The Skinner Co. Network

"    The Skinner Co. Network " Podcast
Brought to you by, Flash Pulp is an experiment in broadcasting fresh pulp stories in the modern age - five to ten minutes of fiction brought to you Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. A recurring cast of characters appear in both one off and serial tales, - classically styled weird, fantasy and adventure stories, for your eyes or podcast feed.

The audio and text formats of Skinner Co. releases are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Part one of one See the text at .   In tonight's episode P.I. Mulligan Smith trespasses and gives chase.

Part one of one See the text at . In tonight's episode, P.I. Mulligan Smith has some strange conversations with a well dressed man.

In tonight's episode a loud couple have a public dispute that comes to a definitive conclusion.

 Part one of one. See the text at   Tonight the PI finds himself in the darkest depths of suburbia, only to realize he isn't alone.

  Part one of one See the text at .   As for this evening's episode: it opens on two farmers, long time neighbours, ruminating on their lot in life from the saddles of their tractors.   

  Part one of one See the text at .   To round off our week we have a tale a little longer than normal, a telling chapter in the checkered history of Mulligan Smith. In this evening's episode, the P.I. finds himself explaining...

  Part one See the text at .     Tonight marks the first appearance of what will likely become a regularly occurring member of the Flash Pulp cast, Thomas Blackhall, as well as the first time we've presented a multi-part...

  Part two See the text at . This evening we re-join Thomas Blackhall, who's been buttonholed atop Talbot's Plateau, deep in the primeval forests of 19th century North America.  

  Part Three of Six See the text at . Tonight, Thomas Blackhall gives up an explanation - as well as his only source of entertainment - while attempting to avoid inhabiting a bear lord's gullet.  

Part Four Of Six See the text at . Tonight, we rejoin the ongoing plight of Thomas Blackhall, who has found himself at the mercy of an ancient forest lord, a bear king from a time before men. 

  Part Five Of Six See the text at . Tonight we present the penultimate episode in our current serial, in which Thomas Blackhall, tired, injured and having gone for days without sleep, begins to see an end to his labours.  

  Part Six Of Six See the text at . Tonight we present the finale to our first Blackhall tale, as Thomas makes his final stand against his ursine captor.  

Tonight we present a tale of science fiction, originally published at It's a story of high level corporate maneuvering in a not so terribly distant future, a story which opens with a simple question of identity.

  Part One Of One See the text at . In this episode, we present another tale of Mulligan Smith. Tonight, the PI searches for a certain Mr. Johnson, at a busy eatery.

Part One Of One See the text at . Tonight we introduce a new character to the line up, Joe Monk, Emperor Of Space. In this episode we see some of Joe's humble beginnings, in a time before his ascension to the throne.

In this opening chapter, Mulligan awaits the necessary components for a proper coffee, as well as the facts of his case.

Tonight we rejoin private investigator Mulligan Smith, hot on the trail of the woman alleged to be blackmailing his client.

Tonight we bring you the final entry in Mulligan Smith and the Digital Digit. In this episode Mulligan comes face-to-face with

This evening we bring you a tale of love and horror, a story about the difference between night and day.

This evening we follow Mulligan Smith as he navigates the tangled streets of Capital City, in an attempt to deliver a passenger

This evening we present to you a thriller on the nature of backgrounds, and the lives lived in them.

In this first chapter, Blackhall encounters the town of Bigelow, a small settlement at the edge of civilization.

We open upon our hero, unsure of his course, as he hunts hooded bandits through the timberlands of Lower Canada.

This evening we bring you the finale of our current Thomas Blackhall serial. In this chapter, we open with gun fire.

This evening we return to chronicling the adventures of Joe Monk, in a time before his ascension to the galactic throne, as he

One of the many passing incidents in the history of Thomas Blackhall's westward journey across the wild lands of North America

This evening we bring you another glimpse into the case files of Mulligan Smith, as he relates a late evening incident at a local greasy spoon.

This evening we introduce a new recurring character, Mother Gran, who, in this opening chapter, we find mid-stride.

In this chapter, we learn how it is Gran came to her canine predicament.

Tonight we present another chapter of our current Mother Gran serial. In this final installment, we are provided a glimpse into the motivations of our elderly, baby snatching heroine.

Tonight we once again delve into the case files of Mulligan Smith. We open upon our hero, lounging at a bus stop.

Tonight we present another Chiller tale; a meditation on the lines between truth and suspicion, trust and necessity.

Tonight we present a tale about friendship and duty, writ large in the glow of a computer monitor.

Tonight we present the first entry in a new tale of Thomas Blackhall, frontiersman and occasional student of the occult. Our story begins after the witching hour, in a small town in the Dalhousie district.

We re-join our hero as he prepares to enter a house of haunted repute.

Part 3 of 3   Read the full text at   Tonight we hear the conclusion of our current serial, as told by Thomas Blackhall himself.

Tonight we belatedly present a short chiller tale on the nature of choice.

Tonight we present a rumination on the future of effort.

Tonight we present a chiller tale centered on the small hamlet of Geeston, on a Sunday not unlike most others – in Geeston.

In this episode, our hero is tasked with investigating the motives of a dead man.

Our hero begins to gather a clearer picture of the man whose memory he is chasing.

In this third and final chapter of our current tale, Mulligan has a series of unpleasant discussions on the nature of responsibility.

Tonight we introduce a new serialization to our line up, a chronological tale of a time after the collapse of civilization - a journal falling under the name of Ruby Departed. In this first entry, our hero, Ruby, weighs some of the decisions she has made.

Tonight, our heroine, Ruby, spends some time considering the dead end she’s found herself in, while also making some surprising discoveries.

In this final instalment of our current story arc, Ruby plots escape from her suburban standoff.

Tonight we begin a three part serial featuring master frontiersman, and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall. In this opening chapter, we find our hero already in the process of being accosted with troubles not of his making.

In this, the middle chapter of our current serial, a rash of violence breaks out between a man in love and the woman he once charmed.

Tonight, in this third and final chapter of our current serialization, we learn the fate of the Eleutherioses, as well as something of the history of our frontiersman hero, Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight we get a glimpse into Ruby’s social life, after the zombie apocalypse.

Tonight we join PI Mulligan Smith, as he tells us a tale of foreign nations and local customs.

Tonight we open on the small community of Hearse, home of Mother Gran, already in the midst of a puzzling crime wave.

We open upon our hero, resting once again at the border of wilderness and civilization, moments before his evening suffers a series of complications.

Tonight we present a tale of combat and glory; of objectives and intentions.

Tonight we present a rumination on the human, and inhuman, of the future.

Tonight we present the first in a week’s worth of stories involving PI Mulligan Smith. In this opening entry, we find Smith, with a friend in tow, attempting to locate some low-cost entertainment.

In this, the second chapter of our current serialization, Private Investigator Mulligan Smith makes unpleasant headway in his search for the French child he last saw being carried away from a public library.

In this final chapter, we join Mulligan Smith, as well as his current responsibility, Billy Winnipeg, as he completes an unpleasant bit of pro bono work.

In this opening chapter, we find our heroine still atop the grocery store roof that has been acting as her temporary home during the zombie apocalypse.

In this second chapter, Ruby discovers the nature of the armoured vehicle she encountered as the occupants were in the process of looting coffee.

Tonight, Ruby begins to receive disturbing signals from her current roommates.

In the fourth chapter of our current serialization, Ruby attempts a quiet exit, as Linda makes it clear where she stands.

In the penultimate chapter of our current serialization, Ruby attempts to make a hasty escape.

Tonight, Ruby completes the tale of her final escape from the leather-clad people-eater.

Tonight, we find PI Mulligan Smith attempting to connect a difficult phone call.

Tonight we present a short fairy tale, as told by Mother Gran.

Tonight we present a tale from the education of Joe Monk, well before he became The Emporer Of Space.

In this opening chapter, we find Thomas once again moving rapidly downstream, in search of his Mairi.

In the second chapter of our current serialization, we obtain a glimpse of a younger Thomas, even as our hero is carried further off-course by the hands of fate, and John Koyle.

In this final chapter of our current serialization, Blackhall calls upon John Koyle, the ferryman, to discuss his recent travels.

Tonight we once again present a tale of Mulligan Smith, as the PI gives a friend a lift home.

Tonight, we present a letter, as written by the hand of Sgt. Smith, telling of one strange evening, and a stranger encounter.

Tonight we present a story of honour, risk, and single combat.

Tonight we present the first entry in another arc straight from the pages of Ruby’s travel log. In this chapter, our heroine attempts to track down the source of the mysterious smoke she has repeatedly witnessed during her post-apocalyptic journey.

In this, the second chapter of our current story arc, Ruby, our heroine, encounters some unexpected company.

In this, the final chapter of our current serial, Ruby sees off the last of her neighbours.

Tonight, Ruby shelters from the zombie apocalypse amongst the memories of a woman named Melody.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith becomes entwined in a private matter playing out in a public space, with his own life in the balance.

Tonight, Thomas oversees a strange bit of roadwork commemorating a man known only as Rasputin Phantasm.

Tonight, Joe makes a prickly discovery while he and his companion, Macbeth, await repairs to their ship.

Tonight, Joe finds himself attempting to save an entire planet from an unseen puppet master.

Tonight, Joe learns the terrible truth about Lol, planet of the cactus people.

Tonight, we once again return to the halls of Valhalla, this time to hear the tale of a girl named Minerva Peabody.

Tonight, Mulligan has a brief encounter in a crematorium.

Tonight, Ruby departs from the home of Melody Hannikainen, although not entirely empty handed.

Tonight we encounter an old friend while hurtling rapidly through time.

Tonight, Sgt Smith finds himself nervously attending a social.

Tonight we present the short terror tale of Teddy Watkins, and his most pressing fear.

Tonight we once again return to the primeval forests with frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, as he finds himself in unexpected company

Tonight, Blackhall converses with an unexpected visitor.

Tonight, Blackhall finds himself surveying the scene of a death no easier to piece together than the shattered remains of the window from which it originated.

Tonight, Thomas and his companion, Marco, unexpectedly reach the end of their river journey.

Tonight, Blackhall witnesses a trial by combat between Moose Lords.

Tonight, Blackhall finally reaches the home of the Moose Lords, where he must complete long standing business.

Tonight we present a suburban haunted house tale, in the classic style.

Tonight we present a brief interlude in Thomas Blackhall’s river travels.

Tonight we present a tale of slightly silly visitation and confrontation.

Tonight, Ruby relates a short tale of love and loss.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult arts, encounters a town of shambling monstrosities.

Tonight, Private Investigator Mulligan Smith must plumb the depths of the The Temple Of Ortru, in search of truth for a desperate client.

Tonight we introduce a new character, Harm Carter, as he finds himself in an awkward position after having laid his hired help low with a blunt object.

Tonight, Harm Carter attempts to locate a telephone with which to report a death by wine magnum.

Prepare yourself for zombies, a brief discussion of modern pulp, Steve Martin, character theme songs, Cary Grant and sex addicts.

Tonight, Harm Carter attempts to locate a telephone with which to report a death by wine magnum.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, encounters a stranger while crawling into an unlikely location.

Tonight we encounter a woman with incredible power, a true hero of her age.

Tonight we discover the truth of a murder in the small town of Hearse.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith must uncover the truth behind who is chasing a well-dressed client.

Prepare yourself for corrections, Jan Brewer, how not caring makes work easier, accents, and week-making.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith must juggle friends, and goons, during a busy Christmas season.

Tonight, Harm Carter attempts to make a difficult phone call, mid-apocalypse.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself facing down depression only to discover the holiday spirit amongst the undead.

Tonight, we present a tale of futuristic justice.

Tonight, we present a tale of priorities, misunderstandings, and apocalypse.

Prepare yourself for favouritism, nyquil, Texans, love, and more accents.

Tonight, we find Blackhall once again amongst the Elg Herra, The Moose Lords Of The Northern Reaches, as he prepares to continue his search for his long dead wife, Mairi.

Tonight, we find Thomas Blackhall ensnared in a trap formed of duty and the hungry mouths of curs.

Tonight, Blackhall participates in the end of the siege of the Elg Herra, and concludes much outstanding business.

Tonight, Harm Carter takes a moment to seek sanctuary while considering his difficult situation, and attempting to avoid assassination at the hands of any passing stranger.

Prepare yourself for Christmas, Bothersome Things, The Elg Herra, and more discussion of excrement than you’re probably comfortable with.

Tonight, Harm Carter is forced to make a sudden stop, during the apocalypse.

Tonight, after a brush with death, Harm Carter briefly enjoys a family reunion.

Tonight we delve into the case of the tragic loss of SparkleFairy, as uncovered by a legion of volunteers and obsessive geeks.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, is tasked with the job of locating a thousand dollar thief.

Tonight, four men engage in their singular obsession.

Prepare yourself for Patrick Stewart, more Bothersome Things, The Murder Plague, The Collective Detective, and secret theremins.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall tells of a haunting from his youth, as he experienced it.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself in a principal's office for the first time since his youth.

Tonight, the Collective Detective attempts to pick a murderer from amongst a mob.

Tonight, Ruby Departed walks a hard road as she comes to grips with the realities of the zombie apocalypse.

Tonight, Ruby Departed stops for a beverage and a conversation, as the zombie apocalypse continues on about her.

Tonight, Ruby wrestles with her conscience - and the undead.

Prepare yourself for ideas, Antiques Roadshow, séances, The Running Man, bathroom talkers and Joe Monk.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself out in the cold.

Tonight, the Collective Detective finds itself investigating the loss of an Internet icon.

Prepare yourself for Journalism, The Collective Detective, Egypt, and male prostitutes.

Tonight, we introduce Will Coffin, a man of unusual knowledge and charms.

Tonight, Will Coffin must ask a difficult question.

Tonight, Will Coffin discovers the source of his vexation, and receives an uncomfortable proposition.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith meets a fellow conspirator while watching for a corpulent criminal.

Prepare yourself for Thor, crabs, missing f-bombs, rubber monster suits, and Will Coffin.

