Ep 179: A Lorem in Winter
Lending medical aid to Lorem’s home planet of Trill, the Sisyphus crew find themselves embroiled in a violent fight for succession. Whoever becomes emperor will have a tummy to fill with royal worminess and that's apparently the "none-offensive" way of saying that so feel free to un-clench your butts.
Matt Young as Captain Baxter and Bardos Lorem
Nick Wagner as Lt. Ch’arles Lorem
Sean Kelley as Cmdr. Crick Watson and Shmax
Eli Mandel as Acting Security Chief Rip Stiply and Valcomer
Mary Cait Walthall as Zarlene Zonalzon and Henrietta Lorem
And Special Guest Eunji Kim as Ensgn Pie Hole and Aquitaine Lorem
Edited by Hannah Parsons
Improvised December 10th, 2017 from a suggestion by Tracy Holt via Facebook
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