**CW** Emotional Distress **CW**
Welcome back to Haven Hollow, TX. It's been a long time but everyone is going out. No one is more surprised than the staff of Haven Hollow's fanciest dining establishment Le Scavenge.
Listen through to the end - you don't want to miss the promo for the podcast Missing Roll Player Found!
Visit TheAtomicLIbrary.com for more information on Haven Hollow, cast bios, where to find us on social media, buy merch, and how you can support the show! You can also email us at TheAtomicLibrary@gmail.com. We love to hear from patrons!
Chriss Chaney - Hazel Adams, Sheldon,
Lara Tabri - Marjorie Slump,
Marnie Warner - Mary Wolfe,
Harlan Guthrie - Dr. Benjamin Brittle,
Alixandria Young-Jui - The Maitre 'd,
Ned Donovan - Waiter 1,
Emily Mignini - Waiter 2,
Jordan Heaver - Manchester Lee Adams.
Music for this episode was composed and performed by Jarren Chaney (opening theme) and Megan Palmer (closing theme and background music).
Opening narration by Veronica Escamilla-Brady
Written and produced by Chriss and Lara, Sound editing and design by Chriss.
This podcast uses sounds from Adobe Audition Sound Effects, and Freesound.org.
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