Set in The futuristic City of Polaris, Joseph the Bounty Hunter is asked to do the impossible as he takes on his most dangerous bounty contract yet. Tracking down an evil terrorist named Opus who's using exo-skeleton tech called Auto-Machs to exact his final revenge.
Joseph returns home to the city of Polaris with the O'Malley brothers. Lela gets some bad news before and after she meets Joseph, the bounty hunter as The Auto-Machs return.
Joseph, Lela and the o'Mailly brothers meet up with Bounty Hunter Gustavo in Gypsy Town as we learn more about who's behind the mysterious kidnappings in the city of Polaris.
An @Ear_Epic Audio Drama production where we make movies for your mind. This is the trailer to Episode 5: Fall From Grace of the Joseph Audio Drama Series.
An @Ear_Epic Audio Drama production where we make movies for your mind. This is the trailer to Episode 8: Trojan Horse of the Joseph Audio Drama Series.