Captain Landris offers Osborn a dangerous proposal. Suspended from duty, Lieutenant Kron reflects on his career as a colonial officer. Meanwhile, Elona reluctantly travels to Edari, where her perilous mission threatens to spiral out of control...
Sean Moran as Lt. Saranus Kron
Jill Baumgarner as Dr. Elona Zoren
Ben Valdmets as Cpt. Mor Landris
Colton Kidd as Cmdr. Strakker Tygg, Larus
Claudine Lucena as Rider
Miles Ledbetter as Flight Officer Drejen
Mark Stelter as Communications Officer Delerev, Cpt. Hawking
Max Robertson as Oddie Konidarian
Nathaniel Hailu as Corvan, Additional Voices
A.R. Mendez as Colonial Sergeant
Kathryn Austin as Director Tetzi
Olivia Kidd as Control
Rachel Weiss as Lt. Hennig
Aurelio Aguirre as Colonial Soldier, Additional Voices
Gabriel Alvarez as Narrator, Ben Osborn, Additional Voices
Executive Producers: Rachel Weiss, Greg Schiurring
Written by: Gabriel Alvarez
Directed by: Gabriel Alvarez
Sound Design by: Gabriel Alvarez
Music by: Gabriel Alvarez
Produced by: Gabriel Alvarez
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