouses Are Built to Guide Ships" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 00:02:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Mister Wallace – Mick Wingert "Why I Hate Lightning McQueen" written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 00:30:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Theresa – Sarah Thomas, Daniel – Elie Hirschman, Landscape Gardener – Elie Hirschman "The Things Cassie Saw" written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 00:55:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Samantha – Addison Peacock , Cassie – Jessica McEvoy , Corey – Peter Lewis , Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – David Cummings, Teacher – Sarah Thomas, Weather Announcer – Dan Zappulla Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Rene Rehn   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon...

It's episode 01 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the ups and downs of trying to escape. "Elevator Code" written by Christopher Maxim (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Partygoer – Addison Peacock, Claira – Sarah Thomas "Shreds" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 00:21:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Rob Warren – Elijah Wood, John Frazier – David Cummings, Ciara King – Addison Peacock, Christian Culler – Mick Wingert, Isaac Miller – Peter Lewis, Neil – Jeff Clement, Shreds Intro Voice - Jamey Jasta "Red Meat and Rats" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:52:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Rowan – Jessica McEvoy, Timmy – Matthew Bradford, Buddy – Mick Wingert "Best Left Buried" written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 01:24:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Ally – Addison Peacock, Kyle – Kyle Akers, Mueller – Mueller – David Ault "Blood, Gridlock ...

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It's episode 01 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the ups and downs of trying to escape. "Elevator Code" written by Christopher Maxim (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Partygoer – Addison Peacock, Claira – Sarah Thomas "Shreds" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 00:21:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Rob Warren – Elijah Wood, John Frazier – David Cummings, Ciara King – Addison Peacock, Christian Culler – Mick Wingert, Isaac Miller – Peter Lewis, Neil – Jeff Clement, Shreds Intro Voice - Jamey Jasta "Red Meat and Rats" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:52:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Rowan – Jessica McEvoy, Timmy – Matthew Bradford, Buddy – Mick Wingert "Best Left Buried" written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 01:24:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Ally – Addison Peacock, Kyle – Kyle Akers, Mueller – Mueller – David Ault "Blood, Gridlock & PEZ" written by Kevin David Anderson (Story starts around 02:00:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Craig – Atticus Jackson, Gina – Nichole Goodnight, Pitt – Dan Zappulla, Alec Harrison – Jesse Cornett, Young Police Officer – Kyle Akers Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Shreds intro theme music by: Phil Michalski - Additional heavy metal music courtesy of Jamey Jasta "Shreds" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 02 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the bonds which connect us all too tightly together. "Eight Little Lies" written by Alison Cybe (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Carly – Nichole Goodnight, Emily – Jessica McEvoy "The House of Edges" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:15:40) Produced by: Jesse CornettTRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Ruby – Addison Peacock, Jeremy – James Cleveland, Tama – David Ault , Mary Mudgeway – Penny Scott-Andrews, Robbie – David Cummings "Seven Hand-Tied Knots" written by E.Z. Morgan (Story starts around 00:59:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Rebecca – Sarah Thomas, Bubbie – Erika Sanderson, Baba Yaga – Erin Lillis, Mom – Alexis Bristowe "Silence" written by F.I. Goldhaber (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Janine – Addison Peacock, Demon – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – David Cummings,...

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It's episode 02 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the bonds which connect us all too tightly together. "Eight Little Lies" written by Alison Cybe (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Carly – Nichole Goodnight, Emily – Jessica McEvoy "The House of Edges" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:15:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Ruby – Addison Peacock, Jeremy – James Cleveland, Tama – David Ault , Mary Mudgeway – Penny Scott-Andrews, Robbie – David Cummings "Seven Hand-Tied Knots" written by E.Z. Morgan (Story starts around 00:59:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Rebecca – Sarah Thomas, Bubbie – Erika Sanderson, Baba Yaga – Erin Lillis, Mom – Alexis Bristowe "Silence" written by F.I. Goldhaber (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Janine – Addison Peacock, Demon – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – David Cummings, Doctor – David Ault "Consumed" written by Sarah Fannon (Story starts around 01:41:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Jessica McEvoy, Marilyn – Addison Peacock, Grocery Man – Jeff Clement Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The House of Edges" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the toys and fun things which entertain us. "I Smelled Every One" written by PF McGrail (Story starts around 00:03:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis "It All Started with a Hot Air Balloon" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:13:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Grace/Henry – Erika Sanderson, Caleb – David Cummings, Spencer – Jeff Clement "Winnie the Walking and Talking Doll" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:33:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Rhonda – Addison Peacock, Jake – Graham Rowat, Auntie Bernadette/Toys – Sarah Thomas "The Final Fold" written by David Stefanoff (Story starts around 01:05:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Leroy’s Owner – James Cleveland "Missing Brindolyn" written by JJ Cheesman (Story starts around 01:36:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Jessie – Jessica McEvoy, Brindy – Addis...

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It's episode 03 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the toys and fun things which entertain us. "I Smelled Every One" written by PF McGrail (Story starts around 00:03:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis "It All Started with a Hot Air Balloon" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:13:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Grace/Henry – Erika Sanderson, Caleb – David Cummings, Spencer – Jeff Clement "Winnie the Walking and Talking Doll" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:33:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Rhonda – Addison Peacock, Jake – Graham Rowat, Auntie Bernadette/Toys – Sarah Thomas "The Final Fold" written by David Stefanoff (Story starts around 01:05:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Leroy’s Owner – James Cleveland "Missing Brindolyn" written by JJ Cheesman (Story starts around 55:55:55) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING!! Cast: Jessie – Jessica McEvoy, Brindy – Addison Peacock, Jessie’s Mother – Nikolle Doolin, Jessie’s Father – Mike DelGaudio, Mr. Tomlinson – Jesse Cornett, Mrs. Tomlinson/Bindy's Mother – Erika Sanderson, Brindy’s Father – Dan Zappulla Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Winnie the Walking and Talking Doll" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 04 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about unwanted connections between family and friends. "Eggshells" written by Daniel Hale (Story starts around 00:06:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - David Ault "The Barn Fire" written by L.P. Hernandez (Story starts around 00:19:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Jen – Jessica McEvoy, Cultist 1 – Peter Lewis, Cultist 2 – Graham Rowat, Farmer – David Cummings "Mom and Dad" written by A.E. Stueve (Story starts around 00:39:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Mom – Addison Peacock, Madison Lariby – Nikolle Doolin "Can Spiders Actually Lay Eggs Under Human Skin?" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 01:05:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock , Lisa – Nichole Goodnight, Nurse – Mary Murphy "Tick" written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 01:36:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Carrie – Jessica McEvoy, Man on Ledge – Peter Lewis, Mike – Dan Zappulla, Cashier – Sarah Thomas, Guy at Store – David Cummings, Molly – Nichole Goodnight, Frank – Atticus Jackson, Carrie’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Barn Fire" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 04 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about unwanted connections between family and friends. "Eggshells" written by Daniel Hale (Story starts around 00:06:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - David Ault "The Barn Fire" written by L.P. Hernandez (Story starts around 00:19:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Jen – Jessica McEvoy, Cultist 1 – Peter Lewis, Cultist 2 – Graham Rowat, Farmer – David Cummings "Mom and Dad" written by A.E. Stueve (Story starts around 00:39:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Mom – Addison Peacock, Madison Lariby – Nikolle Doolin "Can Spiders Actually Lay Eggs Under Human Skin?" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 01:05:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock , Lisa – Nichole Goodnight, Nurse – Mary Murphy "Tick" written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 01:36:00) Produced by: Phil ...

It's episode 05 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors found in the out of doors. "The Puppet in the Tree" written by Rachele Bowman (Story starts around 00:04:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Muppet Man – Mick Wingert, Narrator’s Father – Mike DelGaudio, Police Officer – David Cummings, Father’s Friend – Nikolle Doolin "Gifts to Avalon" written by Anderson West (Story starts around 00:31:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Connor – Kyle Akers, Kayden – Atticus Jackson, Deputy Reynolds – David Cummings "The Trail at Night" written by John Harrison (Story starts around 00:57:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jake – David Ault, Jake’s Mum/Young Girl – Erika Sanderson "Halfway to Forgotten" written by Kevin M. Folliard (Story starts around 01:14:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Kurt – Graham Rowat, Father Jones – David Cummings, Halfway House Resident – Mi...

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It's episode 05 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors found in the out of doors. "The Puppet in the Tree" written by Rachele Bowman (Story starts around 00:04:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Muppet Man – Mick Wingert, Narrator’s Father – Mike DelGaudio, Police Officer – David Cummings, Father’s Friend – Nikolle Doolin "Gifts to Avalon" written by Anderson West (Story starts around 00:31:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Connor – Kyle Akers, Kayden – Atticus Jackson, Deputy Reynolds – David Cummings "The Trail at Night" written by John Harrison (Story starts around 00:57:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jake – David Ault, Jake’s Mum/Young Girl – Erika Sanderson "Halfway to Forgotten" written by Kevin M. Folliard (Story starts around 01:14:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Kurt – Graham Rowat, Father Jones – David Cummings, Halfway House Resident – Mick Wingert, Taylor – Dan Zappulla "Troll Bridge" written by William Stuart (Story starts around 01:39:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Billy Logan – Atticus Jackson, Narrator’s father – Jesse Cornett Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Halfway to Forgotten" illustration courtesy of Thea Arnman Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 06 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about those things fun and frivolous and frightening. "Blackberry Gap" written by Luke Kondor (Story starts around 00:06:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Son – Erika Sanderson, Jonah – James Cleveland "Calvin" written by Carson Ray (Story starts around 00:21:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Mother – Nikolle Doolin, Father – Jesse Cornett "Waterless" written by Rose Blackthorn (Story starts around 01:08:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Gus Boggess – Mike DelGaudio, Dan Parker – Peter Lewis, Doris Nelson – Jessica McEvoy "The Puppy Mill" written by Felix Flynn (Story starts around 01:31:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Mama – Nikolle Doolin "The Uninvited" written by Carly Racklin (Story starts around 01:54:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nessie ...

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It's episode 06 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about those things fun and frivolous and frightening. "Blackberry Gap" written by Luke Kondor (Story starts around 00:06:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Son – Erika Sanderson, Jonah – James Cleveland "Calvin" written by Carson Ray (Story starts around 00:21:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Mother – Nikolle Doolin, Father – Jesse Cornett "Waterless" written by Rose Blackthorn (Story starts around 01:08:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Gus Boggess – Mike DelGaudio, Dan Parker – Peter Lewis, Doris Nelson – Jessica McEvoy "The Puppy Mill" written by Felix Flynn (Story starts around 01:31:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Mama – Nikolle Doolin "The Uninvited" written by Carly Racklin (Story starts around 01:54:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nessie – Addison Peacock, Mama – Nikolle Doolin, Papa – David Cummings, Elliot – Peter Lewis, Velma – Jessica McEvoy, Ian – James Cleveland, Maye – Erika Sanderson Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Uninvited" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 07 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the warnings which foretell the terror. "Second to Last Stop" written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:03:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat , Tourist Father – Mike DelGaudio, Spring Break Boy – Matthew Bradford, Spring Break Girl – Jessica McEvoy, Stranded Woman – Nikolle Doolin, Stranded Man – Dan Zappulla, Teenage Girl – Nichole Goodnight "My Childhood Friend, The Haze Beast" written by E. Blackburn (Story starts around 00:22:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Talia – Nichole Goodnight, Hazy – David Ault, Dakota – Elie Hirschman, Dad – David Cummings "Secret Beach" written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:58:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Rose –Erika Sanderson "Vendetta" written by Wren Feeney (Story starts around 44:44:44) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Tess – Erin Lillis, Rachele – Jessica McEvoy, Apartment girl – Addison Peacock, Suspect – Jeff Clement, Cop – David Cummings "Hurry. Come over." written by C.P. Riggs (Story starts around 01:16:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Clyde – Dan Zappulla, Tommy – Jesse Cornett, Voice – Jessica McEvoy, Fat cop – Graham Rowat, Thin cop – Mike DelGaudio, Detective Cooper – Elie Hirschman Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Secret Beach" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 07 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the warnings which foretell the terror.   "Second to Last Stop" written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:03:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat , Tourist Father – Mike DelGaudio, Spring Break Boy – Matthew Bradford, Spring Break Girl – Jessica McEvoy, Stranded Woman – Nikolle Doolin, Stranded Man – Dan Zappulla, Teenage Girl – Nichole Goodnight "My Childhood Friend, The Haze Beast" written by E. Blackburn (Story starts around 00:22:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Talia – Nichole Goodnight, Hazy – David Ault, Dakota – Elie Hirschman, Dad – David Cummings "Secret Beach" written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:58:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Rose –Erika Sanderson "Vendetta" written by Wren Feeney (Story starts around 01:16:15) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Tess – Erin Lillis, Rachele – Jessica McEvoy,...

It's episode 08 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors found returning to and escaping from home. "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" written by Nick Moore (Story starts around 00:08:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Dennis – Atticus Jackson, Steve – Mike DelGaudio, Sea Gal – Jessica McEvoy "Suicide Stitch" written by Sarah L. Johnson (Story starts around 00:30:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Minnie – Jessica McEvoy, Celia – Nichole Goodnight, Nate – Dan Zappulla "Last Man" written by Liam Hogan (Story starts around 00:59:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator - Peter Lewis "The Voyeur" written by Ethan Hallstrom (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: David Cummings TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator - David Cummings "The Skeleton Key to the City" written by BD Zamia (Story starts around 01:40:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Maggie Heartwell – Nikolle Doolin,...

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It's episode 08 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors found returning to and escaping from home. "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" written by Nick Moore (Story starts around 00:08:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Dennis – Atticus Jackson, Steve – Mike DelGaudio, Sea Gal – Jessica McEvoy "Suicide Stitch" written by Sarah L. Johnson (Story starts around 00:30:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Minnie – Jessica McEvoy, Celia – Nichole Goodnight, Nate – Dan Zappulla "Last Man" written by Liam Hogan (Story starts around 00:59:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis "The Voyeur" written by Ethan Hallstrom (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings "The Skeleton Key to the City" written by BD Zamia (Story starts around 01:40:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Maggie Heartwell – Nikolle Doolin, Dan Cone – Jesse Cornett Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Skeleton Key to the City" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 09 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors of trying to fix things.   "Lego Lasts Forever" written by S.J. Budd (Story starts around 00:04:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kim/Boy – Erika Sanderson, Monster – David Ault "Welcome to Pleasanton" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 00:20:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Caroline – Jessica McEvoy, Brandon – Peter Lewis, Vee – Nichole Goodnight, Tuxedo Man – David Cummings "What Haunts Me" written by Donald Sherman (Story starts around 00:40:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sandy – Mike DelGaudio, Alma – Sarah Thomas, Luke –Mick Wingert, Doctor – Addison Peacock, Officer Sims – Kyle Akers, Detective Carlyle – Graham Rowat "New Ownership" written by Justin A.W. Blair (Story starts around 01:03:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Strange Man – Elie Hirschman, Dan – Dan Zappulla, Narrator’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Apartment Girl – Jessica McEvoy "G...

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It's episode 09 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the horrors of trying to fix things. "Lego Lasts Forever" written by S.J. Budd (Story starts around 00:04:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kim/Boy – Erika Sanderson, Monster – David Ault "Welcome to Pleasanton" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 00:20:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Caroline – Jessica McEvoy, Brandon – Peter Lewis, Vee – Nichole Goodnight, Tuxedo Man – David Cummings "What Haunts Me" written by Donald Sherman (Story starts around 00:40:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sandy – Mike DelGaudio, Alma – Sarah Thomas, Luke –Mick Wingert, Doctor – Addison Peacock, Officer Sims – Kyle Akers, Detective Carlyle – Graham Rowat "New Ownership" written by Justin A.W. Blair (Story starts around 01:03:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Strange Man – Elie Hirschman, Dan – Dan Zappulla, Narrator’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Apartment Girl – Jessica McEvoy "Grunts" written by Neil Noon (Story starts around 01:31:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: General Consuela Velez – Nikolle Doolin, Specialist Gordy Pickford – Graham Rowat, Specialist Walter Stroheim – Kyle Akers, Specialist Magz Maloney – Erin Lillis "The Light from Windows" written by Laura Cabral (Story starts around 01:57:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Aiden’s Dad – Jesse Cornett, Noah’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Noah’s Dad – Mike DelGaudio, New Mom – Jessica McEvoy Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "What Haunts Me" illustration courtesy of Alexis Bristowe Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 10 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the dark forces which surround us.   "Mama’s Girl" written by Paul DesCombaz (Story starts around 00:05:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Lily Anne – Nichole Goodnight, Mama – Sarah Thomas, Mr. Hobbs – Mike DelGaudio "Shower Thoughts" written by Ryan Carter (Story starts around 00:24:30) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, David – Kyle Akers "Search" written by M.J. Orz (Story starts around 00:43:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Mark – Mike DelGaudio, Caroline – Nichole Goodnight, Abby – Erika Sanderson, Officer Brown – Mick Wingert "The Peddler" written by Aramynta Borga (Story starts around 01:08:10) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Chris – David Ault, Jerry – Andy Cresswell, Bella – Penny Scott-Andrews, Unnamed Copper – James Cleveland, Mary Harris – Erika Sanderson "All Black" written by Lucas Colianni (Story starts aro...

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It's episode 10 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the dark forces which surround us. "Mama’s Girl" written by Paul DesCombaz (Story starts around 00:05:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Lily Anne – Nichole Goodnight, Mama – Sarah Thomas, Mr. Hobbs – Mike DelGaudio "Shower Thoughts" written by Ryan Carter (Story starts around 00:24:30) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, David – Kyle Akers "Search" written by M.J. Orz (Story starts around 00:43:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Mark – Mike DelGaudio, Caroline – Nichole Goodnight, Abby – Erika Sanderson, Officer Brown – Mick Wingert "The Peddler" written by Aramynta Borga (Story starts around 01:08:10) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Chris – David Ault, Jerry – Andy Cresswell, Bella – Penny Scott-Andrews, Unnamed Copper – James Cleveland, Mary Harris – Erika Sanderson "All Black" written by Lucas Colianni (Story starts around 01:49:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Oz – Atticus Jackson, Daniel – Dan Zappulla, Christine – Jessica McEvoy Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Peddler" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 11 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about vicious valleys, evil experiments and aggressive animatronics.   "Patron Saint of the Lost" written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:03:11) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Pawn Shop Lady – Erin Lillis, Man on Phone – Mick Wingert "The Clown in the Church" written by Scott Newman (Story starts around 00:17:47) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mark – Jeff Clement, Mom – Erin Lillis, Steve – Graham Rowat "The Montford Experiment" written by Kenneth Kohl (Story starts around 00:34:09) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hutch – Mick Wingert, Male Doctor – Graham Rowat, Female Doctor – Nikolle Doolin "In The Corner of my Eye" written by Callum McKelvie (Story starts around 00:53:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault "In the Valley of the Headless Men" written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 01:11:57) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARN...

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It's episode 11 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about vicious valleys, evil experiments and aggressive animatronics. "Patron Saint of the Lost" written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:03:11) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Pawn Shop Lady – Erin Lillis, Man on Phone – Mick Wingert "The Clown in the Church" written by Scott Newman (Story starts around 00:17:47) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mark – Jeff Clement, Mom – Erin Lillis, Steve – Graham Rowat "The Montford Experiment" written by Kenneth Kohl (Story starts around 00:34:09) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hutch – Mick Wingert, Male Doctor – Graham Rowat, Female Doctor – Nikolle Doolin "In The Corner of my Eye" written by Callum McKelvie (Story starts around 00:53:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Ault "In the Valley of the Headless Men" written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 01:11:57) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Derek – Atticus Jackson, Russell – Peter Lewis, Gabe – Kyle Akers, Jess – Jessica McEvoy, Pilot Bob – David Cummings, Mystery Voice – Matthew Bradford, Radio Voice – British – Erika Sanderson, Sam – Jesse Cornett Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "In The Corner of my Eye" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 12 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about 80s-style horror films. "The Graduation" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 00:04:40) Illustration courtesy of Jörn Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nicki – Nichole Goodnight, Kevin – Atticus Jackson, Anne – Jessica McEvoy, Matt – Matthew Bradford, Peggy – Addison Peacock, Radio DJ – Mick Wingert, Jeremy – Kyle Akers "Are You Adelaide?" written by Jimmy Juliano (Story starts around 00:31:15) Illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Daniel – Kyle Akers, Caroline – Erin Lillis "On Your Honor" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:13:10) Illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Anna Marie – Nikolle Doolin, Anna’s Mom – Sarah Thomas, Stephanie – Nichole Goodnight, Jessica – Jessica McEvoy, Amanda – Erika Sanderson, Brittany – Addison Peacock, Mrs. Baker – Mary Murphy "Vermin" written by Meg Molloy (Story starts ...

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It's episode 12 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about 80s-style horror films. "The Graduation" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 00:05:00) Illustration courtesy of Jörn Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nicki – Nichole Goodnight, Kevin – Atticus Jackson, Anne – Jessica McEvoy, Matt – Matthew Bradford, Peggy – Addison Peacock, Radio DJ – Mick Wingert, Jeremy – Kyle Akers "Are You Adelaide?" written by Jimmy Juliano (Story starts around 00:31:30) Illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Daniel – Kyle Akers, Caroline – Erin Lillis "On Your Honor" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:13:20) Illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Anna Marie – Nikolle Doolin, Anna’s Mom – Sarah Thomas, Stephanie – Nichole Goodnight, Jessica – Jessica McEvoy, Amanda – Erika Sanderson, Brittany – Addison Peacock, Mrs. Baker – Mary Murphy "Vermin" written by Meg Molloy (Story starts around 01:49:30) Illustration courtesy of Lukasz Godlewski Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Frank – Atticus Jackson, Mike Vanderhoff Jr. – Graham Rowat, Gina – Jessica McEvoy, Wilbur Henderson – David Cummings, Larry – Dan Zappulla, Yuppie – David Ault, Fox – Jesse Cornett, Cop – Elie Hirschman "Close Your Eyes, Sleep" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 02:30:20) Illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Vanessa – Addison Peacock, Lottie – Mary Murphy, Ash – Erin Lillis. Meagan – Nichole Goodnight, Mr. Audrey – Mick Wingert, Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Mrs. Audrey – Sarah Thomas "But There’s No Sleep at Camp" written by Olivia White (Episode Wraparound Story) Illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Robert – David Cummings, Scott – Peter Lewis, Dakota – Addison Peacock, Kimberly – Nichole Goodnight, Emilio – Atticus Jackson, Effie – Jessica McEvoy, Ben – David Ault, Leslie – Nikolle Doolin Please visit for full show notes and links to learn more about our authors, voice actors, and producers. Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "But There’s No Sleep at Camp" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 13 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about those things we can't unsee from the depths. "Sometimes Even Mamas Make Mistakes" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:06:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Dr. Barrone – Nikolle Doolin, Jeremiah – Matthew Bradford , Waddles – Peter Lewis , Jeremiah’s Mother – Erika Sanderson, Dr. Ashandi – Jessica McEvoy "Becalmed" written by Eric Ian Steele (Story starts around 00:33:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Bobby – Atticus Jackson, Skip – Jesse Cornett, Francine – Erin Lillis "Just One" written by Jasef Wisener (Story starts around 01:11:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ash – Addison Peacock, Rebecca – Nichole Goodnight "Warehouse Work" written by Jeff Miller (Story starts around 01:32:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Emily Jenkins – Jessica McEvoy, Zombie Boy – Atticus Jackson "The Girl on the Beach in Our Indian Summer" written by Dan LeRoy (Story starts...

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It's episode 13 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about those things we can't unsee from the depths. "Sometimes Even Mamas Make Mistakes" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:06:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Dr. Barrone – Nikolle Doolin, Jeremiah – Matthew Bradford , Waddles – Peter Lewis , Jeremiah’s Mother – Erika Sanderson, Dr. Ashandi – Jessica McEvoy "Becalmed" written by Eric Ian Steele (Story starts around 00:33:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Bobby – Atticus Jackson, Skip – Jesse Cornett, Francine – Erin Lillis "Just One" written by Jasef Wisener (Story starts around 01:11:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ash – Addison Peacock, Rebecca – Nichole Goodnight "Warehouse Work" written by Jeff Miller (Story starts around 01:32:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Emily Jenkins – Jessica McEvoy, Zombie Boy – Atticus Jackson "The Girl on the Beach in Our Indian Summer" written by Dan LeRoy (Story starts around 01:56:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Brad – Kyle Akers, Claire – Addison Peacock, The Man from the Sea – Mick Wingert Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to purchase TALES OF AUDIO HORROR The White Vault/Liberty Tickets Click here for "Little Pumpkin and the Cold Bones" by Manen Lyset Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper Click here to learn more about Eric Ian Steele Click here to learn more about Jasef Wisener Click here to learn more about Dan LeRoy Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Becalmed" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 14 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about nightmares from the past, present, and future.   "Dancing Demons" written by Laura McCammon (Story starts around 00:03:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Grandma – Erika Sanderson, Demon – Peter Lewis "Mr. Ghoul’s Adventure" written by Cody Hall (Story starts around 00:18:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Mom – Erin Lillis "The Storm Game" written by Meg Molloy (Story starts around 00:33:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ness – Jessica McEvoy, Tara – Addison Peacock, Niece – Nichole Goodnight "Into the Black" written by William Meikle (Story starts around 01:01:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Greer – James Cleveland, Carruthers – Andy Cresswell, Williams – Erika Sanderson "Globus Hystericus" written by Jim W. Shoemaker (Story starts around 01:35:35) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Kathy – Nikolle Doolin, Joelle – Sarah Thomas, Kent – Mike DelGaudio, Alan – Jesse Cornett, Process Server – Dan Zappulla, Waiter – Atticus Jackson Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about our Season Passes, Bundles, & Rent-to-Own program  Click here to learn more about the NoSleep Halloween Live 2019 Tour  Click here to learn more about William Meikle  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Storm Game" illustration courtesy of Thea Arnman Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 14 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about nightmares from the past, present, and future.   "Dancing Demons" written by Laura McCammon (Story starts around 00:03:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Grandma – Erika Sanderson, Demon – Peter Lewis "Mr. Ghoul’s Adventure" written by Cody Hall (Story starts around 00:18:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Mom – Erin Lillis "The Storm Game" written by Meg Molloy (Story starts around 00:33:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Ness – Jessica McEvoy, Tara – Addison Peacock, Niece – Nichole Goodnight "Into the Black" written by William Meikle (Story starts around 01:01:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Greer – James Cleveland, Carruthers – Andy Cresswell, Williams – Erika Sanderson "Globus Hystericus" written by Jim W. Shoemaker (Story starts around 01:35:35) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Kathy – Nikolle Doo...

