"    Tales of THATTOWN " Podcast
A small town full of nice people, bad politics, and supernatural forces. Oh and sulfur in the water. Be careful about that.

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Episode 001 of Tales of THATTOWN! Its finally here! Are you excited? We sure are! We hope this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Tales of THATTOWN #002 will be out....soon? Soon. It'll be out soon. In the mean time, tell your friends about us and leave a review for us on whatever platform you listen to. This is just a promo and absolutely no one (important) was harmed in its...

Remember the thundernado mentioned in episode 001? Wonder how that night played out? Wonder no more! Here's exactly how that night went down! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: SungWon Cho's myriad of social media:

Josh and Jesse are back behind the studio mics to keep you up to date with the goings-on in THATTOWN, Alabama. Just the usual stuff; some job openings around town, a traffic warning, and a call to help some downtrodden adopted sons of THATTOWN. Our...

Episode 004 and already a guest writer? You betcha! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Someone new comes to THATTOWN. How does her first day go? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Hitchhiking is safe in Joint County. Well, safe enough. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

This would all be easier if they stopped breaking the law.   Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guest Info: The Wait music was produced by Celerity Studios LLC  

Or The J & J Show feat. Michael and Tyler Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

And also that weird Satan loving kid does a thing. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

The violence is ok, they're just clones. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Also Allen Coe Hall wronged the law, again. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Monster hunting on Halloween, what could go wrong? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

This episode passed with flying colors. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Let's be honest, grand larceny is the least of Allen's worries in this episode. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

You'd swear you could hear the con flu during the episode. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Low Land Yeti hunting and magical mysteries. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Best laid plans of rednecks and magic users. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guest Info:

Local social norms are weird. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Its all fun and games until someone becomes Johnny Mnemonic. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guest Info:

The joke here is that Allen was born on February 10th and this got posted on February 11th. Shit's meta. Big thanks as always to Zach Fragoso for the music in this little skit. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Thank you to every fan out there. Um, where were Josh and Other Josh during this? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Aux cords are the unsung heroes of the impulse buy section at the supermarket. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guest Info: [He does what if's and staves off his fight or flight response.]

Why are there so many birds? Its not even spring proper yet... Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Maxximillian's Podcasts:

Every listener earns AM1234 $0.05 before taxes and union deductions. Money! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Every listener earns Burton $0.05 before taxes and union deductions. Burton is the best! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:  

Happy April Fool's 2017!

Scene transitions are funny in an audio only medium and two scenes take place in the same patch of trees. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Maxximillian's Podcasts:

Where do the Joshes keep all the guns, though? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Maxximillian's Podcasts:

The radio broadcast board is a troublesome piece of equipment. Our myriad of social media:

A picture of a good guy calls for reminiscence. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guest's Info:

It's a witty title. Like, The Devil and Mister Jones. See? Good? No? Too strained a reference? Well... dang... Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

I wonder what that code said. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Time warp. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Another plot line in the bag! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

The brothers are at it again. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Other worlds are neat. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

If you saw this coming I, the copy writer, am scared of you. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Just a nice chat on the radio. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Oh... Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Greatest episode of this show ever, amirite? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

The haunted house one. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Special Guest info: Jake Song - Rhys Tirado - John Ballentine - Justin Shields - James Oliva - Pacific Obadiah - Lane Lloyd -

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
The gussied up audio from Tales of THATTOWN's first panel. Fun stuff!

A new business venture comes to town. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

  Remember kids, anything that survives the end of the world prospers like crazy. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Its just too much to write out. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Guests' Work: Kale Brown: Daisy McNamara:

We're not doing another one of these, so cherish this one. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Special Guest info: Lane Lloyd -

Another journey to the end of the world. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Two years of this show. Ready for another twenty?

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
Another panel. Another chance for a look behind the curtain. You lucky fans, you. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Not vampires. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Tyler has too many pockets. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Happy April Fool's 2018!

