The Archivist follows a five friends on a cross-country roadtrip that gets briefly interrupted by an escalating series of catastrophic events.
Join James "Cash" Carmichael and his tape recorder as they travel through a country in the middle of an unknowable apocalypse.
Episode Zero. Meet [The Archivist]. An artificial intelligence designed to investigate CM-001.
But what IS CM-001?
New Episodes of [The Archivist] release every other Friday starting March 16, 2018.
Carmichael Tape #19
Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Additional Voices by [REDACTED]
The Archivist is written and directed by Jeffrey Chaney and is produced by: Small Cabal
Our Story Editor is Alyse Castillo. Our casting is: Dixie-Daugherty Casting..
Carmichael Tape #2
Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Alyse Castillo -as- Rachel
Venk Potula -as- David
Emily Kincaid -as- Nancy
Featured Music in this episode by: Zack Violet & Doctor Death Crush
The Archivist is written and directed by Jeffrey Chane.
Carmichael Tape #3
Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Alyse Castillo -as- Rachel
Venk Potula -as- David
Featured Music in this episode by: Lady Longhorn
The Archivist is written and directed by Jeffrey Chaney and is produced by: Small Cabal
Our Story .
Carmichael Tape #3
Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Alyse Castillo -as- Rachel
Venk Potula -as- David
Austin Rusk -as- Todd
Eric Snyder -as- Jim
Additional Voices provided by: Erick McAllister & John DeVries
Music Featured in this week's episode is .
Carmichael Tape #7 Featuring:Brad Jenkins -as- CashAlyse Castillo -as- RachelEric Snyder -as- JimAustin Rusk -as- ToddAdditional Voices provided by: Sean Wilson & JD Zelman
Music Featured in this week's episode is by Wind and the Why. For more music and .
Carmichael Tape #9 Featuring:Brad Jenkins -as- CashAlyse Castillo -as- Rachel
Music Featured in this week's episode is by Victoria Blade! Check out her EP at
The Archivist is written and directed by Jeffrey Chaney and is produc.
Carmichael Tape #11 Featuring:Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Alyse Castillo -as- Rachel
JD Zelman -as- The Monster
Music Featured in this week's episode is by Jeffrey Chaney. He did it because he loves you.
The Archivist is written and directed by Jeffrey Chane.
Carmichael Tape #12 Featuring:Brad Jenkins -as- Cash
Lindsay Seim -as- Margot
Sarah Jane D'Arcy -as- Becca
Lindsay Zana -as- Monica
Music Featured in this week's episode is by Astrometrics. Check out their music at the Free Music Archive.
The Archivist .
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