It's episode 15 of Season 13. This week we spin tales of the stressful, the unexpected, and the incomprehensible. "My Wife Won’t Stop Sleep Talking" written by Christopher Maxim (Story starts around 00:15:18) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Jessica – Jessica McEvoy "Wendigo Psychosis" written by Cash Robinson (Story starts around 00:26:094) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Desperate Man – Mick Wingert "Cry For Me" written by Karen Park (Story starts around 00:39:58) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Monica – Erin Lillis, Marilyn – Sarah Thomas, Sandra – Nikolle Doolin, Support group leader – David Cummings, Ryan – Dan Zappulla, Danny – Elie Hirschman, The Whispering Man – Peter Lewis "The Demon of Holy Innocence" written by J. Speziale Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: John – Mike DelGaudio, Celeste Montgomery – Addison Peacock "The Doctor Is In " written by K.G. Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narra...

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It's episode 15 of Season 13. This week we spin tales of the stressful, the unexpected, and the incomprehensible. "My Wife Won’t Stop Sleep Talking" written by Christopher Maxim (Story starts around 00:15:18) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Jessica – Jessica McEvoy "Wendigo Psychosis" written by Cash Robinson (Story starts around 00:26:094) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Desperate Man – Mick Wingert "Cry For Me" written by Karen Park (Story starts around 00:39:58) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Monica – Erin Lillis, Marilyn – Sarah Thomas, Sandra – Nikolle Doolin, Support group leader – David Cummings, Ryan – Dan Zappulla, Danny – Elie Hirschman, The Whispering Man – Peter Lewis "The Demon of Holy Innocence" written by J. Speziale Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: John – Mike DelGaudio, Celeste Montgomery – Addison Peacock "The Doctor Is In " written by K.G. Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Tabitha – Mary Murphy, The Doctor – Atticus Jackson "The Mystery of Orville’s Portraits" written by Troy H. Gardner Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Miss Usher – Jessica McEvoy, August Dupin – David Ault, Veronica Gower – Nikolle Doolin, Peter Post – Matthew Bradford, Orville Hall – Jesse Cornett, Billy – Atticus Jackson "Plan X Part 1" written by Peter Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David Ault, Jessica McEvoy, Brandon Boone, Erika Sanderson, Nichole Goodnight, Peter Lewis, David Cummings Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Christopher Maxim  Click here to learn more about Karen Park  Click here to learn more about J. Speziale  Click here to learn more about K.G. Lewis  Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis  Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer : David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Doctor Is In" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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Bonus: The Heads of Sierra Blanca

It's episode 16 of Season 13. This week we serve up stories about determined detectives and dietary dilemmas.   "They Still Haven’t Found Stevie" written by Scott Weisser (Story starts around 00:12:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Greg – Mike DelGaudio, Stevie/Cheryl – Erika Sanderson, Tommy – Elie Hirschman "Better than Mardi Gras" written by MJ Mars (Story starts around 00:21:33) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Sheriff – Mike DelGaudio, Morris – Dan Zappulla, Janey – Addison Peacock "The Garden Gnome" written by Kenneth Kohl (Story starts around 00:37:58) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Juliet – Sarah Thomas, Jim – Jeff Clement "Santanic Rituals of the Greater Butler County Area" written by Dan LeRoy (Story starts around 01:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Rozier – Mick Wingert, Terry – Atticus Jackson, Rodger – Elie Hirschman, Sabbath Shirt – Kyle Akers, Weasel – Matthew Bradford "Bad Apples" writt...

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It's episode 16 of Season 13. This week we serve up stories about determined detectives and dietary dilemmas. "They Still Haven’t Found Stevie" written by Scott Weisser (Story starts around 00:12:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Greg – Mike DelGaudio, Stevie/Cheryl – Erika Sanderson, Tommy – Elie Hirschman "Better than Mardi Gras" written by MJ Mars (Story starts around 00:21:33) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Sheriff – Mike DelGaudio, Morris – Dan Zappulla, Janey – Addison Peacock "The Garden Gnome" written by Kenneth Kohl (Story starts around 00:37:58) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Juliet – Sarah Thomas, Jim – Jeff Clement "Santanic Rituals of the Greater Butler County Area" written by Dan LeRoy (Story starts around 01:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Rozier – Mick Wingert, Terry – Atticus Jackson, Rodger – Elie Hirschman, Sabbath Shirt – Kyle Akers, Weasel – Matthew Bradford "Bad Apples" written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 01:28.22) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Sadie – Addison Peacock, Bruce – Elie Hirschman, Sadie’s mom – Nikolle Doolin, Grace – Erin Lillis, Dan – Jesse Cornett, Mrs. Chapman – Sarah Thomas, Mrs. Dubois – Mary Murphy "Plan X Part 2" written by Peter Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Addison Peacock, Nikolle Doolin, Graham Rowat, Erika Sanderson, Sarah Thomas, Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about MJ Mars Click here to learn more about Kenneth Kohl Click here to learn more about Dan LeRoy Click here to learn more about LP Hernandez Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis  Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Garden Gnome" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 17 of Season 13. This week we have stories that deal with the dangers in the past and on the property.. "Dinosaur Bones" written by Robert Jackson (Story starts around 00:17:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Mrs. McConnel – Erin Lillis, Ryan’s father – Atticus Jackson, Ryan - Kyle Akers "It’s in the Yard" written by Sarah Hollowell (Story starts around 00:40:44) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sandy – Addison Peacock, Nate/Liam – Kyle Akers, Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – Jeff Clement "Clown Control" written by Amanda Steel (Story starts around 01:09:57) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Tony – Andy Cresswell, Clown – James Cleveland "The Lies I Tell" written by Whitley O’Brien (Story starts around 01:33:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Margaret – Addison Peacock, Detective – Mike DelGaudio "The Stain" written by Charles Williams (Story starts around 01:41:53) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WA...

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It's episode 17 of Season 13. This week we have stories that deal with the dangers in the past and on the property.. "Dinosaur Bones" written by Robert Jackson (Story starts around 00:17:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Mrs. McConnel – Erin Lillis, Ryan’s father – Atticus Jackson, Ryan - Kyle Akers "It’s in the Yard" written by Sarah Hollowell (Story starts around 00:40:44) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sandy – Addison Peacock, Nate/Liam – Kyle Akers, Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – Jeff Clement "Clown Control" written by Amanda Steel (Story starts around 01:09:57) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Tony – Andy Cresswell, Clown – James Cleveland "The Lies I Tell" written by Whitley O’Brien (Story starts around 01:33:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Margaret – Addison Peacock, Detective – Mike DelGaudio "The Stain" written by Charles Williams (Story starts around 01:41:53) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Bobby – Mike DelGaudio, Billy – Kyle Akers, Art – Matthew Bradford, Corky – Dan Zappulla, Bobby’s Mom – Sarah Thomas, Miss Quatrain – Mary Murphy, Miss Hoagland – Erika Sanderson, Bobby’s Dad – Atticus Jackson, Corky’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Teenager – Peter Lewis, Samuel Cochran – Jesse Cornett "Plan X Part 3" written by Peter Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Addison Peacock, Nikolle Doolin, Graham Rowat, Erika Sanderson, Sarah Ruth Thomas, Atticus Jackson, Dan Zapulla, Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Sarah Hollowell Click here to learn more about Amanda Steel Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Dinosaur Bones" illustration courtesy of Jörn Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.  

It's episode 18 of Season 13. This week we present tales of nappers, neighbors, and nostalgia. "Green Rain" written by Jazzmin Forrestall (Story starts around 00:10:42) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Woman 1 – Mary Murphy, Woman 2 – Erin Lillis, Lilyanna – Addison Peacock, Father – Mike DelGaudio, Mother – Nikolle Doolin "Death in the Family" written by Joe Sullivan (Story starts around 00:24:55) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Julia – Addison Peacock, Rodney – Jeff Clement, Aunt Kathy – Nikolle Doolin, Medical Examiner – Dan Zappulla "The Parsonage" written by Alyssa N. Vaughn (Story starts around 00:42:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Patience – Addison Peacock, Mama – Erin Lillis, Daddy – Mike DelGaudio, Ezekiel – Elie Hirschman, Mrs. Cypress – Erika Sanderson, Church Woman 1 – Mary Murphy, Church Woman 2 – Sarah Thomas "My Neighbors Practice Acting Normal at Night" written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 01:16:27) Produced...

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It's episode 18 of Season 13. This week we present tales of nappers, neighbors, and nostalgia. "Green Rain" written by Jazzmin Forrestall (Story starts around 00:10:42) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Woman 1 – Mary Murphy, Woman 2 – Erin Lillis, Lilyanna – Addison Peacock, Father – Mike DelGaudio, Mother – Nikolle Doolin "Death in the Family" written by Joe Sullivan (Story starts around 00:24:55) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Julia – Addison Peacock, Rodney – Jeff Clement, Aunt Kathy – Nikolle Doolin, Medical Examiner – Dan Zappulla "The Parsonage" written by Alyssa N. Vaughn (Story starts around 00:42:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Patience – Addison Peacock, Mama – Erin Lillis, Daddy – Mike DelGaudio, Ezekiel – Elie Hirschman, Mrs. Cypress – Erika Sanderson, Church Woman 1 – Mary Murphy, Church Woman 2 – Sarah Thomas "My Neighbors Practice Acting Normal at Night" written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 01:16:27) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Sharon – Addison Peacock, Mrs. Ainsworth – Erin Lillis "Mom Needs Help with Her Tapes" written by Heather Deiter (Story starts around 01:28:26) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Mike – Mike DelGaudio, Shannon – Nikolle Doolin, Mother/Shannon – Erika Sanderson, Young Mike – Elie Hirschman, Brian – Kyle Akers, Father – Jesse Cornett, Demonic Voice – Peter Lewis "Can I Have More?" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 02:04:29) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Eliza – Sarah Thomas, Trick-or-Treater – Erika Sanderson "The Order of Lake Swain" written by L.R. Cole (Story starts around 02:18:48) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Reggie – Atticus Jackson "Plan X Part 4" written by Peter Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Graham Rowat, Addison Peacock, Nikolle Doolin, Erika Sanderson, Mike DelGaudio, Alexis Bristowe, Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about our Season Passes Click here to follow us on Facebook Click here to follow us on Twitter Click here to follow us on Instagram Click here to learn more about Jazzmin Forrestall Click here to learn more about Joe Sullivan Click here to learn more about Alyssa N. Vaughn Click here to learn more about Mr. Michael Squid Click here to learn more about Blair Daniels Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Can I Have More?" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.  

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It's episode 19 of Season 13, our 2019 Halloween Episode. On this week’s show we have seven tales celebrating the Halloween Season. "Family Familiar" written by A.B. Cooper (Story starts around 00:09:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Nate/Steve – Elie Hirschman, Suze/Mae/Tooth Fairy – Erika Sanderson "Halloween in the Suburbs" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:24:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Derek – Matthew Bradford, Suburban Dad – Jeff Clement, Ghost Kid – Jessica McEvoy, Ellie – Nichole Goodnight "Pork n’ Stuff" written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 00:42:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Black-haired Girl – Sarah Thomas, Pig Man – David Cummings, Teenage Boy – Kyle Akers "What Halloween Left Behind" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:59:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy, Alec – Erika Sanderson, Police Officer – Atticus Jackson "Masks" written by Charles Davenport (Story starts around 01:17:54) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Judd – Mike DelGaudio, Head Doctor – Mick Wingert, Molly – Nikolle Doolin, Bob Strickland – Atticus Jackson, Brenda – Erin Lillis "How Not to Get Rid of a Body" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:37:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Norman – David Ault, Steve – James Cleveland "The Halloween Children of Old Harrington" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 02:11:09) Produced by: Jesse Cornett TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Haylee– Jessica McEvoy, Ada/ Old Harrington Girl – Addison Peacock, GPS Voice – Nikolle Doolin, Bobby – Elie Hirschman, Delilah/Little Boy – Erika Sanderson, Little Girl – Nichole Goodnight, Man – Mick Wingert, Old Harrington Boy – Kyle Akers Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Manen Lyset Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper Click here to learn more about Charles Davenport Click here to learn more about Gemma Amor Click here to learn more about D. Williams Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Halloween 2019" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 19 of Season 13, our 2019 Halloween Episode. On this week’s show we have seven tales celebrating the Halloween Season. "Family Familiar" written by A.B. Cooper (Story starts around 00:09:34) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Nate/Steve – Elie Hirschman, Suze/Mae/Tooth Fairy – Erika Sanderson "Halloween in the Suburbs" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:24:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Derek – Matthew Bradford, Suburban Dad – Jeff Clement, Ghost Kid – Jessica McEvoy, Ellie – Nichole Goodnight "Pork n’ Stuff" written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 00:42:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Black-haired Girl – Sarah Thomas, Pig Man – David Cummings, Teenage Boy – Kyle Akers "What Halloween Left Behind" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:59:52) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy, Alec – Erik...

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It's episode 20 of Season 13. This week we fabricate fables of fractured families, forced facades, and frights flung from the far firmament. "My Perfect Little Boy" written by Kathy Joy (Story starts around 00:17:09) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Detective – Andy Cresswell, Rachel – Penny Scott-Andrews "It Fell from the Sky" written by Taylour McNelly (Story starts around 00:36:57) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Karen – Nikolle Doolin, Connor – Elie Hirschman, John – Mike DelGaudio, Tim – Graham Rowat, Marsha – Erin Lillis, 911 Operator – Mary Murphy "The Honeymoon’s Over" written by E.E. King (Story starts around 01:08:38) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis, Next Victim – Mary Murphy "Nina's Bones" written by J.D. McGregor (Story starts around 01:18:49) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Bryce – Jeff Clement, Hooded Figure – Addison Peacock "The Artist Unknown" written by Jon Vassa (Story starts around 01:40:28) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Michael – Atticus Jackson, Mr. Wynn – Jesse Cornett, Pat – Dan Zappulla, Michael’s Mom – Erin Lillis, Man in Truck – Graham Rowat, Learning Center Technician – Peter Lewis "Plan X Part 5" written by Peter Lewis Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Peter Lewis, Kyle Akers, James Cleveland, Dan Zappulla, Atticus Jackson, Sarah Thomas, Nikolle Doolin, Addison Peacock, Erika Sanderson, Mike DelGaudio, Alexis Bristowe, Graham Rowat Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about E.E. King Click here to learn more about J.D. McGregor Click here to learn more about Jon Vassa Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Host: Peter Lewis Executive Producer: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "My Perfect Little Boy" illustration courtesy of Naomi Ronke Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 20 of Season 13. This week we fabricate fables of fractured families, forced facades, and frights flung from the far firmament. "My Perfect Little Boy" written by Kathy Joy (Story starts around 00:17:09) Produced by: Phil Michalski TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Detective – Andy Cresswell, Rachel – Penny Scott-Andrews "It Fell from the Sky" written by Taylour McNelly (Story starts around 00:36:57) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Karen – Nikolle Doolin, Connor – Elie Hirschman, John – Mike DelGaudio, Tim – Graham Rowat, Marsha – Erin Lillis, 911 Operator – Mary Murphy "The Honeymoon’s Over" written by E.E. King (Story starts around 01:08:38) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis, Next Victim – Mary Murphy "Nina's Bones" written by J.D. McGregor (Story starts around 01:18:49) Produced by: Jeff Clement TRIGGER WARNING! Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Bryce – Jeff Clement, Hooded Figure – Addison Peacock "The Artist Unknown" written by Jon Vassa (Story...

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NoSleep Podcast S13E20a - Halloween Live at The El Rey Theatre This special hiatus episode features the performance from our Halloween Live Tour at The El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles, California on October 31, 2019.   "Dinner At The Gladstones'" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 00:10:10) "The Wandering Soul" written by Michael Whitehouse (Story starts around 00:34:00) "Bhavisana" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 01:10:00) "A Very Sleepless Halloween" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 01:35:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Henry Galley Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse Click here to learn more about D. Williams Click here to learn more about Olivia White   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio mastering by: Phil Michalski Halloween Live Graphic courtesy of Krista Neubert NoSleep Live Hallloween 2019 Tour Art courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

NoSleep Podcast S13E20a - Halloween Live at The El Rey Theatre This special hiatus episode features the performance from our Halloween Live Tour at The El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles, California on October 31, 2019.   "Dinner At The Gladstones'" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 00:10:10) "The Wandering Soul" written by Michael Whitehouse (Story starts around 00:34:00) "Bhavisana" written by D. Williams (Story starts around 01:10:00) "A Very Sleepless Halloween" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 01:35:30) Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about Henry Galley   Click here to learn more about Michael Whitehouse   Click here to learn more about D. Williams   Click here to learn more about Olivia White   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Audio mastering by: Phil Michalski Halloween Live Graphic courtesy of Krista Neubert NoSleep Live Halll...

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It's episode 21 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the creepy people who share our living spaces. "Bookworm" written by Meredith Katz (Story starts around 00:04:17) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Claudia – Erin Lillis, Roommate – Mary Murphy "Just My Luck" written by Holloway Green (Story starts around 00:19:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Sharon – Sarah Thomas, Doppelganger – Atticus Jackson "The House on Campground Road" written by Whitley O’Brien (Story starts around 00:44:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy "The Thing in the Bell Tower" written by Alex Taylor (Story starts around 01:08:08) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Stephen Andrews – Dan Zappulla, Stephen’s Dad – David Cummings, Cleanup Man – Jesse Cornett, Jack – twelve years old – Elie Hirschman, Young Girl – Nichole Goodnight, Diary Writer – David Ault "My Love, in Pieces" written by Tiffany Michelle Brown (Story starts around 01:53:37) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dan – Mike DelGaudio, Twin daughters – Nichole Goodnight, Hospital Admin – Nikolle Doolin, Doctor – Jeff Clement Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour Click here to learn more about Meredith Katz Click here to learn more about Alex Taylor Click here to learn more about Tiffany Michelle Brown Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "My Love, in Pieces" illustration courtesy of Krys Hookuh Audio program ©2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 21 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the creepy people who share our living spaces. "Bookworm" written by Meredith Katz (Story starts around 00:04:17) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Claudia – Erin Lillis, Roommate – Mary Murphy "Just My Luck" written by Holloway Green (Story starts around 00:19:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Sharon – Sarah Thomas, Doppelganger – Atticus Jackson "The House on Campground Road" written by Whitley O’Brien (Story starts around 00:44:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy "The Thing in the Bell Tower" written by Alex Taylor (Story starts around 01:08:08) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Stephen Andrews – Dan Zappulla, Stephen’s Dad – David Cummings, Cleanup Man – Jesse Cornett, Jack – twelve years old – Elie Hirschman, Young Girl – Nichole Goodnight, Diary Writer – David Ault "My Love, in Pieces" written by Tiffany Michelle...

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It's episode 22 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about stimulating our bodies and minds. "Daylight Remaining" written by John Wiswell (Story starts around 00:05:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Taggard – Atticus Jackson, Leo – Elie Hirschman, Devon – Kyle Akers "I Remember Annie" written by Eli Ryder (Story starts around 00:22:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Charlie – Kyle Akers, Annie – Addison Peacock, Gas Station Attendant – Jesse Cornett, Doctor – Erin Lillis "The Incidental Discovery of the Paranormal" written by John Foster (Story starts around 00:45:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dr. Frank Matthews – Jeff Clement, Peter – Matthew Bradford, Dr. Richard Brumbaugh – Andy Cresswell "The Book of Skin" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 01:05:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mary – Jessica McEvoy, Sharon – Nichole Goodnight, Mildred Thompson – Erika Sanderson, Andrew Thompson – Graham Rowat "2,300 Steps" written by Derek Walker (Story starts around 01:35:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Sam Kline – Mike DelGaudio, Jamie Kline – Sarah Thomas, Sharlene Jones - Erin Lillis, Police Receptionist – Alexis Bristowe, Officer Wolff – David Cummings Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to buy tickets to the Euro 2020 Live Tour Click here to learn more about our Season Pass Program Click here to learn more about Blair Daniels Click here to learn more about Derek Walker Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Book of Skin" illustration courtesy of Thea Arnman Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 22 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about stimulating our bodies and minds. "Daylight Remaining" written by John Wiswell (Story starts around 00:05:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Taggard – Atticus Jackson, Leo – Elie Hirschman, Devon – Kyle Akers "I Remember Annie" written by Eli Ryder (Story starts around 00:22:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Charlie – Kyle Akers, Annie – Addison Peacock, Gas Station Attendant – Jesse Cornett, Doctor – Erin Lillis "The Incidental Discovery of the Paranormal" written by John Foster (Story starts around 00:45:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dr. Frank Matthews – Jeff Clement, Peter – Matthew Bradford, Dr. Richard Brumbaugh – Andy Cresswell "The Book of Skin" written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 01:05:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mary – Jessica McEvoy, Sharon – Nichole Goodnight, Mildred Thompson – Erika Sanderson, Andrew Tho...

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It's episode 23 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the things that can get into us...and out of us. "Direct Observations " written by Paul Miscavage (Story starts around 00:05:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: David Swan – Jeff Clement, Audience member – David Cummings "Diamonds and Pearls" written by Chris Allinotte (Story starts around 00:29:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Thomas Babb – David Ault, Josephine Rose – Erika Sanderson, Agnes Rose – Penny Scott-Andrews, Gwendolyn – Erika Sanderson "A Proposal from Daddy Prince" written by Penny Tailsup (Story starts around 01:12:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Thomas, Sarina – Nichole Goodnight "Don't Choose the Goat" written by Ali Habashi (Story starts around 01:35:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Mike DelGaudio, Jack – Elie Hirschman, Tasha – Addison Peacock, Stefan – Erika Sanderson, Mila – Nichole Goodnight, Peter – Kyle Akers, Mila’s mom – Jessica McEvoy, Chaperone – Matthew Bradford "Sunflower's Weep" written by R.E. Rodden II (Story starts around 01:58:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zapulla, Pastor Dave – Atticus Jackson, Gladys – Nikolle Doolin, Mason – Erika Sanderson, HAZMAT Leader – Mike DelGaudio, Policeman – David Cummings Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour Click here to learn more about Paul Miscavage Click here to learn more about Penny Tailsup Click here to learn more about Ali Habashi Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "A Proposal from Daddy Prince" illustration courtesy of Mark Pelham Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 23 of Season 13. On this week's show we have tales about the things that can get into us...and out of us. "Direct Observations " written by Paul Miscavage (Story starts around 00:05:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: David Swan – Jeff Clement, Audience member – David Cummings "Diamonds and Pearls" written by Chris Allinotte (Story starts around 00:29:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Thomas Babb – David Ault, Josephine Rose – Erika Sanderson, Agnes Rose – Penny Scott-Andrews, Gwendolyn – Erika Sanderson "A Proposal from Daddy Prince" written by Penny Tailsup (Story starts around 01:12:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Thomas, Sarina – Nichole Goodnight "Don't Choose the Goat" written by Ali Habashi (Story starts around 01:35:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Mike DelGaudio, Jack – Elie Hirschman, Tasha – Addison Peacock, Stefan – Erika Sanderson, Mila – Nichole Goodnight, Peter – Kyle Akers, Mila’s m...

It's episode 24 of Season 13. On this week's show we present our homage to the Grindhouse movies of old "A Wampoke Family Dinner" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:04:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Jeff Clement, Jesse Cornett, Andy Cresswell, Penny Scott-Andrews, Kyle Akers, Addison Peacock, Jessica McEvoy, Erika Sanderson, Atticus Jackson, Mike DelGaudio, Erin Lillis, Graham Rowat, Nikolle Doolin "What Have They Done With The Crystal Cat's Head?" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Atticus Jackson, Erin Lillis, Nikolle Doolin, Dan Zappulla, Alexis Bristowe, Graham Rowat, Erika Sanderson, David Ault, Matthew Bradford, Jessica McEvoy, Addison Peacock, Eden "Trailer One" written by Olivia White & Produced by: Jeff Clement "Trailer Two" written by Olivia White & Produced by: Jeff Clement Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here for tickets to our UK/EU Tour in Janu...

