"Jabberwocky Audio Theater" Podcast
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Quorum — The Gambler’s Tale: “All That Glitters,” Part 4 of 10

Episode: 16
Published on

July 2012. After accepting an unusual assignment from venture capitalist Anton Kreitzer — a commission shared with the enigmatic Eleanor Wallis and the overtly dramatic Ken Ford — Jimmy Harmon finds himself in the crosshairs of a vicious killer. Narrowly escaping his assailant, Harmon must scramble to stay ahead of his pursuer while ensuring his fellow assignees avoid similar — and potentially lethal — consequences.

Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested

Contains semi-adult language (one “SOB,” one “damn,” and two uses of “hell”), gambling (of the horse-track variety), malicious pistol-wielding, hand-to-hand violence, unlawful entry, the discovery of a dead body, evasion of legal authorities, and failure to properly obey the rules of the road (though seatbelts are thankfully employed).

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