"The Hidden Gems Podcast (The Best Short Stories You've Never Heard)" Podcast
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Evolution, written by Bob Wallass

Episode: 11
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
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Every day is a new starting line, right? Well, maybe not for Brandon, our modern-day renaissance man in search of his own personal evolution that will make anything possible, when his past comes back to haunt him - with interest and penalties. 

Join Cathy McCarthy as she features the short stories, Evolution, written by Bob Wallass who currently resides in Sedona, Arizona with his lovely wife, Linda. Bob is a former morning drive deejay turned RN and camp counselor and he has written a book of creative nonfiction, entitled Flying With Scissors: A Different Perspective on Childhood Cancer, which was the publishing house’s bestseller in 2005 and a finalist in USA Book News’ “Best Books Awards” in 2006. His first novel, Yabo, was a quarter-finalist in Amazon’s Break Through Novel Awards and is available for digital download. Wallass’ current novel, Low-Down, AZ, is complete and looking for a publisher. For more information on Bob's fiction, check out his website at

John Bell is the narrator and he is also known for being the Producer/Writer/voice of The Bell's In the Batfry Podcast, which won the Parsec award - which is a juried award for podcasts centered around speculative fiction. http://thebatfry.com/

I'm always looking forward to discovering out next writer, so if you are interested in contributing your short story of fewer than 5,000 words, please send me your work at https://www.facebook.com/TheHiddenGemsPodcast/

For more information on my fiction, please check out my website at https://cmacklewis.com/

Until next time, keep writing, keep listening, and keep dreaming!


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