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It's episode 24 of Season 13. On this week's show we present our homage to the Grindhouse movies of old "A Wampoke Family Dinner" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:04:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Jeff Clement, Jesse Cornett, Andy Cresswell, Penny Scott-Andrews, Kyle Akers, Addison Peacock, Jessica McEvoy, Erika Sanderson, Atticus Jackson, Mike DelGaudio, Erin Lillis, Graham Rowat, Nikolle Doolin "What Have They Done With The Crystal Cat's Head?" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Atticus Jackson, Erin Lillis, Nikolle Doolin, Dan Zappulla, Alexis Bristowe, Graham Rowat, Erika Sanderson, David Ault, Matthew Bradford, Jessica McEvoy, Addison Peacock, Eden "Trailer One" written by Olivia White & Produced by: Jeff Clement "Trailer Two" written by Olivia White & Produced by: Jeff Clement Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here for tickets to our UK/EU Tour in January 2020 Click here to learn more about Olivia White  Episode Written by: Olivia White Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "What Have They Done With The Crystal Cat's Head?" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy "A Wampoke Family Dinner" illustration courtesy of Hasani Walker Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

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It's episode 25 - the Season 13 Finale! We celebrate the Holiday Season with our annual Christmas episode. "Creaks’n’Peaks" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:07:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Veronica – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Erin Lillis, Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Uncle Randy – Atticus Jackson, Creaks’n’Peaks – Jeff Clement "Gift Exchange" written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:32:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Mrs. Mac – Sarah Thomas, Yancy – Kyle Akers, Courtney – Jessica McEvoy, Kendall – Nikolle Doolin, Mr. Bryan – David Cummings, Michael – Matthew Bradford "Wonderland" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:50:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Abigail Gallo – Jessica McEvoy, Michael – Mike DelGaudio, Sandy’s father – David Cummings, Cop from CPS – Nikolle Doolin, Lily – Addison Peacock "You Gotta Believe (In Grandpa John)" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 01:17:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mike – Mike DelGaudio, Claire – Addison Peacock, Sarah – Nikolle Doolin, Jake – Jeff Clement, Grandma – Erika Sanderson, Grandpa John – David Cummings "Christmas in Antarctica" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:40:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jen – Penny Scott-Andrews, Ash – Andy Cresswell, Sarah – Nikolle Doolin, Mary – Erika Sanderson, Troy – Dan Zappulla, Keith – David Ault, Mark – James Cleveland, Flick – Jessica McEvoy, Pat – Kyle Akers, Duncan – Jeff Clement, Jack – Jesse Cornett "Episode Wraparound" written by Olivia White Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David Ault, Erika Sanderson, Addison Peacock, Nichole Goodnight, Sarah Thomas, Jessica McEvoy, Mike DelGaudio, Penny Scott-Andrews, Graham Rowat, Nikolle Doolin, David Cummings Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here for tickets to our UK/EU Tour in January 2020 Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper Click here to learn more about Marcus Damanda Click here to learn more about C.M. Scandreth Click here to learn more about Gemma Amor Click here to learn more about Olivia White Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Christmas 2019" illustration courtesy of Abby Howard Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 25 - the Season 13 Finale! We celebrate the Holiday Season with our annual Christmas episode. "Creaks’n’Peaks" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:07:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Veronica – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Erin Lillis, Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Uncle Randy – Atticus Jackson, Creaks’n’Peaks – Jeff Clement "Gift Exchange" written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:32:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Mrs. Mac – Sarah Thomas, Yancy – Kyle Akers, Courtney – Jessica McEvoy, Kendall – Nikolle Doolin, Mr. Bryan – David Cummings, Michael – Matthew Bradford "Wonderland" written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:50:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Abigail Gallo – Jessica McEvoy, Michael – Mike DelGaudio, Sandy’s father – David Cummings, Cop from CPS – Nikolle Doolin, Lily – Addison Peacock "You Gotta Believe (In Grandpa John)" written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 01:17:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cas...

The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring classic tales from Season 13. "Don't Choose the Goat" written by Ali Habashi (Story starts around 00:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Mike DelGaudio, Jack – Elie Hirschman, Tasha – Addison Peacock, Stefan – Erika Sanderson, Mila – Nichole Goodnight, Peter – Kyle Akers, Mila’s mom – Jessica McEvoy, Chaperone – Matthew Bradford "All Black" written by Lucas Colianni (Story starts around 00:26:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Oz – Atticus Jackson, Daniel – Dan Zappulla, Christine – Jessica McEvoy Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour   Click here to learn more about Ali Habashi   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Holiday Hiatus" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reprod...

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring classic tales from Season 13. "Don't Choose the Goat" written by Ali Habashi (Story starts around 00:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Mike DelGaudio, Jack – Elie Hirschman, Tasha – Addison Peacock, Stefan – Erika Sanderson, Mila – Nichole Goodnight, Peter – Kyle Akers, Mila’s mom – Jessica McEvoy, Chaperone – Matthew Bradford "All Black" written by Lucas Colianni (Story starts around 00:26:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Oz – Atticus Jackson, Daniel – Dan Zappulla, Christine – Jessica McEvoy Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour Click here to learn more about Ali Habashi Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Holiday Hiatus" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring classic tales from Season 13. "Can Spiders Actually Lay Eggs Under Human Skin?" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 00:02:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Lisa – Nichole Goodnight, Nurse – Mary Murphy "Grunts" written by Neil Noon (Story starts around 00:33:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: General Consuela Velez – Nikolle Doolin, Specialist Gordy Pickford – Graham Rowat, Specialist Walter Stroheim – Kyle Akers, Specialist Magz Maloney – Erin Lillis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour Click here to learn more about Rene Rehn Click here to learn more about Neil Noon  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Holiday Hiatus" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

The show is taking a holiday break this week but we're featuring classic tales from Season 13. "Can Spiders Actually Lay Eggs Under Human Skin?" written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 00:02:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Lisa – Nichole Goodnight, Nurse – Mary Murphy "Grunts" written by Neil Noon (Story starts around 00:33:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: General Consuela Velez – Nikolle Doolin, Specialist Gordy Pickford – Graham Rowat, Specialist Walter Stroheim – Kyle Akers, Specialist Magz Maloney – Erin Lillis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast   Click here to learn more about the Euro 2020 Live Tour   Click here to learn more about Rene Rehn   Click here to learn more about Neil Noon   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Holiday Hiatus" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media In...

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It's episode 01 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we deal with the trauma people can face from their… Inner Demons. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Ghosts on Drugs" written by Robert Stahl (Story starts around 0:09:17) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Graham Rowat "Janelle’s Baby" written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 0:25:01) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Atticus Jackson & Jessica McEvoy "The Strangler" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 0:37:27) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Hasani Walker's Kickstarter Click here to learn more about artist cvasiacru Click here to learn more about Robert Stahl Click here to learn more about Mr. Michael Squid Click here to learn more about Gemma Amor Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Shards" illustration courtesy of cvasiacru Audio program ©2019-2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 01 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we deal with the trauma people can face from their… Inner Demons. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Ghosts on Drugs" written by Robert Stahl (Story starts around 0:09:17) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Graham Rowat "Janelle’s Baby" written by Mr. Michael...

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's episode 02 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we undergo a macabre medical exam, and audition for a petrifying porno. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Breast Exam" written by Holly Dionis (Story starts around 0:05:03) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Loretta Carson – Erin Lillis, Real Loretta Carson – Sarah Thomas "The Casting Couch" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 0:20:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jenna – Addison Peacock, Niah – Eden, Director – Graham Rowat Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here for tickets to our UK/EU Tour in January 2020 Click here to learn more about Hasani Walker's Kickstarter Click here to learn more about Olivia White Click here to learn more about Audrey McEvoy Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The Casting Couch" illustration courtesy of Audrey McEvoy Audio program ©2018-2019 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

NoSleep Podcast Presents The New Decayed Episode 02 It's episode 02 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we undergo a macabre medical exam, and audition for a petrifying porno. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Breast Exam" written by Holly Dionis (Story starts around 0:05:03) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast...

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's episode 03 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we investigate the truth behind unsettling urban legends and macabre modern monsters. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "The Blackdale Building" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 0:08:32) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Mom – Mary Murphy, RA – Kyle Akers "Original Prankster" written by Holly Dionis (Story starts around 0:24:09) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andrew Tate "Smile Dog" written by Michael Lutz & Olivia White (Story starts around 0:38:03) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sammy - Sammy Raynor, Michael - Kyle Akers, Jessica - Jessica McEvoy Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here for tickets to our UK/EU Tour in January 2020 Click here to learn more about the Let's Not Meet Podcast Read the original Smile Dog creepypasta here Click here to learn more about Sammy Raynor's podcast Conspiracies & Cryptids Click here to learn more about Sammy Raynor Click here to learn more about Andrew Tate Click here to learn more about Henry Galley Click here to learn more about Michael Lutz Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Smile Dog" illustration courtesy of Thea Arnman Audio program ©2019-2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 03 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week's show we investigate the truth behind unsettling urban legends and macabre modern monsters. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "The Blackdale Building" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 0:08:32) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Mom – Mary Mu...

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It's episode 3.5 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week’s show we overcome disaster to bring you a hiatus during the hiatus. "Stories From Lighthouse Keepers" written by Patrick Brickhouse (Story starts around 0:08:11) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mike DelGaudio, Graham Rowat, Dan Zappulla,Atticus Jackson. "The Iscariot 8" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 0:32:06) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Marla Carter – Nikolle Doolin, The Iscariot 8 – Jesse Cornett, Rev. Brian Jameson – David Cummings, Lana Walker – Nichole Goodnight, Bill Carter – Graham Rowat, Davin Carlos – Dan Zappulla, Congregation member – Mike DelGaudio, Congregation member – Addison Peacock Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "1990s DisASSter" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Olivia White Audio program ©2019-2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

It's episode 3.5 of The NoSleep Podcast presents: The New Decayed. On this week’s show we overcome disaster to bring you a hiatus during the hiatus. "Stories From Lighthouse Keepers" written by Patrick Brickhouse (Story starts around 0:08:11) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mike DelGaudio, Graham Rowat, Dan Zappulla,Atticus Jackson. "The Iscariot 8" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 0:32:06) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Marla Carter – Nikolle Doolin, The Iscariot 8 – Jesse Cornett, Rev. Brian Jameson – David Cummings, Lana Walker – Nichole Goodnight, Bill Carter – Graham Rowat, Davin Carlos – Dan Zappulla, Congregation member – Mike DelGaudio, Congregation member – Addison Peacock Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "1990s DisASSter" illustration courtesy of Krista Neubert & Olivia White Audio p...

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's episode 04 of The New Decayed. On this week's show we take a trip beyond the stars, where no horror fan has gone before. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Final Broadcast" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 0:04:48) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator/Robot – Nikolle Doolin, Caleb – Atticus Jackson "The White Planet" written by Conor Etherton (Story starts around 0:26:43) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy "I Found My Abduction Journal" written by One Faraday and Ronin Ellis (Story starts around 1:10:33) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Sarah Michelle Gellar Clone – Jessica McEvoy, Kayla – Erin Lillis Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Emily Cannon Click here to learn more about Olivia White Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "The White Planet" illustration courtesy of Emily Cannon Audio program ©2019-2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

NoSleep Podcast Presents The New Decayed Episode 04 It's episode 04 of The New Decayed. On this week's show we take a trip beyond the stars, where no horror fan has gone before. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "Final Broadcast" written by Olivia White (Story starts around 0:04:48) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator/Robot – Nikol...

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It's episode 05 of The New Decayed. On this week's show we bid farewell to our miniseason with five tales about evil encounters, cruel creations and reprehensible relationships. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you'll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we'd try out something new. We'll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It's not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that's fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We'll be taking you places. "I Sold My Name at a Crossroads" written by A.S. Lowe (Story starts around 00:08:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Charlotte Norup, Being – S.H. Cooper, Cheryl – Allison Brandt, Tom – Dan Zappulla "Greywic" written by Jazzmin Forrestall (Story starts around 00:24:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Joanne Greywic – Erin Lillis "Services Rendered" written by Ciera Nightingale (Story starts around 00:42:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Laura – Nichole Goodnight, Alyssa – Addison Peacock, Laurence – Dan Zappulla, Elmer – Mick Wingert, Victim – Graham Rowat "Galatea" written by Addison Peacock (Story starts around 01:08:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Addison Peacock, Adam – Kyle Akers "Bonnie and Chris" written by Henry Galley (Story starts around 01:27:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Chris – Graham Rowat, Bonnie – Alexis Bristowe Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to learn more about Charlotte Norup Click here to learn more about Allison Brandt Click here to learn more about Calling Darkness Click here to learn more about Jazzmin Forrestall Click here to learn more about Addison Peacock Click here to learn more about Henry Galley Executive Producer: David Cummings Host: Jessica McEvoy The New Decayed showrunner: Olivia White Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "In Memoriam" illustration courtesy of Jen Tracy Audio program ©2020 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors.

NoSleep Podcast Presents The New Decayed Episode 05 It's episode 05 of The New Decayed. On this week's show we bid farewell to our miniseason with five tales about evil encounters, cruel creations and reprehensible relationships. Disclaimer: This is our first experimental miniseason. For this five-part series you’ll be joining Jessica McEvoy and Olivia White as they delve into the experimental, dark abyss of horror. Instead of taking an extended break during the European tour, we thought we’d try out something new. We’ll be taking this miniseason in directions outside of the usual mandate of The NoSleep Podcast. Some episodes of this miniseason are not for the faint of heart. Some are not for the squeamish. It’s not mandatory listening. If you choose to consider this a break and wait for Season 14, that’s fine. If you choose to join us, then brace yourselves. We’ll be taking you places. "I Sold My Name at a Crossroads" written by A.S. Lowe (Story starts around 00:08:45) TRIGGER WARN...

It's Episode 01 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about drawing forth the hidden entities from the darkness. “The Mystery of the Sound-Side Hotel” written by Charlotte Ledville (Story starts around 00:05:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy , Kathy – Addison Peacock , Jack – Dan Zappula , Child – Erika Sanderson , Charlie – David Cummings, Judy – Erin Lillis, Woman – Mary Murphy “The Voices Underneath Us” written by C.K. Walker (Stor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 02 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about uncovering the mysteries found in the small clues around us. “Doomsday Disease” written by Elias Witherow (Story starts around 00:05:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Narrator – Jeff Clement, The Intruder – Jesse Cornett “You’re Killing Me, Smalls” written by Jared Roberts (Story starts around 00:42:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Narrator – Graham Rowat, Don – Mick Wingert, Kid – Erika Sa Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 03 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the disquieting sense of loss when things go missing. “The Baby Who Ate” written by Maya H. (Story starts around 00:02:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Claire – Erika Sanderson, Narrator’s Mother – Penny Scott-Andrews “Sleep EZ Motor Lodge” written by VR Gregg (Story starts around 00:12:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 04 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the mysterious impermanence of death. “A Date With Uncle Wiggily” written by Brady Bloomfield (Story starts around 00:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “Zwergin Pond” written by Mark Nixon (Story starts around 00:38:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Julian – David Ault, Charlie – Andy Cresswell, Girl – Erika Sanderson, Nicolas – David Cummings “Bells” written by Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 05 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the unknown and how fearful it can be. “Test Run” written by T. Takeda Wise (Story starts around 00:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Maryanne Haneda – Jessica McEvoy, Mikael – David Ault, Victoria – Nichole Goodnight, Man in Forest 1 – Graham Rowat, Man in Forest 2 – Jeff Clement, Detective – Peter Lewis, Library Specialist – Nikolle Doolin “Samhain” written by William Stuart (St Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

While the COVID-19 pandemic has many self-isolating, The NoSleep Podcast presents the Pandemic Bonus. Five previously-released Season Pass stories with themes about pandemics and plagues. TRIGGER WARNINGS! “The Pigeons Around Here Aren’t Real” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts at 00:03:45) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Clint – David Cummings “There’s Something Underneath Southern Utah” written by T. Takeda Wise (Story starts around 00:31:00) Prod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 06 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the intoxicating allure of new experiences. “Forever, a Drug” written by Nick Moore (Story starts around 00:05:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Scott – Peter Lewis, Jared – Jesse Cornett, Old Man – David Cummings, Him – Mick Wingert “Midnight at the Acid Light Dance” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:23:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jess Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 07 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the risks involved with having faith in others. “The Road of Ice and Men” written by Paul R. Hardy (Story starts around 00:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, NKVD Officer – David Cummings “The Black Bag Job” written by Jeff Miller (Story starts around 00:15:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: The Locksmith – Atticus Jackson, Mr. Black Bag – Peter Lewis, Ben – Mick Wingert, Jane – Erin Lillis, The old man – David Cummings “Womb of New Eden” written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:43:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Melchior – Erika Sanderson “The Devil Virus” written by Chris DiLeo (Story starts around 01:04:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kyle – Dan Zappulla, Rev – Mick Wingert, Ashley – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Sears – Graham Rowat, Steve – Jeff Clement, Ambulette Worker – Atticus Jackson, Doctor – ...

It's Episode 08 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the evil hidden in the dark places. "The House Flipping Find" written by Jeremiah Dylan Cook (story starts around 00:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Ursula – Addison Peacock, Mr. Parsons – Kyle Akers, Mr. Barnabas – Atticus Jackson, Pastor Edgar – Mike DelGaudio "The Moaning Caverns" written by Karl Melton (story starts around 00:29:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalsk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 It’s Episode 09 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about technology and the games it can play.    “Room 1209” written by BM Kellie (Story starts around 00:07:16) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica – Jessica McEvoy, Gloria – Nikolle Doolin, Andy – Atticus Jackson, The Voice – Jessica McEvoy “” written by Nicholas Dunn (Story starts around 00:31:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Taj — Sammy Raynor, Chester — Jeff Clement “Home Free” written by Catherine Findorak (Story starts around 00:50:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Marie – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Henry – Mike DelGaudio, Police Officer – Atticus Jackson “Mr. Empty-Belly” written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:08:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Cast: George – Jeff Clement, Andy – Sammy Raynor, George’s Mom – Nichole Goodnight, Andy’s Mom – Erin Lillis, Police Officer – Jesse Cornett Click here to learn more about the voice actors ...

It’s Episode 10 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the dark holes families can pull us into. “Watch Out for Anyone Trying to Sell You EliteYou Products” written by Nick Botic (Story starts around 00:07:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Joanne – Erin Lillis, Police Officer #1 – Jeff Clement, Police Officer #2 – Atticus Jackson, Police Officer #3 – Peter Lewis, Christine – Nichole Goodnight, Bill – David Cummings, Clai Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 11 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the horrors that come in and out of our lives. “He Didn’t Leave Alone” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Birdy – Mary Murphy, Sister Mary Rose – Erin Lillis, Little Girl 1 – Addison Peacock, Little Girl 2 – Nichole Goodnight, Little Girl 3 – Jessica McEvoy “Reunion Hospital” written by Tara A. Devlin (Story starts around 00:19:20) Pr Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 12 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the terrifying things we can ingest into our bodies and minds. “A Husband’s Needs” written by C.J. Robinson (Story starts around 00:05:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mick Wingert, Mrs. Crowley – Erin Lillis “I Asked for New Parents and Got Them” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:18:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matt Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 13 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about being trapped in dreadful places. “A Story Overheard in a Room” written by Johnny Compton (Story starts around 00:06:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, James – Atticus Jackson, Boy – Erika Sanderson “Undertow” written by Cole White (Story starts around 00:22:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: June – Addison Peacock, Vanessa – Nichole Goodnight “The Hallway” written Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 14 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the oh so innocent things which will shatter us. “Tainted” written by W.C. Jones (Story starts around 00:05:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Jessica – Jessica McEvoy, John – Elie Hirschman, Old woman – Erin Lillis, Old woman’s son – David Cummings, Submarine Man – Jesse Cornett, Nurse – Nichole Goodnight “Spider” written by Joseph Yenkavitch (Story starts around 00:39:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 15 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the places we live and the horrors within. “A Reflection on Self-Portraits” written by C.A. Linné (Story starts around 00:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Margaret – Jessica McEvoy, Young Guy – Dan Zappulla, Mom at Station – Alexis Bristowe, Voicemail – Nikolle Doolin, Therapist – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Portrait – Addison Peacock “Loft Conversion” written by Mark Diggles (Story starts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 16 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about those things which have terrible control over you. “Night of Darkness, Flames of Blood” written by Josh Gauthier (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Bartender – Dan Zappulla, Partygoer – Mick Wingert, Dancer – Jessica McEvoy, Prospero Quast – Graham Rowat, Cyrilla – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Plastic” written by Austin Gragg (Story starts around 00:25:15) TRIG Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 17 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about those things which go horribly wrong. “A Low Spirit” written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:05:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell “Bitter” written by D. Williams (Story starts around 00:16:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Brian Mills – Kyle Akers, Gary Howard – Elie Hirschman, Concert-goer – Atticus Jackson, Adelaide – Addison Pea Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 18 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the dark things in and around us. “Injecting Religion” written by Jesse Rose (Story starts around 00:05:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Lauren – Erin Lillis, Azazel – Andy Cresswell “Other Lily” written by Jennifer Winters (Story starts around 00:26:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Lily – Erin Lillis, Jack McDaniels – Graham Rowat, Neil’s Teacher – Addison Peacock, C Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 19 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the dangers of getting out and about. “Stand by the Tree” written by A. C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:04:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Narrator’s Mom – Erin Lillis, Riley – Erika Sanderson, Hamadryad – Jessica McEvoy “A Hand of Glory for Fun and Profit” written by Jeff Miller (Story starts around 00:29:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: The Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 It’s Episode 20 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about trying to look after yourself and your loved ones.    “My Son” written by Haley Hendershot (Story starts around 00:05:25)  TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Jaime – Elie Hirschman “Ten Seconds” written by Wayne Power (Story starts around 00:19:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Eddy – Matthew Bradford, Mom – Alexis Bristowe, Man – Peter Lewis “Insides” written by C.J. Robinson (Story starts around 00:28:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Alex – Kyle Akers, Megan – Jessica McEvoy, Chloe – Addison Peacock, Alex’s mom – Erin Lillis “Nana” written by Scott Weisser (Story starts around 01:00:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Nana – Erin Lillis, Sylvia – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Terrible Man” written by David H. Varley (Story starts around 01:12:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Gentleman – Andy ...

It’s Episode 21 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the nightmares found in our homes. “FaceTime” written by David Kennington (Story starts around 00:04:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Penny Scott-Andrews “The Mill Street Scarecrows” written by Osha Lukai (Story starts around 00:14:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Tom – Graham Rowat, Martha – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Tom’s Mother – Erin Lillis Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 22 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about life's dark transitions. “Costco’s Secret Basement” written by Blair Daniels (Story starts around 00:04:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Blair – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Blonde Woman – Penny Scott-Andrews, Dan – Dan Zappulla, Red-haired Woman – Jessica McEvoy, Newscaster – Mick Wingert “Closed for Cleaning” written by Carolyn A. Drake (Story starts around 00:18:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrato Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 23 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the dark fantasies we escape to. “The Expressionless” written by TJ Lea (Story starts around 00:04:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, The Expressionless – Jessica McEvoy “Kakurenbo” written by TJ Lea (Story starts around 00:09:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Theodore – Atticus Jackson, Grandma Effy/Expressionless – Erin Lillis, Mom (Hil Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 24 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the seasons of life. “My Mom’s Death” written by Scott Newman (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Katherine – Danielle McRae, Mother – Nikolle Doolin “Turn Off the Taps” written by Alexander Hay (Story starts around 00:21:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell, Chief – Joseph Shire, UX Hamster – David Ault, Linda – Penny Scott-Andrews, Paramedic – Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 25 – the Season 14 Finale. This week we conjure four stories for you wrapped up with a series of Canadian paranormal encounters. “Panic at Manic-5” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “The Rathwick Ritual on Sentinel Hill” written by P.L. McMillan (Story starts around 00:15:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Taxi Driver – David Cummings “Vision in the Ra Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

While we’re in between Season 14 and 15 we have two tales which will steal you away. “The Light from Windows” written by Laura Cabral (Story starts around 00:03:55) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Dan Zappulla, Aiden's Dad - Jesse Cornett, Noah's Mom - Nikolle Doolin, Noah's Dad - Mike DelGaudio, New Mom - Jessica McEvoy “Questions for an Abductee” written by Jared Roberts (Story starts around 00:44:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Mike DelGaudio, Jonas - Jes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

In October of 2019, the NoSleep Podcast tour team performed across North America for their Halloween tour. The podcast was given over to Peter Lewis to host, despite the nightmarish events made evident in the “Escape the Dungeon” bonus episode. This audio production is what happened during…Plan X. “Plan X” written by Peter Lewis and performed by The NoSleep Podcast Players. Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast Click here to listen to “Escape the Dungeo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

