The cast of the cult TV show "Acquaintances" has reunited on New Year's Eve...and Bowden Montcrief has been murdered.
Written and Directed by Pete Barry
Starring Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak Faith Dowgin as Section Chief Zelda Anders with Kirk White as Chet Phillips and Kevin McGrath as The Mission Voice
Also Starring Ashley Banks as Athena O'Brien Jill Ivey as Connie St. Stevens and Bob Killion as Security Guy and The Admiral
Guest Starring Leslie Gideon as Kate Delgado A.R. Oliveri as Zack Brannigan Tim Sniffen as Ethan Burns Ruben Ortiz as Diego Ortez Jordan Cobb as Harper Guillaume Samantha Gordon as Tiffany Moran J. Michael DeAngelis as Larry Hastings Eric Werner as Balthazar Montcrief Pete Barry as Kristatos O'Brien