Tonight, Mulligan’s father relates the tale of a sudden promotion during his early days in law enforcement.

Tonight, Will Coffin, with his drunken companion in tow, must discuss a vital matter with a remnant of the dead.

Tonight we tell a chiller tale, regarding Clifton Wade - a man who finds himself in a tenuous situation.

Prepare yourself for a discussion of slash fanfic, Sharktopus, Threedayfish on sexaholics, the shared universe, tiny monsters, and Ingrid’s Breakfast.

Tonight we find Thomas Blackhall, student of the occult and master frontiersman, standing over a devilishly-tongued man.

Tonight, Will Coffin must also face down the terrible maw of the Jabber.

Prepare yourself for Javier, Will Coffin, movie talk, our first piece of FanFic, cryptic messages and interplanetary war.

Tonight, Ruby gets to know her new traveling companions as they move along a highway infested with the undead.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, takes his roommate to a bar of ill repute, to meet a man with a volatile history.

Tonight, we enter the home of a family in transition - a family on the cusp of a life-altering move.

Prepare yourself for big news, Kommissar Rex, influences, Harm Carter, the last of Sexaholics Anonymous, and Chia bugs.

Tonight, Harm Carter encounters a new obstacle to remaining alive in a world dominated by a homicidal epidemic.

Prepare yourself for glasses, Harm Carter, exhaustion, Tom Jones, and new promos.

Tonight, Harm Carter encounters a new obstacle to remaining alive in a world dominated by a homicidal epidemic.

Tonight, Harm Carter finds himself suddenly in a trust-building exercise, while attempting to avoid the homicidal urges of Hitchcock’s Disease.

Tonight we come across an odd conversation at the edge of the Valhalla’s eternal warfare.

Tonight we find Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his associate, Bunny Davis, awaiting a disreputable delivery.

Prepare yourself for the site move, vacation time, Tom Jones, the Dance of the Urbanite, and the Murder Plague.

Tonight we find a contributor to the Collective Detective, KillerKrok, investigating a nearly forgotten life, as he also conducts major changes in his own.

Tonight we return to the case of Morris Cox, a missing teen whose tale is being uncovered by the dedicated work of the men and women of the Collective Detective.

Tonight, the Collective Detective learns of the truth behind the disappearance of Morris Cox, as revealed in a Floridian hotel room.

Prepare yourself for Japanese gangsters, Akira, Austrian cowboys, and the Collective Detective.

Tonight we present a short chiller tale regarding one Dr. Henry Faust.

Tonight, PI Mulligan Smith relates a canine tale from his youth, to a fellow shopper.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his tipsy roommate, Bunny Davis, receive reports regarding another practitioner of the occult arts.

Tonight we present an airy consideration of companionship and danger.

Prepare yourself for New York, Kar’Wick, secret codes, and some curmudgeoning.

We open tonight on a scene many years before the strange burial of Dr. Rasputin Phantasm, as master frontiersman, and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, lends an odd sort of assistance to one Declan Callahan.

Tonight we present a tale of torment regarding the occupants of the storied acreage of Bilgehammer Manor.

Prepare yourself for remakes, Viennese legends, Kar’Wick, and schmucks.

Tonight, Harm Carter explores the interior of a companion’s son’s home, while considering his future in a land brimming with homicide.

Tonight, Harm Carter pulls into a roadside gas station, and must convene a jury of his peers.

Tonight, Harm Carter must contend with the sudden death of an acquaintance, as well as the gunman who did her in.

Prepare yourself for bees, apes, a Harm filled novel, and multiple New Yorks.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, student of the occult and master frontiersman, finds himself at the site of a lonely tragedy.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, spins a few barroom stories to a wobbly audience of one.

Tonight, Harm Carter and his travel-mates must make a hard decision, before suddenly finding themselves with few options.

Tonight, we bring you an auditory tale of crime and injury.

Prepare yourself for 50 foot mummies, Canadians in comics, St Stephen’s, the name game, and not episode 161.

Tonight, we bring you a fantastic tale of travels, beliefs, and works.

Tonight we introduce The Achievers.

Prepare yourself for Nazis, 9/11, bumpers, Bin Laden fiction, and Erica Moen.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his thirsty companion, Bunny Davis, find themselves locked in hand-to-hand combat with a civil servant.

Tonight, Private Investigator Mulligan Smith is given a lesson in temperament by his friend, Billy Winnipeg.

Tonight, Ruby and her companions enter a small town, only to discover that not everything within is dead.

Prepare yourself for the Rapture, stickers, flashers, The Final Pilgrimage and tip jars.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith and his lumbering friend, Billy Winnipeg, find themselves wondering if, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith and his mountainous friend, Billy Winnipeg, pay an expected visit to a local giant.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith uncovers the truth behind what killed Ortez’s roommate, as well as Smith’s client’s wife, Graciela Brewster.

Prepare yourself for the Rapture, stickers, flashers, The Final Pilgrimage and tip jars.

Tonight, we present a strange interlude; a visitation to a secluded island, floating atop a sea of farmland.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, encounters a practitioner of dark artifice while awaiting transportation.

prepare yourself for Foley, X-Men: First Class, Mr Three, and The Conjurer.

Tonight, Will Coffin and his friend, Bunny, discover a grisly scene.

Tonight, Sgt. Smith relates some of his history with Capital City’s red-light district.

Tonight we offer up a not-so-shaggy dog story, as told by Will Coffin, urban shaman.

Prepare yourself for DC Ultimate, editing, heist films, F-bombs, time management and Once in a Blue Moon.

Tonight, PI Mulligan Smith learns that not every legend has a happy ending.

Tonight we turn your attention to a charnel house with an unexpected legacy.

Tonight, Sgt Smith recounts a tale from his time with the vice squad.

Prepare yourself for a pulp Lama, fade haircuts, The Haunted House on Willoughby Road, toothaches, and a second chance for the Green Lantern.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself amidst a wasteland.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his roommate, Bunny, find themselves involved in an unusual deathwatch.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith and his short-tempered friend, Billy Winnipeg, find themselves caught up in a high-velocity chase.

Prepare yourself for crossovers, Ron Howard, orange juice, Mother Gran, and Nurture.

Tonight, in lieu of our usual fiction, we present an urban legend of questionable veracity, as pulled from the pages of the Flash Pulp wiki.

Tonight, Mother Gran relates a warning, via a parable of her youth.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his roommate, Bunny, receive an unexpected letter regarding an avid reader.

Prepare yourself for Jessie Eisenburg, Phantom of the Michael Jackson, Autobots, urban legends, illegal fireworks, and special episode one.

Tonight, Harm Carter is told a tale of mechanical menace and human tragedy.

Tonight, Harm Carter and his accompaniment must weigh the choices presented by a world full of homicidal psychotics.

Prepare yourself for Johnny Canuck, a Spot of Bother, breaking Fish, Buggy, and an exploding basilisk.

Tonight, Harm Carter, and his fellow survivors of Hitchcock’s Disease, find themselves once again on the cusp of a difficult decision.

Tonight, Mulligan recounts a tale told to him by an estranged father.

Tonight, Veronica Peralta awaits a monster.

Prepare yourself for blaxploitation, Harry Potter, lizard men, fedoras and Character.

Tonight, Coffin encounters something unusual amongst Dorset’s occult patrons.

Tonight, the Collective Detective investigates the lonely tragedy that was the death of CuddleMonkey.

Prepare yourself for Captain America, flightless canaries, Bond girls, an individual Dorito, and the Collective Detective

Tonight, Harm Carter and his traveling companions find hope, as well as a stranger.

Tonight, Harm Carter tries his hand at grand theft auto.

Prepare yourself for burials, voting, John Travolta, a Ghost Rider, The Murder Plague, and extra-terrestrials Vs ranch hands.

Tonight, Harm Carter discovers the truth regarding the interior of an apparently occupied former place of commerce.

Tonight, in place of our usual tales, we present The Ragman, an urban legend of dubious origin. To find out more regarding the lurking shade, visit

Next week we’ll return with our usual tales of fisticuffs and the occult, but, tonight, we present The Haunted Mixtape, a folk tale of suspect origin. To find out more regarding this supernatural album, visit

Tonight, in lieu of our usual fiction, we present The Final Broadcast, a modern myth of improbable pedigree. To find out more on this terrible transmission, visit

Prepare yourself for mouthless horrors, talking fish, vacation, Black Terror, urban legends and the Parsec Awards.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, encounters a reclining concern while visiting whisky-soaked civilization.

Part 2 of 6 Read the full text, as well as the show notes, at Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, finds himself ensnared in a legal predicament.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, tells the story of an unlikely race, to a prickly, and improbable, audience.

Prepare yourself for Lucy, Chinatown, transvestite superheroes, Peruvian drug lords, intergalactic bounty hunters, a Joe jingle, and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, finds himself in the gloom of a fatal cloud.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, comes upon a discomforting bog of unnatural origin.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, must face an insidious airborne threat, as well as disappointment.

Prepare yourself for bears, alternate realities, The Eremite, Conan Vs Fright Night, and the rest of Chinatown

Tonight, in lieu of our usual fiction, we present The Pool Boy, a cautionary tale regarding public waters. To find out more on this aquatic myth, visit

Prepare yourself for New York, hurricanes, Blackhall Country, and Fallout.

Tonight, instead of our standard tale, we present The Pale Child, a cautionary urban myth of unreliable provenance. Find out more at

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode thirty-three – prepare yourself for Batman, rotting flesh, Irene, bridges, Nickolodeon, and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight, in our final urban legend of the summer, we present The Phantom Surburb, a strange tale of misadventure. To learn more about this questionable myth, visit

Tonight, Sgt Smith recounts a criminal tale of sight seeing, entertainment, and consumerism, from the mid-century streets of Capital City.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 35 - prepare yourself for decapitation, King Kong, a giant tale, and The Phantom Suburb.

Tonight, we present Heckuva Job, a tale of generational conflict which does not quite fit the Flash Pulp universe.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 36, brought to you by JuJu Klik - prepare yourself for Mexican drug lords, Bill Watterson, Little Willie, Nazis, and Sgt Smith.

Tonight we present a cat and mouse game, already mid-chase.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith encounters a caddy-less man with a grievance.

Tonight, with the Parkers in tow, Ruby finds herself on an unexpected new leg of her journey through the moaning undead.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself upturned, and surrounded by the shuffling legs of the undead.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 37, brought to you by @rharron - prepare yourself for U.N.C.L.E., Wifi sickness, Qwikster, romantic Ultimate Fighting Championship, Stealing Niven, and the return of Ruby.

Tonight, Ruby’s upturned standoff, with the reanimated corpses of the once living, comes to a savage end.

Tonight, Private Investigator Mulligan Smith finds himself left in the cold with an unusual drinking buddy.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself coveting spaciousness amidst the undead apocalypse.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself in conversation with a man of many complaints.

Tonight, Joe Monk, and his intergalactic traveling companion, Macbeth, find themselves at the receiving end of unexpected alien aggressions.

Prepare yourself for horror movies, giant turtles, cruise ship mysteries, TrollHunter, and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight, our PI finds himself anxiously loitering with a man once well known for his hoodlum tendencies.

Tonight, we present a tale from Flash Pulp’s future history, a time of terror, tyranny, and automatons.

Prepare yourself for phantom stories, Lance Henriksen, new old New York, Pigheart, advice for baby vampires, superstitions, and Free Alaska.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, is summoned to assist with a ghastly countenance.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his drunken roommate, Bunny, undertake a journey at the side of a carrion-masked attorney.

Prepare yourself for superstitions, candy, light jazz soundtracks, evil hair, the return of a legend, and a Blackhall/Coffin crossover.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, discusses the nature of blood relations.

Tonight, we present a brief tale of patience and impatience; of beginnings and conclusions; of marriage and death.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself trapped in a labyrinth of horrors.

Prepare yourself for ghost stories, Mulligan, haunted house hazards, Poe, pumpkins, and police drones.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his tipsy roommate, Bunny, find themselves in the company of an estranged family, and an abomination.

Tonight, Harm Carter, while making his way through the legions of paranoid infected, finds himself caught up in a series of awkward introductions.

Prepare yourself for hill folk, free stickers, dead toes, chimney sweeps, the open sea, and Will Coffin.

Tonight, Harm Carter encounters yet another surprise while attempting to remain alive amongst the homicidal paranoiacs of the Murder Plague.

Prepare yourself for the Hell Gate Bridge, cannibalism, inappropriate material, mob defense, and The Murder Plague.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, takes on an unpleasant case on behalf of a concerned mother.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, encounters an old friend in an unlikely location, while investigating an uncomfortable accusation.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, ends an uncomfortable case with an awkward conversation.

Prepare yourself for Bimbos of the Death Sun, Richard Pryor's Star Wars, gold plated Iguana guns, Christopher Walken, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, urban shaman, Will Coffin, and his soggy roommate, Bunny, encounter an arcane predator.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself nearly in the company of the obscenely wealthy.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, meets Mr. Charles Barger.

Prepare yourself for dogs, Martians, sleep texting, Goodfellas, a monk powered airship, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, student of the occult and master frontiersman, awaits the arrival of a meal.

Prepare yourself for dumpster diving, a secret love child, craigslist is murder, buskers, and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, deals with a missed connection while investigating a murder.

Tonight, we present a chiller tale of conversion, communication, and cataclysm.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 47 - prepare yourself for flying dragons, the unfortunate Ms. Marvel, poorly timed noises, a salty Christmas tale, axe murder, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself playing a troubling game, while recounting a troubling tale.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, puts an end to a long run of odd circumstances.

Tonight we bring you a short urban legend concerning young love and the intimacy of technology. To learn more about this urban myth of questionable origin, visit

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 48 - prepare yourself for owls, murder, a secret lover in the attic, Christmas, and Thomas Blackhall

Tonight, Mulligan Smith meets friends, both old and new, while seeking reasons for good cheer at a mall.

Tonight, we welcome Captain Pigheart into the Flash Pulp universe, so that he might tell us a salty tale of holiday doings.