While we're in between Season 14 and 15 we have two tales which will steal you away. “The Other Side of the Door” written by Alex Gaskin (Story starts around 00:04:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Ann Ingersoll – Addison Peacock, Judy Porter – Mary Murphy, Ben Donehue – Mike DelGaudio, Bethany – Jessica McEvoy, Radio – Dan Zappulla “Zero Boundaries Podcast: Episode 182” written by Carson Winter (Story starts around 00:44:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Lester Holland Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's the first of our Sleepless Decompositions. Tales that fester from within. “The Door” written by Candace Vazquez (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Dad – David Cummings “House of the Flycatcher” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:20:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Livs – Erika Sanderson, Max – Jessica McEvoy, Ted – Atticus Jackson, King of Flies – Jeff Clement Click here to learn more about Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 01 of Season 15. Welcome to the premiere episode of our 15th season! “The Lift” written by Sam Haysom (Story starts around 00:05:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Joe Shire, Elevator Man – Andy Cresswell “eTernity” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:33:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kurtis Conner, Lily – Jessica McEvoy, Jerseph Cashme – Andrew Tate, 911 Operator – Atticus Jackson “Compelled” written by R Prove Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 02 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey sinks its teeth into mommies and babies…so to speak. “Maternity Ward” written by Mediogre (Story starts around 00:04:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Danielle McRae “The Dentist” written by Gerardo Y. Garant (Story starts around 00:19:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, The Dentist – David Cummings, Police Officer #1 – Peter Lewis, Police Officer #2 – Graham Rowat “Mother M Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 03 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey gets lost in the hungry fog. “I Know What Purgatory Feels Like” written by Danny Leonard (Story starts around 00:06:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Radio – Mike DelGaudio, Johnny – Mick Wingert, Voice – Jesse Cornett “Hidden Sushi Restaurant” written by Maxwell Horton (Story starts around 00:22:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Server – Atticus Jackson, Che Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 04 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us into the dark and foreboding woods. “The Stickmen” written by Meagan Hotz (Story starts around 00:05:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio “A Better Sibling” written by B. A. Ries (Story starts around 00:30:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Laura – Nichole Goodnight, Sean – Elie Hirschman, Dad – Jeff Clement, Other Laura – Nichole Goodnight “The Forest through Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 05 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us to the psychic realm. “Dr. Tanner and the Virtue of Patients” written by Collin B. Randle (Story starts around 00:06:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Dr. Tyler Tanner – Mike DelGaudio, Nurse Beatrice/Bea – Alexis Bristowe, Jenkins Powell – David Cummings, Nurse Jasmeen – Danielle McRae, Patient Guiellermo Ramirez – Atticus Jackson, Patient Ida Vail – Nikolle Doolin, Security Guard – Dan Z Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 06 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes a technological turn. “A Fall Poem” written by James Michael Shoberg (Story starts around 00:04:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “The Head That Wears the Crown” written by Hugh O’Donnell (Story starts around 00:10:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Witch – Erika Sanderson “A Bluetooth Connection” written by Amanda Liefeld (Story starts around 00:21:15) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 07 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us home to where the darkness lives. “911 Call from Another Dimension” written by Sebastian LaQroix (Story starts around 00:06:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dispatcher – Alexis Bristowe, Therese – Nikolle Doolin “Click” written by Selene Grasby (Story starts around 00:17:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Maggie – Erin Lillis, Kevin – Mick Wingert, Dr. Wexler – Mike DelGaudio, Nurse – Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 08 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey drives deep into the night. “Phone Call” written by P.L. McMillan (Story starts around 00:05:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Leah – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Katie – Jessica McEvoy, Drew – Kyle Akers, Man – Mike DelGaudio, Woman – Erin Lillis “I Don’t Drive at Night Anymore” written by Dagen (Story starts around 00:21:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matt Bradford, Attendant – Jeff Clement “What Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 09 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey plays childish games. “Rest Stop: 1 Mile” written by J.M. Smith (Story starts around 00:05:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Charlie – Dan Zappulla, Captain Holloway – Graham Rowat, Charlie’s dad – Mike DelGaudio, Dispatcher – Alexis Bristowe “Slumber Party Séance” written by Eddie Generous (Story starts around 00:21:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Carol – Sarah Ru Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 10 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey drives deep into Halloween. “The Porch Scarecrow” written by Anders Rhys (Story starts around 00:11:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Johnathon – Elie Hirschman, Kathryn – Erin Lillis, Teenage Boy – Matthew Bradford, Beth – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Don’t Ask” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:31:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Laird – Jeff Clement, Holly – Jessica McEvoy, Trent Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 11 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us deep into the night. “Brine” written by J. W. Wright (Story starts around 00:04:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Eric – Kyle Akers “Nocturne” written by Jeffrey Walker (Story starts around 00:15:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Rachel – Nikolle Doolin, Mason – Peter Lewis, Roy – Graham Rowat “The Afterlife of Daphne Green” written by DM Holder (Story star Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Episode 1 of the new sci-fi podcast, "The Oyster". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 12 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey deals with the gravity of pain. “Ghosts of Gemini” written by Kevin Atkinson (Story starts around 00:05:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Investigator – Nikolle Doolin, Elaine Hicks – Jessica McEvoy, Gerald Begley – Atticus Jackson, Wills – Dan Zappulla, Hurt – Jeff Clement “Graduating” written by Michael Harris Cohen (Story starts around 00:30:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jones clones – Graham Rowat, Resea Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 13 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey drives us through the rain. “The Marsh” written by J. D. Graham (Story starts around 00:04:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett, Woman – Erin Lillis, Manager – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Loneliest Road” written by G. C. Jenkins (Story starts around 00:15:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Cashier – Jesse Cornett, Tex – Graham Rowat “The Swing” written by Ian J. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 14 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey puts away childish things. “The Candy Shop” written by Charlie Hughes (Story starts around 00:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Jenny Wilshaw – Erika Sanderson, Wilf Jenkins – Andy Cresswell “Lawrence Hall” written by James Turnbow (Story starts around 00:30:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jason – Mike DelGaudio, Mia – Mary Murphy, Scott – David Cummings, Chris – Mat Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 15 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey has us hungry for more. “Honk If You’re Hungry” written by TJ Lea (Story starts around 00:05:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Jesse – Atticus Jackson, Clown – Jesse Cornett “The Escher Room” written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:26:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Madeleine – Erika Sanderson, MI5 Agent – Joe Shire, Edgar – David Ault, Father – Andy Cresswell “The Whi Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It’s Episode 16 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey locks us in the darkest of places. “Submission” written by Lauren Stoker (Story starts around 00:05:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Neil Helmuter – Mike DelGaudio, Gustav Grimbold – David Cummings, Dominata – Nikolle Doolin “Doors” written by Amanda Dier (Story starts around 00:21:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Samuel Levinson – Atticus Jackson “The Devil’s Bidding” written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 00:41:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Terry – Graham Rowat, The Devil – David Ault, News Reporter – Dan Zappulla, Nathan – David Cummings, Night Visitor – Jeff Clement “The Stranger” written by A.M. Castillo (Story starts around 00:56:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sheriff Cruz – Mick Wingert, Henry – Kyle Akers, Paul – Graham Rowat, Stranger – Mike DelGaudio, Dick – Peter Lewis, Randy Sawyer – Matt Bradford, Vincent Brown – Dan Zappulla, Mariso...

It’s Episode 17 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us to the dark side of Christmas. “Raw Materials” written by Liam Hogan (Story starts around 00:04:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “A Christmas Feast” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:22:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Theodora – Nichole Goodnight, Mother – Nikolle Doolin, Father – Mick Wingert, Benjamin – Jeff Clement, Sabrina – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Jacob – Atticus Jackson “The Paper Plate House” written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:47:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kelsey – Danielle McRae, Stephanie – Tanja Milosevic, Tori – Alexis Bristowe, Paper Plate Man – Graham Rowat, Mom – Kristen DiMercurio, The Doubt Girl – Erika Sanderson “Carol’s Christmas Cookies” written by Penny Tailsup (Story starts around 01:27:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Wafiyyah White, Carol – Tanja Milosevic, Caller – Jeff Clement,...

Season 15 pauses for the winter holidays. We’re presenting a story from Season Pass 14 for your enjoyment.   “Caleb” written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:05:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Johnny – David Ault, Mildred – Penny Scott-Andrews, Doctor – Andy Cresswell, Edward – James Cleveland   This episode is sponsored by: Simplisafe – SimpliSafe Home Security delivers award-winning 24/7 protection. With SimpliSafe, you donít just get an arsenal of cameras and sensors, you get the best professional monitors in the business. Right now, our listeners get a FREE home security camera and a 60 day risk-free trial when you purchase a SimpliSafe system at Betterhelp – Betterhelp’s mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient – so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to betterhelp...

Season 15 pauses for the winter holidays. We’re presenting a story from Season Pass 14 for your enjoyment. “Mr. Empty-Belly” written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 00:03:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: George – Jeff Clement, Andy – Sammy Raynor, George’s Mom – Nichole Goodnight, Andy’s Mom – Erin Lillis, Police Officer – Jesse Cornett     This episode is sponsored by: Mint Mobile – Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at And for a limited time, buy any 3-month Mint Mobile plan and get 3 more months FREE by going to     Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep Podcast  Click here to learn more about Alexander Gordon Smith    Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone “Mr. Empty-Belly” illustration courtesy of Audrey McEvoy   Audio program ©2020 – Creative Reason Media Inc. – All Rights Reserved – No reproduction or use of this cont...

It’s Episode 18 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey finds us searching for precious things. “Reunion” written by Ty Bannerman (Story starts around 00:04:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Dad – Jeff Clement, Mom – Jessica McEvoy “Cheap Parking” written by Sarah K. Rodden (Story starts around 00:19:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Danielle McRae “Tiny Gods” written by Kenneth Kohl (Story starts around 00:40:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Anna – Erin Lillis, Mrs. Eleanor Sprout – Mary Murphy, Tessie – Danielle McRae, Lucy – Nikolle Doolin, Priest – Peter Lewis “The Oneironaut” written by Mediogre (Story starts around 01:02:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Mia – Alexis Bristowe “The Lady of the House” written by Darrin Carr (Story starts around 01:14:50) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Luisa – Mary Murphy, Freema – Erika Sanderson, Corrine – Nichole Goodnight, Margaret – Jessica McE...

It’s Episode 19 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey gives us audio/video nightmares. “The Tape That Makes You Bleed” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Woman – Jessica McEvoy “An Exercise in Empathy” written by Michelle D. Ring (Story starts around 00:14:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Jet – Danielle McRae, Mrs. Emerson – Jessica McEvoy, Mrs. Lee – Nikolle Doolin, Madeline – Mary Murphy, Mr. Kahn – David Cummings “The TV in the Woods” written by M. M. Kelley (Story starts around 00:31:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Mask – Jeff Clement “The Radio Static Challenge” written by Derek Walker (Story starts around 01:07:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Dom – Atticus Jackson, Lee – Jesse Cornett “The Final Reel” written by Lucius R.T. Greene (Story starts around 01:25:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Prod...

It’s Episode 20 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey takes us over the edge. “The Impossible Ones” written by Nick Botic (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Matt Bradford, Jesse Cornett “The Urban Decay” written by Maxfield Gardner (Story starts around 00:23:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Chris – Dan Zappulla, Zoe – Nichole Goodnight, Malcolm – Atticus Jackson, Foreman – David Cummings “Things That Happen in Small Town America” written by Jonah Tennant (Story starts around 00:48:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Harrison – Graham Rowat, Jake – Kyle Akers, Stranger – Graham Rowat “The Edge” written by Rhokis B. (Story starts around 01:05:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mr. Murphy/Narrator – Jeff Clement, The Agent – David Cummings, Mother – Erin Lillis “Gaslight” written by Sydney Daile (Story starts around 01:33:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Dan – Mike DelGaudio, Katie – Mary Murphy, Chris – Peter Lewis, Nurse – Erin Lillis, Dr. J...

It’s Episode 21 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey is looking for things in the dark. “What I Saw Beneath the Sea” written by S.M. Vincent (Story starts around 00:05:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “Sniper in the Stands” written by J.D. McGregor (Story starts around 00:16:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Ted – Atticus Jackson, Smokey – Graham Rowat “The 25 Days of Nora Nightwalker” written by Vanessa MacLellan (Story starts around 00:45:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Nora – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Calvin – Mike DelGaudio, Walter – Graham Rowat, Eduardo – Atticus Jackson, Erin – Erin Lillis, Christy – Wafiyyah White, Betty – Jessica McEvoy, Teenager – Kyle Akers, Street kid – Jeff Clement, Bean – Mick Wingert “Lightning Changed My Brother” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 01:27:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Bill – Jeff Clement “The Hungry Man” written by ...

It’s Episode 22 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey drives us to cursed objects. “Why I Can’t Stand the Smell of Sagebrush” written by L. Hutchinson (Story starts around 00:05:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Shelly – Jessica McEvoy, Bill – Kyle Akers, Mother – Mary Murphy “The Last Post of u/Echo” written by L. Martinez (Story starts around 00:23:25) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: u/Echo – Dan Zappulla, Brother – Atticus Jackson, Mr. Stanley – Peter Lewis, Great-Uncle – Jeff Clement “Can you hear me?” written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:00:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Melanie – Nichole Goodnight “The Girl, the Police and the Wardrobe” written by David Axelsson (Story starts around 01:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell, Victoria – Erika Sanderson “Yours” written by Tadd Mecham (Story starts around 01:24:35) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Eve – Nikolle Doolin, Franklin – Mick Wingert, Laura – Mary Murp...

It’s Episode 23 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey shows us the dark side of love. “The Roadkill Diaries” written by Charlie Williams (Story starts around 00:02:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Melba – Nikolle Doolin, Harry – David Cummings, Dirty-Faced Man – Peter Lewis “Customer Service” written by Lex Noteboom (Story starts around 00:09:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Chantal – Wafiyyah White, Melany – Jessica McEvoy, Female Dispatch – Nikolle Doolin, Phone System Voice – Dan Zappulla “Ten-Year Photo” written by Brandon McNulty (Story starts around 00:25:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Ash – Erin Lillis, Tony – Kyle Akers, Shane – Matthew Bradford “The Price of Sand” written by S. Francis Chamberlain (Story starts around 00:58:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Ellie from Security – Sarah Olivia, Steven – Graham Rowat “Spacegirl” written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 01:12:15) TRIGGER WARNING! ...

It’s Episode 24 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey finds us in the family way. “She Deserves the Best” written by Jude Ellison S. Doyle (Story starts around 00:05:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Nathan – Graham Rowat, Carol – Jessica McEvoy “Furlough” written by Jennifer Winters (Story starts around 00:33:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Mama – Nikolle Doolin, Micah – Danielle McRae, Paula – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Byron – Kyle Akers, Andy – Matthew Bradford, Uncle Luke – Dan Zappulla, Patrick – Andrew Tate, Tom/Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Mr. Jack – Graham Rowat, Aunt Louise – Mary Murphy, Uncle Ray – Peter Lewis, Mamaw – Erika Sanderson “The Tale of Barry Reaper” written by Angela Campbell (Story starts around 01:03:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio “Be Good for Goodness Sake” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 01:19:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew...

It’s Episode 25 of Season 15. Our lost highway journey concludes with Jared Robert’s epic tale, “Sunburn”.   “Sunburn” written by Jared Roberts Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Julie (Narrator) – Kristen DiMercurio, Paul Ferron – Mick Wingert, Mr. Rook – Peter Lewis, Mr. Swayne – David Cummings, Blanchford – Nikolle Doolin, Penny – Erin Lillis, Housekeeper – Mary Murphy, Judy – Nichole Goodnight, Dot – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Gianna – Nikolle Doolin, Zax – Mike DelGaudio, Bev – Danielle McRae, Stella – Alexis Bristowe, Jake – Dan Zappulla, Man in Car – Mick Wingert, Mulberry – Graham Rowat, Ruby – Wafiyyah White, Stewart – Andrew Tate, Goon – Atticus Jackson, Rinalto – Andy Cresswell, Morgan Freeman – Gregory Whitfield, Boys – Erika Sanderson, Mrs. Mulberry – Erika Sanderson   Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team  Click here to learn more about Jared Roberts  Click here to learn more about Kristen DiMercurio  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score com...

While we wait for the Season 16 premiere on Apr 4, enjoy some of our Season Pass stories from the past. “The Radio Static Challenge” written by Derek Walker (Story starts around 00:03:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Dom – Atticus Jackson, Lee – Jesse Cornett “The Final Reel” written by Lucius R.T. Greene (Story starts around 00:24:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Lana – Erin Lillis, Ed – Dan Zappulla, Edith – Nichole Goodnight, Agent – Graham Rowat     This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp – Betterhelp’s mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient – so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to Quip – Quip is the good habits company for oral health. With their leading-edge electric toothbrush combined with dentist-recommend scheduled replacement plans for brush he...

While we wait for the Season 16 premiere on Apr 4, enjoy some of our Season Pass stories from the past. “Sweet Remains” written by Jay Sisco (Story starts around 00:01:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Judd – Kyle Akers “Becoming Robby Shelton” written by John Coming (Story starts around 00:23:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Kyle – Atticus Jackson, Robby – Graham Rowat, Joan – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Delaney – Nichole Goodnight, The Tall Man – Graham Rowat This episode is sponsored by: ShipStation – ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your orders from all your sales channels faster, cheaper and more efficiently. You can import orders from any sales channel and ship with any carrier using their deeply discounted rates. Go to and click the microphone icon at the top of the page. Enter code NOSLEEP to get a 60-day free trial.   Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team  Executive Producer & Host: David Cumming...

Welcome to our second sinister specimen of the terror tales we call Sleepless Decompositions. These are one-off, original horror stories which are created or curated in-house.   “The Sadism Method” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:04:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Thomas   “Flesh of the Idiots” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:19:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Abi – Mary Murphy, Billy – Kyle Akers, Keith – Graham Rowat, Denny – David Cummings, John – Atticus Jackson, Colton – Jesse Cornett, Chester – Erika Sanderson, Sarah Jane – Erika Sanderson, News Anchor – Mike DelGaudio   Click here to learn more about the voice actors on The NoSleep PodcastClick here to learn more about our Season Pass program  Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone “Sleepless Decompositions” illustration courtesy of Kelly Turnbull   Audio program ©2021 – Creative Reason ...

Welcome to our third thrilling threat of the terror tales we call Sleepless Decompositions. These are one-off, original horror stories which are created or curated in-house.   “The Face in the Woods” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:02:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Sean – Mike DelGaudio “A Clear Head” written by Lana Walker (Story starts around 00:21:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Thomas, Kieron – Kyle Akers, Mom – Erin Lillis, Dad – Mike DelGaudio   This episode is sponsored by: Headspace – Be kind to your mind. Less stressed. More resilient. Happier. It all starts with just a few minutes a day. Wouldn't it be great if there were a pocket-sized guide in an app that helped you sleep/focus/act/be better? There is. And, if you have 10 minutes, Headspace can change your life. Go to for a FREE ONE-MONTH TRIAL with access to Headspace's full library of meditations for every situation.     Click...

It’s the premiere episode of Season 16. Our correspondence deals with horrors from the past. “What Our Blood and Cannons Brought” written by Lenin Roman (Story starts around 00:02:10) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “Manifestation” written by Morgan Koch (Story starts around 00:27:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Detective Kay – Erin Lillis, Detective Hue – Sarah Olivia, Sarah – Jessica McEvoy, Entity – Jeff Clement “Shadow of the Keeper” written by E.E.W. Christman (Story starts around 00:47:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Jebediah Winters – Jesse Cornett, Arnold – Atticus Jackson “Do Not Take the Last Train Home” written by Jas Isaksson (Story starts around 01:05:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Girl – Nichole Goodnight “Renting Space” written by Matt Tighe (Story starts around 01:25:05) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Mr. Thompson – Mick Wingert, Secretary – Nichol...

It’s Episode 02 of Season 16. Our correspondence warns us of hidden terrors. “To My Sister on Her Wedding Day” written by Eric Lockaby (Story starts around 00:05:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sam – Jessica McEvoy, Allie – Nichole Goodnight, The Slack-Skinned Man – Peter Lewis, Claire – Mary Murphy “Whitemoore House” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:40:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mr. Hale – Andy Cresswell, Melinda – Erika Sanderson, Mr. Bailey – David Ault, Jonah – James Cleveland “Just Slightly Off” written by L. Hutchinson (Story starts around 01:01:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Will – Atticus Jackson, Garage sale proprietor – Mike DelGaudio “Betrayal” written by Adam Davies (Story starts around 01:13:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Alex – David Ault, Camille L’Enfer – Alexis Bristowe, Wife – Penny Scott-Andrews, Trahison – Erika Sanderson “The Black Silo” written by Blair Wolff (Story starts aro...

It’s Episode 03 of Season 16. Our correspondence drives us into horror. “The Runaway Adventure” written by Charlie Davenport (Story starts around 00:01:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “The Unexplained Broadcast of ‘The Rules of the Road’” written by C.B. Jones (Story starts around 00:17:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Buck Hensley – Mick Wingert “Destination Arrived” written by Ben Vlam (Story starts around 00:31:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mike – Atticus Jackson, Will – Graham Rowat, GPS – Nikolle Doolin “Thunder Only Happens When It’s Raining” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 00:53:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Gas Station Attendant – Atticus Jackson, Mr. Rawls – David Cummings “I Was a House Sitter” written by C. P. Riggs (Story starts around 01:13:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Connor – Kyle Akers, Paul – Jesse Cornett, Sarah – Jessica McEvoy, Pi...

It’s Episode 04 of Season 16. Our correspondence faces frightening females.   “She Watches Me” written by Charlie D’Aniello (Story starts around 00:04:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Tanja Milojevic “The Haunting of April Heights” written by Tricia Lowther (Story starts around 00:27:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Elise – Erika Sanderson, Joolz – Penny Scott-Andrews, Bill – Andy Creswell, Joan – Mary Murphy, Vinny – James Cleveland “The Shy Lady” written by SH Cooper (Story starts around 00:54:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Alexis Bristowe, Shy Lady – Danielle McRae, Alex – Matt Bradford “Night Terrors” written by Christopher G. Matton (Story starts around 01:02:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Vincent – Mike DelGaudio, Vanessa – Wafiyyah White, Carrie – Erin Lillis, Receptionist – Nichole Goodnight, The Gray Man – Jeff Clement “The Bones of Lily Gordon” written by Evan A Davis (Story s...

It’s Episode 05 of Season 16. Our correspondence points to historical horrors. “Corpse Grin” written by Tadd Mecham (Story starts around 00:03:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Margaret – Nikolle Doolin, Father Morgan – Dan Zappulla, Benson – David Cummings, Jeffrey – Peter Lewis, Hannah – Nichole Goodnight, Emily – Erin Lillis, Robert – Matt Bradford, Beth – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Emma – Kristen DiMercurio “Butcher” written by E.C. Dobson (Story starts around 00:53:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Ingrid Müller – Tanja Milojevic, Herbert Keller – Jeff Clement, Selmer Sankt – Graham Rowat, Policeman – David Cummings “Scratch” written by Marisca Pichette (Story starts around 01:08:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Glorys – Erin Lillis, Innkeeper – Jeff Clement, Piper – Wafiyyah White “Every Man Digs His Own Grave” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 01:24:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Rex – Mike DelGaudio, Dr. C...

It’s Episode 06 of Season 16. Our correspondence brings us together yet farther apart.   “Separation” written by Charlie Davenport (Story starts around 00:04:15) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Mark Perkins – Dan Zappulla, Mandy Perkins – Mary Murphy, Sgt. Edward Thaw – Mike DelGaudio “A Sundown Town” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:38:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Paul – Mick Wingert, Bernie – Brian Reeder, Mama – Erin Lillis, Amber – Nichole Goodnight, Robbie – Matt Bradford, Radio Host – David Cummings, Officer Gillespie – Graham Rowat, Parade Announcer – Atticus Jackson, Mayor Will – Jesse Cornett, Boy – Danielle McRae “Think of Me” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 01:15:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dennis – Matt Bradford, Woman – Erika Sanderson “Home, Home on Deranged” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:25:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticu...

It’s Episode 07 of Season 16. Our correspondence takes us to a whole new level. “The Hole in the Great Grass Sea” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:02:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Randall Brown – Mike DelGaudio, Agent – Jeff Clement, David Cummings – David Cummings “Dilated” written by Shelton Weech (Story starts around 00:40:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Ben – Matt Bradford “A Firm Handshake” written by J.R. Stinson (Story starts around 01:10:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Chris – Jesse Cornett, Marge – Mary Murphy, Dietrich Simmons – Peter Lewis “The Stars are Watching” written by Harold Neil Riggs (Story starts around 01:25:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio “Blueberry Hill” written by Steven M. Fletcher (Story starts around 01:41:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Jace – Atticus Jackson, Larney – Graham Rowat, Binny – Elie Hirschman, Sophie Shannon – Sarah Olivia, Dr. Gravtacio – David...

It’s Episode 08 of Season 16. Our correspondence darkens our homes and communities.   “Dear Goodwin Family” written by Elizabeth Davis (Story starts around 00:05:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “There’s Another House Beneath Our Basement” written by Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:21:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla “I’ll Never Spend the Night at My Sister’s House Again” written by Daniel Allen (Story starts around 00:40:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Ilana Charnelle, Sidney – Penny Scott-Andrews “Dog Track” written by Jay Caselberg (Story starts around 01:01:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jeff – Peter Lewis, Sonia – Nikolle Doolin, Rose – Erin Lillis, Rudy – Jesse Cornett “Cul-de-Sac Virus” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 01:35:50) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Darryl – Eddie Cooper, Lemanski – Graham Rowat, Jo – Wafiyyah White, Greg – Jeff Clement, Woman – Mary Murphy, Police O...

Welcome to our fourth foray into fear with the ghastly tales we call Sleepless Decompositions. “AL5” written by Pam Puck (Story starts around 00:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristin DiMercurio, Leah – Erin Lillis, Maria – Danielle McRae, Christine – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Customer – Nikolle Doolin, Doctor – Dan Zappulla, News Anchor – Graham Rowat, Voice – Erin Lillis “Bone Crack” written by G.O. Undeath (Story starts around 00:37:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matt Bradford, Emily – Mary Murphy, Psychiatrist – Elie Hirschman, Nurse – Alexis Bristowe “A Hungry Mouth to Feed” written by Jason Washer (Story starts around 00:53:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Orson – Jeff Clement, Audrey – Nichole Goodnight, Doctor Ashford – Mick Wingert, Evelyn – Tanja Milojevic, Nurse – Wafiyyah White, Woman – Alexandra Cruz Hernandez “Cook Your Bloody Heart Out” written by Magda Knight (Story sta...

It's Episode 09 of Season 16. Our correspondence changes to the darker side.   "Messages from School" written by Jackson Arthur (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - David Cummings, Denise Drake - Wafiyyah White, Mr. Zenith - Mick Wingert, Dispatcher - Nikolle Doolin, Janet Pervey - Mary Murphy, Grandma - Erika Sanderson, Adam - Erika Sanderson, Mr. Black - Graham Rowat "The Closet" written by Jacob Woislaw (Story starts around 00:19:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Graham Rowat, Max - Samuel Daniels, Amanda - Kristen DiMercurio, Raymond - Kyle Akers "The Changing Room" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:39:25) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Nichole Goodnight, Dad - Jeff Clement, Grandma - Nikolle Doolin, Elena - Sarah Olivia "Crash" written by Rebecca Wilcox (Story starts around 00:50:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Mary Murphy "Things Are Gonna Get Ugly" written by Seth...

