"The Hidden Gems Podcast (The Best Short Stories You've Never Heard)" Podcast
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Hark! The Herald Angels Still Sing, written by Samuel H. Johnson

Episode: 3
Warning: Content Marked Explicit.
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What happens when Donald, a Herald Angel with an unforgivable hoarse and croaking voice, tries to convince the Angel Gabriel, otherwise known as ‘Mr. G’, to let him sing in the annual Christmas choir down on planet earth?  Join us for today's short story to find out!

Today's featured short story is "Hark! The Herald Angels Still Sing," written by Samuel H. Johnson. Samuel is also the author of the historical novel, "The Cherokee and the Slave," which can be found at: (www.thecherokeeandtheslave.com).

Samuel is also the writer of an online sports magazine "The Sports Column" that features off-beat and sometimes humorous articles about sports figures from the past.

John Bell was our narrator and he is the writer, producer and actor on "Bell's in the Batfry" podcast, which can be found at:

We are always looking forward to discovering out next writer, so if you are interested in contributing, please send us you short story of less than 5,000 words to:

I am Cathy McCarthy, you host, and I write under the name of C. Mack Lewis and my books can be found at:

Thank you for listening!

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