Tonight we encounter a holiday scene of friendship and ancient considerations.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and his tipsy roommate, Bunny, meet a man with a particular talent.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, finds himself amidst a blood-stained family drama.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his tipsy companion, find themselves taking complaints from a dead man.

Tonight, Coffin and Bunny complete the breaking of a once happy home, as they attempt to save the life of an infant.

Prepare yourself for foreskin cloning, SF brothels, Canadian cowboys, butt drugs, Fred Astaire, and Will Coffin.

Tonight, Harm Carter enjoys a brief respite from being hounded by the diseased and paranoid, before again being presented with unwanted decisions.

Tonight, urban shaman, Will Coffin, and his tipsy roommate, Bunny, find themselves seeking answers from the living, while contemplating the dead.

Prepare yourself for dime novel romance, swearing, Muppets, various types of cowboys, and Coffin.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself talking to an old friend while watching the ransacking of a Walmart.

Tonight, Terence Flanagan attempts to escape the inevitable, with a secret at his side.

Tonight, even as he nears the edge of the homicidal madness that surrounds him, Harm Carter’s travels come to a sudden stop.

Prepare yourself for Randy Newman, renting Hitler's castle, poor gang name choices, chess boxing, and Walmart Mike.

Tonight, Harm Carter finds himself the hostage of a scheming lawman.

Tonight, Harm Carter finds himself caught between a crazed sheriff and an armoured combat vehicle.

Tonight, ElleBow, a member of the Collective, leads us into the past.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself listening to a bawdy tale of questionable veracity.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself at the bedside of an ailing man with a vulgar tale to tell.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself ensnared.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith unexpectedly returns to a client’s home to complete some paperwork.

Prepare yourself for Ken Jennings, CTV, sitcoms, unsettling melodies, liquor, and Kar'Wick.

Tonight, Mulligan finds himself with an unpleasant appointment.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith is forced to fend for himself in the bowels of a gambling establishment.

Prepare yourself for: Gunk junk, the fantasy vibe, Gigantor, horrible clowns, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith must make clear some unpleasant truths regarding an aging lover.

Prepare yourself for a lack of Bill Murray, zombie survival, pizza, drugs, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds his recent return an unwelcome one.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, witnesses an unexpected demise.

Tonight, as Skinner Co’s lead narrator has found her throat infected with a terrible burning, we briefly interrupt our current Thomas Blackhall tale to bring you a short urban legend concerning the culture barrier.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself fleeing his place of rest.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 55 - Prepare yourself for: Actor & shaman, Nick Cage; mistreated elephants; horrifying soap; Method 3; and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, is unexpectedly held up by a surprising arrival.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, suffers a sudden reunion.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, suffers a sudden reunion.

Tonight, our intrepid private investigator receives a lucrative offer.

Tonight, we step briefly away from the Kar’Wickian web that is the Flash Pulp universe, and, instead, take a moment to return to a world of superpowered turmoil.

Prepare yourself for: Coffin in Vienna, Russian munchies, DeathRay, the Sacred Band, and a box of candy.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny Davis, mouthy drunk, find themselves considering a case of arson.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny Davis, his temporarily sober roommate, find themselves abandoned by a talking raccoon.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny Davis, his tipsy friend, find themselves deep in conversation with a dead killer.

Tonight, Harm Carter loses himself in a city besieged by the paranoia inducing effects of The Murder Plague.

Prepare yourself for: Dalek relaxation, Facebook cancer, sperm hunters, soda, Powerless, and Ruby.

Tonight, as JRD’s brain has been stolen by high-powered medication, we present a work of war and weeping, written by Threedayfish.

Tonight, we return to Ruby’s rotting world, as she attempts to survive both the gnashing teeth of the dead, and the scheming minds of the living.

Prepare yourself for: Baconnaise, greedy bisexuals, super soldier vitamins, The Hunger Games, zombie butlers, and Ruby.

Tonight, Ruby once again moves through the ranks of the shambling dead.

A test of the PDF publishing system.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself on trial.

Tonight, Ruby is forced to fend for herself amongst the staggering corpses that wander the countryside.

Tonight, Ruby encounters a force even more terrifying than the zombies that hunt her.

Tonight, Ruby is caught between devouring flames, and devouring dead.

Tonight, we present a tale of professions and professionalism.

Prepare yourself for: Han Soto, joint dispensing gentleman robbers, Dr Pete, 200, and Ruby.

Tonight, Ruby meets her end.

Tonight, Capital City finds itself in need of a hero.

Prepare yourself for: sound effects, Tim Burton, murder, and Ruby

Tonight, we present a tale regarding a finicky feline, as provided by our own Rich the Time Traveler.

Tonight, Mulligan finds himself chatting with a golf club carrying killer.

Prepare yourself for: Robocop, Gary Oldman, time travel, the unknown package, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his wobbly compatriot, find themselves watching a race.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, professional lush, approach a blackened pit in the wilds of rural Oregon.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his tipsy companion, encounter a twelve-hundred pound canary.

Prepare yourself for: American candy, hardcore pregnancy, Tunisia, the Blood Countess, the origin of No-Hands Mick, and Coffin.

Tonight, we find ourselves riding with Sofia Esperon through a fantastic land of blades and bewitchment.

Skinner Co. was recently lucky enough to be invited to the share the stage with our friends, Radio Project X, of It was an excellent evening of magic, cheese men, and entertainment.

Tonight, we bring you a guest-isode by Mobster, and man of valour, John Donahue. Thank you, sir.

Prepare yourself for: He-Man, Radio Project X, death robots, blind penguins, Father’s Day, and Coffin.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his drunken roommate, find themselves speaking with a dead man beside a lonely Nevada highway.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his tipsy companion, exchange tales of, and with, the dead.

Tonight we offer up a brief interlude with our urban shaman’s tipsy companion, Bunny Davis, as written by The Mob’s own Time Traveller.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his mouthy companion, escort a ghost into Las Vegas.

Prepare yourself for: Choking the elderly, Bill & Ted 3, the Black Dahlia, reformed white supremacists, land pirates, and Coffin.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith hears a tale from his father’s checkered history with the Capital City Police Department.

Tonight, a young boy finds himself unable to fully escape a haunted house.

Prepare yourself for: Lung worms, reboots, evil kids, haunted house tropes, and Sgt. Smith.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith finds himself listening to a tale of prison romance.

Prepare yourself for: Screwing with the classics, highway killers, the return of the returning dead, and Mulligan.

Tonight we return to The Hundred Kingdoms, and the perils that lie within its fantastic borders.

Tonight, we tell a chilling tale regarding a risky child in a neighbourhood of constant hazard.

Prepare yourself for: Cannibal puppeteers, the AsimOff's results, lab breeches, pirate gore, and Sofia Esperon.

Unfortunately, due to a major hardware failure at Skinner Co. headquarters, we will be unable to provide you with tonight’s scheduled Ruby Departed episode. Instead, with many thanks to the always listening Threedayfish, we present a tale of unnatural a

Prepare yourself for Neuromancer: The Movie, a Japanese robot bar, Orwell on trampires, braised rat, humanzees, and Identification.

Tonight, we rejoin Ruby as she attempts to navigate a world filled with staggering dead and troubled survivors.

Tonight, Ruby hears more than just the moans of the voracious dead.

Tonight, Ruby attempts to save a life not from the shambling dead, but, instead, from post-apocalyptic justice.

Live! From Mob Expo!

Prepare yourself for: Mob Expo, spells for sale, cattle mutilations, evil Batman, and Ruby.

Tonight we present a tale of everyone’s favourite private investigator, as provided by our very own time traveller.

Tonight, we bring you a fantastic tale of travels, beliefs, and works.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith dines at the edge of a crime scene.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith conducts a hurried interrogation in the depths of a well appointed office.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith seeks many truths.

Tonight we hear the tale of a dying breed.

Tonight we bring you a tale of sensibilities, as originally published in the Devilfish Review.

Prepare yourself for: Eye gnawing bacteria, Captain Worf, Eggs Benedict, Fred Phelps, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, we join master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, as he finds himself upon a wild path in the northern woods.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, finds himself witness to a murder, and a mystical metamorphosis.

Tonight, master frontiersman and student of the occult, Thomas Blackhall, finds himself witness to a murder, and a mystical metamorphosis.

Tonight, thanks to our Canadian holiday schedule, we offer a tale of nautical adventure.

Tonight we present another urban legend of questionable origin, a tale of light fingers and lighter shoes.

Prepare yourself for: Batman & the Lavender Panthers, meeting in Buffalo, involuntary organ donation, arachnid centaurs, and the Lighter-Than-Air Sneaks.

Tonight, as a favour to our friends at the New Fiction Writers podcast, we present Space Job.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith finds himself asking hard questions in a dingy roadside store.

Tonight, our spear-wielding heroine, Ruby, finds herself bicycling through the undead-infested countryside.

Prepare yourself for: Poltergeists, horrible sounds, public shame, poison-resistant rats, winged monkeys, and Blackhall.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself caught between mysterious horsemen and the ravenous mouths of the rotting undead.

Tonight, Ruby and her companions face off against a hunger greater even than that possessed by the ravenous dead.

Tonight, due to the spotty electricity and general hubbub that was a byproduct of the recent superstorm, we preempt our scheduled FlashCast to instead present an unfortunate tale of familial unity.

Tonight, for the second of this year’s Halloween tales, we look towards the abandoned town of Geeston, and the man with the unending smile who haunts its wreckage.

FlashCast Minisode 2 - Poop Storm: Illegal science, cannibal cop, & Sandy.

Tonight, Coffin and Bunny face a powerful arcane force, and find themselves in a changing climate.

Prepare yourself for: Murder by sex, curiosity killed the kids, DOOM, an occult ritual, and Ruby.

Tonight, Harm Carter finds a home for himself amongst the infected maniacs.

Tonight, while surrounded by the homicidal victims of Hitchcock’s, Carter guesses at the nature of the neighbour that he suspects means him harm.

Tonight, Harm Carter meets his theoretically murderous neighbour.

Prepare yourself for: Beer pong on demand, the British royal vampires, robot combat, generic elves, and The Murder Plague.

Tonight our private investigator, Mulligan Smith, conducts an unpleasant interview with a youthful caretaker.

Tonight, we find Joe Monk in an age well before his ascension to the throne, while he was still yet learning to handle diplomacy. Consider this episode Skinner Co.’s tonic to last week’s entry, Lingering. You’re welcome. Sort of.

Prepare yourself for: Hypnotism, Ghostbusters 3, Large-Eared People Eaters, choking on cockroaches, Admiral McCoy, and The Murder Plague.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his rarely sober roommate, hear an arcane tale of parental terror and loss.

Tonight, due to illness, and thanks to the kind heart of David “Doc Blue” Wendt, we have the pleasure of presenting a holiday tale featuring the familiar cast of the Doc’s FlashCast favourite.

Tonight we continue our holiday intermission with a Christmas-themed guest episode by our very own Time Traveller. Many thanks, TT!

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his rarely sober roommate, discuss a public suicide with a dead man.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his rarely sober roommate, discover the source of the mysterious suicide.

Prepare yourself for: Native American bad guys, pizza perfume, found footage films, TNG maniskirts, and Coffin.

Tonight, in a moment away from the heavier content of recent releases, we meet a suspicious man with a foul temper, his wife, and the house they live in.

Tonight we present a tale of lingering holiday cheer, seasonal depression, and the occult.

Tonight we present a tale of digital detection and online exposure, of death, defeats, and endings.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, discusses an odd series of incidents in a local Walmart.

Prepare yourself for: Cheating at the special Olympics, giants fighting giants, lazy horror movies, enthusiastic reeking, and Walmart Mike.

Tonight, our private investigator, Mulligan Smith, is confronted by raised voices and fists while loitering in a nursing home.

Prepare yourself for: Mini Kiss, respecting the '70s, human library books, peanut butter gore, Frankenberries, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, we present a tale of suburban anxiety dressed in sheep’s clothing. Consider it a lesson in presumption, revenge, and carnage.

Tonight, we present a tale of snowy terror and survival, as told from Capital City to the slopes of Aspen.

Prepare yourself for: Racist Germans, roaming literary gangs, Tolkien's tower, Rambo, black market laundry detergent, and Bandette.

Tonight we open on a family in turmoil, the Dukes. What has driven the son, Tory, to sickness and silence? What has driven the father, Rufus, to near madness? Only one private investigator, Mulligan Smith, truly knows.

scene of anger and advice starring everyone’s favourite private investigator, Mulligan Smith.

Prepare yourself for: Sexy Anne of Green Gables, space marines, suspecting Agatha Christie, a real life superhero gunfight, and Mulligan.

Tonight our zombie slaying heroine finds herself taking advice from a mad woman while avoiding the hungry mouths of the roaming corpses that threaten them both.

Prepare yourself for: The Facts of Life, airship pilots, cussing supercomputers, butterscotch pudding, random breakfasts, and Ruby.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself transporting a pair bound for a new life - if they can stay warm long enough to see it.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself at the edge of exhaustion while attempting to navigate his companions through the frosty wilderness.

Prepare yourself for: Baby farms, roadkill, bad poetry, witchcraft, the return of Doc Azrael, Robot Combat League, and Blackhall.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, confronts another ending in his journey.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself chasing a cheating husband while listening to a tale of betrayal amongst thieves.

Prepare yourself for: Meth syrup, undercover lovers, psycho television, loving robots, folk tales, and Blackhall.

Tonight, a member of our band of online detectives finishes his search through the databases made available by leaked Bush-era Internet wiretapping, and arrives at some unpleasant, and homicidal, conclusions.

Tonight we present an excellent bit of guestery by John Donahue - a tale of unlikely encounters and the aquatic arcane. Many thanks, sir.

Tonight Joe Monk, eventual interstellar king, finds himself fishing for a murderer.

Prepare yourself for: Rabies transplants, prison escapes, nipple clamp sales, Nazis, the Gorn, and Joe Monk.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, is confronted by a one-handed man with a tale of loss.

It's Mob Movie Night!

Tonight we hear a two-fisted tale of superheroics and mundane errors.