The NoSleep Podcast celebrates its 10th Anniversary with this special bonus episode   “A Party for Marty” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:05:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nathalia – Wafiyyah White, Marty – Peter Lewis, Daniel – Dan Zappula, Harmony – Sarah Olivia, Andre – Atticus Jackson “Tempus Edax Rerum” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:26:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Haldon Wintermahr – Graham Rowat, Leonard Wintermahr – Jeff Clement, Ora Ananke – Sarah Thomas, Genevieve Wintermahr – Erin Lillis, Eugene Knightstone – David Ault, Dead Former Maid – Alexandra Cruz, Virgil Wintermahr – Jeff Clement, Muriel Wintermahr – Erika Sanderson, Anya Wintermahr – Jessica McEvoy, Homeless Man – David Cummings “Fulton High School’s Commencement Ceremony” written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:56:56) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nick – Kyle Akers, Morgan – Nichole Goodnight, Mayor Tomlinson – Graham Rowat, Mom – Nik...

It’s Episode 10 of Season 16. Our correspondence marks a special anniversary.   “Hum” written by William Stuart (Story starts around 00:03:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Tommy – Kyle Akers, Jared – Elie Hirschman, Tommy Gibson – Matthew Bradford, Hum – Peter Lewis, Mom – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Dad – Graham Rowat, Uncle Joe – Mike DelGaudio “The Devil’s Dice” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:30:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “Final Investment” written by Melissa Mason (Story starts around 00:46:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Jeff – Graham Rowat, Mrs. Turner – Nikolle Doolin “I Will Always Love You” written by Veronica Carhill (Story starts around 01:21:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Fairy of Love – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Patience – VR, Fairy of Chaos – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Hand You’re Dealt” written by Frank Oreto (Story starts ...

It’s Episode 11 of Season 16. Our correspondence shines darkness onto our screens.   “The Bleak Stars” written by Alexander Hay (Story starts around 00:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, David Cummings as Himself “She Looked at Me” written by A.J. Harvey (Story starts around 00:25:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Crystal – Wafiyyah White, Terry – Atticus Jackson, Burk – Mike DelGaudio, Rob – Graham Rowat, Elizabeth Dunham – Mary Murphy “The Hidden Television Channel” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:46:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Ryan – Dan Zappulla, Host – Graham Rowat, Dan – Atticus Jackson “A Night at the Movies” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 01:01:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Travis – Dan Zappulla, Dr. Andersson – Mike DelGaudio, Ticket seller – Mary Murphy, Atkinson – David Ault, Man in film – Peter L...

It’s Episode 12 of Season 16. Our correspondence signals the end of times.   “Dictionary for the Apocalypse: Section N” written by C Devlin (Story starts around 00:06:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy “Love in the Apocalypse” written by Austin Gragg (Story starts around 00:49:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Tan – Kyle Akers, Bell – Wafiyyah White, Niall – Atticus Jackson “The Last Day of Summer” written by Shawn W. Foley (Story starts around 01:10:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio “Sirens” written by Bill Schwarz (Story starts around 01:19:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Glenn – Jeff Clement “Flesh & Blood” written by Jerry W McKinney (Story starts around 01:49:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Jessie – Atticus Jackson, Pa – Jesse Cornett, Sarah – Sarah Ruth Thomas     This episode is sponsored by: HelloFre...

It’s Episode 13 of Season 16. Our correspondence warns of cold storms ahead.  “A Journal Found in a Cabin after a Winter Storm” written by N.M. Nichols (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis “I Wasn’t Alone Seeking Shelter from the Blizzard” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:27:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Stranger – Graham Rowat “The Basement Door” written by McKenna Park (Story starts around 00:42:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Teammate – Wafiyyah White “Look Behind You” written by Michael Vito Costanzo (Story starts around 01:01:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “I’m the Reason This House is Haunted” written by One Faraday and Ronin Ellis (Story starts around 01:38:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Lisa – Jessica McEvoy, Elwood – Jesse ...

It’s Episode 14 of Season 16. Our correspondence makes it hard to believe what we see.   “Personal Log of Major Leon James” written by Kristina Orlea (Story starts around 00:08:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Major Leon James – Graham Rowat, Computer – Nikolle Doolin, Lt. Colonel Arthur Deacon – Atticus Jackson “I Looked Through Some Old Family Pictures, Something Doesn't Add Up” written by René Rehn (Story starts around 00:30:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Michael – Atticus Jackson, Agent 1 – Peter Lewis, Agent 2 – Mike DelGaudio “Reflecting on the Pond” written by Tom Hawkins (Story starts around 00:52:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Wife – Wafiyyah White, Aaron – Atticus Jackson “The Moustache” written by Chris Allinotte (Story starts around 01:19:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kelly (narrator) – Atticus Jackson, Marnie – Sarah Thomas, Janice Gunnarson – Erin Lillis, Nurse – Mary Murphy, Carol – Nikolle Doo...

It’s Episode 15 of Season 16. Our correspondence shares some dark hidden secrets.   “Lou’s Version” written by Ethan Robles (Story starts around 00:06:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Lou Sheenan – Jesse Cornett, Narrator – David Cummings “Craig’s All-You-Can-Eat Tacos” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:52:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis, Craig – Mick Wingert “Pick Up” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 01:01:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Darrell – Jeff Clement, Bucky Gunston – Matthew Bradford, Special Agent Mack – Graham Rowat “Jar of Secrets” written by Tatyana Andreyevna (Story starts around 01:24:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Diver’s Door” written by Brenden Wysocki (Story starts around 01:33:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Graham Rowat, Kim – Jessica McEvoy, Woman – Mary Murphy “Don’t Go to the Pacif...

It’s Episode 16 of Season 16. Our correspondence warns us to avoid the great outdoors.   “A Fairytale” written by Jeanette Brown (Story starts around 00:08:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight “Whistler” written by Carol-Anne Morris (Story starts around 00:30:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers “A Small Light” written by Sara Century (Story starts around 00:42:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Wafiyyah White, Ashley – Nichole Goodnight “Elafiphobia” written by Marn S. (Story starts around 01:12:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy, Annie – Kristen DiMercurio, Hunter – Graham Rowat “Pine Palaces “ written by Elias Witherow (Story starts around 01:28:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Carter – Atticus Jackson, Ken – Jesse Cornett, Penny – Nichole Goodnight     This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp – Betterhelp’s ...

It’s Episode 17 of Season 16. Our correspondence implores us to keep our bodies in one piece.   “Hal Sharkey’s ‘Everything’ Podcast” written by William Stuart (Story starts around 00:06:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hal Sharkey – Mick Wingert, Narrator – Atticus Jackson “The Cannibal Cocktails” written by Taylour McNelly (Story starts around 00:26:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “Tooth Fairy” written by AM Cruz (Story starts around 00:44:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Wafiyyah White, The Man – Jesse Cornett, Little Girl – Mary Murphy “I Wanted You to Hear It from Me” written by Emily Hyatt (Story starts around 00:55:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, The Voice – Erin Lillis, Elena – Erika Sanderson, Jack – Atticus Jackson “Heartland” written by George Cotronis (Story starts around 01:17:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Row...

It's Episode 18 of Season 16. Our correspondence journeys into darkness.   "TripReviewer Entry for The Hemple Observatory Holiday Rental, New York State, USA" written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 00:05:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Edwenna Werner - Nikolle Doolin, Eldon - Graham Rowat, Audrey - Jessica McEvoy, Marianne_Foster - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Pete1989 - David Ault, Lady Katy - Erin Lillis, Global344 - Atticus Jackson, CT - Peter Lewis, Owner - David Cummings "Enjoy Your Stay at the Covenwood Inn" written by Christopher Maxim (Story starts around 00:42:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Mike DelGaudio, Desk clerk - Kyle Akers, Colter - Graham Rowat, Reporter - Wafiyyah White, Garrett Covenwood - Jesse Cornett, Charlotte - Nikolle Doolin, Leslie - Nichole Goodnight "Dear Laura - Chapter 1" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kristen DiMercurio, Laura - Mary Murphy, Bobby -...

It's Episode 19 of Season 16. Our correspondence sounds the warning about audio horrors.   "Knocking After Midnight" written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:04:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Duke - Jesse Cornett, Clancy - Atticus Jackson, Peggy - Erin Lillis, Jorge - Mick Wingert, Jim - Jeff Clement, Nancy - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Hank - Elie Hirschman, Female Voice - Sarah Olivia "Exanimate" written by Jessica Saul (Story starts around 00:27:20) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Wafiyyah White, 911 Caller - Peter Lewis "Three Dots, Three Dashes, Three Dots" written by Jarvellis Rogers (Story starts around 00:38:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Martin - David Ault, Andy - Andy Cresswell "Dear Laura - Chapter 2" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:53:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kristen DiMercurio, Laura - Mary Murphy, Mrs. Scott - Nikolle Doolin, Mrs. Eveleigh - Erin Lillis, X - David Cummings "It’s Just the Wind" written by Eddie...

It's Episode 20 of Season 16. Our correspondence plunges us into the dark waters.   "Come to the Sea" written by Martin Fisher (Story starts around 00:06:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Atticus Jackson, Neal - Matthew Bradford, Louis - Graham Rowat, Curry - Dan Zappulla, Jackson - Kyle Akers, Henshaw - David Ault, The Neal-Thing - Matthew Bradford, Mother - Erika Sanderson "In the Pipework" written by A.T. Thomas (Story starts around 00:52:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Erin Lillis "Dear Laura - Chapter 3" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:02:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kristen DiMercurio, Laura - Mary Murphy, Bobby - Matthew Bradford, X - David Cummings "The Final Dive of Walter St. Clair" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:57:55) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Jeff Clement, Walter - Jesse Cornett "Dinner Plate" written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 01:13:05) Produced b...

It’s Episode 21 of Season 16. Our correspondence Our correspondence becomes technologically terrifying.   “[APPLICATION_REDACTED] Bug Reports” written by Alexander Sproul (Story starts around 00:02:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Brother – Atticus Jackson, Best friend – Graham Rowat “The Red Door” written by Matt Richardsen (Story starts around 00:21:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Roger – Mike DelGaudio, Jenny – Nichole Goodnight, Green Tie Narrator – Atticus Jackson “ZOREN F. DOFO” written by C. McKelvie (Story starts around 00:40:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Penny Scott-Andrews, Arthur Jacobs – Andy Cresswell “Dear Laura – Chapter 4” written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:09:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Laura – Mary Murphy, Mrs. Scott – Nikolle Doolin, Mr. Scott – Graham Rowat, X – David Cummings “Bad Debts” written by C. Jorgensen an...

It's Episode 22 of Season 16. Our correspondence is terrifyingly therapeutic.   "The Basement Sessions" written by Derek Walker (Story starts around 00:06:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Dan Zapulla, Adam - Kyle Akers, Jimmy - Elie Hirschman, Trey - Atticus Jackson, Scared Boy - Matt Bradford, Bradford - Jeff Clement "Skin Deep" written by E.E. King (Story starts around 00:46:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Peter Lewis, Janice - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Boyfriend - Mick Wingert "Dear Laura - Chapter 5" written and adapted for audio by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:56:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kristen DiMercurio, Laura - Mary Murphy, Frank - Mick Wingert, Laura's Boyfriend - Dan Zappulla, Mrs. Eveleigh - Erin Lillis, X - David Cummings "Get Them Out of Your Head" written by Sarah Naughton (Story starts around 00:50:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Penny Scott-Andrews, Ben - David...

It's Episode 23 of Season 16. Our correspondence creates creatures in the darkness.   "Familiar" written by Antonio Fernandez (Story starts around 00:05:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Graham Rowat, Judy - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Jace - Jeff Clement, Vampire - Atticus Jackson "The Gravedigger" written by Liam Hogan (Story starts around 00:46:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Andy Cresswell, Slim Stranger - David Ault "Dear Laura - Chapter 6" written and adapted for audio by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:00:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kristen DiMercurio, Laura - Mary Murphy, Bobby - Matthew Bradford, Frank - Mick Wingert, Robert - Kyle Akers, X - David Cummings "Suds & Monsters" written by Christopher Stanley (Story starts around 00:58:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - David Ault, Gavin - James Cleveland, Gavin's Stepmum - Penny Scott-Andrews, Becky - Erika Sanderson "Something Pret...

Season: 16 Episode: 24
It's Episode 24 of Season 16. Our correspondence looks back in terror. “The Museum of Lost Things” written by Carson Winter (Story starts around 00:11:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Hank – Dan Zappulla “A Recovered Letter” written by Horatio Marissa (Story starts around 00:54:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: William T. Clay – Mike DelGaudio, Libbie Latimer – Erin Lillis, Ernest Latimer – Atticus Jackson, Narrator – David Cummings “Mad Cow Disease” written by Daniel Huras (Story starts around 01:07:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Commentator – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Reginald King – Jeff Clement “My Grandpa’s Last Request” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 01:33:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Clara – Nichole Goodnight “Liturgy of Hungers” written by Harold Neil Riggs (Story starts around 01:46:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: is...

Season: 16 Episode: 24
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It's Episode 24 of Season 16. Our correspondence looks back in terror.

Season: 16 Episode: 25
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It’s Episode 25 of Season 16. Our correspondence releases us through time and dimensions.

Season: 16 Episode: 25
It’s Episode 25 of Season 16. Our correspondence releases us through time and dimensions. “Fusion Dreams” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:05:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault “They Have Suffered” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:28:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Emma – Erin Lillis, Dorothy – Jordan Cobb, Cedric – Eddie Cooper, Tom – Mick Wingert, John – Graham Rowat, Lipless Man – Jeff Clement, Mandy – Mary Murphy, Elizabeth – Jessica McEvoy, Subject 475 – Erika Sanderson, Dr. Kissel – Peter Lewis, Unknown Subject – Danielle McRae, Officer Easter – Atticus Jackson, Mr. Razo – Mike DelGaudio, Narrator – David Cummings This episode is sponsored by: Bright Cellars – Bright Cellars opens up a whole new world of wine for you. Just fill out a little palate quiz based on things you like and Bright Cellars ships you six bottles of wine based on your answers. No Sleep listeners get 50% off their first six-bot...

Season: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're in between Season 16 and 17. Celebrate the Halloween Month of Horror with two previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 16
We’re in between Season 16 and 17. Celebrate the Halloween Month of Horror with two previously featured Season Pass stories. “The Diver’s Door” written by Brenden Wysocki (Story starts around 00:04:06) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David – Graham Rowat, Kim – Jessica McEvoy, Woman – Mary Murphy “Cul-de-Sac Virus” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:19:52) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Darryl – Eddie Cooper, Lemanski – Graham Rowat, Jo – Wafiyyah White, Greg – Jeff Clement, Woman – Mary Murphy, Police Officer – Kyle Akers This episode is sponsored by: Quip – Quip introduces their new Smart Electric Toothbrush, which connects to the Quip app via Bluetooth. With Quipís Smart Electric Toothbrush, good habits can earn you great perks ó like free products, gift cards, and more. Start getting rewards for brushing your teeth today by going to to save $10 on a quip Smart Electric Toothbrush. Upstart – Upstart believes people are more than their credit...

Season: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're in between Season 16 and 17. Celebrate the Halloween Month of Horror with two previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 16
We're in between Season 16 and 17. Celebrate the Halloween Month of Horror with two previously featured Season Pass stories. "The Farwood Phantom" written by Caroline Diorio (Story starts around 00:04:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Nichole Goodnight, Nicolai - Atticus Jackson, Vince - Graham Rowat "The Black Silo" written by Blair Wolff (Story starts around 00:23:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Mason - Graham Rowat, Abby - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mikey - Jeff Clement, Aunty Sweetpea - Erin Lillis, Uncle Landon - Jesse Cornett This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp - Betterhelp's mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to Raycon - Raycon's new Everyday earbuds look, feel, and sound better than ever. Small build, mighty sound. Ray...

Season: 16
Our Halloween Month of Horror continues with the first of two Sleepless Decompositions episodes this month. "Sunfall" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:02:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Evelyn – Sarah Thomas, Kendra – Erin Lillis, Oula – Nikolle Doolin, Dad – Jesse Cornett, The Gardener voices performed by – Erika Sanderson, Jeff Clement, Danielle McRae, Graham Rowat Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Click here to for Season Pass 17 Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper's novel, "Inheriting Her Ghosts"   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "Sleepless Decompositions" illustration courtesy of Kelly Turnbull Audio program ©2021 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by ...

Season: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Our Halloween Month of Horror continues with the first of two Sleepless Decompositions episodes this month.

Season: 16
Our Halloween Month of Horror continues with the second of two Sleepless Decompositions episodes this month. "Moonrise" written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:03:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Performed by Dan Zappulla "I Used to Work For An Extreme Haunt" written by Jon Grilz (Story starts around 00:18:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Narrator – Jon Grilz, Michael – Mick Wingert, Gags – Nate Dufort, Pete – Dan Zappulla, Blur – Jeff Clement, Paul – David Ault "Still Beating" written by Daniel Becker (Story starts around 00:40:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Performed by Peter Lewis This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp - Betterhelp's mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to Caliper CBD - Caliper CBD is a fast, easy way to use CBD. With precise 20 mg doses of dissolvab...

Season: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Our Halloween Month of Horror continues with the second of two Sleepless Decompositions episodes this month.

Season: 16
The NoSleep Podcast presents its 2021 Halloween Celebration! “Butch Cassidy and The Scarecrow Kid” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:09:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Robbie Dink – Matthew Bradford, Bishop “Butch” Cassidy – Atticus Jackson “Soul Hunting” written by Davis Walden (Story starts around 00:28:10) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Conor – Kyle Akers, Mom – Kristen DiMercurio, Grandma – Erin Lillis, Sheet Ghost – Dan Zappulla, Scarecrow – Atticus Jackson, Fairy – Nichole Goodnight, Pumpkin – Danielle McRae, Marcie – Sarah Thomas, Alex – Jeff Clement, Matt – Graham Rowat, Vampire Girl – Mary Murphy, Children – Erika Sanderson, David Ault, Penny Scott-Andrews, Dan Zappulla, Nichole Goodnight, Danielle McRae, Sarah Thomas, Jeff Clement, Graham Rowat, Mary Murphy “Discount Haunted House” written by Jon Grilz (Story starts around 00:59:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Jana – Sarah Thomas, Tour Guide – Jeff Cleme...

Season: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The NoSleep Podcast presents its 2021 Halloween Celebration!

Season: 17 Episode: 1
It's Episode 01 of Season 17. Our spells speak of strangeness in familiar places. “Listen Right” written by Austin R. Ryan (Story starts around 00:05:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat “And Miles to Go Before I Sleep” written by Tor-Anders Ulven (Story starts around 00:31:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Driver – David Cummings “Grandpa Won’t Stop Dancing” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:36:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Maggie – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Dorothy – Danielle McRae, Grandpa – Jesse Cornett, Grandma – Erin Lillis, Mom – Kristen DiMercurio “The Phantom Bridge Reports” written by Ryan Berg (Story starts around 01:07:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “The Man in the Alley” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 02:04:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Amanda – Nichole Goodnight, Claire – Mary Murphy This episode is spon...

Season: 17 Episode: 1
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It's Episode 01 of Season 17. Our spells speak of strangeness in familiar places.

Season: 17 Episode: 2
It’s Episode 02 of Season 17. Our spells speak of people far too close to us. “Soup” written by Christopher Alexander (Story starts around 00:05:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Sam – Graham Rowat, Nora – Nichole Goodnight, Momma – Erin Lillis “The Door People” written by Matthew Maichen (Story starts around 00:37:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Phoebe – Mary Murphy, Jasper – Kyle Akers, Paul – Matthew Bradford, Dolphin-Man – Jeff Clement, Bat-Man – Mick Wingert, Gorilla-Man – Atticus Jackson, Door Person – Elie Hirschman, Foley for Phoebe – Mary Murphy “The Aisle” written by Sam Essame (Story starts around 01:03:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson “Spotless” written by Robin Rowan Gallagher (Story starts around 01:14:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Thomas – Eddie Cooper, David – Dan Zappulla, Lora – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Brent – Mike DelGaudio, Cindy – Nikolle Doolin, Verity – Danielle McRae, Bird – Wafiy...

Season: 17 Episode: 2
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It’s Episode 02 of Season 17. Our spells speak of people far too close to us.

Season: 17 Episode: 3
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It’s Episode 03 of Season 17. Our spells speak of places we aren’t meant to be.

Season: 17 Episode: 3
It’s Episode 03 of Season 17. Our spells speak of places we aren’t meant to be. “We’re Not Supposed to Be Here” written by Paul DesCombaz (Story starts around 00:05:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Kristen – Kristen DiMercurio, Madame LeForte – Erin Lillis, Amy – Danielle McRae, Scott – Graham Rowat, Creatures – Erika Sanderson “The Rope on the Mountain” written by Elias Witherow (Story starts around 00:32:55) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Man – Mick Wingert, Voice – Jesse Cornett, Singers – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Graham Rowat, Jeff Clement, Nichole Goodnight “Glass Faces” written by Themascary (Story starts around 01:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy, Noah – Matthew Bradford, Dustin – Atticus Jackson “The God Chord” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 01:18:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Jeffrey – Je...

Season: 17 Episode: 4
It's Episode 04 of Season 17. Our spells force you to deal with the strangest people. "I Think We Should Kill Bullet Three" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 00:06:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Nichole Goodnight, Sanford - Dan Zappulla, Johnson - Mike DelGaudio, Merrill - Wafiyyah White, Peterson - David Cummings "Room to Grow" written by Michael J. Nicholson (Story starts around 00:24:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Julian - David Ault, Pete - Andy Cresswell "The Night Visitors" written by Andrew Kozma (Story starts around 00:41:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Mick Wingert, Lana - Kristen DiMercurio, Harriet - Sarah Ruth Thomas "My Mother's House" written by Blaire Wolff (Story starts around 00:52:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: David - Jeff Clement, Mother - Erin Lillis "Floating" written by Jackson Laughlin (Story starts around 01:21:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cas...

Season: 17 Episode: 4
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 04 of Season 17. Our spells force you to deal with the strangest people.

Season: 17 Episode: 5
It’s Episode 05 of Season 17. Our spells grant you online treats. “My Online Girlfriend” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:05:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Matthew – Atticus Jackson, Carla – Nichole Goodnight “Delivery Notification” written by John Krane (Story starts around 00:23:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Amy – Sarah Ruth Thomas “When Mother Comes to Check on Me at Night” written by Jake Brannan (Story starts around 00:40:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Mom – Mary Murphy, Dad – Jesse Cornett “A High Price” written by Charlie Davenport (Story starts around 00:54:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Officer Amizade – Mike DelGaudio, Grandpa – Graham Rowat “Jagged Janice” written by J. G. Martin (Story starts around 01:13:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Dorian – Jeff Clement, Emily – Kristen DiMe...

Season: 17 Episode: 5
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 05 of Season 17. Our spells grant you online treats.

Season: 17 Episode: 6
It's Episode 06 of Season 17. Our spells cast a devilish gaze upon you. "PainKiller" written by Tor-Anders Ulven (Story starts around 00:05:15) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Graham Rowat "The Tall Man" written by Nick Bouchard (Story starts around 00:10:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Jeff Clement "Bad Tidings from Queen Sophie " written by Danielle Williams (Story starts around 00:25:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Mike DelGaudio, Cass - Nichole Goodnight, Creature - Jesse Cornett "With Love's Eyes" written by Liam Burke (Story starts around 00:40:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Derek - Peter Lewis, Julia - Jessica McEvoy, Mark - Jesse Cornett "The Interview" written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 01:13:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: James Smith - Matthew Bradford, Detective Matthews - Eddie Cooper "When the Fair Came to Town" written by Jack Thackwell (Story starts around 01:26:10) Produced by:...

Season: 17 Episode: 6
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 06 of Season 17. Our spells cast a devilish gaze upon you.

Season: 17 Episode: 7
It's our 2021 Christmas Episode. Our spells weave some Noel Hell. “A Christmas Letter” written by John E Darclee (Story starts around 00:11:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “The Perfect Gift” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:24:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis, Shopkeep – David Cummings, Man Bun – Matthew Bradford, Lynn – Nichole Goodnight “Jingles” written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:44:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy, Ava – Danielle McRae “Guess Who’s Coming to Christmas Dinner?” written by Matt Tighe (Story starts around 01:06:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Cat – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mom – Erin Lillis, Dad – David Cummings, Pete – Atticus Jackson, Scarlett – Mary Murphy “The Christmas Visitations” written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 01:27:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Karla – Jessica McEvoy, Brian – Jake Benson, Kla...

Season: 17 Episode: 7
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's our 2021 Christmas Episode. Our spells weave some Noel Hell.

Season: 17
A very special Christmas edition of Sleepless Decompositions is presented with festive freakiness. “Up on the Roof” written by Warren Benedetto (Story starts around 00:05:20) Produced & performed by David Cummings “Down on the Bed” written by Holly Dionis (Story starts around 00:07:15) Produced & performed by David Cummings “Derelict Planet Christmas” written by Morgan Wilson (Story starts around 00:11:15) Produced & performed by David Cummings “The Title is a Spoiler” written by Olivia White (Story starts around 00:13:50) Produced & performed by David Cummings “Santa’s Grotto” written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:20:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Georgie – Erika Sanderson, Kira – Sarah Thomas, Husband – David Ault, Chloe – Penny Scott-Andrews, Ted – James Cleveland, Jack – Mike DelGaudio, Georgie’s Son – Erika Sanderson, Elf – Peter Lewis, Elf Girl – Nichole Goodnight , Arthur the Donkey – Andy Cresswell, Mrs. Santa – Kelly Bair, Santa – David ...

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
A very special Christmas edition of Sleepless Decompositions is presented with festive freakiness.

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're taking a bit of a New Year's break but we are offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 17
We're taking a bit of a New Year's break but we are offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories.  “The Man in the Alley” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 00:03:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Amanda – Nichole Goodnight, Claire – Mary Murphy “The Lost Sound of Peter Wood” written by Neil Noon (Story starts around 00:22:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Annie Lantham – Erika Sanderson, Peter Wood – James Cleveland, 1971 News Announcer – Andy Cresswell, 1946 News Announcer – David Ault, 2019 News Announcer – Penny Scott-Andrews This episode is sponsored by: Truebill – Truebill is the new app that helps you identify and stop paying for subscriptions you don’t need, want, or simply forgot about. Start cancelling today at It could save you THOUSANDS a year. ShipStation – ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your online orders faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Let Shipstation make the busy holiday shopping...

