It's a Wednesday eve as I write this, and as I look out the porthole into the infinite recesses of space, I'm reminded how very small each of us is against the backdrop of eternity. Given how very very minute we are and how eternal space is, I have to wonder, how the actual f^&* is a crew member from the Oz 14 floating past my porthole just as I look out? I mean... what are the chances?! Nearly spilled my vodka tonic. Rude.
You’ve been listening to...
Pete Barry as Bob
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae
Eric Perry as Joe and Dr. von Haber Zetzer
Kevin Hall as Greg
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle
Kyle Jones is your Narrator 2, and
Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator.
John Faley is our music director, and our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor, and Mark Restuccia is our sound designer. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry.
Oz 9 is a proud member of the Fable and Folly Network. Please check out our sibling shows at and support our sponsors.
Whatever it is you wish for when you wish upon a star, may it show up on your doorstep when you least expect it and most need it. And may it stay exactly the right number of days before leaving, having cleaned up after itself, put its sheets in the washing machine, and left a lovely hostess gift on the dining room table.
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