Prepare yourself for: Kitsch Batman, Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop, lying fireworks, tonal shifts, Saboteur, and The Wagging Tongue

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, comes to the aid of a young boy caught up in a nightmare.

Prepare yourself for Flintstones ignorance, Minecraft zombies, farts, mailing Beaver Tails, and Cereal sampling.

Tonight, PI Mulligan Smith finds himself pondering a murder while reclining near a jovial man on the edge of death.

Prepare yourself for: Horror-themed aerobics, eye-for-an-eye justice, 19th century movie posters, Evil Dead, and Blackhall.

Tonight, Will Coffin, Urban Shaman, and Bunny, his tipsy companion, find themselves overseeing a grisly scene at a rural farm - as well as the end of the flute playing woman.

Tonight we join Grady Pitts inside a downtown hospital.

Tonight we present some sleight of hand meant as nothing more than a light piece of entertainment - a release after a long winter, and a long week.

Tonight we present a short urban myth common throughout Capital City; a tale of aggravations, occupations, and palpitations starring two men and a dog.

Prepare yourself for: A variety of illegal meats, book banning, space movies, Walk The Fire, proactive Dracula, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight we present a tale in which Mulligan Smith, private investigator, stumbles into an unlikely conversation with the dead.

Tonight our heroine, Ruby, encounters two oddly unresponsive young boys amongst the throngs of the shambling undead.

Tonight Lazarus Caine, lone Defender charged with holding back the night, is persuaded to assist a concerned parent.

Tonight, due to wonderful complications related to Jessica May’s birthday, we will be pushing back the intended return of Ruby till Monday. Instead, we present a tale of Coffin and Bunny - by Opop!

Tonight, Ruby, our zombie-slaying heroine, finds herself reading a harrowing tale of silent survival amongst the roaming corpses.

Tonight, we present a tale of the generation gap, creeping terror, and childish misadventure.

Prepare yourself for: Road yogurt, Polaski’s exit, lion meat tacos, The Avengers: The Sitcom, Zombicide, and Of the Old School.

Tonight we present M Day by David “Doc Blue” Wendt

Tonight, in an unexpected turn even to us, we take a trip to the dusty plains of the Old West to meet a lad of some renown.

We had some pressing questions about Balticon & America, and we demanded answers.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself face-to-face with a surly client, and the man’s nervous dachshund.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself holding an uncomfortable conversation on a school’s sidewalk.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, stumbles upon a pair of missing women - and much more.

Prepare yourself for: Killer dolphins, art as a CIA weapon, international porn habits, Balticon, the Parsecs, Sinbad, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself on the wrong end of a chase.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his tipsy roommate, find themselves discussing addictions and the dead.

Prepare yourself for: Foxy thieves, a solar sail of death, American visitors, wifi Bedouins, and Thomas Blackhall.

Tonight we conclude our tale with a story of romance and death amongst the ancient pines.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his normally tipsy companion, find themselves discussing mystic murder while walking the cold streets of Capital City.

Join us for a brief conversation about Paula Deen's racism, and porn career, on this warm Thursday evening.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his normally tipsy companion, interrogate a ghost about the serial killer who slew him.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his unusually sober roommate, confront serial killer Marshall Carver.

Prepare yourself for: The Vampire Beast of North Carolina, the truth about ducks, Operation Ahab, albino runners, and Coffin.

FPGE20 – Appearances: A Bunny Davis Tale by Rich the Time Traveller, Part 1 of 2

We found tonight’s tale – the second part of Bunny Davis’ cowboy adventure – on our doorstep wrapped in a chrono blanket and mewling for a microphone. We can only assume such a fantastic gift is the work of Rich the Time Traveller. Many thanks, s

I'm sorry.

Tonight’s tale is one of true horror ripped from the headlines, and is entirely not intended for children, nor the squeamish. We ask only that you finish the story before you begin writing your angry letters.

FCM008 - Waiting

FPSE18 - Hazel Skinner and The Great Fire of 1922

FPGE22 - Doc Azrael: Blue Flu, by David Wendt

Tonight, join us in the freshly empty home of Sidney Topesh, for a tale of creeping proportions - a story of rot, ruin, and restoration.

Prepare yourself for: Ghost crimes, the end of vegperiment, Rosemary’s other baby, Rad, mole machine windshields, and Blind.

Buffalo Mob Meat Up: Crack Barrel

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his unusually sober roommate, must contend with a distraught mother, unquenched thirst, and a teenage boy going through unexpected changes.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his unusually sober roommate, find themselves transported from the mundane to the occult after encountering a grim accident scene.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his unusually sober roommate, discover the truth regarding the werewolf factory.

Prepare yourself for: A lopsided rap battle, experiencing Regina, roving penis gangs, and Coffin.

Who do YOU think won? Here's your chance to check the math!

Tonight we present a chilling tale of unpleasant people and unpleasant endings.

Tonight we present the tale of a young warrior, Darlene Crowe, as she takes to the field with her father watching.

In which we discuss the first six movie picks in our month-long marathon.

Tonight we encounter Bunny Davis with monkeys on her back, and her shaman friend nowhere in sight.

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast Minisode 012 – costarring Mobsters Jason, of Talk Nerdy 2 Me, and Janelle!

Tonight, as the spirit of Halloween possesses Skinner Co. in questionable and un-requested ways, we hear a supposed urban legend - a short tale of the restless dead.

I first heard this s tune while watching Weeds. Many covered it for the show's intro, but I always preferred the original. So I covered it. Her version remains my favourite, but it was fun trying. "My mother and father were driving South from...

A tale of terrible intentions and unexpected endings.

Tonight we present a Halloween tale of household haunting and chronic insomnia.

Tonight our private investigator finds himself entering a den of iniquity with questions on his tongue.

In tonight’s tiny tale of futuristic competition we question boundaries and swing at a possibly unsporting sports event.

Tonight we find ourselves at the scene of an execution, with only moments till the axe falls.

Half Time: Occult rituals and ailing relatives

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself matching wits with an apparent psychic.

Tonight our zombie fighting heroine, Ruby watches a new friend avoid the tearing fingers of the ravenous dead.

Tonight Ruby is reminded once again that the wandering cadavers that surround her are not the greatest threat to her safety.

Tonight Ruby enjoys a brief respite from the zombie apocalypse before being forced back into her hungry and unyielding reality.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself dealing with a randy sidekick, illegal chemistry, and a burning secret.

Tonight, Harm Carter discovers an unexpected labyrinth lurking in the basement.

Tonight we move briefly into the future, where code monkey Arturo Proto will receive an unexpected visit from musician, and goblin king, David Bowie. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious though any resemblance to real David Bowies, living

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his irritated but abstaining apprentice, are asked to serve an eviction notice.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, is dogged by madness as he attempts to give breath to a dying girl.

Prepare yourself for: Teenage exorcists, time travel, horror flicks, and Coffin.

Tonight, we’re lucky enough to hear the return of Doc Blue’s Holiday touch - and right on time for the appearance of an old friend, too. Many thanks, Doc!

Tonight, Joe Monk, Emperor of Space, considers the nature of change and forward time travel.

Plague and an unappealing peeling incident.

This evening we take you back to a night not long ago, when the Mob sat down, like a proper family, and yammered over Six String Samurai.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny Davis, his recently sobering roommate, find themselves beside an ever-consuming maw.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, recounts the arcane tale of a deadly Christmas parade vehicle to his increasingly sober roommate.

Prepare yourself for: Citizen Christmas, slash fan fiction anger, undead mailmen, Ms. Jackson, and Coffin.

Prepare yourself for: Cossacks, revenge porn arrests, the value of thumbs, and Operation Judgement.

Tonight we tell the future stories of Cornelius, and the tragic tale of his mother, Marilee.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself awaiting a waning star in a gambling den’s watering hole.

Prepare yourself for: Crime myths, boot camp, choose your own sexy adventure, festive cookies and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, we take you to war through the ears of three men.

Tonight we relay a brutal urban legend from the back alleys of Capital City.

Prepare yourself for: The Michigan Protectors, canoe chases, gender swapped Star Trek, mummification, and Kar’Wick.

Prepare yourself for: Viking beard code, media consumption considerations, fake Satanists, a missing poet, and Cleavage.

Tonight, we hear a tale of feverish love as told by a feverish, but sobering, drunk.

Prepare yourself for: Wild packs of chihuahuas, trigger warnings, Tatu, educational zombies, and Coffin.

Tonight we find ourselves locked into a conversation with a vagrant as our urban shaman, Coffin, his apprentice, Bunny, and perhaps even the creeping dead, watch on.

A brief update on Skinner Co.'s status, Vince Li, and retconned Johnsons.

Prepare yourself for tears.

Prepare yourself for: A real chupacabra, porn industry vigilantism, virtual maps, real friends, and Proud Mary.

Tonight we present the tale of Caesar Riley - a lover, fighter, and sailor - as he discovers new lands at the distant borders of Los Angeles.

The fictionality of places, Larry Storch, and a burning limo.

Tonight we present a tale of superheroism and traffic, as seen from the dash of a slightly beaten Honda Accord.

Prepare yourself for: Game of Thrones: The Movie, South African Robot Police, Book-Free Prisoners, Belly Dancers, and Park Right

Tonight Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself doing some fast driving.

Prepare yourself for: Four Loko apocalypse, the bionic Olympics, fake Ukranian diplomats, the age of consent, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, tells a tiny tale of woe to his unusually miserable apprentice, Bunny.

Join JMay and The Mob for a viewing of the 1992 "classic" 3 Ninjas!

Tonight, Ruby must deal with both the hungry mouths of the horde and the feverish thoughts of a rugged individual.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself contemplating a possible kidnapping while standing on the warm pavement of a Walmart parking lot.

Tonight, our private investigator, Mulligan Smith, finds himself stretching both his limbs and the truth.

Tonight, our private investigator, Mulligan Smith, finds himself haunting a too-white nightmare with a tazer in his hand.

Prepare yourself for: Synthetic marijuana, nature’s pocket, a Russian moonbase, more on nursing home strippers, and Coffin.

Tonight, Joe Monk, the last human and one day ruler of known space, finds himself in a seedy bar on the backwater world of Mengi.

Join The Mob for a viewing of the movie that made parents terrified of D&D!

Tonight, we join one Capital City citizen, Moira, as she commemorates the life and death of her husband, Leonard.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his sobering apprentice, are notified of an arcane murder.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his sobering apprentice, are notified of an arcane murder.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his apprentice, discuss old dead friends with the Lady of the Northern Reaches.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his apprentice, find their lives threatened outside a downtown eatery.

Prepare yourself for: Drunk food, fan fic, solar powered cars, bronzed corpses, and Coffin.

Tonight we enter a terrifying future with a full head of steam.

The post-Mobicon oreoganza - thanks so much, TT!

Prepare yourself for: Mobicon, Bastian Bux, Cards Against Skinner Co., Tom Swift, time war, and missing the hell out of the Mob.

Tonight we encounter the youth who will one day be ruler of the cosmos as he seeks privacy above an apparently barren rock.

Tonight we digress briefly from the universe we know so well to tell a tale of personal and universal truth in the lands of Sofia Esperon, Queen of the Hundred Kingdoms.

Tonight Bunny Davis, roommate and apprentice to urban shaman Will Coffin, finds herself in conversation with his murderous dead wife.

Prepare yourself for: A warning about lady hurricanes, secret closet compartments, library lust, and Coffin

Tonight we relate to you a most dangerous urban legend from the sick beds of Capital City and beyond.

Tonight we join Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, as he encounters an undying combatant by a lonely northern lake.

Tonight we bring you a tale of the Collective Detective, the loose band of online detectives who mine the depths of the accidentally leaked NSA archives to solve long cold crimes. In this episode we find Bug Byte, editor and film buff, taking in a digital

Prepare yourself for: Angry angry hippos, dark hobbies, hot sauce, idea fodder, and Blackhall

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his recently sober apprentice, encounter a strange party at the river’s edge.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his recently sober apprentice, discuss a midnight encounter with a gasket baroness.

Prepare yourself for: tinfoil misuse, ancient erotic graffiti, licensed exorcists, a mechacat, and Coffin.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his recently sober apprentice, find themselves unexpectedly asking questions in a seedy boutique.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his apprentice, have an unpleasant discussion with an ancient owl.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his roommate and apprentice, discuss the unfortunate history of nymphs.

Tonight Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his roommate and apprentice, find themselves rudely rebutted by a nymph.

Prepare yourself for: Warrior cops, a corpse mannequin, creepy dolls, fists full of eyeballs, and Coffin.

Sir Hector Stewart welcomes you to the Dog Days of Podcasting

Grandpa George discusses smartphones

Tonight we tell the tale of a wayward youth, and the gun he considers his last recourse.

It's the Movie Guy's turn!

DDP04 - Mencheck on Mob Bosses

DDP05 - Vigilant Vincent

DDP06 - Tom Later on smartphones

Join The Mob in mocking a mattress with a snacking problem.

DDP07 - Kindergarten Mary

A Canadian versus national park speed limits.


Tonight’s tale was penned by our very own Gibraltar of Sub-Basement Three! We deeply appreciate his efforts in these hard times of temporal wormholes and invasions from parallel dimensions. Many thanks, sir, for holding those gates shut. Now, join us i

Billy Gruff on Reality TV

Jeffery Ventura on Zombies

Smeebles on horrible bosses

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his constant companion, attempt to reconcile regrets with a man whose past haunts him.

Salty Ted the pirate on pleasure crafts

Heronimo Stewart on Henchmen

Tonight our PI, Mulligan Smith, finds himself surrounded by cosplayers, comic hawkers, and conjugal criminals.

Dunston the henchman

Dr. Harris on the Murder Plague

Zombie Logic

Crazy taxi on bad driving

Mickey Mouse on change

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, chases dark portents into a small town on the river’s edge.

Sebastion on mouth noise

Droopy dog on life

Kermit warns of the werepig

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, takes a relatively long trip across a relatively narrow river.

