"Alien Beer" Podcast
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Ch 19 - The Multiverse Blues - Walkin' Blues

Episode: 48
Published on

Raise your glasses, fans of this podcast! I'd like to propose a toast in honor of the Alien Beer Podcast's first anniversary. That's right, my first episode aired on February 6th, 2020, so Saturday will mark a full year of me reading my science fiction and fantasy stories to you.

I hope you've been enjoying the show. If download statistics are any indication, you're out there, I can hear you breathing. We passed three THOUSAND downloads of episodes of Alien Beer last week. The first thousand took nearly six months, so it seems we're picking up speed.

I'm glad to hear it. I'd love to hear from all of you listening. What Alien Beer stories did you especially like? What could you have done without? Who's your favorite character in The Multiverse Blues? Are you sad that it's coming to an end?

Yes, I said it. The Multiverse Blues has maybe five or six more episodes to go after this one.

What happens after that?

I have some ideas. I'd like to do another serial like The Multiverse Blues. I have some short stories that have never been published that I could put out there. In fact, for those, I'm thinking of linking them together with some common thread, though I'm still hashing out what that will look like.

Alien Beer will go on, in one form or another. I'm having too much fun reading my stories to you to quit after only a year. But please do write to me at ecg@sillyhatbooks.com. I want to hear your thoughts to help encourage me to keep doing this, okay?

Last time on The Multiverse Blues:

Jules got cleaned up and Jimmy gave them new clothes to wear, and Jules got to see a bit more of the mysterious disconnected Earth where her new friend lives. A surprise inter-dimensional visitor overnight causes Jules to flee through yet another portal, to yet another unknown destination, which will be revealed in today's episode.

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