"The 3:57 by William E. Spear" Podcast
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IT SUITS HER, Episode 13

Season: 2 Episode: 13
Published on

IT SUITS HER, Episode 13

Release date: 24 October 2023


Start excerpted transcript:


(Theme for It Suits Her fades up and under)


Hello. This is William Spear, host of The 3:57 by William E. Spear. Thanks to Maxie and Celia for hosting the program while I recovered from too many milkshakes.


This is the current series called IT SUITS HER.


Maxie has gotten his suit - all puns are intended - but at a price well beyond the twenty dollars he paid. Celia has been fired from the Smart Styles Tailoring Shop. They are standing in the dark in cold weather.


For the first time, they are simply and merely two people. There is no ex-movie star. There is no assistant manager. Just two individuals with fractured pasts and blank futures.


What's next for them? Stay tuned for Episode Thirteen of . . . IT SUITS HER.


(Theme for Standing in the Cold)


Celia and Maxie are standing and nearly shivering. The evening has gone where neither expected. 


She finally speaks: "I almost bit a hole in my lip to keep from laughing when you wanted a receipt."


Maxie returned the humor: "And you pushed him over the edge when you asked."


The cold temperature chilled their attempted humor laughter. 


Celia nodded: "It’s a nice suit, though."


Maxie let her know he was sorry about her job.


"There are plenty of other jobs," she shrugged. "I can start over with someone else. But you missed your audition."


Celia's cell phone, muffled in her coat pocket, rang twice. Maxie paused but Celia shook her head "No" and said he could leave a message.


Maxie continued: "Anyway, the audition was a hundred to one shot that wasn’t meant to be. I’ll get another one."


Celia smiled and considered her words carefully: "Were you really a drunk?"


End of excerpt.

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