Sir Hector wants to download a podcast

DDP24 - Mic on wasting time

DDP25 - The line of perception

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall, master frontiersman and student of the occult, finds himself in an unlikely conversation, with a fairy woman and a deaf man, on the lonely banks of the Malhousen River.

Elmo on being rude

Radio guy has an intervention

Fast food furry

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his increasingly sober apprentice, discuss the occult danger lurking behind the counter of a wandering ice cream truck.

Happy on speaker phones

The Musical episode

In which I ruminate about dentist smells and a childhood friend.

Tonight we present an occult fairy tale of sorts, as we enter an ancient forest to happen upon a bloody scene and an abandoned child.

Tonight we tell the tale of a mother outcast in a haunted world, and the strange roads down which her choices would lead her.

Tonight, Thomas Blackhall - master frontiersman, student of the occult, and grieving husband - completes his tale regarding the beginning of the end, and the woman who stole his wife’s cadaver.

In which I ruminate about Godzilla and other giant monsters, a week off, and mistakes.

We've gathered this evening to consider the matter of The Amazing Mr X, a 1948 Bernard Vorhaus film.

The October 31! Intense Family Matters! An Expedition to the Americas!

We’re gathered this evening to consider 1940’s The Ape, starring Boris Karloff.

Tonight we begin our slow approach towards Halloween with a tale of Capital City tricks and treats.

Prepare yourself for: Floridian crime, the Holy Grail, Operation Raleigh, personal vampires, and Coffin.

Tonight we present Tony Dibbs, a man with absolute power.

Prepare yourself for: Unliving dolls, the Budapest smile club, the October 31, dill pickle vodka, and Tony Dibbs

In which JRD ruminates about fourth-dimensional syllables and post-apocalyptic alleys.

In which JRD ruminates on missing floors.

Some thoughts from the edge of the Pacific

Tonight we present a tale of betrayal and violence influenced by Jurd’s current international travel status - that influence mostly being exhaustion.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, PI, finds himself involved in a high-speed chase.

Tonight, private investigator Mulligan Smith finds himself at the center of an online web of deceit and broken hearts.

Tonight the Chrononaut Cinema Reviews gang considers 1960’s Atom Age Vampire.

Prepare yourself for: The Hunger Games salute, mailing body parts, self-defeating nazis, Ashley Madison, and Mulligan Smith.

Tonight we find ourselves visitors to the shores of the Island of Corosia, and walk among the contagions that rage across it.

Tonight we hear the whispered tale behind the black ambulance said to haunt the backroads of Capital County.

Tonight we present a fairy tale in the oral tradition, as told in the Capital City style.

We're gathered this evening to consider 1959’s Attack of the Giant Leeches, an American International Pictures flick.

Tonight we present a chilling tale of long distance miscommunication and the intimacy of strangers.

Prepare yourself for: Giant Rage Monsters, mysterious millions, a not-terrible holiday office party mix, Wolves of the Calla, Kar'Mas Karols, and Blackhall.

Prepare yourself for a very special FlashCast Minisode.

Tonight we present a tale of summer miscreancy and the unexpected phantasms of childhood.

Tonight we attempt to survive another encounter on the streets of Capital City alongside our hero, Harm Carter, a victim of the homicidal paranoia that infects the city’s inhabitants.

Tonight we tell a brief super-heroic tale from the pulpy pages of Capital City’s funny books. A story of bumbling newsmen, space avengers, and true villainy.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1959’s The Bat, starring Agnes Moorehead and Vincent Price.

Prepare yourself for: Cinematic folklore, shaking it off, action adventure Poltergeist, retirement franchises, and The Murder Plague

Tonight we introduce The Irregular Division, the newest, and final, thread of the Flash Pulp universe. Here it all begins to come together - and here it all begins to unravel.

A brief discussion of Hart Island, an honest Canadian Crook, Bruce Jenner, and gaming with the Mob

Tonight, the public has its first encounter with the government-assembled group of misfits who would one day become known as the Irregular Division.

Prepare yourself for: Creepy '90s doctors, fixing racist bus ads, flower guns, Kar'WickCon 2015, and The Irregular Division.

Tonight the chrononauts have gathered this evening to consider 1961’s The Beast of Yucca Flats, starring Tor Johnson.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his vodka-dependent apprentice, encounter the strange tale of Laila Hamilton, wife and secret nuzzler.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, has a brief conversation with the remnants of the woman he married.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his increasingly sober apprentice, eat pancakes and aid a man haunted by his past.

In which we chat about Strawberry Fanta and who not to buy Operation for.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator and lifelong resident of Capital City, finds himself drawn to the edge of civilization by one Molly Blackhall.

Prepare yourself for: Florida, book herpes, celebrities doing terrible things, '80s movies, the better cut of Top Gun, and Mulligan Smith.

Jessica May - March to the Stars (The Joe Monk Theme)

Jessica May - The Tightened Braid (Blackhall's Theme)

Prepare yourself for: Organ transplants, biased wifi, Putin's occult undertakings, Mac & Cheese, and Project Muddy York.

Tonight we present a tale of modern terror and psychedelic incidents unfolding, before the astonished eyes of a mother and child, on a Capital City backstreet.

Prepare yourself for: Painted faces, roaming chainsaw/knife fights, the evil eye, interdepartmental fighting, and The Achievers

Tonight we delve into the knotted history that would one day make Smith a Police Sergeant, a dedicated father, and a haunted man.

Jessica May - Black Smoke

Tonight we see off an old friend.

Tonight we watch a torch pass as we honour our fallen dead.

We have gathered this evening to consider 1942’s Black Dragons, starring Bela Lugosi

Prepare yourself for: Lost movies, romance comics, Jedis Vs. terrorists, undeadbeat dads, Newman O's, canesaws, and Sgt. Smith

Tonight we follow an aging Grizelda Henderson as she rides the Capital City public transportation system into adventure.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1959’s Bloodlust!

We’re gathered this evening to consider 1944’s Bluebeard

Prepare yourself for: The Hotel California Killer, chess cheating, cabin copying, corrupt cops, Carl's Jr., and Auntie Grizelda

Tonight, we hear the tale of Aurelio Medina, a man on the run.

Tonight we run from a car crash and find ourselves under the watchful eye of the law.

Tonight we complete the flight of Aurelio Medina, a man who went in search of a home but received, instead, unexpected talents.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1962’s The Brain That Wouldn’t Die

Tonight, we find ourselves not quite alone with our memories in a quiet Capital City apartment.

Tonight we find ourselves trapped on a Capital City bus with an apparent madman.

Prepare yourself for: Balticon, chasing the dragon, Daredevil, the Shadow Agenda, and Mulligan

Prepare yourself for: Crazy Larry's, Wayne Bruce, Sasquatches, equal pay for Batgirl, and Mulligan Smith.

Join The Mob in mocking the homicidal robot cop of THE FUTURE!

Tonight, our zombie slaying heroine hears the recounting of one man’s post-apocalyptic vacation.

Are you ready for the Oreo-esque flavour of a CCR episode with a Disasterpiece Theatre crammed in the middle? Cuz that's what you're going to get.

Tonight we return to the Hundred Kingdoms to witness a transformation happen under the close watch of Queen Sofia Esperon.

Tonight, we hear a tale of gun play and international terrorism as it plays out across the acreage of a small Midwestern farm.

Tonight we present JRD's Father's Day gift!

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his apprentice, find themselves dealing with an apparition that simply wants to move on.

Tonight we take a detour into the woods and find ourselves at the site of an unusual burial.

Join The Mob in viewing a flick that scarred JMay as a child!

Tonight we Kill All Vociferation as we briefly gaze through a window into a universe that wasn't, but may still be. Join us, with a pair of old friends, for a short journey into Summer's swelter.

Sit down, we need to talk.

Tonight, the Irregular Division find themselves landing in a very changed British forest.

A fantastic new tune by Jessica May to fill your ears while Skinner Co. remains buried beneath its other creative projects.

Some thoughts on distress and flags

Tonight, we report on unpleasant and indecent acts as they unfold across Great Britain. This episode, dedicated to Captain Pigheart, is definitely not safe for children, workplaces, or your parents.

Welcome to FlashCast Minisode 025 - The Ballad of Bubba and Rooster

Some disordered thoughts on the recent "theater incidents"

We've gathered this evening to consider 1942's The Corpse Vanishes!

We've gathered this evening to consider 1961's Creature from the Haunted Sea

Tonight we join the Irregular Division - currently consisting of Ms. Atlas, cybernetically modified wonder of the American military, and Head, occasional thief and government contractor - as they take an unlikely journey across Britannia’s decaying coun

Tonight we tell a tale of friendship and terror, in the classic style.

Tonight our private investigator hears the tale of Jimmy Two-Slices and his legally dubious pizza parlour.

Tonight we present a romping tale of mad science.

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his recovering-alcoholic apprentice, must pay a call to a hairy situation in a suburban home.

Tonight, we hear a tale of music and murder from the halls of Valhalla.

Tonight, as the change of seasons brings the classic tales to mind, we hear of the current and future inhabitants of a house with a tragic past.

Tonight, with perhaps the faintest bit of a smirk and a dash of fanservice, we revisit the worst Actual Psychic Cop on the Capital City police force.

Tonight we visit with friends from our distant past as they move ever forward into the future.

Let's have a chat about Ridley Scott

Tonight we venture out with Queen Sofia Esperon as she undertakes a perilous mission of mercy.

Prepare yourself for: party hats for the police state, drinkable books, dead mediums of glory, texturing your environments, and Sofia Esperon.

We've gathered this evening to talk over the Twilight Zone episode Time Enough At Last!

Tonight we present a tale of reminder from the Skinner Co. Mellowness Dept. - because you never know just what your day may hold.

Prepare yourself for: Undulating battering rams, ILOVETOFU, sexy Halloween costumes, unsexy erotic literature, and the Irregular Division

Join The Mob in a Canadian selection by the Creative Audio Dept.'s own Jay Langejans!

Tonight there’s a man outside. He’s coming up the walk. Are you ready?

Tonight we talk of Davy Jones, John Lennon, and fanaticism.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1943’s Dead Men Walk

We've gathered this evening to consider 1963’s Dementia 13

Tonight we find Will Coffin, urban shaman, and Bunny, his attempting-to-be-sober apprentice, loitering in a darkened bedroom.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1940’s Doomed to Die

Tonight, Will Coffin, urban shaman, receives rough treatment at the tool-wielding hands of a torturess, while Bunny, his apprentice, thirstily watches on.

We've gathered this evening to talk over the Twilight Zone episode The Lonely!

Tonight, Bunny Davis, apprentice to urban shaman Will Coffin, has had enough.

In which we answer twelve quandaries posed by The Mob

FPGE26 - Intense Negotiations by Rich "the Time Traveller" Jefferson

Tonight, we find ourselves witness to a silent nightmare.

Let's talk about Star Wars for a moment.

Enjoy a fantastic holiday tale from Rich the TT.

Though belated due to an accidental release by Skinner Co.’s Bio-Weapons Research and Development Department - a leak that, for legal reasons, we assure you is entirely and most definitely under control - tonight we present a holiday tale as penned by a

Prepare yourself for: Rumblr, Grumblr, long distance rage, The Monkees, Pop-Tarts, the wiki, and Davy Jones’ Frankenstein.

We've gathered this evening to talk over the Twilight Zone episode The Monsters are due on Maple Street

Prepare yourself for: Cheap romance, more hidden Harper Lee, iCops, Kraken Storm, and Muddy York

In which we discuss the life and death of Mr. Bowie.

Prepare yourself for: Luke Skywalker’s bisexuality, Fanta, half-million dollar palm readers, dreaming of spring in 2023, and Muddy York

We've gathered this evening to talk over the Twilight Zone episode The After Hours!

Jessica May - Reverse Crash

Prepare yourself for: Fancy boats, fangirls for fangirls, monkey head transplants, new Nancy Drew, and Mulligan Smith

We've gathered this evening to consider 1920’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Tonight we return to Capital City where Harm Carter, father and former military man, has been contending with the homicidal paranoia inducing illness that is The Murder Plague.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1940’s The Fatal Hour, starring Boris Karloff.

Tonight we return to Capital City where Harm Carter, father and former military man, has been contending with the homicidal paranoia inducing illness that is The Murder Plague.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1959’s The Giant Gila Monster

Tonight we encounter an unexpected series of visitors.

Prepare yourself for: taxi ghosts, dolls on airplanes, Operation Lavender Drizzle, terrifying movie moments, and The Murder Plague

Tonight Queen Sofia Esperon is summoned to a dragon-haunted corner of her kingdom.

Prepare yourself for: When Doves Cry, CIA film production, hair theft, Doc Azrael, and Sofia Esperon

A brief teaser in case you're considering skipping the fun

Join The Mob in trying, and failing, to understand Prince.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1939’s The Gorilla.

Tonight we witness that time and distance do not liberate from death or fear.

Jessica May created a song using the film House on Haunted Hill as her palette! Check it out - but REMAIN CALM.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1959’s House on Haunted Hill.

Some thoughts on the phrase "the ladies" and the necessity of death.

We've gathered this evening to talk over the X-Files episode Excelsis Dei

Tonight we find ourselves chasing many paths that lead to one destination.

Some thoughts on cartoons, the economy, and Japan being slightly from the future - with a special guest, Hugh!

We've gathered this evening to consider 1923’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Prepare yourself for: Terrifying nautical tales, zombie board gaming, Kevin Hart vs Prince, Houdini & Lovecraft - buddy cops, and Muddy York

Join us for the William Gibson penned X-Files episode First Person Shooter

In which we box with Prince's shadow.

Tonight we join a prodigal daughter - but one member of the loose collection of electronic investigators that make up the Collective Detective - as she stands at the edge of a number of digital graves.

Tonight we re-join one of the Collective’s investigators, Maritza “MarMar” Mercado, follows a too-bloody, too-naked, trail of digital breadcrumbs.

Tonight we find ourselves again under the watchful eyes of the Diamond Dogs, as one online investigator brings a decades-old mystery into the future’s blinding light.