The only question left unanswered... which 24/7 breakfast restaurant did they go to? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Did that song get stuck in your head? It was filmed in Alabama, afterall. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Special Guest info: James Oliva - Pacific Obadiah - Lane Lloyd -

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We done did another panel thing! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Nasty Snacks:

We did this so good, you guys. Like, so just so good. You're gonna be amazed. Honestly. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

For the end of the world, a lot of stuff keeps happening. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
We done did another panel thing! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

There's a lot of stabbings and attempted stabbings in this one. What we're saying is that this episode is pretty accurate to a real flea market outing in Alabama. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Special Guest info: James...

Two episodes for the price of one. You... you ARE paying to access these episodes, right? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Special Guest info: James Oliva -

We cannot be any more clear about this. This is not episode #050.

In the words of contemporary anthropologist Jonathan Van Ness, "Can you believe?" Because we certainly can't believe we've made fifty of these silly things. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you! Enjoy this new thing we're trying out! If you want to hear more, let us know! Because this show will be getting its own RSS feed instead of cluttering up this feed. Gotta keep things clean around here, you...

We made another one of these things. This one is about Final Fantasy X. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Jesse interviews Michael today. They talk about the "Tales of" series of video games. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Jesse interviews Tyler today. They talk about folklore. And... "folklore". Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Ashlee and Jesse talk about food. They talk NOT about food as well. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Ashlee and Jesse talk about Silent Hill. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Season: 3
Jesse talks to his mom about authors. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Three years of this foolishness.

Another year of accidents and goofs.   Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Mr. A's luck is a constant gray. For every boxcars he rolls, there is an equal amount of snake eyes. And the snakes seem to be everywhere these days.   Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Jason and Jesse talk about gaming consoles, Halo, and cardboard crack. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Really though, 75% of this episode does not feature any of the main cast. You're gonna love it. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Stuff Nichole Goodnight makes/is on that you should be binging directly after this:

For reference, Cindy's two lines are the following: "We shall rule this world. But we must feed." and "Do not let them take me away!" Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Stuff Nichole Goodnight makes/is on that you should be...

Jesse and Nichole discuss eggs. They were supposed to discuss worst memories of good video games, but you're getting eggs this time around. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Jesse and Burton discuss movies. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Jesse forgot to mention our social media in the outro. He will pay dearly for that mistake. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Stuff Nichole Goodnight makes/is on that you should be binging directly after this:

Four of these things. We've made four of these things. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Autumn Ivy's Links:

This one is different. See if you can spot the changes! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:   Autumn Ivy's Links:

Congratulations, I got talked into writing another holiday special. This one is probably better than the first one. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

A big thank you to everyone that has made the last year of this podcast amazing even though we didn't put out that many episodes! More very soon! Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters: Nichole Goodnight Links: Autumn Ivy's Links: ...

A conclusion to that really weak cliffhanger from last time around and thanks to everyone for listening so far. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Its a proper miniature episode. Ain't that something? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Remember, syndicated programming only pays out if you listen to the entire thing. That includes outtakes, ok? Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

That's it. The episode is about the gremlin queen. Don't act all surprised when she shows up, You were warned from the start. [This is the SECOND TIME Jesse forgot to mention the social media in an outro. The absolute gall of the man.] Our myriad of...

There's a really big fountain in the lobby that used to play classical music at the top of every hour. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

This one isn't funny. But it IS verbatim a dream Jesse had last October.   Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Probably the shortest minisode in the roster. Whoops, Our myriad of social media: Store: Personal Twitters: Cottontail VA: Kelsey's Links:

Glad y'all are still here. We're pressing buttons in the background.

Seven years of this show. You're all so welcome. Our myriad of social media:

Darrious has to take anger managment sessions. And this is THATTOWN. So... Our myriad of social media: Store: Personal Twitters:

Jesse and Burton discuss Battlestar Galatica. [This was recorded a hour after THATTOWN Today 11 but Jesse and Burton forgot about it completely. Whoops. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Totally just a dead body. Its fine. Our myriad of social media: Personal Twitters:

Eight years of Tales of THATTOWN. This show could be be in second grade or its third try at Kindergarden. The spelling test at the end of the year always trips people up. Spelling Appalachia is hard. Our myriad of social media:

The Joshes and Jesse get stuck up by a cannibal. Our myriad of social media:

Nine years of Tales of THATTOWN. Jesse finally has Josh on to talk briefly about the night it allllll went down. Our myriad of social media:

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