Season: 17
We're resting up after a wild and crazy New Year's Eve but we are offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories. "A Firm Handshake" written by J.R. Stinson (Story starts around 00:02:10) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Chris - Jesse Cornett, Marge - Mary Murphy, Dietrich Simmons - Peter Lewis "The Bones of Lily Gordon" written by Evan A Davis (Story starts around 00:20:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Sarah Ruth Thomas, Jared - Atticus Jackson, Woman - Erin Lillis, Eliza - Nikolle Doolin, Simone - Jessica McEvoy, Susan - Nichole Goodnight This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp - Betterhelp's mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Music...

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're resting up after a wild and crazy New Year's Eve but we are offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 17
The NoSleep Podcast celebrates its 500th episode with a special volume of Sleepless Decompositions! This episode features the wraparound story: “Epiphany of the Dead” written by David Ault Also featured during the episode are the following stories: “Snow Gloves” written by Manen Lyset “Sprinkles” written by Marcus Damanda “No Class in First Class” written by Manen Lyset “O Tannenbaum” written by Jae Christopher “The Candle Eater” written by Manen Lyset “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” written by Jae Christopher “The Connection” written by Michael Whitehouse All stories performed by: David Ault, Andy Cresswell, and Erika Sanderson The episode was produced by: Phil Michalski This episode is sponsored by: Upstart – Upstart believes people are more than their credit score. We take a holistic view of an applicant, rather than write them off because of their credit score. We want to empower people to take control of their debt and financial future. Get started by going to

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The NoSleep Podcast celebrates its 500th episode with a special volume of Sleepless Decompositions!

Season: 17 Episode: 8
It’s Episode 08 of Season 17. Our spells will grab you and never let you go. “The Bonhomme Sept Heures” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:05:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “A Study in Solitude” written by Mark Nixon (Story starts around 00:18:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Zoe – Erika Sanderson, Zoe – Penny Scott-Andrews, Postman – James Cleveland, The Hollowed Man – Andy Cresswell “Smoke Trailer” written by Hannah Walton (Story starts around 00:35:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Eleanor – Nichole Goodnight, Maisie – Danielle McRae, Mrs. Hyles – Wafiyyah White, Fireman Dave – Mick Wingert, Patrick – Kyle Akers, Crystal – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Other Side of The Bridge” written by V.C Fern (Story starts around 00:56:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Chelsea – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Radio Host – Atticus Jackson, Paul – Graham Rowat “...

Season: 17 Episode: 8
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 08 of Season 17. Our spells will grab you and never let you go.

Season: 17 Episode: 9
It’s Episode 09 of Season 17. Our spells go deep into family issues. “Mama’s Boy” written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Frank – Jesse Cornett, Guard – David Cummings, Heckler #1 – Elie Hirschman, Heckler #2 – Mike DelGaudio, Heckler #3 – Nichole Goodnight, Heckler #4 – Danielle McRae “I Am the Other One” written by Rob Costello (Story starts around 00:22:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, You – Jeff Clement “The Well” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:59:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Robert – Atticus Jackson, Mama – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Daddy – Mick Wingert, Pastor – Mike DelGaudio, Man – David Cummings “Old Mill Bridge” written by James Prower (Story starts around 01:25:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “Onward Christian Soldiers” written by Jon Vassa (Story starts around 01:42:25) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Christopher – Graham Ro...

Season: 17 Episode: 9
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 09 of Season 17. Our spells go deep into family issues.

Season: 17 Episode: 10
It's Episode 10 of Season 17. Our spells will warm you into endless sleep. "Accepted" written by Sean Michael (Story starts around 00:03:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Jeff Clement, Boy #1 - Matthew Bradford, Boy #2 - Dan Zappulla, Boy #3 - Kyle Akers "Mandala" written by Jay Sisco (Story starts around 00:13:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Tiffany - Jessica McEvoy "Three Lanes Deep" written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 00:39:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Andy Cresswell, Lucy - Erika Sanderson, Lucas - David Ault, Woman with Camper - Penny Scott-Andrews, Guy in Neighboring Car - James Cleveland "Stability" written by Tor-Anders Ulven (Story starts around 01:13:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Norma - Nikolle Doolin, Kendra - Nichole Goodnight "Claire's Apocalypse" written by K.T. Rose (Story starts around 01:18:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - Mike DelGaudio, Cla...

Season: 17 Episode: 10
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 10 of Season 17. Our spells will warm you into endless sleep.

Season: 17 Episode: 11
It's Episode 11 of Season 17. Our spells weave darkness into Valentines. "Blackbird Lullaby" written by George Cotronis (Story starts around 00:05:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Kyle Akers, Magdalene - Jessica McEvoy, Brennan - Mick Wingert "Shrieking Willow" written by Amanda Cecelia Lang (Story starts around 00:21:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Annalee - Nichole Goodnight, Adam - Dan Zappulla "A Pile of Purple Flowers on My Doorstep" written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:59:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Matthew Bradford "The Candle Maker" written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 01:07:10) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator - David Ault, Seth - Andy Cresswell, Jody - Penny Scott-Andrews, Patricia - Erika Sanderson, Jodyís Mum - Linsay Rousseau "Jelly" written by P.D. Williams (Story starts around 01:50:25) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Jesse Cornett, Bertram - Graham Rowat, Emeline - Linsay Rousseau Th...

Season: 17 Episode: 11
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 11 of Season 17. Our spells weave darkness into Valentines.

Season: 17 Episode: 12
It’s Episode 12 of Season 17. Our spells weave their way deep deep down. “Chatterbox” written by Jack Kaide (Story starts around 00:06:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson “The Lonely Miner” written by Alfred Rowdy (Story starts around 00:17:40) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Mick Wingert, Voice – Jesse Cornett “The Cellar” written by Andrew Hughes (Story starts around 00:34:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell, Jossen – James Cleveland, Gessle – Penny Scott-Andrews “Bodiless” written by Faith Pierce (Story starts around 00:56:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Grace – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mother Jessica – Nikolle Doolin, Boy #1 – Matthew Bradford, Boy #2 – Kyle Akers, Man – Peter Lewis “Three Pieces” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 01:12:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Summer – Jessica McEvoy, Casper/Carlisle Fick – Jeff Clement, The Wraith ...

Season: 17 Episode: 12
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 12 of Season 17. Our spells weave their way deep deep down.

Season: 17 Episode: 13
It’s Episode 13 of Season 17. Our spells weave their way into the darkest places. “The Unholy Interpreter” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Evelyn – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Tyler – Graham Rowat, Lisa – Mary Murphy, Translator – David Ault, Glyconian Snake Demon – Elie Hirschman “The Other Thing” written by Samantha Dragon (Story starts around 00:27:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Mee-Maw – Erin Lillis, The Other Thing – Danielle McRae “The Black Library” written by CM Scandreth (Story starts around 00:50:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Penny Scott-Andrews, Librarian – Jake Benson, Voice – David Cummings “The Grove” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 01:20:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mel – Kristen DiMercurio, Molly – Linsay Rousseau “The Nightmare Room” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 01:4...

Season: 17 Episode: 13
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 13 of Season 17. Our spells weave their way into the darkest places.

Season: 17 Episode: 14
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 14 of Season 17. Our spells keep building and building.

Season: 17 Episode: 14
It’s Episode 14 of Season 17. Our spells keep building and building. “Please Be Quiet” written by Maya O. (Story starts around 00:03:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight, Mom – Nikolle Doolin “21:12” written by Peter J Stewart (Story starts around 00:12:21) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Guy Woodward, Dad – Guy Woodward “1237 Columbus” written by Ken Brosky (Story starts around 00:32:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Dr. K – David Ault, Kubra – Wafiyyah White, Quinn – Atticus Jackson, Adam – Kyle Akers, Lita – Linsay Rousseau, Mr. Murphy – Dan Zappulla, Carlos – Jimmy Ferrer, Fatima – Danielle McRae “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 1” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:02:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Man With Skull Cup – Mick Wingert, Louise – Erika Sanderson, The Thing in the Dark – Peter Lewis, Bryan – Kyle Akers, Hanging Man – Jake Benson “Old Hag Harris...

Season: 17 Episode: 15
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 15 of Season 17. Our spells will drive you into darkness.

Season: 17 Episode: 15
It's Episode 15 of Season 17. Our spells will drive you into darkness. "The Supermarket in the Woods" written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:05:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Matthew Bradford "A Coastal Town" written by Davis Walden (Story starts around 00:16:35) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator - Kyle Akers, Rory - Jeff Clement "Night Driving" written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:36:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - David Ault, Pitbull - Andy Cresswell, Bartender - James Cleveland, Horse Mask Woman - Erika Sanderson, Cat Mask Women - Penny Scott-Andrews, Bunny Mask Women - Erika Sanderson "Goat Valley Campgrounds - Chapter 2" written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:06:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate - Linsay Rousseau, Bryan - Kyle Akers, The Dancer - Mary Murphy, Sheriff Sabotta - David Cummings "The Butternut Bakery Does Not Serve Human Flesh" written by Samuel...

Season: 17 Episode: 16
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 16 of Season 17. Our spells are your ticket to ride.

Season: 17 Episode: 16
It's Episode 16 of Season 17. Our spells are your ticket to ride. “The O’Sullivan Song” written by SH Cooper (Story starts around 00:06:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Carrie – Mary Murphy, Gran – Erika Sanderson, Amy – Kristen DiMercurio, Security Guard – Atticus Jackson, Police Officer – David Cummings “The Last Train” written by Jen Mierisch (Story starts around 00:23:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mick Wingert, Kenna – Nichole Goodnight, Shana – Nikolle Doolin, Debra – Erin Lillis, Tyler – Matthew Bradford, Renata – Wafiyyah White, Newscaster – Mike DelGaudio “The Paper Boy’s Bike” written by Themascura (Story starts around 00:50:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Vanessa – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Terrabeth – Linsay Rousseau, Jason – Jeff Clement, Eric – Kyle Akers, Tim – Dan Zappulla, Kylie – Danielle McRae “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 3” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:18:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau...

Season: 17 Episode: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 17 of Season 17. Our spells teach you dark lessons.

Season: 17 Episode: 17
It’s Episode 17 of Season 17. Our spells teach you dark lessons. “Movie Night” written by Tor-Anders Ulven (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “Licking Bathroom Floors” written by E. T. Webster (Story starts around 00:10:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “Life Lessons with Dweeb Higgins” written by Doug Mallette (Story starts around 00:25:45) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Jodie – Jessica McEvoy, Dweeb Higgins – Graham Rowat, Producer – Mary Murphy, Miss Q – Nichole Goodnight “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 4” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:16:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Kate’s Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Kate’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Louisa – Wafiyyah White, Dapple-Gray Stallion – Elie Hirschman, Little Girl – Nichole Goodnight, Tyler – Matthew Bradford, Buyer – Dan Zappulla “Wakey Wakey” written by Gem...

Season: 17 Episode: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 18 of Season 17. Our spells send us to the dark void of space.

Season: 17 Episode: 18
It's Episode 18 of Season 17. Our spells send us to the dark void of space. “Stars Falling on a Sunny Day” written by Amanda Knapp (Story starts around 00:05:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Samson – Elie Hirschman, Being #1 – Nikolle Doolin, Being #2 – Erin Lillis, Man – Mike DelGaudio, Father – Jeff Clement “Ecstatic Birth” written by Georgina Jeffery (Story starts around 00:19:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mandy – Jessica McEvoy, You – Dan Zappulla, Midwife – Wafiyyah White, Nurse – Kristen DiMercurio “Tomb, Adrift in the Stars” written by Nicholas Hughes (Story starts around 00:36:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sarah – Erika Sanderson, Captain Cox – David Cummings, Clay – Mike DelGaudio, Luke – Jake Benson, Dawson – David Ault, Zach – Atticus Jackson “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 5” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:06:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Man with the Skull Cup – Mick Win...

Season: 17 Episode: 19
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 19 of Season 17. Our spells doom us to the horrors of the outdoors.

Season: 17 Episode: 19
It's Episode 19 of Season 17. Our spells doom us to the horrors of the outdoors. “The Grove” written by Travis Liebert (Story starts around 00:04:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Eric – Kyle Akers, Amanda – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Abandon” written by Alex Woodroe (Story starts around 00:28:00) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Codrin – Graham Rowat, Josh – Atticus Jackson, Ashley – Nichole Goodnight “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 6” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 00:59:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Kate’s Dad – Mike DelGaudio, Kate’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Kate’s Great Aunt – Erin Lillis, Harvester – Sarah Thomas, Shepherd – David Ault “The Dreamgiver” written by Johann Thorsson (Story starts around 00:56:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Dreamgiver – Jeff Clement, Greta – Nikolle Doolin “Coal Tattoo” written by Ajax Nicholson (Story starts around 01:10:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – K...

Season: 17 Episode: 20
It’s Episode 20 of Season 17. Our spells force things out of us. “If You Give Him a Tooth, He’ll Play You a Memory” written by Samuel Singer (Story starts around 00:06:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sam Singer – Jesse Cornett, Luke – Kyle Akers, Piano Man – Peter Lewis, Bonnie – Mary Murphy, Rupert – David Cummings, Baseball Cap Man – Mike DelGaudio “Getting Rid of Your Demons” written by Robbie Slaven (Story starts around 00:31:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Elie Hirschman, Voice – Elie Hirschman “The Rules of the Road – Traveling Alone” written by C.B. Jones (Story starts around 00:39:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Leslie – Wafiyyah White, Jamie – Atticus Jackson, Buck Hensley – Mick Wingert, Man – Graham Rowat, Panhandler – Kyle Akers “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 7” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:03:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Kate’s Mom – ...

Season: 17 Episode: 20
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 20 of Season 17. Our spells force things out of us.

Season: 17 Episode: 21
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 21 of Season 17. Our spells are kidding around with us.

Season: 17 Episode: 21
It's Episode 21 of Season 17. Our spells are kidding around with us. “Jay Didn’t Drown” written by Zachary Joseph (Story starts around 00:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Barry – Mike DelGaudio, Jay – Graham Rowat, Mr. Moore – David Cummings “How to Deal with Werewolves When You’re an Insomniac” written by Vincent Paiement Désilets (Story starts around 00:21:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Sister – Danielle McRae “Tag in the Dark” written by Nick Creighton (Story starts around 00:37:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Crystal – Nichole Goodnight, Eric – Jeff Clement, Leah – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mom – Erin Lillis “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 8” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:10:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Man With Skull Cup – Mick Wingert, Perchta – Erika Sanderson, Sheriff Sabotta – David Cummings, Tortured Man – Mark Anzalone “Green W...

Season: 17 Episode: 22
It's Episode 22 of Season 17. Our spells bend our perception of reality. “The Drive-In Movie” written by Michael S. Walker (Story starts around 00:07:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett, Charlie – Jeff Clement, Sally – Nichole Goodnight, Mother – Tanja Milojevic, Father – Mike DelGaudio, Don Knotts – Graham Rowat, Little Girl – Mary Murphy “If You Go” written by Wylie (Story starts around 00:20:00) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Holly – Jessica McEvoy “Thunder in Old Kilpatrick” written by Gustavo Bondoni (Story starts around 00:39:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Richard – James Cleveland, Old Tom – Guy Woodward, Hannah – Erika Sanderson, Maid #1 – Ilana Charnelle, Maid #2 – Penny Scott-Andrews, Wight – Andy Cresswell “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 9” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:13:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Bryan – Kyle...

Season: 17 Episode: 22
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 22 of Season 17. Our spells bend our perception of reality.

Season: 17 Episode: 23
It’s Episode 23 of Season 17. Our spells are out of sight. “Astraphobia” written by D.D.Wikman (Story starts around 00:06:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Robbie - Graham, Doctor Henriksen - Tanja Milosevic “Through Her Eyes” written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:25:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell, Fiona – Erika Sanderson “Nobody Remembers When the World Went Dark” written by Louisa Eckert (Story starts around 00:48:25) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Chris – Mary Murphy, Steven – Mike DelGaudio, Marcus – Mick Wingert, Tess – Danielle McRae, Claudia – Wafiyyah White, Wade – Atticus Jackson, Micah – Jesse Cornett, Josephine – Erin Lillis “Goat Valley Campgrounds – Chapter 10” written by Bonnie Quinn (Story starts around 01:08:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Kate – Linsay Rousseau, Bryan – Kyle Akers, Master – Atticus Jackson, Sheriff Sabotta – David Cummings, Former Sheriff – Jesse Cornett, Kate’s Mom – Nikolle D...

Season: 17 Episode: 23
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 23 of Season 17. Our spells are out of sight.

Season: 17 Episode: 24
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 24 of Season 17. Our spells will catch you off guard.

Season: 17 Episode: 24
It’s Episode 24 of Season 17. Our spells will catch you off guard. “I Can’t Hear You” written by Erica Photiades (Story starts around 00:05:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Natalie – Tanja Milojevic, Kelsey – Jessica McEvoy, Kelsey’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin, Natalie’s Mom – Linsay Rousseau, Pale-Eyed Woman – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Natalie’s Dad – David Cummings “Glenda Green” written by Lauren Janis (Story starts around 00:22:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Anna – Wafiyyah White, Mary Burnaby – Danielle McRae, George – Jesse Cornett, Steve – Dan Zappulla, Mother – Mary Murphy “Something Came in the Rain” written by Nicole Fowler (Story starts around 00:43:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Henry – Matthew Bradford “The Trail” written by Steven M. Fletcher (Story starts around 00:57:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Carly – Nichole Goodnight “The Whispering Trees” written by Nick Creighton (Story s...

Season: 17 Episode: 25
It’s the Season 17 finale! Come learn of the dark mystery of Goldmeadow. “Goldmeadow 2017” Produced by: Phil Michalski Starring: Jessica McEvoy as Magdalene Graham Rowat as Garcia Atticus Jackson as Kent Jeff Clement as Rick Kristen DiMercurio as Ash Mick Wingert as Victor Wafiyyah White as Cleo David Cummings as Mercer Kyle Akers as Phil Linsay Rousseau as Jenny Penny Scott-Andrews as Penny Peter Lewis as Goat Erika Sanderson as Witch Jesse Cornett as Deputy Director Robert Miller David Ault as Mr. Janus Kowalski Nichole Goodnight as Gloria Dan Zappulla as Jay Brandon Boone as Violent Bob This episode is sponsored by: Truebill – Truebill is the new app that helps you identify and stop paying for subscriptions you don’t need, want, or simply forgot about. Start cancelling today at It could save you THOUSANDS a year. Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone Add...

Season: 17 Episode: 25
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s the Season 17 finale! Come learn of the dark mystery of Goldmeadow.

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're feverishly working on Season 18 so we're offering up three previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 17
We're feverishly working on Season 18 so we're offering up three previously featured Season Pass stories. “The Butternut Bakery Does Not Serve Human Flesh” written by Samuel Singer (Story starts around 00:03:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sam Singer – Jesse Cornett, Heather – Wafiyyah White, Phil – David Cummings “The Grove” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:20:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mel ñ Kristen DiMercurio, Molly ñ Linsay Rousseau “Swing” written by J. J. Smith (Story starts around 00:45:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: John – Dan Zappulla, Mom – Jessica McEvoy, Bill – Graham Rowat, Dad – Jesse Cornett This episode is sponsored by: ZocDoc – Zocdoc is a free app that shows you doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance, and are available when you need them. Go to and download the Zocdoc app for free. Then start your search for a top-rated doctor today. Betterhelp – Betterhelp’...

Season: 17
We're feverishly working on Season 18 so we're offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories. “A Trick of the Light” written by Jeff Wood (Story starts around 00:03:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “When the Fair Came to Town” written by Jack Thackwell (Story starts around 00:21:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Neil – James Cleveland, Mel – Penny Scott-Andrews, Mr. Pickman – Andy Cresswell, Creature – Erika Sanderson This episode is sponsored by: Upstart – Upstart believes people are more than their credit score. We take a holistic view of an applicant, rather than write them off because of their credit score. We want to empower people to take control of their debt and financial future. Get started by going to Quip – Quip is the good habits company for oral health. With their leading-edge electric smart toothbrush combined with dentist-recommend scheduled replacement plans for brush heads, toothp...

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're feverishly working on Season 18 so we're offering up two previously featured Season Pass stories.

Season: 17
We’re sleepless decomposing while we work on Season 18. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 09 “Nightmare” written by Anne Marie Lutz (Story starts around 00:02:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy, Paul – Atticus Jackson “Inheriting Her Goats” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:13:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessa – Nikolle Doolin, Wilbur Sacks – Mike DelGaudio, Jimmy – Atticus Jackson This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp – Betterhelp’s mission is making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient – so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Get started today and get 10% off your first month by going to Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Click here and here to learn more about “Inheriting Her Ghosts” by S.H. Cooper Click here to learn more about Anne Marie Lutz Click here to learn more about S.H. Cooper Executive Pr...

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We’re sleepless decomposing while we work on Season 18. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 09

Season: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're sleepless decomposing while we work on Season 18. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 10

Season: 17
We’re sleepless decomposing while we work on Season 18. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 10 “There is a Pit” written by Dirk Ferguson (Story starts around 00:03:52) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat “Elkridge Consumes” written by Noah Lang (Story starts around 00:17:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Narrator’s Mother – Mary Murphy This episode is sponsored by: Truebill – Truebill is the new app that helps you identify and stop paying for subscriptions you don’t need, want, or simply forgot about. Start cancelling today at It could save you THOUSANDS a year. ShipStation – ShipStation makes it super easy to manage and ship all your online orders faster, cheaper and more efficiently. You’ll spend a lot less time on shipping and a lot more time growing your business. Go to and click the microphone icon at the top of the page. Enter code NOSLEEP to get a 60-day free trial. ...

Season: 18 Episode: 1
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to the Season 18 premiere in glorious black & white!

Season: 18 Episode: 1
Tune in to the Season 18 premiere in glorious black & white! “Not Before Bed” written by Craig Hallam (Story starts around 00:03:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “The Wishgiver” written by Salma Dasgupta (Story starts around 00:07:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Sheela – Katabelle Ansari, Corrine – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Teen Girl – Danielle McRae, Teen Boy – Elie Hirschman, Bill – Atticus Jackson, Corrine’s Grandmother – Erin Lillis, Gaunt Boy – Graham Rowat “Why I Wear the Mask” written by Samuel McQuail (Story starts around 00:36:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “The Cyclone Sisters’ Traveling Circus of Wonders” written by Angela Sylvaine (Story starts around 00:50:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Eliza – Mary Murphy, Sam – Matthew Bradford, Dad – Jesse Cornett, Barker – David Cummings, Light – Nichole Goodnight, Shadow – Linsay Rousseau “Crooker” written by Alex Bestwick (Story s...

Season: 18 Episode: 2
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 2 of Season 18 for disturbing dark tales!

Season: 18 Episode: 2
Tune in to Episode 2 of Season 18 for disturbing dark tales! “Short But Sweet” written by Jackie Wright (Story starts around 00:03:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jessica McEvoy “Jim’s Story” written by Boyd Mason (Story starts around 00:07:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jim – David Cummings, Psychiatrist – Peter Lewis “Contagion” written by Jessica Hill (Story starts around 00:16:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dr. Peter Shaw – Mike DelGaudio, Maggie – Mary Murphy, Jane Doe – Erin Lillis, Little Girl – Danielle McRae, Detective Morgan – Matthew Bradford “Divide the Moving Creature” written by P.D. Radcliffe (Story starts around 00:36:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Elroy – Atticus Jackson, Stephen – Jesse Cornett, Darrell – Graham Rowat, Pa – Mick Wingert, Guard – Matthew Bradford, Warden – Peter Lewis, Nurse – Kyle Akers “The Ex-Widower” written by One Faraday and Ronin Elli...

Season: 18 Episode: 3
Tune in to Episode 3 of Season 18 for fiendishly frightening games! “Hide and Seek” written by A.A. de Levine (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Linsay Rousseau “The Game of” written by R.T. Greene (Story starts around 00:06:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “Frosted Glass” written by Chris Allinotte (Story starts around 00:14:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mary Murphy “Bubblehead Road” written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:24:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Pam – Nichole Goodnight, Barbara – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mark – Graham Rowat, Dennis – Dan Zappulla, Woman – Erin Lillis “The Shatter Box” written by Paul O’Neill (Story starts around 01:03:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dan – Andy Cresswell, Diana – Penny Scott-Andrews, Pauline – Erika Sanderson, Tam – David Ault, Craig – James Cleveland “Trivia Night” written by Lindsay Moore (Story starts...

Season: 18 Episode: 3
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 3 of Season 18 for fiendishly frightening games!

Season: 18 Episode: 4
Tune in to Episode 4 of Season 18 for tales taking you to strange places! “Heaven Doesn’t Want Him” written by Lindsay King-Miller (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson “The Abyss Within” written by Jeremiah Dylan Cook (Story starts around 00:06:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Medical Examiner Creed – Mike DelGaudio, Medical Assistant Shelly – Atticus Jackson, Female Voice/Mrs. Creed – Nichole Goodnight, Secretary – Wafiyyah White “Zepar’s Rock” written by John Krane (Story starts around 00:18:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Sam – Mary Murphy, Alex – Graham Rowat, Reporter – Elie Hirschman “Yuma Lines” written by J.L. Schnelle (Story starts around 00:39:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement, Amelia Banks – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Triss Sanchez – Erin Lillis, George Suggert – David Cummings, Kaytlyn Jackson-Perez – Kata...