Join The Mob in yammering over 1984's Ghostbusters

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1956’s The Indestructible Man

Prepare yourself for: Running to the Q, Civil War, sinking ships, Veronica Belmont & The Fictional Follicle Face Off results, Chinese daleks, the Doc Azrael finale, and The Collective Detective!

We have gathered this evening to consider 1941's Invisible Ghost

Tonight we revisit old friends dealing with new, unexpected visitors.

Join us for the first episode of Friends for some reason

Tonight we visit Ruben Clay, a man alone in his haunted house.

Tonight we find Joe Monk, the last human and future Emperor of Space, standing in a swamp at the edge of the known universe.

In which JRD reaches for a bit of perspective on publishing, German wildlife, and beer.

Prepare yourself for: The Last Dragon, the Mob Book Club returns, Awake Dating, GT Snow Racers, and Muddy York

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1959’s The Killer Shrews

Tonight we find ourselves in a lesser-known Las Vegas casino as Mercutio Rogers, professional crooner, prepares to take the stage.

Join Nutty, Hugh, and Skinner Co. for a viewing of this awful film.

Tonight we find ourselves on a brief detour, and discover what happens when Jurd can’t shake the notion that he should write a certain scene after finishing one of the lesser Philip Marlowe novels.

Thank you, Bliss!

Our very own songstress has some fresh auditory joy for your ears.

A somber moment of reflection punctuated by giant wet wipes.

Join us for a full chronotheater viewing of New First of the North Star!

Tonight we find ourselves witness to dead men wandering the highways.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1941's King of the Zombies

Prepare yourself for: Ravine murder mania, body disposal, the actual Man in the Iron Mask, the Mob Book Club, and The Irregular Division

Tonight we hear a strange tale of missing teeth as told to an oddly familiar old man.

Remember us fondly

Tonight we find ourselves creeping through security to scale a tower - a tower atop which awaits a tale of horror, and perhaps some answers for an aging detective.

Prepare yourself for: positive uses for Snapchat, dinosaur purses, replica fingertips, Pony Island, and Old Man Mulligan

Tonight we hear the truth behind the nocturnal defanging that has been plaguing one Capital City neighbourhood.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1964’s The Last Man on Earth

Tonight we find ourselves awakening alongside an international man of mystery with a tragic secret.

Join us for a full chronotheater viewing of BIONIC SIX!

Join us for a very powerful FlashCast minisode.

Tonight we return to the near future, where the founding members of the Irregular Division - Milo Smith, AKA Head, the corporate thief with his brain hooked into a prototype computer interface, and Jennifer Glat, AKA Ms. Atlas, a military lifer whose body

Join us in the chronotheater for old-school haircuts and a lack of Louis Gossett Jr.

Tonight the Irregular Division finds themselves strangely united, and then split, while hunting a child predator.

We've gathered this evening to consider 1960's The Last Woman on Earth!

Tonight the Irregular Division encounters an unexpected presence.

Join Hugh, Opop, and Jurd in the chronotheater for a viewing of Star Trek: TNG's Devil's Due

Tonight we present a tale of pets and prey.

Join Hugh, Opop, and Jurd in the chronotheater for a viewing of Star Trek: TNG's Genesis

Tonight we seek to quench an endless thirst and learn the risks of bending low to the stream.

Join us in the chronotheater for this early '90s comedy apocalypse.

Tonight we find ourselves exploring a land ravaged by many plagues, a place both familiar and distant, at a time of endings.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1960’s Little Shop of Horrors

Prepare yourself for: Guns for bus tickets,The Transgender Day of remembrance, wizard trains, Pop-Tarts, and Dmara and the Necropolis

Tonight we visit a series of gamblers and the strands upon which they walk.

We’ve gathered this evening to consider 1942’s The Mad Monster

Join the Mob in yammering over 1984's The Mutilator

Join the Chrononauts for a holiday viewing of Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas - with special guest, JMay!

Tonight we find ourselves in a chase across the holiday encrusted streets of Capital City.

Join the Chrononauts - minus Hugh - for a holiday viewing of A Garfield Christmas

Join the Chrononauts for a super-powered holiday viewing!

Tonight we present a special holiday tale directed at four little meatheads above all else. We love you guys.

Prepare yourself for: Problematic plot devices, 2016, high-speed horror movie reviews, Turn of the Screw, ukulele love, and The Reason for the Season

Join the Chrononauts for a viewing of 1934's Maniac!

Tonight we visit with old friends, both human and otherwise.

Join the Chrononauts (minus Rich) as we sample the first episode of Naruto!

We discuss ch-ch-ch-changes.

Tonight, for your consideration, Having Two Spouses: A Practical Guide

The chrononauts have gathered this evening to consider 1927’s Metropolis

Tonight, at long last, we discuss the dead of Otter Rapids.

Join the chrononauts (minus Rich the Time Traveler) in discovering that Opop didn't realize there are cat robots in Voltron.

Tonight, after a week in exile from Skinner Co. HQ, we return to tell you a tale of high science in the bowels of international espionage.

Tonight, from the demolished basement of Skinner Co. HQ, we bring you a tale of metal landscapes, monstrous villains, and a meek prince with the power to transform into a loin-cloth ensconced warrior.

The chrononauts have gathered to consider 1967's Monster from a Prehistoric Planet

Tonight, Ruby arrives at an island of calm on the sea of the shuffling undead.

Join the chrononauts for, uh, Power Traingers?

Tonight, Opop and Jurd stumble through recording while Jessica lounges in Florida. Production quality drops. Also, this is a story about highly-dangerous cadaverous pedestrians.

Tonight, Ruby encounters new friends and old problems among the hungry dead.

Join the chrononauts as they climb into giant robot combat!

Tonight, Ruby encounters new friends and old problems among the hungry dead.

Join the chrononauts in sampling some of Canada's finest and/or worst television.

The chrononauts have gathered this evening to consider 1944's The Monster Maker

Prepare yourself for: Uber Flocks, Where the hell is Ruby?, Horseradish, Happy Birthday, Leon, Conan’s Junk, TT’s TV recommendations, and Dmara and the Necropolis

The chrononauts sat through this 1932 mess so you don't have to.

Prepare yourself for: Nazi designers, wild aurochs, northern politics, Catan, a second helping of horseradish, and Ruby

CCRC23 - Max Headroom, S1E3 Body Banks

Tonight, as Ruby prepares herself for her final encounters with the stumbling dead, we bring you a time capsule in the form of a story - the tale of another sort of stumbler, and this one is entirely true.

The Chrononauts learn all about man's inhumanity to man, man.

After listening to our Night of the Living Dead (1968) review join the chrononauts in a viewing of the 1990 remake!

Prepare yourself for: Murder Hotel exhumation, Guardians Vol 2, what's stealthing?, caffeination, and When I was Seventeen

Tonight we briefly detour down a shady street you may recognize from your youth.

Prepare yourself for: The Babadook, a mystery guest, pot shop cops, the Inspire Awards, and Kit Car

Join us for this SHOCKING tale of SHOCKING murder (by SHOCKING electricity.)

Tonight, Ruby chases a mystery among the shambling undead.

Tonight, Ruby begins her investigation among the shambling corpses of the dead.

Tonight, Ruby finds herself chasing the truth behind one particular corpse.

Tonight, Ruby makes friends, dodges the undead, and uncovers an essential clue in the murder of Kilroy the Styx cover singer.

Join the Chrononauts in watching this classic '80s nonsense!

Tonight, Ruby solves a murder among the shuffling dead.

JMay offers up a tune of discovery and loss

Join the Chrononauts as they sink their teeth into this silent classic.

Episode: 481
Tonight, Ruby, our zombie-prodding heroine, makes herself at home among the rotting strangers.

Join the Chrononauts in rolling initiative on the first episode of this 1980s adventure!

Tonight, Ruby considers the end of her time amongst the stumbling undead.

Episode: 483
Tonight: Everything gets worse.

Episode: 484
Tonight, Chima’s watch ends.

Episode: 27
Join the Chrononauts as they behold the beholder!

Episode: 485
Tonight, Ruby, our zombie-slaying heroine, records a tale from the days when the dead had just begun to rise.

Episode: 486
Tonight our zombie-slaying heroine recounts the tale of three sisters; one a sheriff, one a mayor, and one a murderer.

Episode: 28
Join the Chrononauts as they watch Willem Dafoe chew through both the scenery and his cast mates in this fictional retelling of the filming of the 1922 classic.

Episode: 487
Tonight, we discover some hard truths.

Episode: 29
Join the Chrononauts, with special guest Jessica May, as we sample the seeds of television's current ruling empire.

Episode: 42
Tonight we find ourselves in the basement of an unlikely department, discussing an unlikely fellow and his unlikely fate.

Episode: 39
Join the Chrononauts in wondering if this 1944 film is actually a comedy or not.

Season: 2017 Episode: 1
Skinner Co. undertakes its 31 movie voyage with Suspiria (1977)

Season: 2017 Episode: 2
Skinner Co. gets into Get Out (2017)

Season: 2017 Episode: 3
Our third flick is an '80s-esque low budget feast of practical FX.

FP488 – Ruby Departed: The Lights Were On

Skinner Co., you and old, is here to tell you not to watch this flick.

Season: 2017 Episode: 6
Skinner Co. is split on this bit of 1980s cheese.

Season: 2017 Episode: 7
Skinner Co.'s possession by the demons of 1980's horror flicks continues.

Season: 1 Episode: 43
Tonight, in a Halloween-ish turn, an ominous but well-planned scene unfolds before us.

Season: 2017 Episode: 8
Join Skinner Co. in being pleasantly surprised by this particular chainsaw massacre.

Season: 2017 Episode: 9
This plot may be hack-neyed, but Skinner Co. slices to the heart of the matter.

Even Vincent Price can't save this film from its own brutality.

Season: 2017 Episode: 11
A special guest, Hugh O'Donnell, chimes in on this atmospheric classic

In which the triffids blindside Skinner Co.

Season: 1 Episode: 30
Join the Chrononauts as they roll dem bones.

Season: 2017 Episode: 13
Well, it's a giant something.

Season: 2017 Episode: 14
The Jr. Execs join in on this kaiju craziness.

Episode: 141
Prepare yourself for: Legal witchcraft, Hungry Ghosts, a family curse, the Halloween Haunt, and Ruby!

Season: 2017 Episode: 16
Join Mr. Fourteen and the Army of Darkness for some splat-stick.

Season: 2017 Episode: 17
Skinner Co. is stirred by this late-'90s creeper

Season: 2017 Episode: 18
Skinner Co. finds something to love among this mess of dead Nazis and young-old McKellen.

Episode: 44
Tonight, a tale of horror unchanged by age.

Season: 2017 Episode: 19
Skinner Co. gets into Peter Cushing's head.

Season: 21 Episode: 2017
Skinner Co. digs into this guts of this Brian Cox-featuring flick

Season: 2017 Episode: 21
Skinner Co. locks themselves in with a classic bit of Vincent Price.

Season: 2017 Episode: 22
You can't mask this nonsense, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hack it

Season: 2017 Episode: 23
The Jr. Execs aren't muddy on their opinion of this British classic

Season: 2017 Episode: 24
Skinner Co. concludes this year's effort with the classic

Episode: 40
Join the Chrononauts in pulling off the Phantom's mask.

Episode: 489
Tonight, Ruby finds herself considering the nature of freedom while among the shuffling undead.

Episode: 31
Join the Chrononauts on a visit with the junior X-Files.

Episode: 490
Tonight, Ruby considers her options for departing the zombie apocalypse.

Episode: 491
Tonight, Ruby moves among the throngs of the stumbling undead in search of antibiotics and an exit.

Episode: 491
Tonight, Ruby encounters an unexpected friend among the shambling dead.

Episode: 41
Join the Chrononauts as they seek a hidden ritual to survive this truly revolting film.

Episode: 493
Tonight, we cross and re-cross the Canadian wilderness, as if an echo of another time.

Join the Chrononauts as they enter the Valley of the Unicorns

Episode: 494
Tonight, as our zombie-impaling heroine makes her way home, new friends encounter old problems.

Episode: 33
Join the Chrononauts as they take in one of the few classic Hanukkah TV specials.

Season: 1 Episode: 495
Tonight, our zombie-slaying heroine wishes she could include a few of the living in the sweep of her blade.

Tonight, we come to the end of a road.

Episode: 35
Join the Chrononauts as they wonder just who's running this game anyhow

Episode: 497
Tonight our corpse-dodging heroine summons an old acquaintance and new problems.

Episode: 42
Join the Chrononauts as they get the scoop on Ginger Rogers playing a reporter who isn't really a reporter but I guess is?

Episode: 498
Tonight, while dodging the stumbling dead, Ruby hears of cowboys, hidden treasures, and the relative madness of The Rat Trapper.

Episode: 43
Join the Chrononauts as all of their skulls scream.

Episode: 499
Tonight, Ruby must face up to vermin of a different sort.

Episode: 44
Join the Chrononauts as they pull on their daisy dukes and dive into leech territory.

Season: 1 Episode: 142
Prepare yourself for: Facial tattoos, sex bot assault, drone gangs, and blondes.

Episode: 35
Join the Chrononauts in a universe of giant hairy companions and laser swords that isn't Star Wars.

Episode: 500
Tonight, our zombie-slaying heroine begins her long walk out of the apocalypse.

Episode: 501
Tonight, in a world where the only certainty is the gnashing of undead teeth, Ruby discovers something truly unexpected.

Episode: 502
Tonight, Ruby inches ever closer to home - but at what risk?

Episode: 45
Join the chrononauts as they watch Boris Karloff open a series of doors.

Episode: 503
Tonight, Ruby encounters a new familiar face, and the key to her escape from the shuffling dead

Episode: 504
Tonight, our heroine careens through the ranks of the dead in an attempt to escape their hungry jaws - but will she join them instead?

Episode: 505
Tonight, Ruby comes to the end of her road.

Episode: 36
Join the Chrononauts as they try to wrap their heads around a Robert De Niro impersonator threatening three sea monkey stooges.

Episode: 506
Tonight, Jennifer corrects a long-standing error.

