The EMF is racing a rival agency in a global treasure hunt to retrieve a valuable cultural artifact...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is in a Chuck E. Cheese.
Written by Paige Klaniecki
Directed by J. Michael DeAngelis
Starring Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak Faith Dowgin as Section Chief Section Anders with Kirk White as Chet Phillips and Kevin McGrath as The Mission Voice
Also Starring Ashley Banks as Athena O'Brien Jean Barry as Quinn Corrino Jill Ivey as Concierge and Siri and Bob Killion as Party Bro and The Admiral
Guest Starring Benn Iffring as Chuck E. Cheese Waiter J. Michael DeAngelis as Davin Ford Caden Dowgin as Timmy "Two Bit" Thompson John Dowgin as Mondo Eric Werner as Balthazar Montcreif Rebecca Serfass as Lucky Pete Barry as Kristatos O'Brien and Ted Desoto
Music, sound editing and mixing by Pete Barry
Created and produced by Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis, and John Dowgin