Season: 18 Episode: 4
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 4 of Season 18 for tales taking you to strange places!

Season: 18 Episode: 5
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 5 of Season 18 and be blinded by science!

Season: 18 Episode: 5
Tune in to Episode 5 of Season 18 and be blinded by science! “Breakthrough” written by Gus Wood (Story starts around 00:02:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio “Eternity Park” written by Paul Spencer (Story starts around 00:06:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mary – Penny Scott-Andrews, Voice – David Ault “I Found a Weird Chat Bot, but I Think Some of His Replies Aren’t Just Nonsense” written by Rene Rehn (Story starts around 00:23:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – James Cleveland “We’ve Been Trying to Reach You Concerning Your Vehicle’s Extended Warranty” written by Vince Dajani (Story starts around 00:40:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Vince – Graham Rowat, Paul – Atticus Jackson, Caller – Graham Rowat, Zee – Erin Lillis, 911 Operator – Jessica McEvoy, Lorraine – Nichole Goodnight, Auto-caller – Mike DelGaudio, Boss – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Police Officer – Dan Zappulla, Detective...

Season: 18 Episode: 6
Tune in to Episode 6 of Season 18 and get into the zone! “Body Heat” written by P. F. McGrail (Story starts around 00:02:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “Beach Memories” written by Matt Tighe (Story starts around 00:07:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Dad – James Cleveland, Mum – Erika Sanderson, Old Man – Andy Cresswell “One More Slice at Enzo’s” written by Hans A Carpenter (Story starts around 00:14:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Tommy – Dan Zappulla, Mikey – Atticus Jackson “This Is What Evil Sounds Like” written by Alec Blome (Story starts around 00:38:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Sherry Lynn Nance – Erin Lillis, Jack B. Frost – Graham Rowat, Pete – Jeff Clement, Woman on Phone – Mary Murphy “Cleaning Out My Closet” written by Justin Wayne Ratliff (Story starts around 01:08:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford “Sing For Us S...

Season: 18 Episode: 6
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 6 of Season 18 and get into the zone!

Season: 18 Episode: 7
Tune in to Episode 7 of Season 18 for community horror! “In the Dead of Night” written by Anneliese Amelia Boyd (Story starts around 00:02:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mick Wingert “The Doghead Man” written by Anneliese Amelia Boyd (Story starts around 00:06:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Jessie – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Timothy – Elie Hirschman “Meet the Bickles” written by Thomas DÌaz (Story starts around 00:20:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Shane – Kyle Akers, Zoe – Nichole Goodnight, Little Tom – Jeff Clement, Papa Tom – Jeff Clement, Paul – Dan Zappulla, Dad – Mike DelGaudio “The Affair” written by Joseph Davis (Story starts around 00:41:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Chloe – Kristen DiMercurio “The Burden of Leadership” written by Jae Christopher (Story starts around 00:50:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “There Is Nothing in This World More Disgust...

Season: 18 Episode: 7
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 7 of Season 18 for community horror!

Season: 18 Episode: 8
Tune in to Episode 8 of Season 18 for frenetic family frights! “Breakfast” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:02:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Danielle McRae “Between the Groves” written by Michael Paige (Story starts around 00:07:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Dylan – Matthew Bradford, Ajax – Elie Hirschman “I Don’t Know What We Brought Back From the Lake” written by Reef Weaver (Story starts around 00:32:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “The Parlor” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:41:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mark – Mick Wingert “A Mother’s Shower” written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 01:07:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Sam – Nichole Goodnight, The Steam Man – Graham Rowat, Kris – Kyle Akers “My Best Friend’s Mirror” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 01:16:40) ...

Season: 18 Episode: 8
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 8 of Season 18 for frenetic family frights!

Season: 18 Episode: 9
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 9 of Season 18 for creepy camping conundrums!

Season: 18 Episode: 9
Tune in to Episode 9 of Season 18 for creepy camping conundrums! “Leave No Trace” written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault “I Know Why They Call It Big Head Lake” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:04:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Roxanne – Linsay Rousseau, Andre – Kyle Akers “Why I Quit Living in My Van” written by John Beardify (Story starts around 00:17:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Teen Punk – Danielle McRae, Old Man – David Cummings, Custodian – Jesse Cornett, Bald Man – Mick Wingert “Campfire” written by T. Takeda Wise (Story starts around 00:39:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Michelle – Mary Murphy, Vivian – Wafiyyah White, Dinah – Katabelle Ansari, Lily – Nichole Goodnight “Bathroom Graffiti” written by Jordan Underhill (Story starts around 00:58:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Elie Hirschman “Underground” written by Leo Harr...

Season: 18 Episode: 10
Tune in to Episode 10 of Season 18 for intense Internet interludes! “The Laughing Rock” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “Stop-115” written by Stephanie Scissom (Story starts around 00:05:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Liz – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Jake – Matthew Bradford, Female train attendant – Penny Scott-Andrews, Male train attendant – Jake Benson, Allie – Danielle McRae, Voice on loudspeaker – Ilana Charnelle, Mom – Linsay Rousseau “The Never-Ending Thread” written by C.T. Flaska (Story starts around 00:19:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dee – Jessica McEvoy, Mom – Nikolle Doolin “The Staircase Game” written by Rona Vaselaar (Story starts around 00:39:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Evan – Elie Hirschman, Kayleigh – Nichole Goodnight, Sam – Danielle McRae, Doctor – Mike DelGaudio “Welcome Home” written ...

Season: 18 Episode: 10
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 10 of Season 18 for intense Internet interludes!

Season: 18
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We’re sleeplessly decomposing during the late summer. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 11

Season: 18
We’re sleeplessly decomposing during the late summer. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 11 “Days of Wine and Rosacea” written by Al Bruno III (Story starts around 00:07:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Floyd – Graham Rowat “There Is a Colour That Runs Through Us All” written by Kevin Hayman (Story starts around 00:27:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Richard – David Ault, Hannah – Erika Sanderson, Man – Andy Cresswell, Police Officer #1 – Jake Benson, Police Officer #2 – Ash Millman, James – James Cleveland, Ken – Guy Woodward, CEO – Mick Wingert, Chef – Penny Scott-Andrews, Taxi Driver – Graham Rowat This episode is sponsored by: ZocDoc - Zocdoc is a free app that shows you doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance, and are available when you need them. Go to and download the Zocdoc app for free. Then start your search for a top-rated doctor today. ShipStation - ShipStation ...

Season: 18 Episode: 11
Tune in to Episode 11 of Season 18 for ferocious family frights! “The Mourners” written by Adam Davies (Story starts around 00:02:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers “The Autumn Creek Library” written by T. Michael Argent (Story starts around 00:06:05) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Logan – Matthew Bradford, Mrs. Harris – Wafiyyah White, Voice – Peter Lewis “A Horse With No Name” written by Mathew L Reyes (Story starts around 00:26:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio “Don’t Let Her In” written by Caleb Stephens (Story starts around 00:42:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Nat – Kristen DiMercurio, Mom – Linsay Rousseau, Grans – Mary Murphy, Trucker – Jesse Cornett "This Book Will Kill You - Part 1" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:09:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Erika Sanderson as the Witch, Dan Zappulla as Donnie, Erin Lill...

Season: 18 Episode: 11
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 11 of Season 18 for ferocious family frights!

Season: 18 Episode: 12
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 12 of Season 18 for some sweet supernatural revenge!

Season: 18 Episode: 12
Tune in to Episode 12 of Season 18 for some sweet supernatural revenge!   “The Blood Accord” written by Nick Moorefox (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla   “Time for a Change” written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:06:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Bec – Erika Sanderson, Paul – David Ault, Olivia – Penny Scott-Andrews   “Giving up the Ghost” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 00:28:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Preston – Jeff Clement, Ronnie – Atticus Jackson   “Seeing Double” written by Denzel Edwards (Story starts around 00:39:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: James – Andy Cresswell, Tabby – Erika Sanderson, Linh – Penny Scott-Andrews, Jasmine – Ash Millman   "This Book Will Kill You - Part 2" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Kristen DiMercurio as Fl...

Season: 18 Episode: 13
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 13 of Season 18 for warped reality.

Season: 18 Episode: 13
Tune in to Episode 13 of Season 18 for warped reality. “Adieu” written by Alex Woodroe (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “Nothing” written by Douglas Smith (Story starts around 00:05:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Man – Mike DelGaudio, Woman – Mary Murphy “Bait” written by Ashton Le (Story starts around 00:13:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis, Man – Matthew Bradford “The Bright Side” written by Noah Sarvey (Story starts around 00:36:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Dan – Graham Rowat, Sarah – Linsay Rousseau "This Book Will Kill You - Part 3" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:09:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Kristen DiMercurio as Flint, Matthew Bradford as Marcel, Kyle Akers as the Frat Boy, Sarah Thomas as Megan, Wafiyyah White as the Passerby, Erika Sanderson as the Witch, Dan Z...

Season: 18 Episode: 14
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 14 of Season 18 for trapped tales of torment.

Season: 18 Episode: 14
Tune in to Episode 14 of Season 18 for trapped tales of torment. “Dental Work” written by K.M. Bennett (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Elie Hirschman “Stationary” written by Liam Hogan (Story starts around 00:04:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Penny Scott-Andrews, Co-worker – David Ault “Dear Jennifer” written by Mattea Heller (Story starts around 00:15:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessie – Tanja Milojevic “The Room” written by L.N. Hunter (Story starts around 00:29:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett, You – Nichole Goodnight, Man – Matthew Bradford, Robson – Kyle Akers “Ghouls” written by Christopher O’Halloran (Story starts around 00:42:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Linsay Rousseau, Riley Jones – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Ernest Graham – David Cummings, Stephen Tompkins – Matthew Bradford "This Book Will Kill You - Pa...

Season: 18 Episode: 15
Tune in to Episode 15 of Season 18 for wretched romance. “Dinner Date” written by Yulea D’Argento (Story starts around 00:02:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin “Trick or Treat” written by LP Hernandez (Story starts around 00:06:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Scott – Kyle Akers, Jonah – Matthew Bradford, Heather – Mary Murphy, Matt – Atticus Jackson, Jock – Jeff Clement, Sarah – Danielle McRae, Partygoer 1 – Elie Hirschman, Partygoer 2 – Katabelle Ansari, Scott’s Mother – Linsay Rousseau “Honey Do” written by Jason Washer (Story starts around 00:30:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Eric – Jesse Cornett, Megan – Nichole Goodnight, Plumber – Jeff Clement “I Answered a Personal Ad Last Year” written by Wayne Power (Story starts around 00:44:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Margaret – Erin Lillis "This Book Will Kill You - Part 5" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 00...

Season: 18 Episode: 15
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 15 of Season 18 for wretched romance.

Season: 18 Episode: 16
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Tune in to Episode 16 of Season 18 for stranger strangers.

Season: 18 Episode: 16
Tune in to Episode 16 of Season 18 for stranger strangers. “The Moonlight and Me” written by John Beardify (Story starts around 00:02:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford “The Masks We Wear” written by K.G. Lewis (Story starts around 00:10:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Lukas – Jeff Clement, Joel – Kyle Akers, Father – Jesse Cornett, Mother – Nikolle Doolin “There’s Something Wrong with Aunty Beth” written by Mark Towse (Story starts around 00:29:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, George – James Cleveland, Aunty Beth – Erika Sanderson, Uncle Rodney – Andy Cresswell, Mum – Ash Millman “All God’s Creatures Got Reasons” written by Frank J. Oreto (Story starts around 00:50:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Doug Kozlowski – Mick Wingert, Woman – Linsay Rousseau, Bike Messenger – Dan Zappulla, Bartender – Erin Lillis, Cop – Mike DelGaudio "This B...

Season: 18 Episode: 17
Tune in to Episode 17 of Season 18 for terrified teenagers. “The Endless Man” written by A.C. McAnelly (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Sarah Thomas “Devilry” written by Seth Borgen (Story starts around 00:07:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Esther – Mary Murphy, Jules – Danielle McRae, Jack – Matthew Bradford, Third Bag – Mary Murphy “Jerry’s Run” written by Matthew K. Leman (Story starts around 00:32:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Melissa Carver – Linsay Rousseau, Kendra Reese – Katabelle Ansari, Travis – Kyle Akers, Sandi – Tanja Milojevic, Mr. Albright – Mick Wingert "This Book Will Kill You - Part 7" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:07:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Ash Millman as the unknown author, Nikolle Doolin as Caraís Mom, and Erika Sanderson as the witch. “Thunderstorms” written by Cody Baggerly (Story starts around 01:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produce...

Season: 18 Episode: 17
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 17 of Season 18 for terrified teenagers.

Season: 18 Episode: 18
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Tune in to the annual sleepless Halloween hauntfest.

Season: 18 Episode: 18
Tune in to the annual sleepless Halloween hauntfest. “Creepy Crawlies” written by Charlie Davenport (Story starts around 00:01:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight “Fall Foraging” written by Andrea Pereira (Story starts around 00:06:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio “How to Carve a Jack-O-Lantern” written by Michael Fallon and Mariah Fallon (Story starts around 00:16:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Dan Harper – Graham Rowat, Pam Harper – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Sick” written by Alexa Simpkins (Story starts around 00:26:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Isla – Jessica McEvoy, Mia – Wafiyyah White, Taylor – Katabelle Ansari, Ben – Matthew Bradford “The Shadow Mouth” written by Caitlin C. Baker (Story starts around 00:34:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Eleanor – Tanja Milojevic, James – Matthew Bradford, Tommy – Dan Zappulla “That Time of Year” w...

Season: 18
The NoSleep Podcast presents the ten-part audio adaptation of “This Book Will Kill You” by Alexander Gordon Smith. This Book Will Kill You is the story of Tommi Bright, a young woman who dreamt about a witch, a room, and a table full of meat. This is her story. This is about what happens when the witch comes back to finish what she started. But be warned, because this book just might kill you. “This Book Will Kill You – Part 8” written by Alexander Gordon Smith. TRIGGER WARNING! Adapted for audio by: Jessica McEvoy Audio production by: Phil Michalski Starring Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Erika Sanderson as the witch, Jesse Cornett as the man, and Penny Scott-Andrews as the woman. Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Click here to learn more about Alexander Gordon Smith Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone This Book Will Kill You illustration courtesy of Emily Cannon Audio prog...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The NoSleep Podcast presents the ten-part audio adaptation of “This Book Will Kill You” by Alexander Gordon Smith. This Book Will Kill You is the story of Tommi Bright, a young woman who dreamt about a witch, a room, and a table full of meat. This is her

Season: 18 Episode: 19
Tune in to Episode 19 of Season 18 for transformative terrors. “Creepers on the Bus” written by Lex Reckless (Story starts around 00:02:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio “The Collector” written by Robbie Slaven (Story starts around 00:06:23) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mr Becker – David Ault, The Collector – Jake Benson “Charlie” written by Anthony Criswell (Story starts around 00:14:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett “The Floor Nurse” written by Ivan Lopez (Story starts around 00:42:22) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Roy – Graham Rowat, Boy – Kyle Akers, Brian – Elie Hirschman, Amanda – Nichole Goodnight, Tiffany – Mary Murphy "This Book Will Kill You - Part 9" written by Alexander Gordon Smith. (Story starts around 01:13:26) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Mary Murphy as the woman on the train, Erin Lillis as Tommi...

Season: 18 Episode: 19
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 19 of Season 18 for transformative terrors.

Season: 18 Episode: 20
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Tune in to Episode 20 of Season 18 for creepy collectibles.

Season: 18 Episode: 20
Tune in to Episode 20 of Season 18 for creepy collectibles. “Estate Sale Haul” written by William Stuart (Story starts around 00:02:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Operator – Graham Rowat, Caller – Jesse Cornett “I Found It at the Record Store” written by Matt Bliss (Story starts around 00:07:35) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matthew Bradford, Boy – Elie Hirschman, Man – Peter Lewis “A Piece of the Sky” written by Warren Benedetto (Story starts around 00:33:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jake Benson “L’Appel du Vide” written by Charlie D’Aniello (Story starts around 00:42:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Friend – Jesse Cornett, Interviewer – Kyle Akers, Winston – Jeff Clement "This Book Will Kill You - The Final Part" written by Alexander Gordon Smith (Story starts around 01:09:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jessica McEvoy as Tommi Bright, Jake Benson as the Feathered Thing, and Erika Sanderson...

Season: 18 Episode: 21
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 21 of Season 18 for terrifying towns.

Season: 18 Episode: 21
Tune in to Episode 21 of Season 18 for terrifying towns. “Tabula Rasa City” written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mr. Paul – Andy Cresswell, Concierge – Ash Millman, Heather – Penny Scott-Andrews “Happy Thoughts” written by Samuel McQuail (Story starts around 00:05:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault “Angelton” written by C.M. Scandreth (Story starts around 00:14:45) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Mikey – Jeff Clement, Mr. Moroni – Graham Rowat, Mother – Kristen DiMercurio, Father – Mick Wingert “Something Bad” Davin Ireland (Story starts around 00:42:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Lou – Jesse Cornett, Ned – Mick Wingert “The Old Plot” written by Charlie Davenport (Story starts around 01:14:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Bernie – Linsay Rousseau, Sully – Atticus Jackson, Grandpa – David Cummings, Ma – Sarah Ruth Thomas “A Long December” written by Stephani...

Season: 18 Episode: 22
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 22 of Season 18 for twisted tales.

Season: 18 Episode: 22
Tune in to Episode 22 of Season 18 for twisted tales. "Scrapple" written by Warren Benedetto (Story starts around 00:02:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Erin Lillis, Mike - Graham Rowat "That's What Friends Are For" written by K.G. Lewis (Story starts around 00:06:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Ricky - Matthew Bradford, Xavier - Kyle Akers, Mr. Reese - Dan Zappulla "Hal" written by Alexa Simpkins (Story starts around 00:21:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Nichole Goodnight, Man - Graham Rowat "It's Not as Far as You Think" written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:27:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator - Sarah Thomas, Old Man - Jesse Cornett "Armed" written by Dominic Breeze (Story starts around 00:45:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: David - Peter Lewis, Jeremy - Graham Rowat, On-Hold Voiceover - David Cummings, Roxy - Wafiyyah White, Customer Service Voic...

Season: 18 Episode: 23
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 23 of Season 18 for demented doctoring.

Season: 18 Episode: 23
Tune in to Episode 23 of Season 18 for demented doctoring. “Newborn Screening” written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 00:00:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Doctor – Jake Benson, Mrs. Murray – Tanja Milojevic “Grasshopper” written by Ellen Denton (Story starts around 00:04:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Danielle McRae, Emily Linus – Kristen DiMercurio, Anna Linus – Mary Murphy “Hands On” written by Gabrielle E. Josefsson (Story starts around 00:38:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jason Woods – Dan Zappulla “Reunion” written by M.J. Pack (Story starts around 00:52:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Molly – Erin Lillis, Mary – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Elaine – Nichole Goodnight, Old Woman – Mary Murphy, Molly’s Mom – Linsay Rousseau, Trevor – Atticus Jackson, Edward – Jesse Cornett “The Voice in the Compactor” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 01:08:15) Produced & scored by: David Cummings Ca...

Season: 18 Episode: 24
Tune in to Episode 24 of Season 18 for fateful fates. “The Shutdown Protocol” written by Manen Lyset (Story starts around 00:00:00) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Wafiyyah White “The Day the Music Died” written by Linden Schneider (Story starts around 00:05:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Tanja Milojevic, Emily – Katabelle Ansari, Lily – Mary Murphy, Emily’s Mom – Nikolle Doolin “A Psalm in the Night” written by Jacob D’Amour (Story starts around 00:31:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “The Final Broadcast” written by Olivier Zangao (Story starts around 00:51:40) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Broadcaster – Jesse Cornett “Godsond” written by Gloomara (Story starts around 00:55:55) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Prophet – Jesse Cornett “The Baby’s Coffin” written by Doug Prochnow (Story starts around 01:11:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett C...

Season: 18 Episode: 24
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to Episode 24 of Season 18 for fateful fates.

Season: 18 Episode: 25
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to the Season 18 finale for some spirited ghosts.

Season: 18 Episode: 25
Tune in to the Season 18 finale for some spirited ghosts. “For Sale” written by Ariana Pickard (Story starts around 00:02:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Ilana Charnelle “The Black Woods of Batternton” written by Ceia G. (Story starts around 00:05:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Melody – Wafiyyah White, Eliza – Erika Sanderson, Man – Atticus Jackson “Haunter’s Game” written by Justin Arnold (Story starts around 00:36:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: The Ghost – Sarah Thomas, Mabel – Jessica McEvoy, David – Graham Rowat, Connor – Dan Zappulla, Jan – Kristen DiMercurio, Connor’s Friend – Jeff Clement, Miss Black – Nikolle Doolin, Charles – Jesse Cornett, The Nun – Erin Lillis, Schoolgirl – Nichole Goodnight, Tyler – Kyle Akers, Junior – Elie Hirschman This episode is sponsored by: ZocDoc - Zocdoc is a free app that shows you doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance, and are available when you need them. Go to ...

Season: 18 Episode: 25
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Tune in to the Season 18 finale for some spirited ghosts.

Season: 18 Episode: 26
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s the NoSleep Podcast Christmas 2022 Frightmares episode!

Season: 18 Episode: 26
It’s the NoSleep Podcast Christmas 2022 Frightmares episode! “Christmas Isn’t Christmas Anymore” written by Lisel Jones (Story starts around 00:02:20) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Reagen Tacker “Memories Made” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:07:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Mike – Graham Rowat, Dee – Linsay Rousseau, Store Clerk – David Cummings “Christmas Desert” written by H. H. Duke (Story starts around 00:35:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Aleck – Dan Zappulla, Eva – Wafiyyah White, Rourke – Peter Lewis, Chad – Atticus Jackson, Mom – Erin Lillis, Nibling – Danielle McRae, Jan – Sarah Ruth Thomas “The Spirit of Giving” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 01:00:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin “The Gift of Gratitude” written by Beth Carpenter (Story starts around 01:07:15) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Alexa – Ash Millman, Mum – Erika Sanderson, Mitchell ...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're ringing in the new year with a holiday hiatus episode! Enjoy two stories from our Season Pass 18 episodes.

Season: 18
We're ringing in the new year with a holiday hiatus episode! Enjoy two stories from our Season Pass 18 episodes. "The Shatter Box" written by Paul O'Neill (Story starts around 00:02:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Dan - Andy Cresswell, Diana - Penny Scott-Andrews, Pauline - Erika Sanderson, Tam - David Ault, Craig - James Cleveland "Trivia Night" written by Lindsay Moore (Story starts around 00:34:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Janine - Jessica McEvoy, Dean - Matthew Bradford, Cindy - Kristen DiMercurio, Rashida - Wafiyyah White, Martin - David Cummings, Suzanne - Nikolle Doolin Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team   Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone "New Year 2023 Vol. 1" illustration courtesy of Alexandra Cruz Audio program ©2022 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written conse...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We’re sharing more stories with a 2023 holiday hiatus episode! Enjoy two stories from our Season Pass 18 episodes.

Season: 18
We’re sharing more stories with a 2023 holiday hiatus episode! Enjoy two stories from our Season Pass 18 episodes. “Experimental Design” written by Vince Darcangelo (Story starts around 00:04:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Tyler – Jeff Clement, McKenna Delaporte – Jessica McEvoy, Secretary – Nichole Goodnight, Dr. Stonebridge – Nikolle Doolin, Inspector Gomez – Mick Wingert “Underground” written by Leo Harrison (Story starts around 00:52:25) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Lucille – Kristen DiMercurio, Melissa – Tanja Milojevic This episode is sponsored by: Green Chef – Green Chef makes eating well easy with plans to fit every lifestyle. Whether you’re Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, or just looking to eat more balanced meals, Green Chef offers a range of recipes to suit your preferences. Go to and use code nosleep60 to get 60% off plus free shipping! ShipStation – ShipStatio...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
As we wait for the premiere of Season 19, we have two special stories in this creepy little minisode.

Season: 18
As we wait for the premiere of Season 19, we have two special stories in this creepy little minisode. “A Shadow From Above” written by Michael Whitehouse (Story starts around 00:03:00) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Linsay Rousseau as Shelly, Mick Wingert as Mark, Nikolle Doolin as Marjory, Kyle Akers as Philip, David Cummings as Jack “Sonia’s Diner” written by David Cummings (Story starts around 00:24:30) Produced by: David Cummings Cast: Narrator – David Cummings This episode is sponsored by: ZocDoc – Zocdoc is a free app that shows you doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance, and are available when you need them. Go to and download the Zocdoc app for free. Then start your search for a top-rated doctor today. Betterhelp – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Click here to pre-order Seaso...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're sleeplessly decomposing during January's dark nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 12

Season: 18
We're sleeplessly decomposing during January's dark nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 12 “Drama Kills” written by Darrell Winfrey (Story starts around 00:04:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson “The Paper Mache Man” written by Jesse Pullins (Story starts around 00:28:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Emily – Jessica McEvoy, Officer Regan – Erin Lillis, Officer Henry – Graham Rowat This episode is sponsored by: Vessi - Vessi's the only shoes you need because of how versatile they are. Vessis are my go-to shoes by my door. Check them out at for a pair of your Vessi shoes. HelloFresh - With HelloFresh, you get fresh, pre-measured ingredients and mouthwatering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door. Skip trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun, and affordable ñ and that's why it's America's #1 meal kit!. Go to HelloFresh...

Season: 18
We’re sleeplessly decomposing during January’s dark nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 13 “Pieces” written by aelily (Story starts around 00:01:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Asha – Jessica McEvoy “Whispering Wax” written by Simon Bleaken (Story starts around 00:28:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Angela – Erika Sanderson, Christopher – David Ault, Father – Andy Cresswell, Voice – Penny Scott-Andrews, Sophie – Erika Sanderson, Mrs Jessop – Ash Millman This episode is sponsored by: Betterhelp – This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team Click here to learn more about aelily Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone “Sleepless Decompositions” illustration courtesy of Kelly Turnbull Audio program ©2023 – Creative Reason Media Inc. – All R...