Join the Chrononauts as they get in trouble, in trouble - in trouble.

Episode: 507
Tonight, Harm Carter reflects on the forces that drove him back into the depths of the Murder Plague.

Season: 508
Tonight, we present a quick history of occupation.

Season: 46
Join the Chrononauts as they're tormented by Chet Jazzman.

Episode: 509
Tonight, Harm Carter returns to a countryside inhabited by homicidal maniacs.

Join the Chrononauts as they dive into a discount university by the sea

Episode: 510
Tonight, Harm Carter, while in search of his homicidal daughter, Rebecca, must reconsider his approach to moving through the deadly traps that litter the plague-infected countryside.

Join the Chrononaut's for 1933's leading mid-movie TED Talk about bats

Episode: 511
Tonight, Harm Carter makes a new acquaintance among the homicidal maniacs of the plague-infected countryside - but will they prove themselves to be friend or foe?

Join the Chrononaut's for some Saturday morning goodness.

Episode: 512
Tonight, Harm Carter and his new traveling companion, Hamlet the Great Dane, face the perils of the paranoia-inducing plague that is Hitchcock’s while learning the true price of movement in such murder-hungry lands.

Join the Chrononaut's for wall-to-wall Lugosi eyes and weird handshakes

Tonight, Harm Carter and his new friend, Hamlet the Great Dane, come to a fork in the road as they journey across the paranoia-infected countryside.

Join the Chrononauts as they attempt to properly identify a number of puffy-faced white guys

Tonight, Harm Carter and his new friend are dealt a bum hand, and must either gamble it all or cut and run.

Join the Chrononaut's for another bad day at the amusement park

Where once we were promised a jetpack future, know now the grim truth of your pop culture demands.

Season: 1 Episode: 515
Tonight, Harm Carter, still in search of his daughter among the murderously infected, considers his own lingering debts.

Join the Chrononauts for a brief detour into quality cinema

Tonight, Harm Carter finds himself on the wrong end of a maniac’s shopping list.

Episode: 517
Tonight, Harm Carter finds Minnie.

Join the Chrononaut's as they Shatner double-chop their way through ALEXAAANDER!

Episode: 518
Tonight, Harm Carter must navigate a world brimming with paranoid killers while contending with an empty stomach.

Episode: 519
Tonight, Harm Carter finds an unlikely guide through the deadly traps of the homicidally insane.

Episode: 520
Tonight, Harm Carter searches for a moment of peace among the traps of the homicidally insane and the rationally terrified.

Join the Chrononauts in flying the not-so-friendly skies with Shatner.

Episode: 521
Tonight, Harm Carter and his companion, Hamlet the Great Dane, must suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune - though mostly the arrows - in their hunt for familiar turf.

Episode: 522
Tonight, Harm Carter makes a mistake.

Join the Chrononauts as they're caught up in a Prison Without Walls

Episode: 523
Tonight, Harm Carter completes a sudden descent from a rooftop.

Join the Chrononauts as they climb a water tower to escape George Burns' adopted son.

Episode: 524
Tonight, Harm Carter discovers you can never go home again - especially when that home is surrounded by homicidal maniacs.

The first of the 31: Winchester (2018)

Join the Chrononauts in some Halloween fun.

Oh, Julian Sands.

Episode: 525
Tonight, Harm Carter finds himself not quite alone in a museum of his own making.

Join us as a trio of small town witches encounter all of the Jack Nicholsons

We watch some Sutter Cane.

In which Skinner Co. gets caught up in the madness

In which Skinner Co. don't need no education

In which Skinner Co. discovers that the ground is sow-ah

In which Skinner Co. waits on an elevator for the Fourth Doctor

In which Skinner Co. suffers the George C. Scott problem

In which Skinner Co. still loves Winona Ryder

In which Skinner Co. are haunted by the horror of Catherine Zeta-Jones’ acting

In which Skinner Co. pulls over at the wrong time

In which Skinner Co. shakes on it.

In which Skinner Co. blocks their final film of the year

Tonight, we hear the last of it from Harm Carter.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith takes on a new client.

Join the Chrononauts as they take to a life of piracy

Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, meets an unlikely source of information regarding his missing client.

Tonight, Mulligan Smith discovers the truth about the death of a hero of two plagues.

Merry Kar’Mas from all of us at Skinner Co. Here’s a gift just for you. Not for small children though. Just for you.

Join the Chrononauts in some sweet Henson joy

Join the Chrononauts for some Christmas cheer

Tonight, we return to a simpler time, when private investigator Mulligan Smith’s greatest concern was the possibility of a serial killer.

Join the Chrononauts as Bobby the Barbarian has the worst birthday ever.

Join the Chrononauts as they encounter Warren Ellis' Dracula.

Tonight, we return to the Hundred Kingdoms, the realm of Sofia Esperon, as the Queen must deal with a number of climbers.

Join the Chrononauts for some ripe 1960s Italian sword and sandalery.

Tonight, we visit briefly with an old friend along a northern lakeside.

Tonight, a brief tale of another life, though one perhaps not entirely unfamiliar.

Join the Chrononauts for some made-for-TV Vietnam War trauma

Tonight, we begin a tale of things stolen, and things better left buried.

Season: 1 Episode: 534
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, seeks a dead man in a haunted world.

Episode: 143
Prepare yourself for: Mob games, Skinner Co. travels, terrified Americans, and robot friends

Episode: 535
Tonight, we hear another story, this time from the lips of the too-grateful dead.

Episode: 144
Prepare yourself for: Beer empire kidnapping, sock height conflict, a possible guest, and premium JMay

Episode: 536
Tonight, we take a brief journey into one possible future.

Episode: 145
Prepare yourself for: The Game of Thrones Prequel, Pride, Another Premium Moment, and Transparent

Episode: 537
Tonight, a conversation with a space goat.

Episode: 49
Join the Chrononauts for a super time with the Super Friends

Episode: 146
Prepare yourself for: Syrian St. George, domain name robbery, broken noses, and Kar’Wick

Episode: 538
Tonight, a brand new story about the same old story.

Join the Chrononauts in a battle against Nazi apologists.

Season: 1 Episode: 56
Join the Chrononauts as they battle the last of a Nazi tank battalion.

Season: 1 Episode: 539
Tonight, we meet some new friends, encounter some old friends, and find ourselves dug in, at last, with the full complement of The Irregular Division.

Episode: 50
Join the Chrononauts for an extreeeeeme trip to the 1990s

Episode: 540
Tonight, your girl, Harper Tierney, gets a sharp lesson in the realities of life in The Irregular Division.

Episode: 147
Prepare yourself for: Radio interviews, Pride, poisoned Vegans and The Irregular Division

The Chrononauts join the Scooby Gang in Ireland for some questionable culinary claims.

Stella and JMay on the CBC's Fresh Air

Join the Chrononauts as they don bird costumes to fight aliens.

Episode: 541
Tonight, your girl, Harper Tierny, learns many secrets - but be forewarned: Please keep both earbuds in until the ride has come to a complete stop.

Join the chrononauts as they roll dem bones on Quest of the Skeleton Warrior

Join the Chrononauts as they keep their eyes firmly on some New Who

Season: 1 Episode: 542
Tonight, a brief tale from a distant war.

Join the Chrononauts as they wrestle with the denizens of a goofy Italian castle.

Season: 1 Episode: 543
Tonight, an insight into the modern life of monsters.

Join the Chrononauts as they chase harbour beers and South African commies.

Episode: 544
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds himself looking into a novel mystery centered around a missing notebook.

Episode: 545
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, chases a missing notebook into a suburban wasteland.

In which Skinner Co. begins this year's quest with a classic film and a new friend

Join the Chrononauts as they watch the Grinch's holiday special - no, not that one, the other one.

In which Skinner Co. gets Hammered.

In which Skinner Co. are thoroughly menaced by racist Captain Picard

In which Skinner Co. dances with the dead

In which Skinner Co. has questions

In which Skinner Co. finds themselves awash in Nic Cage

In which Skinner Co. is harassed by a flesh-devouring pool tarp

In which Skinner Co. proceeds with shifty Swedes

Tonight, we briefly diverge from our current ongoing investigation to tell you a well-worn urban legend from the streets of Capital City.

In which Skinner Co. molds the next generation

In which Skinner Co. journeys back to the ancient time of the 1970s

In which Skinner Co. visits the trashy '80s to mutter to mannequins

In which Skinner Co. remembers just how much they love Jamie Lee Curtis

Skinner Co.'s Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula

In which Skinner Co. finds itself entrapped in a Netflix B-movie

In which Skinner Co. watches Peter Fonda wait till the last 20 minutes to blow out the budget

In which Skinner Co. finds themselves pleasantly delighted by a series of half-remembered horror tales

Episode: 546
Tonight, someone’s uttering threats, and Mulligan swears it isn’t him.

Join the Chrononauts as they face off against a 1960s teen gang.

Tonight our spacefarer and his clawed companion find themselves at the end of an unexpected journey.

Join the Chrononauts as they hunker down in the pumpkin patch.

In which Skinner Co. takes in the opening shots of the war on Christmas

Join the Chrononauts for the original Zinn.

Tonight, the tale of Doctor Sofronio Momus, a man who knows not what the day after tomorrow might bring, but who, through science, intends to find out.

Join the Chrononauts as they dig for the seasonal spirit in someone else's nostalgia.

The second, and hilariously final, entry in this year's seasonal viewing.

Join the Chrononauts as they light the lamp, not the rat

Tonight the Chrononauts chase Bruce and Betty to Paris, where they encounter a guest star from a previous CCR.

Episode: 60
Tonight the Chrononauts swing into action with a Peter Parker of yore

Season: 1 Episode: 548
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, and Milo “Head” Smith, member of the Irregular Division and reformed thief, find themselves burning different ends of the same candle.

Join the Chrononauts as they encounter a vision of a terrible film

Episode: 549
Tonight, Bunny, the Coffin, finds herself in the same old haunts as the world outside her bar’s window rapidly changes.

Join the Chrononauts as they get the gang together for one last really stupid heist

Season: 550 Episode: 1
Tonight, Bunny, the Coffin, finds herself slowly surrounded by a party of mystical vagabonds.

Season: 1 Episode: 551
Tonight, Bunny, the Coffin,finds herself a horse being led to water.

Episode: 61
Join the Chrononauts as they watch a '70s spy cartoon that's not related to Peter Parker

Tonight, a future-facing tale of stardom and obsession.

Join the Chrononauts as they discover what happens when Hulkamania runs wild on them.

In which a local couple speak of a legendary stash of TP

Episode: 2
In which we received some unsolicited medical advice

A word from Jurd

Season: 1 Episode: 1
You can run through Jackfish in under ten minutes if you can keep your legs pumping, and your heart from exploding in the humid August heat.

Join the Chrononauts and their special guest, Mack of Mack & the Movies, as they return to the scene of an ongoing crime

Episode: 2
This is how I heard the story, and I’ve got good reason to believe it – which I’ll get to. It starts with five kids running across town – this town, Jackfish – or, at least, the town that once stood here.

Season: 1 Episode: 3
“Do you think Dad will be okay?” Ester had asked, and Monica and Haaken were quick to assure her he’d be fine, then they’d offered up a blackboard game of Tic-Tac-Toe to keep her mind from the blood they’d all witnessed on the sand.

Season: 1 Episode: 64
Join the Chrononauts as they silently run from Logan.

Season: 1 Episode: 4
The rum was doing an excellent job of warming her against the chill of the lake breeze. Somewhere in the darkness, down where the lapping water worked at an embankment overrun with grasses, a bullfrog began to croon a long and low note.

Season: 1 Episode: 5
If he’d awoken in the middle of the night and stumbled across the scene it might have seemed peaceful, but there was something unnerving at the lack of lit windows beyond the railroad tracks. The glass panes now seemed to stare him down, sockets without

Join the Chrononauts as they encounter an unexpected party.

Season: 1 Episode: 6
While Gord would have claimed it was “an echo of the past carried by the tail of our nation’s avatar,” or some crap, Hari simply hoped he wasn’t about to require a number of rabies shots.

Episode: 13
Tonight, the Chrononauts get a lesson in SPELLING. Because it's D&D. And there are spells.

Season: 1 Episode: 7
William had clawed his way through the brush and darkness until he could move no more, then he’d discovered that weeping silently was an exhausting business.

Episode: 8
Silence, deep and unyielding, descended. No bullfrogs sounded and no night birds called - even the chirp and buzz of the insects had fallen into a hushed lull.

Season: 1 Episode: 9
As they spoke the Colonel would occasionally raise his hand, then a building would suddenly be ablaze.

Episode: 10
Myriam watched the bobbing light break up among the branches, then disappear, as Gord and Cal crept along the rails that led to the car.

Season: 1 Episode: 11
William came awake, the second morning after the trauma, to a silent house.

Episode: 12
While shuffling along the tracks, Gord mentally repeated his arguments against regretting this decision.

Season: 1 Episode: 13
He had argued to no end, then been dragged into the boat by a hand so firm it left four brown bars across his forearm.

Season: 1 Episode: 14
You wouldn’t be so eager to sleep if you’d seen the damned thing.

Episode: 15
Without physical records to pin them in place, the events, like the town of Jackfish itself, became a receding memory only touched upon by sentimentalists and conspiracy theorists.

Episode: 16
Seeing the shredded seats, deployed airbag, and tornado trail of upholstery and glass had brought a reality to his friend’s words.

Join the Chrononauts as they find themselves in a warp zone.

Episode: 17
The conversation on the night of their unexpected meeting was so celebratory that Mukki was forced to repeat most of the details the following day when they met for dinner.

Episode: 18
There was no hiss, nor rattle of warning, one moment they were speaking and the next the tent to Gord’s left seemed to explode into motion.

Episode: 19
As soon as he stepped from the 747’s controlled climate the dry Arizona air began to bake Mukki’s lungs.

Episode: 20
Hari cradled his head in his hands, attempting to block out the smokey sweet smell of freshly-charred human flesh

Episode: 68
Join the Chrononauts as they chase Peter Parker's roommates for their share of the rent.

