A controversial podcast host has declared himself an independent nation...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is unavailable.
Written and Directed by Pete Barry
Starring Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak Faith Dowgin as Zelda Anders with Kirk White as Chet Phillips and Kevin McGrath as The Mission Voice
Also Starring Ashley Banks as Athena O'Brien Jean Barry as Quinn Corrino Jill Ivey as Lex and Bob Killion as Archie, "Noam Chomsky" and The Admiral
Guest Starring Dave Serfass as J.J. Prescott Shannon Perry as Dr. Hermione Pickle Danny Epstein as Logan Sharpe Karen Yang as Chinese Agent Chad Ellis as Matthew Leads
Shannon Perry is the creator and star of Oz-9, a sci-fi comedy podcast. Find out more at www.oz-9.com
Chad Ellis is the creator and star of Station Blue, an atmospheric isolation horror podcast. Find out more at stationblue.libsyn.com
Music, sound editing and mixing by Pete Barry
Recording engineered by Karen Yang
Created and produced by Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis and John P. Dowgin