Season: 18
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We're sleeplessly decomposing during January's dark nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 13

Season: 19 Episode: 1
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 1 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about vile visitors.

Season: 19 Episode: 1
It’s Episode 1 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about vile visitors. “The Raven” written by Edgar Allan Poe (Story starts around 00:04:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “A Pair of Old Shoes” written by JD Erickson (Story starts around 00:13:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Jacob – Matthew Bradford, Matthew – Jeff Clement, Elsa – Mary Murphy, David – Danielle McRae “Snuffling Noises” written by Jill Benson (Story starts around 00:43:55) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat, Emma – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Seven Weeks” written by Marissa Snyder (Story starts around 01:13:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, It – Erin Lillis “The Graveyard” written by Blake Chastain (Story starts around 01:26:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Jake Williams – Dan Zappulla, George – David Cummings, Catherine – Kristen Di...

Season: 19 Episode: 2
It’s Episode 02 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about the strangest strangers. “The Caller” written by Ryan Jameson (Story starts around 00:03:50) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Judith Nichole Goodnight, Caller – Graham Rowat, Franklin – Mike DelGaudio, Mr. Donegan – Jesse Cornett “The Man in the Trees” written by Claire Halleran (Story starts around 00:19:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Muriel – Erin Lillis, Charlene – Wafiyyah White, Gladys – Mary Murphy, Judy – Penny Scott-Andrews, Susan – Sarah Thomas “Uncanny” written by R.J. Knutson (Story starts around 00:47:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Linsay Rousseau, Sammi – Jessica McEvoy, Robin – Sarah Thomas, Gabe – Elie Hirschman, Paul – Jeff Clement “Out the Corner of Your Eye” written by Rachel Racette (Story starts around 01:02:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson “The Queen of Spores” written by LP Hernandez (Story ...

Season: 19 Episode: 2
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 02 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about the strangest strangers.

Season: 19 Episode: 3
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 03 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about extraterrestrial extremes.

Season: 19 Episode: 3
It’s Episode 03 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about extraterrestrial extremes. “The Equation’s Cold” written by Alexander Hay (Story starts around 00:06:10) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault, Her – Erika Sanderson “The Voices in Europa” written by Gabriel Kiesel (Story starts around 00:09:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Carlos Dias – Atticus Jackson, Forsaken Chorus – Sarah Ruth Thomas “A Mote in the Void” written by Simon Kewin (Story starts around 00:30:10) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis, Bohanna – Jake Benson “A Toast for the Hosts” written by Vincent Paiement Désilets (Story starts around 00:45:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Gordon – Mike DelGaudio, Arthur – Graham Rowat, Bill – Elie Hirschman “The Site” written by Daniel Cubias (Story starts around 01:07:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla “Breath of the God” written by Simon...

Season: 19 Episode: 4
It’s Episode 04 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about disturbing dreams. “A Dream within a Dream” written by Edgar Allan Poe (Story starts around 00:04:15) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jeff Clement “Alice Is Still Crying” written by Graeme Rosen (Story starts around 00:06:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Alice – Kristen DiMercurio, Shirley – Erin Lillis “Picture to Sound” written by Jack Kaide (Story starts around 00:48:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erika Sanderson, Eric – David Ault, Susan – Penny Scott-Andrews “Try, Try Again” written by C. Rose (Story starts around 01:06:15) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Camille – Sarah Thomas, Alex – Kyle Akers, Ed – Jeff Clement, Firefighter – Atticus Jackson, HVAC Technician – Erin Lillis “The Shredder” written by E.S. Nocturne (Story starts around 01:57:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – J...

Season: 19 Episode: 4
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 04 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about disturbing dreams.

Season: 19 Episode: 5
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 05 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about sinister stalking.

Season: 19 Episode: 5
It’s Episode 05 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about sinister stalking. “Come to Mama” written by Hyten Davidson (Story starts around 00:04:30) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Beanie Boehly – Kristen DiMercurio, Virginia Boehly – Erin Lillis, John Georges – Elie Hirschman, The Caller – Atticus Jackson, Jess – Katabelle Ansari, Evelyn – Jessica McEvoy, Brandon – Dan Zappulla, Man #1 – Matthew Bradford, Man #2 – Jeff Clement, Police Officer – Peter Lewis, Newswoman – Linsay Rousseau, Recording #1 – Mike DelGaudio, Recording #2 – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Recording #3 – Jesse Cornett “Stay Sweet Forever” written by John Beardify (Story starts around 00:25:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Michelle – Mary Murphy, Rhett Tillman – Jesse Cornett “Till Death Do Us Part” written by Paul Kordich (Story starts around 00:42:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Mark – Graham Rowat, Kelly – Nichole Goodnight, Stranger ...

Season: 19 Episode: 6
It’s Episode 06 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about pesky pests. “Heralds of the Beast” written by Constantine E. Kiousis (Story starts around 00:04:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Jacob – Peter Lewis, Layla – Jessica McEvoy,Maddie – Mary Murphy, Father-in-Law – Mike DelGaudio “Higher” written by Kevin Wallace (Story starts around 00:33:25) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Hank – Jesse Cornett, Stephanie – Sarah Thomas, 911 Operator – Kyle Akers “Buzzkill” written by P.L. McMillan (Story starts around 00:56:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Atticus Jackson, Anthony – Kyle Akers, Anthony’s Wife – Sarah Ruth Thomas “Stasis” written by TJ Price (Story starts around 01:03:20) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat “Rat Girl” written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:17:55) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Timmy – Dan Zappulla, Lee – Jeff Clement, Timmy’s D...

Season: 19 Episode: 6
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 06 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about pesky pests.

Season: 19 Episode: 7
It’s Episode 07 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about lonesome lore. “Alone” written by Edgar Allan Poe (Story starts around 00:03:45)  Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Jake Benson “The Calm Room” written by Ashley Edens (Story starts around 00:06:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Nikolle Doolin, Harriet – Ilana Charnelle, Voice – Erika Sanderson “Red Flags” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 00:48:25) TRIGGER WARNING!  Produced by: Phil Michalski  Cast: Mr. Donaldson – Mike DelGaudio, Mallory – Jessica McEvoy, Latanya – Danielle McRae, Rory – Elie Hirschman, Brandon = Matthew Bradford, Abigail – Nichole Goodnight, Andres – Atticus Jackson, Luke – Jeff Clement, Mrs. Perry – Erin Lillis “Forgotten” written by Ash Phoenix (Story starts around 01:16:20)  Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – James Cleveland “The Zoo” written by Gemma Amor (Story starts around 01:42:25) TRIGGER WARNING!  Produced by: Phil Michalski  Cast:...

Season: 19 Episode: 7
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 07 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about lonesome lore.

Season: 19 Episode: 8
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 08 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about creepy carnivals.

Season: 19 Episode: 8
It’s Episode 08 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about creepy carnivals. “The Ride” written by T.N. Guignol (Story starts around 00:04:50) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Samantha – Nichole Goodnight, Andrew – Elie Hirschman, Blake – Matthew Bradford, Erin – Katabelle Ansari, EMT – Linsay Rousseau, Gift Shop Employee – Dan Zappulla “For the Children” written by A.M. Dodds-Wade (Story starts around 00:31:50) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Ashley – Erin Lillis, Gas Station Attendant – Mary Murphy, Cheese Monger – David Cummings, Ticket Seller – Katabelle Ansari, Izzy – Erika Sanderson, Jiggles – Elie Hirschman, Funhouse Worker – Dan Zappulla, Robert – Graham Rowat, Short Man – Jesse Cornett, Magician – Peter Lewis, Effects Lady – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Mirror Maze Barker – Atticus Jackson “Vessel No. 9” written by C.T. Flaska (Story starts around 01:01:00) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – Kyle Akers, Instr...

Season: 19 Episode: 9
It’s Episode 09 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about homicidal horrors. “10 Heads” written by Noreen Graf (Story starts around 00:05:10) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Marjorie – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Detective 1 – Mike DelGaudio, Detective 2 – Atticus Jackson, Attorney – Graham Rowat “I Found a Leg Bone in My Yard” written by A.M. Symes (Story starts around 00:29:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Jesse Cornett “The Witch of Flora Pass” written by Scott J. Moses (Story starts around 00:40:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Thomas Reardon – Peter Lewis “The Taking Tree” written by Evan Dicken (Story starts around 01:08:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Erin Lillis “From the Dura Mater” written by Marcus Damanda (Story starts around 01:15:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Narrator – David Cummings, Detective Peyton Crawley – Jessica McEvoy, Doc...

Season: 19 Episode: 9
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 09 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about homicidal horrors.

Season: 19 Episode: 10
It’s Episode 10 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about corrupt corpses. “Annabel Lee” written by Edgar Allan Poe (Story starts around 00:04:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Nichole Goodnight “The Wake of Her” written by S.H. Cooper (Story starts around 00:07:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla “Our House” written by Venezia Castro (Story starts around 00:29:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – David Ault “Three Days with Harold” written by Michael Lejeune (Story starts around 00:51:45) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Graham Rowat “The Corpse’s Gaze” written by Ghost Lady (Story starts around 01:10:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – David Cummings “The Flesh You Break” written by Gary Robbe (Story starts around 01:25:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Cal – Atticus Jackson, Bell – Jeff Clement, Becca – Sarah Ruth T...

Season: 19 Episode: 10
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 10 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about corrupt corpses.

Season: 19 Episode: 11
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 11 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about menacing monsters.

Season: 19 Episode: 11
It’s Episode 11 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about menacing monsters. “The Last Run of the Lightning Bolt Freight Train” written by Seth Borgen (Story starts around 00:05:35) Produced by: Phil Michalski Caspar Freemountain – Atticus Jackson “Field of Teeth” written by Martin Fisher (Story starts around 00:28:00) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Dan Zappulla, Father – Jesse Cornett “Captain Furry” written by Ryan Peacock (Story starts around 00:41:45) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mike DelGaudio, Eyewitness – Wafiyyah White, Officer Nick Whelan – Graham Rowat, Colin Prossler – Matthew Bradford, Officer Mike Davenport – Jeff Clement, Karly Baker – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Dr. Brad King – David Cummings “The Missing” written by Gene Gallistel (Story starts around 01:08:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Elie Hirschman “There’s More for a Dog to Fear than the Postman” written by...

Season: 19 Episode: 12
It’s Episode 12 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about catastrophic cryptids. “Bad Ice” written by Chris Allinotte (Story starts around 00:05:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced, scored, and performed by: David Cummings “A Hospitable Evening” written by Beth Carpenter (Story starts around 00:35:05) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Antonette – Jessica McEvoy, Vincent – Mike DelDaudio, Grandfather – Graham Rowat, Werewolf – Peter Lewis “Bug Jar” written by Madison Gaddis (Story starts around 00:49:30) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Peyton – Linsay Rousseau, Erin – Mary Murphy, Marcie – Sarah Thomas, Jenelle – Wafiyyah White, Rainie – Kristen DiMercurio “The Last Expedition of the Squatch Squad” written by Anneliese Amelia Boyd (Story starts around 01:03:30) Produced by: Jesse Cornett Cast: Eileen – Nichole Goodnight, Dad – Jesse Cornett, Uncle Slick – Jeff Clement, Doug – Dan Zappulla, Pauly – Kyle Akers, Winters – Matthew Bradford, Voice on Radio – K...

Season: 19 Episode: 12
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It's Episode 12 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about catastrophic cryptids.

Season: 19 Episode: 13
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
It’s Episode 13 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about wet willies.

Season: 19 Episode: 13
It’s Episode 13 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about wet willies. “The City in the Sea” written by Edgar Allan Poe (Story starts around 00:05:05) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Andy Cresswell “The Harvester” written by Keith Long (Story starts around 00:08:40) Produced by: Jeff Clement Cast: Narrator – Peter Lewis “The Mermaid’s Drop Research Expedition” written by G. T. Korbin (Story starts around 00:24:30) Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Transcriber – Nikolle Doolin, Oliver Stone – David Ault, Elyanna Markou – Sarah Ruth Thomas, Luca Altier – Atticus Jackson, Mary Ewin – Erin Lillis “The Panic” written by Jacob Steven Mohr (Story starts around 00:50:40) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Kristen DiMercurio, Joel Mackie – Jeff Clement, Flat-Fish Frankie – Graham Rowat, Helen Yelt – Linsay Rousseau, Yanni Thomasin – Kyle Akers, Trish Molloy – Mary Murphy, Burton Groose – David Cummings, Voicemail – Danielle McRae, Det...

Season: 19 Episode: 14
It's Episode 14 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about frightful food.

"My Hair Is People" written by Doug Mallette (Story starts around 00:04:15)
Produced by: Jeff Clement
Cast: Narrator - Matthew Bradford

"We Are the Gorillas" written by Douglas Ford (Story starts around 00:26:20)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Kaleen - Mary Murphy, Mr. Van Doren - Elie Hirschman, Mr. Garwood - Dan Zappulla, Librarian - Sarah Ruth  Thomas

"What Goes Down, Must Come Up" written by Evelyn Freeling (Story starts around 00:48:25)
Produced & scored by: David Cummings
Cast: Narrator - Erin Lillis, Husband - Jeff Clement, Director - Sarah Thomas

"Zombie" written by Seann Barbour (Story starts around 01:16:15)
Produced by: Phil Michalski
Cast: Narrator - Jesse Cornett

"Blackout" written by Ivan Lopez (Story starts around 01:26:35)
Produced by: Jesse Cornett
Cast: Lance - Graham Rowat, Alyse - Kristen DiMercurio, Evan - Kyle Akers, Michelle - Nikolle Doolin

This episode is sponsored by:

Green Chef - Green Chef makes eating well easy with plans to fit every lifestyle. Whether you’re Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, or just looking to eat more balanced meals, Green Chef offers a range of recipes to suit your preferences. Go to and use code nosleep60 to get 60% off plus free shipping!

Betterhelp - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

Click here to learn more about The NoSleep Podcast team

Click here to learn more about Douglas Ford

Click here to learn more about Seann Barbour

Click here to learn more about Ivan Lopez

Executive Producer & Host: David Cummings

Musical score composed by: Brandon Boone

"Blackout" illustration courtesy of Jörn

Audio program ©2023 - Creative Reason Media Inc. - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc. The copyrights for each story are held by the respective authors. The works of Edgar Allan Poe reside in the public domain.

Season: 19 Episode: 15
It's Episode 15 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about oppressive overlords.

Season: 19 Episode: 16
It’s Episode 16 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about grave situations.

Season: 19 Episode: 17
It’s Episode 17 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about family frights.

Season: 19 Episode: 18
It’s Episode 18 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about menacing mementos.

Season: 19 Episode: 19
It’s Episode 19 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about haunted halls.

Season: 19 Episode: 20
It’s Episode 20 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about the killing kind.

Season: 19 Episode: 21
It’s Episode 21 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about traveling travails.

Season: 19 Episode: 22
It’s Episode 22 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about waking nightmares.

Season: 19 Episode: 23
It’s Episode 23 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about vile vanishings.

Season: 19 Episode: 24
It’s Episode 24 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about vicious visitors.

Season: 19 Episode: 25
A special live bonus episode from the Doctor Sleepless at the Stanley event in Nov 2022.

Season: 19 Episode: 25
It’s Episode 25 of Season 19. We ponder weak and weary with tales about wedding woes.

Season: 19
While we take a short summer vacation break, we’re featuring two stories from our Season Pass 19 episodes. Surf’s up!

Season: 19
While we take a short summer vacation break, we’re featuring two stories from our Season Pass 19 episodes. Surf’s up!

Season: 19
We’re sleeplessly decomposing during hot August nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 14

Season: 19
We're sleeplessly decomposing during hot August nights. Enjoy Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 15

Season: 19
During the month of September we go cryptid crazy with tales about those mysterious creatures that remain hidden from us…until it’s too late.

Season: 19
During the month of September we go cryptid crazy with tales about those mysterious creatures that remain hidden from us…until it’s too late.

Season: 19
During the month of September we go cryptid crazy with tales about those mysterious creatures that remain hidden from us…until it’s too late.

Season: 19
During the month of September we go cryptid crazy with tales about those mysterious creatures that remain hidden from us…until it’s too late.

Join host David Cummings for a short announcement episode where he explains in more detail our new premium subscription platform called the “Sleepless Sanctuary”. “NoSleep Premium” illustration courtesy of Alexandra Cruz Audio program ©2023 – Creative Reason Media Inc. – All Rights Reserved – No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media Inc.

Season: 20 Episode: 1
It’s Episode 01 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales that will leave you wanting s’more!

Season: 20 Episode: 2
It's Episode 02 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about unexpected encounters.

Season: 20 Episode: 3
It’s Episode 03 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about occupational hazards.

Season: 20 Episode: 4
It's Episode 04 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about October chills.

Season: 20 Episode: 5
It's Episode 05 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for our annual Halloween extravaganza!

Season: 20
After a busy Halloween season, we’re taking a week off with a Halloween Hangover minisode.

Season: 20 Episode: 6
It’s Episode 06 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about nasty neighbors.

Season: 20 Episode: 7
It’s Episode 07 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about the living and the undead.

Season: 20 Episode: 8
It’s Episode 08 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about vexing videos.

Season: 20 Episode: 9
It's Episode 09 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about sleepless nights.

Season: 20 Episode: 10
It’s Episode 10 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about sinister revenge!

Season: 20 Episode: 11
It’s Episode 11 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about sinister spirits.

Season: 20 Episode: 12
It's Episode 12 of Season 20. The 2023 NoSleep Christmas Special. Come join us around the fireplace as we fill your stockings with horror!

Season: 20
We’re bracing for 2024 with an episode featuring tales from our Season 20 Premium episodes.

Season: 20 Episode: 13
It's Episode 13 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about dark decisions.

Season: 20 Episode: 14
It’s Episode 14 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about occupational horrors.

Season: 20 Episode: 15
It’s Episode 15 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about trapped terror.

Season: 20 Episode: 16
It’s Episode 16 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales that will leave you wanting s’more!

Season: 20 Episode: 17
It’s Episode 17 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about devilish deception.

Season: 20 Episode: 18
It’s Episode 18 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about awful artists.

Season: 20 Episode: 19
It’s Episode 19 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about scary schooling.

Season: 20 Episode: 20
It’s Episode 20 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about creature features.

Season: 20 Episode: 21
It’s Episode 21 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales about gods and monsters.

Season: 20 Episode: 22
It's Episode 22 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about experimental horrors.

Season: 20 Episode: 23
It’s Episode 23 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about killers who give us thrillers.

Season: 20 Episode: 24
It’s Episode 24 of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire with tales about the end of days.

Season: 20 Episode: 25
It’s the Season Finale of Season 20. Come join us around the campfire for tales of traumatic trains.

Season: 20
We’re taking the month of April to get ready for Season 21. We have two tales from Season 20’s Premium episodes to keep you sleepless.

Season: 20
We’re taking the month of April to get ready for Season 21. We have three tales from Season 20’s Premium episodes to keep you sleepless.

Season: 20
We’re sleeplessly decomposing as Season 21 approaches. Enjoy a bite of Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 16.

Season: 20
We're sleeplessly decomposing as Season 21 approaches. Get necromantic with Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 17.

Season: 21 Episode: 1
It's Episode 01 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales of ghostly encounters.

Season: 21 Episode: 2
It's Episode 02 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about urban legends.

Season: 21 Episode: 3
It's Episode 03 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales of black magic.

Season: 21 Episode: 4
It's Episode 04 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about medical malevolence!

Season: 21 Episode: 5
It’s Episode 05 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about menacing morals.

Season: 21 Episode: 6
It’s Episode 06 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about death defiers.

Season: 21 Episode: 7
It’s Episode 07 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about jarring jobs.

Season: 21 Episode: 8
It’s Episode 08 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about tragic tykes.

Season: 21 Episode: 9
It’s Episode 09 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about agonizing AI.

Season: 21 Episode: 10
It’s Episode 10 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about captive casualties.

Season: 21 Episode: 11
It's Episode 11 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about deadly dwellings.

Season: 21 Episode: 12
It's Episode 12 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about creepy collectibles.

Season: 21 Episode: 13
It's Episode 13 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about vile visitors.

Season: 21 Episode: 14
It’s Episode 14 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about chilling changes.

Season: 21 Episode: 15
It's Episode 15 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about small town horror.

Season: 21 Episode: 16
It’s Episode 16 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about petrifying possession.

Season: 21 Episode: 17
It's Episode 17 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about ruinous revenge.

Season: 21 Episode: 18
It's Episode 18 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about family fears.

Season: 21 Episode: 19
It's Episode 19 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about menacing monsters.

Season: 21 Episode: 20
It's Episode 20 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about creepy cadavers.

Season: 21 Episode: 21
It's Episode 21 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about vile visitors.

On this premiere episode, we meet the two gentlemen who are at the heart of Tales From the Void. Francesco Loschiavo is the series creator, showrunner, writer and director. John Thomas Kelley is a co-showrunner, writer and executive producer.

Season: 21 Episode: 22
It's Episode 22 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about chilling changes.

On this episode, we meet Matt Dymerski whose tale "The Black Square" was the inspiration for the first episode of Tales From the Void, titled "Into the Unknown". We'll learn about what inspired Matt to write this story and how it reflects on issues faced in our society today.

Season: 21 Episode: 23
It's Episode 23 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express perilous property.

On this episode, we meet Manen Lyset whose tale "I Used to Hack Baby Monitors" was the inspiration for the second episode of Tales From the Void, titled "Fixed Frequency". We'll learn about what inspired that story and how online horror has evolved over the years.

Season: 21 Episode: 24
It's Episode 24 of Season 21. Ride the Sleepless Express into tales about the end times.

On this episode, we meet the two directors who bring us the first two episodes of Tales From the Void: Joe Lynch, director of "Into the Unknown" and Francesco Loschiavo, director of "Fixed Frequency". Our discussions touch not only on the episodes themselves but also on the many facets of filmmaking and what goes into bringing stories to life on the screen.

Season: 21 Episode: 25
It's the Season Finale of Season 21. Our train ride on the Sleepless Express reaches its terminus as we attending a very special wedding.

On this episode, we meet the two directors who bring us the middle two episodes of Tales From the Void: Maritte "Marty" Go, director of "Carry' and Francesco Loschiavo, director of "Starlight". Our discussions touch not only on the episodes themselves but also on the many facets of filmmaking and what goes into bringing stories to life on the screen.

Season: 21
The NoSleep Podcast presents its 2024 Halloween Celebration!

On this episode, we meet Rebecca Klingel - a.k.a C.K. Walker. Her story "Betsy the Doll" was adapted for the Tales From the Void episode called, "Plastic Smile". We discuss her origins into horror writing and how her career has taken her from posting stories online to working in Hollywood as one of today's premiere horror writers. We'll also talk about Plastic Smile and how it felt seeing an early story of hers come to the screen after so many years.

With the Halloween season over for another year, the NoSleep Podcast team is taking a couple of weeks off. But remain fearful, we have tales from our Sleepless Sanctuary Premium episodes to keep the horror rolling into November.

On this episode, we meet Travis Brown. His story "Something Walks Whistling" was adapted for the Tales From the Void episode called, "Whistle in the Woods". We discuss how writing and horror stories became a passion of his and how the r/nosleep subreddit became the proving ground for so many of his popular stories. We also delve into the screen adaptation of his most popular story and how it felt to see it come to life on the screen.

With the Halloween season over for another year, the NoSleep Podcast team is taking a couple of weeks off. But remain fearful, we have tales from our Sleepless Sanctuary Premium episodes to keep the horror rolling into November.

What makes a serial killer? Mind of a Serial Killer takes you deep into the twisted minds of history’s most notorious serial killers. Every Monday, hosts Vanessa Richardson and Dr. Tristin Engels, a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, combines gripping true crime storytelling with expert psychological analysis to answer the question - what makes a serial killer? From Jeffrey Dahmer to Ted Bundy, explore not only their chilling crimes but the dark psychology behind them. Follow Mind of a Serial Killer wherever you get your podcasts! 

On this Season 1 final episode, we meet the directors who bring us the final two episodes of Tales From the Void: John Adams & Toby Poser, co-directors of "Plastic Smile" and Francesco Loschiavo, director of "Whistle in the Woods". Our discussions touch not only on the episodes themselves but also on the many facets of filmmaking and what goes into bringing stories to life on the screen.

We're lost in time as Season 22 approaches. Get locked in with Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 18.

We're getting higher as Season 22 approaches. Scale the mountains with Sleepless Decompositions Vol. 19.

Season: 22 Episode: 1
It's the premiere of Season 22! The voices are calling with tales of unhelpful helpers.

Season: 22 Episode: 2
It's Episode 02 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of sinister solutions.

Season: 22 Episode: 3
It's Episode 03 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of stranger strangers.

Season: 22 Episode: 4
It's Episode 04 of Season 22. The voices are calling for a full-length Christmas Spectacular.

Season: 22
The NoSleep Podcast is taking a Christmas break but that doesn't mean there aren't some Christmas specials to enjoy!

Season: 22
The NoSleep Podcast wraps up our holiday break with stories about losing your mind!

Season: 22 Episode: 5
It's Episode 05 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of despicable darkness.

Season: 22 Episode: 6
It's Episode 06 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of trapped torment.

Season: 22 Episode: 7
It's Episode 07 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of strange strangers.

Season: 22 Episode: 8
It's Episode 08 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of horrifying homes.

Season: 22 Episode: 9
It's Episode 09 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of spilt guilt.

Season: 22 Episode: 10
It's Episode 10 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of affection affliction.

Season: 22 Episode: 11
It's Episode 11 of Season 22. The voices are calling with tales of collegiate carnage.

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