He had proven to himself that Baker was involved in a cover up, but this was a fact William had already known. It had only been he, the escapee, who’d held any lingering doubt.

Episode: 22
The thin silver line of fear that ran along her spine, mimicking the chill of the cold wall, would help keep her awake.

Season: 1 Episode: 23
It was a long bus ride, and the lumbering gray beast stopped regularly

Episode: 69
Join the Chrononauts as they encounter a pretentious law-breaking bear.

Episode: 24
There wasn’t much of a world for quite a while. Panic had gotten him - panic had gnawed at his calf muscle, panic had laid him out.

Mukki stood on Pebble Beach and took the weight of the flat rock in his hand.

Season: 2 Episode: 26
It was tempting to trade off the spear for a bit - tempting to hand it to Calvin and let him hunch in wait, but the thought was tempered by her memory of the monster; of its face split and its slabs of fangs exposed.

Episode: 1
In which Skinner Co. kicks off this year's festivities with a lowkey indy flick.

In which Skinner Co. accidentally watches a better movie than expected.

Season: 2 Episode: 27
The land had been soured for him, yet he couldn’t seem to leave.

In which Skinner Co. unmasks a classy mad scientist flick from the 1960s

Join the Chrononauts as they take in a questionable Canadian classic.

In which Skinner Co. stands divided on a house in need of a family

In which Skinner Co. is reminded why this pre-code film is a classic

In which Skinner Co. warm themselves with some '80s comfort food.

In which Skinner Co. goes in search of the Vern of Jessica's childhood.

In which Skinner Co. finds a gooey fiend oozing into their hearts

In which Skinner Co. suggests Sir Kenneth Branagh should just chill already

He’d been reduced to riffling through his memory for nonsense trivia and unlikely anxieties to keep himself awake.

In which Skinner Co. discovers the best black and white film Stella has ever seen

In which Skinner Co. hears a Jr. Exec swear for the first time

In which Skinner Co. discovers the worst Hitchcock movie they have ever seen

Despite the distance he’d travelled, despite the years he’d waited, Mukki found himself fighting the urge to sprint from the shore.

Join the Chrononauts as they discover there was originally a third alien beyond Kang and Kodos

Episode: 51
Tonight, as is tradition, a ghost story.

Myriam had little patience left for Calvin’s nonsense, and yet his litany of complaints seemed to grow with every step.

Episode: 31
The town was burning, and somewhere within one of the sets of blazing walls a phone had begun to ring.

Episode: 32
Gord had fallen asleep at some point. This troubled him.

Join the Chrononauts as they discover a different sort of jolly fellow crawling down the chimney.

Episode: 33
William’s waking moments held a steady rhythm for many months.

Join the Chrononauts as they get together with Dorothy and the girls for some holiday cheer.

Season: 1 Episode: 52
Tonight, as is tradition, some holiday fear.

Episode: 34
Despite at least an hour of steady work, they’d made it only as far as the husk of Calvin’s car.

Episode: 35
Mukki thought he’d fallen asleep in his new house.

Episode: 36
Hari couldn’t quite say why, but he felt a little stupid.

Episode: 37
The anti-government paranoia that grew throughout the 1990s was a boon to Mukki’s research.

Episode: 62
Join the Chrononauts as they find themselves contending with a familiar silhouette.

Episode: 38
It was a madman at the helm.

Season: 2 Episode: 39
He’d crept from his bedroom and padded down the hall.

Season: 2 Episode: 40
Cal was close behind, each footstep landing with a muttered curse until his breathing became too laboured to maintain his profanities.

Episode: 41
Mukki remembered the day with the crystal clear clarity afforded someone who repeats a story often.

Season: 1 Episode: 64
Join the Chrononauts as they run away to join the murder circus.

Season: 1 Episode: 552
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, suddenly reawakens.

Season: 1 Episode: 553
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, shops around.

Join the Chrononauts as they get back to their bread and butter: Bela Lugosi and apes.

Season: 1 Episode: 554
Tonight, Mulligan discovers the truth behind an unsolicited phone call.

Season: 1 Episode: 555
Tonight, our PI is made an offer he can’t refuse.

Season: 1 Episode: 556
Tonight, we look beyond the horizon.

Episode: 74
Join the Chrononauts as they watch an animated collection of 1970s rock and metal album-covers.

Season: 1 Episode: 557
Tonight, the Coffin, Bunny Davis, finds a roadmap for new listeners and old friends.

Season: 1 Episode: 558
Tonight, the Coffin, Bunny Davis, approaches the root of the problem.

Season: 1 Episode: 559
Tonight, the Coffin, Bunny Davis, receives answers to some long standing questions.

Season: 1 Episode: 66
Join the Chrononauts as they give Alfred Hitchcock the pseudo-silent treatment.

Season: 1 Episode: 560
Tonight, we join our private investigator, Mulligan Smith, on a journey already in progress.

Season: 1 Episode: 561
Tonight, our trio of travelers face the unknown - but will it be together, or separately?

Season: 1 Episode: 562
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, and his traveling companions from The Irregular Division - his son, Milo “Head” Smith, and the woman known as Ms. Atlas, Jennifer Glat - discover unanticipated marvels in the remains of a ruined world.

Season: 1 Episode: 75
Join the Chrononauts as they sample something new for the spoop season!

Episode: 52
Tonight, we begin our celebration of the most wonderful time of the year with some troubling news for one Shayna Mazotine.

Join the Chrononauts as they go even further Over the Garden Wall!

It's finally heeeeeerrrrreeee

OCT31 - 1 - Poltergeist (1982)

In which Skinner Co. witnesses a vision

In which Skinner Co. gets all dolled up

In which Skinner Co. are trapped in a roooom with a moooose.

In which Skinner Co. again awaits in the pumpkin patch

In which Skinner Co. takes in a sweet treat

In which Skinner Co. returns to a familiar door for more treats

In which Skinner Co. gets practical

In which something wicked this way comes

In which Skinner Co. gets a taste of Italy

In which Skinner Co. makes a return trip to Haddonfield

In which Skinner Co. has regrets

In which Skinner Co. encounters that one guy from the IT Crowd

In which Skinner Co. gathers at the drive-in!

In which Skinner Co. ends the season on a killer note

Episode: 54
Tonight, a FANGtastic bite of terror we call, TRUE MONSTERS

Join the Chrononauts as they begin to identify with the creepy woodsman.

Season: 1 Episode: 563
Tonight, the Coffin returns home with a new friend.

Season: 1 Episode: 564
Tonight, in that classic Flash Pulp style, we chase a tale within a tale.

Join the Chrononauts as they return to the woods.

Join the Chrononauts as they conclude their journey over the garden wall.

Join the Chrononauts as they Snoopy dance!

Season: 1 Episode: 565
Tonight, Jurd pulls the old switcheroo, and suddenly this is a four-parter. As it began, so shall it end.

Season: 1 Episode: 566
Tonight, young Maxwell Smith extricates himself from a bad situation.

Season: 1 Episode: 567
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, continues to chaperone his son and the boy’s friend while on a long-distance road trip.

Season: 1 Episode: 568
Tonight, our trio of travelers undertake tactical activity.

Season: 1 Episode: 569
Tonight, death on the blacktop.

Season: 1 Episode: 570
Tonight, another tale of terror from the streets of Capital City.

Tonight, Jurd’s heart produces a story his mind cannot explain.

Season: 1 Episode: 571
Tonight, a family reunion.

Season: 1 Episode: 572
Tonight, some old friends.

Season: 1 Episode: 573
Tonight, a plan comes together.

Season: 1 Episode: 574
Tonight, another old companion enters the party.

Episode: 56
Tonight, distant beaches and an ever present Queen.

Here we go again!

We keep on cracking with a contemporary Finnish folk tale

We hear the call.

Clancy Brown dispenses some tales of terror.

But have you ever seen them in the same room together?

Flying the unfriendly skies.

Making ourselves at home in a haunted house.

Rez'ing the zombie genre.

Heck yeah.

Even quieter.

It connected.

Wake up, sheeple.

Join the Chrononauts as they take in some ghost stories during war time.

I want to play a movie.

At the gates.

A selection of images, some elusive, others imprinted indelibly on the brain.

Sibling die-valry.

Thrills and chills.

Tonight, as is tradition, though delayed slightly by the ‘vid monster, we present our Halloween episode.

Join the Chrononauts as they undertake a study of the theology of Whoville.

Season: 1 Episode: 575
Tonight, the last human discovers the magic was not inside him all along, but instead inside the infected population of a remote planet at the edge of known space.

Season: 1 Episode: 576
Tonight, we find ourselves in a small town with big problems.

Season: 1 Episode: 577
Tonight: Is Jurd creating new characters when we’re supposed to be closing out the universe’s plot arc? What’s the deal with this cultist, Gary? And where the hell is Mulligan?

Season: 1 Episode: 578
Tonight, whispered indications of how much has changed, and shouted indications of how much has not.

Tonight, there will be trouble.

Season: 1 Episode: 580
Tonight, having escaped the endless combat and feasting of Blackhall’s Valhalla, Ruby returns to a world where she’s long been a stranger.

Season: 1 Episode: 581
Tonight, after years of largely living alone, Bunny’s apartment suddenly becomes quite crowded.

Join the Chrononauts as they make a terrible birthday mistake.

Season: 1 Episode: 582
Tonight, there comes a tapping, as if someone rapping, rapping at Bunny’s apartment door.

Season: 1 Episode: 583
Tonight, we take quite a leap.

Season: 1 Episode: 584
Tonight, we find ourselves headed east on a western highway.

Season: 1 Episode: 585
Tonight, being chased down the highway by a magically-driven bipedal inferno becomes a problem for our captive cultist.

Season: 1 Episode: 586
Tonight, we come to a dead stop.

Season: 1 Episode: 587
Tonight, we come to a dead start.

Season: 1 Episode: 588
Tonight, it’s time for peer reviews amongst the living and the dead.

Season: 1 Episode: 589
Tonight, more problematic returns.

Your friends till the end are back for another round of toying with your emotions.

In which Skinner Co. eagerly awaits the sequel, Smize.

In which HOLY #$%^, IT'S THE MAN-THING.

In which Skinner Co. converses with dead Australians

In which Skinner Co. gets gooey.

In which Skinner Co. is down to Boogey

In which Skinner Co. remains mum

In which Skinner Co. again encounters tape heads

In which Skinner Co. has questions for Bing.

Season: 1 Episode: 590
Tonight: A new name, but the same old problems.

In which Skinner Co. bumps into the ghost of Gene Roddenberry

In which Skinner Co. gets the references already

In which Skinner Co. returns to an old love

In which Skinner Co. has a surprise encounter

In which Skinner Co. falls for another Mike Flanagan project

In which Skinner Co. maligns Malignant

In which Skinner Co. ain't entirely feline it.

In which Skinner Co. get a little haunted

In which Skinner Co. take a chance on a short dance

In which Skinner Co. enjoys a new take on an old tale

In which Skinner Co. watches the zombie genre rise again

In which Skinner Co. revists the House of Usher - but at what (Vincent) Price!?

In which Skinner Co. ends the year on a classic

Season: 1 Episode: 591
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, private investigator, finds a new mystery along the apocalyptic roadside.

Season: 1 Episode: 592
Tonight, someone discovers they were right all along.

Season: 1 Episode: 593
Tonight - as cultists prepare to end her with a rocket - Bunny Davis, the last woman to hold the title of Coffin, considers the nature of containment.

The Chrononauts travel back to take in the very first animated Christmas special.

Tonight, we hear a tale of holiday fear.

Season: 1 Episode: 594
Tonight, Bunny Davis, the Coffin, considers answers in search of the right question.

Season: 1 Episode: 595
Tonight, the Coffin makes a new friend and encounters a familiar face.

Is this a true story? Mostly no, but also yes.

In which Jurd nearly gets in the  fist fight in the parking lot of the local liqour store.

Season: 1 Episode: 596
Tonight, Mulligan Smith, former private investigator, walks with death.

Season: 1 Episode: 597
Tonight, an unexpected voice.

Season: 1 Episode: 598
Tonight: One good turn deserves another.

The story goes that there once was a town residing on the northern shore of Lake Tekiming, the hamlet of Tekimak.

One warm spring evening, a man named Hezen was sneaking a cup of corn whiskey...

Bill’s scrawls refer to The Night Owl as a cousin of The Confused Stranger, likely due to some of the legends’ shared traits.

Bill, born and raised in the city, found the insect population of Tekimak to be ever-present: His notes are dotted with complaints about the mosquitoes, and at least one evening around a fire was cut short by a swarm of horse flies, yet it is the...

He’s getting to be an old man now, but perhaps you will have the opportunity to meet him during your stay.

Not long after his arrival, Bill was told of a small cabin residing in a forest clearing a half-day’s walk - if you knew the way - north of town.

There is more to be told of Tekimak, and we may return at some future date, but, as the dog days of summer slip away, let us for now close Bill’s notes with one final tale.

In which Skinner Co. starts unexpectedly strong

In which Skinner Co. knocks on wood during an Irish ghost story

In which Skinner Co. discovers it's raining men.

In which Skinner Co. returns to too-familiar territory

In which Skinner Co. dodges carnies.

Season: 1 Episode: 599
Tonight, a new friend brings a fresh perspective on an old enemy.

In which Skinner Co. is haunted by the Dubyah Dubyah Two.

In which Skinner Co. enters another haunted house

In which Skinner Co. is on the lookout for the ghost of Bill Murray

In which Skinner Co. can't find 10 things they hate about the view.

In which Skinner Co. encounters the devil they know

In which Skinner Co. scratches a particular itch

In which Skinner Co. seeks out a particular flavour

In which Skinner Co. is in league with the devil

In which Skinner Co. gets invited to Da Club

Join the Chrononauts as they celebrate the holidays in the traditional American fashion.

Season: 1 Episode: 600
Tonight, Bunny, the Coffin, loiters with a god-like being.

Season: 1 Episode: 601
Tonight: Escalation.

Season: 1 Episode: 602
Tonight, mo’ Mulligan, mo’ problems.

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