A young immortal named Nathaniel escapes from Leviathan with a deadly secret and is hunted through the streets of Amsterdam. He is racing to find safety within the Rebellion but a lethal assassin named Gravlar tries to kill him first. Meanwhile, back in Sutton Manor, Seinshun wrestles with the guilt of his decision to rebel and tries to find comfort with Ikoro. And back in Beijing, Mai Lee and Oberlin are running for their lives. She reveals to him how the Chinese lost the Starstone and the origins of Hei Ten Shi's secret mission.
Purchase The ad free director’s cut by going to www.leviathanchronicles.com/shop
To discover more podcasts set in the Leviathan universe go to www.leviathanaudioproductions.com, or follow us on facebook and twitter.
The Leviathan Chronicles was written and created by Christof Laputka. Directed by Nobi Nakanishi. Produced by Robin Shore and Luke Allen. Edited and Sound Designed by Robin Shore and Luke Allen. Original music composed by Luke Allen.
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